
#' Create CALPUFF input file with area sources that vary in location and time
#' @description Create CALPUFF input file with area sources that vary in location and time.
#' @param CSV_input a path to a CSV file containing hourly area source data.
#' @param df_input a data frame containing hourly area source data.
#' @param pollutant_MW a vector containing molecular weights for all pollutants in the supplied dataset. The order of the values must be the same as that of the pollutant columns in either the supplied CSV or data frame.
#' @export calpuff_create_varying_area_sources

calpuff_create_varying_area_sources <- function(CSV_input = NULL,
                                                df_input = NULL,
  # Add require statement
  # Obtain domain dimensions from CALMET output files
  calmet_out_files <- list.files(pattern = "calmet_out--.*")
  domain_dimensions <- unique(gsub("^calmet_out--.*?-([x0-9]*).*", "\\1", calmet_out_files))[1]
  # Use 'domain_dimensions' to get the first item from a vector list of GEO.DAT files
  geo_dat_file <- list.files(pattern = paste0("geo--.*?-", domain_dimensions, ".*"))[1]
  # Obtain text lines of GEO.DAT file as a vector object
  geo_dat_lines <- readLines(geo_dat_file, warn = FALSE)
  # Obtain UTM zone and hemisphere text from 'geo_dat_lines'
  UTM_zone <- geo_dat_lines[grep("UTM", geo_dat_lines) + 1]
  # Use 'domain_dimensions' to get the first item from a vector list of SURF.DAT files
  surf_dat_file <- list.files(pattern = paste0("surf--.*?-", domain_dimensions, ".*"))[1]
  # Obtain text lines of SURF.DAT file as a vector object
  surf_dat_lines <- readLines(surf_dat_file, warn = FALSE)
  # Obtain time zone text from 'surf_dat_lines'
  time_zone <- gsub(" ", "", surf_dat_lines[grep("UTC([+|-])", surf_dat_lines)])
  # Read in CSV file if it is provided and validate CSV
  if (!is.null(CSV_input)){
    # If the CSV file exists, read in that file
    if (file.exists(CSV_input)){
      input_data <- read.csv(CSV_input, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Stop function if the 'date_time' column not formatted correctly
    stopifnot(all(grepl("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",
                        input_data$date_time)) == TRUE)
  # Read in data frame object if it is exists as an object
  if (!is.null(df_input) & exists("df_input")){
    input_data <- df_input
  # Change 'source_names' column to 'character' class
  input_data$src_name <- as.character(input_data$src_name)
  # Stop if the the names of the mandatory columns aren't as expected
  stopifnot(colnames(input_data)[1:16] == c("src_name", "date_time", "vert_x_1", "vert_x_2",
                                            "vert_x_3", "vert_x_4", "vert_y_1", "vert_y_2",
                                            "vert_y_3", "vert_y_4", "eff_height", "base_elev",
                                            "temp_k", "weff", "reff", "sigma_z"))
  # Stop function if the number of columns isn't at least 17
  stopifnot(ncol(input_data) >= 17)
  # Stop function if the names of the pollutant columns are not unique
  stopifnot(length(unique(colnames(input_data)[17:length(input_data)])) == length(input_data) - 16)
  # Change 'date_time' column to 'POSIXct' class
  if (class(input_data$date_time)[1] == "POSIXct"){
  } else if (class(input_data$date_time) == "factor"){
    input_data$date_time <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(as.character(input_data[,2])),
                                       origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT")  
  } else if (class(input_data$date_time) == "numeric"){
    input_data$date_time <- as.POSIXct(input_data[,2],
                                       origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT") 
  } else if (class(input_data$date_time) == "character"){
    input_data$date_time <- as.POSIXct(input_data[,2],
                                       origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT")
  # Change 'character'/'factor' classes to numeric class
  for (i in 3:ncol(input_data)){
    if (class(input_data[,i]) == "character"){
      input_data[,i] <- as.numeric(input_data[,i])
    } else if (class(input_data[,i]) == "integer"){
      input_data[,i] <- as.numeric(input_data[,i])
    } else if (class(input_data[,i]) == "factor"){
      input_data[,i] <- as.numeric(as.character(input_data[,i]))
  # Get beginning date and time    
  beginning_date_time <- min(input_data$date_time)
  # Get ending date and time
  ending_date_time <- max(input_data$date_time)
  # Get sorted list of unique dates and times
  sorted_date_time <- sort(unique(input_data$date_time))
  # Get vector list of sources
  source_names <- sort(unique(input_data$src_name))
  # Get vector list of pollutants
  pollutant_names <- toupper(colnames(input_data)[17:length(input_data)])
  # Construct header lines for file
  header_1 <- paste0("BAEMARB.DAT     2.1             ",
                     "Comments, times with seconds, time zone, coord info")
  # Format number of comment lines
  header_2 <- "1"
  # Format a comment line
  header_3 <- "Produced by PuffR !Do not edit by hand!"
  # Format the coordinate system in use
  header_4 <- "UTM"
  # Format the UTM zone
  header_5 <- UTM_zone
  # Format the datum in use
  header_6 <- "WGS-84"
  # Format units used for distances
  header_7 <- "  KM"
  # Format time zone
  header_8 <- time_zone
  # Format beginning and ending dates and times
  header_9 <- paste0(year(beginning_date_time), "  ",
                     yday(beginning_date_time), "  ",
                     hour(beginning_date_time), " ",
                     "0000", "  ",
                     year(ending_date_time), "  ",
                     yday(ending_date_time), "  ",
                     hour(ending_date_time), " ",
  # Format number of sources and number of pollutants
  header_10 <- paste0(length(source_names), "  ", length(pollutant_names))
  # Format names of pollutants
  header_11 <- gsub("^", "'",
                    gsub("$", "'",
                         gsub("  ", "' '",
                              paste(pollutant_names, collapse = '  '))))
  # Format molecular weights of pollutants
  header_12 <- paste(pollutant_MW, collapse = '  ')
  # Format sources with unit definitions
  for (i in 1:length(source_names)){
    if (i == 1) header_13 <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)
    header_13_item <- paste0("'", source_names[i], "'   'g/s'       0.0        0.0")
    header_13 <- c(header_13, header_13_item)
  # Loop through dates and obtain blocks of changing emissions
  for (i in 1:length(unique(input_data$date_time))){
    if (i == 1) date_time_blocks <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)
    date_time_subset <- subset(input_data, date_time == sorted_date_time[i])
    # Sort data frame by ascending 'src_name'
    date_time_subset <- date_time_subset[order(date_time_subset[,1]),]
    date_header <- paste0("       ",
                          year(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
                          yday(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
                          hour(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
                          "0000", "  ",
                          year(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
                          yday(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
                          hour(date_time_subset$date_time)[1], "  ",
    date_time_blocks <- c(date_time_blocks, date_header)
    for (j in 1:nrow(date_time_subset)){
      if (j == 1) date_time_block <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)
      date_time_block_source <- 
        paste0("'", date_time_subset[j,1], "'", " ",
               date_time_subset[j,3], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,4], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,5], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,6], "\n",
               gsub(".", " ", date_time_subset[j,1]), "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,7], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,8], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,9], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,10], "\n",
               gsub(".", " ", date_time_subset[j,1]), "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,11], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,12], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,13], "\n",
               gsub(".", " ", date_time_subset[j,1]), "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,14], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,15], "   ",
               date_time_subset[j,16], "\n",
               gsub(".", " ", date_time_subset[j,1]), "   ",
               paste(date_time_subset[j,17:ncol(date_time_subset)], collapse = "   "))
      date_time_block <- c(date_time_block, date_time_block_source)
    date_time_blocks <- c(date_time_blocks, date_time_block)  
    # Write progress of processing to console if number of hours > 48
    if (length(unique(input_data$date_time)) > 48){
      print(paste0(i, " of ", length(unique(input_data$date_time)), " hours accounted for."))
  # Write all lines to BAEMARB.DAT file
  cat(header_1, header_2, header_3, header_4, header_5, header_6,
      header_7, header_8, header_9, header_10, header_11, header_12, header_13,
      date_time_blocks, "", sep = "\n",
      file = paste0("baemarb--",
                    gsub("^.*?--(.*?-[0-9]*x[0-9]*x[0-9]*).txt", "\\1", geo_dat_file),
      append = FALSE) 
rich-iannone/PuffR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:46 a.m.