
Defines functions missing_genes_warning check_for_missing_ids RemoveZeroVariance normalise_counts check_samples load_data

Documented in RemoveZeroVariance

#' load_data
#' \code{load_data} returns a matrix of normalized counts produced from the supplied sample and count files 
#'    The first column of the sample file must match the sample names in the column names of the count file.
#'    A warning will be produced detailing and sample names present in the sample file but not the count file.
#'    If the count file contains normalised count columns these will be used.
#'    Otherwise the counts will be used to create normalised counts from DESeq2.
#'    For this, the sample file must also have a column labelled "condition" for the DESeq2 design formula.
#'    If the samples file contains a column labelled "sampleName" the samples will be renamed.
#' @param sampleFile character - name of the sample file
#' @param countFile character - name of the count file
#' @param dataType character - type fo data, either 'rnaseq' or 'detct'
#' @param session session_object
#' @return matrix
#' @examples
#' load_data( 'samples.txt', 'all.tsv', 'rnaseq', session_obj )
#' @export
load_data <- function( sampleFile, countFile, dataType, session ){
  # read in sample info
  sampleInfo <- read.table(sampleFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names = 1)
  # Read in count data
  data <- read.delim(countFile, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
  # Support different column names
  names(data)[names(data) == 'chr']     <- 'Chr'
  names(data)[names(data) == '#Chr']     <- 'Chr'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'start']   <- 'Start'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'end']     <- 'End'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Gene ID']      <- 'Gene.ID'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Gene']      <- 'Gene.ID'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'ID']      <- 'Gene.ID'
  names(data)[ grepl("e[0-9][0-9] Ensembl Gene ID", names(data), perl=TRUE ) ]    <- 'Gene.ID'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Name']      <- 'Gene.name'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Gene name']      <- 'Gene.name'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'adjpval'] <- 'adjp'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Gene description']      <- 'Gene.description'
  names(data)[names(data) == 'Description']      <- 'Gene.description'
  # convert gene id and gene name to character
  if (any(grepl('Gene.ID', names(data)))) {
    data[['Gene.ID']] <- as.character(data[['Gene.ID']])
  if (any(grepl('Gene.name', names(data)))) {
    data[['Gene.name']] <- as.character(data[['Gene.name']])
#  data[['Gene.description']] <- as.character(data[['Gene.description']])
  if( dataType == 'rnaseq' ){
    rownames(data) <- data[ , "Gene.ID" ]
  } else {
    rownames(data) <- paste( data[['Chr']], 
                             paste(data[['Region start']], data[['Region end']], sep = "-"), 
                             data[["3' end strand"]], sep=":")
  # check for normalised counts
  if ( any(grepl(".normalised.count$", names(data), perl = TRUE)) ) {
    # Get count data
    countData <- data[,grepl(".normalised.count$", names(data), perl = TRUE)]
    names(countData) <- gsub(".normalised.count$", "", names(countData), perl = TRUE)
    rearrangedData <- check_samples(countData, sampleInfo, session)
    countData <- rearrangedData[[1]]
    samples <- rearrangedData[[2]]
  } else {
    # Get count data
    countData <- data[,grepl(" count$", names(data)) &
                        !grepl(" normalised count$", names(data)) &
                        !grepl(" end read count$", names(data)) ]
    names(countData) <- gsub(" count$", "", names(countData))
    rearrangedData <- check_samples(countData, sampleInfo, session)
    countData <- rearrangedData[[1]]
    samples <- rearrangedData[[2]]
    countData <- normalise_counts(countData, samples)
  # make a Summarized Experiment object so that metadata is included
  se <- SummarizedExperiment(
    assays = list(norm_counts = as.matrix(countData)),
    rowData = DataFrame(data[, !grepl('count', names(data))],
                        row.names = rownames(countData)),
    colData = samples

#' check_samples
#' \code{check_samples} returns a matrix of normalized counts produced from the supplied sample and count files 
#'    The first column of the sample file must match the sample names in the column names of the count file.
#'    A warning will be produced detailing and sample names present in the sample file but not the count file.
#'    If the count file contains normalised count columns these will be used.
#'    Otherwise the counts will be used to create normalised counts from DESeq2.
#'    For this, the sample file must also have a column labelled "condition" for the DESeq2 design formula.
#'    If the samples file contains a column labelled "sampleName" the samples will be renamed.
#' @param countData matrix
#' @param sampleInfo data.frame
#' @param session session_object
#' @return list - two item list with countData and samples
#' @examples
#' check_samples( countData, sampleInfo, session )
#' @export
check_samples <- function(countData, sampleInfo, session) {
  # check column names of countData match rownames of sample info
  # check for samples that don't exist
  missingSamples <- vector('list', length = length(rownames(sampleInfo)))
  Samples <- vector('list', length = length(rownames(sampleInfo)))
  for (i in seq_len(length(rownames(sampleInfo)))) {
    if (!any(colnames(countData) == rownames(sampleInfo)[i])) {
      missingSamples[[i]] <- rownames(sampleInfo)[i]
      Samples[[i]] <- NULL
    } else{
      missingSamples[i] <- NULL
      Samples[[i]] <- rownames(sampleInfo)[i]
  missingSamples <- do.call(c, missingSamples)
  Samples <- do.call(c, Samples)
  # and warn
  if (length(missingSamples) > 0) {
    missingSamplesWarning <-
        "Some of the sample Ids couldn't be matched in the count file header! <br>Ids: ",
        paste(missingSamples, collapse = ", ")
      title = "Non-matching Sample Ids",
      content = missingSamplesWarning,
      append = FALSE,
      style = 'warning'
  # reorder columns of countData based on sample names
  countData <- countData[ , Samples ]
  # and subset sample data to Samples
  sampleInfo <- sampleInfo[ Samples, , drop = FALSE ] # make sure it stays as a data.frame with drop = F
  # change sample names if sample names present in sample file
  if( any( colnames( sampleInfo ) == 'sampleName' ) ){
    colnames(countData) <- sampleInfo$sampleName
    rownames(sampleInfo) <- sampleInfo$sampleName
    samples <- sampleInfo[ , !grepl("sampleName", colnames(sampleInfo) ), drop = FALSE ]
  } else {
    samples <- sampleInfo
  return(list(countData, samples))

#' normalise_counts
#' \code{normalise_counts} returns a matrix of normalised counts produced from counts using DESeq2.
#' @param countData character - name of the sample file
#' @param samples data.frame - must contain a column called condition
#' @return matrix - normalised counts
#' @examples
#' normalise_counts( countData, samples )
#' @export
normalise_counts <- function( countData, samples ){
  # make DESeq2 object
  DESeqData <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData, samples, design = ~ condition)
  DESeqData <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(DESeqData)
  return( counts(DESeqData, normalized = TRUE) )

#' RemoveZeroVariance
#' \code{RemoveZeroVariance} removes rows/columns from a matrix that have zero variance
#' @param x - matrix
#' @param rows - logical, default TRUE
#' @param cols - logical, default FALSE
#' @return a list containing the following elements
#'    matrix - the supplied matrix with the rows/columns removed
#'    rowsKept - a character vector with the names of the rows that were not removed
#'      NULL if rows = FALSE
#'    rowsRemoved - a character vector with the names of the rows that were removed
#'      NULL if rows = FALSE
#'    colsKept - a character vector with the names of the columns that were not removed
#'      NULL if cols = FALSE
#'    colsRemoved - a character vector with the names of the columns that were removed
#'      NULL if cols = FALSE
#' @examples
#' countMatrix <- matrix( sample(1:100, 100), ncol = 10)
#' countMatrix[ 3, ] <- rep(0,10)
#' countMatrix[ 6, ] <- rep(0,10)
#' RemoveZeroVariance( countMatrix, rows = TRUE, cols = TRUE )
#' @export
RemoveZeroVariance <- function( x, rows = TRUE, cols = FALSE ){
  # check matrix has row and col names
  if( rows & is.null(rownames(x)) ){
    stop("The supplied matrix does not have row names!")
  } else if( cols & is.null(colnames(x)) ){
    stop("The supplied matrix does not have column names!")
  rowsKept <- NULL
  rowsRemoved <- NULL
  colsKept <- NULL
  colsRemoved <- NULL
  if( rows ){
    zeroVarRows <- genefilter::rowSds(x) == 0
    if (sum(zeroVarRows) > 0) {
      rowsKept <- rownames(x)[ !zeroVarRows ]
      rowsRemoved <- rownames(x)[ zeroVarRows ]
      x <- x[ !zeroVarRows, ]
  } else{
    rowsKept <- rownames(x)
  if( cols ){
    zeroVarCols <- genefilter::rowSds(t(x)) == 0
    if (sum(zeroVarCols) > 0) {
      colsKept <- colnames(x)[ !zeroVarCols ]
      colsRemoved <- colnames(x)[ zeroVarCols ]
      x <- x[ , !zeroVarCols ]
  } else{
    colsKept <- colnames(x)
      matrix = x,
      rowsKept = rowsKept,
      rowsRemoved = rowsRemoved,
      colsKept = colsKept,
      colsRemoved = colsRemoved

#' check_for_missing_ids
#' \code{check_for_missing_ids} checks one list of gene Ids against another.
#'    Takes a list of gene ids and compares it to another supplied list and 
#'    returns two vectors: 
#'      the ids from the first list that exist in the second
#'      the ids from the first list that aren't present in the second
#' @param gene_ids character - vector of gene ids to check
#' @param all_gene_ids character - vector of gene ids to check against
#' @return list 
#'    ids character - vector of ids from gene_ids that are present in all_gene_ids
#'    missing_ids character - vector of ids from gene_ids that aren't in all_gene_ids
#' @examples
#' check_for_missing_ids(
#'  c("ENSDARG00000062262", "ENSDARG00000061177", "ENSDARG00000078828", "ENSDARG00000077467"),
#'  c("ENSDARG00000062262", "ENSDARG00000078828", "ENSDARG00000077467")
#' )
#' @export
check_for_missing_ids <- function( gene_ids, all_gene_ids ){
  # check for any ids that don't exist in the current subset
  idsExist <- do.call(c, lapply(gene_ids, function(x){ any(all_gene_ids == x) } ))
  Ids <- gene_ids[ idsExist ]
  nonexistentIds <- gene_ids[ !idsExist ]
  return(list(ids = Ids, missing_ids = nonexistentIds))

#' missing_genes_warning
#' \code{missing_genes_warning} generates a warning alert for missing gene ids
#'    Generates a bootstrap warning alert
#' @param nonexistentIds character - vector of missing gene ids to warn about
#' @examples
#' missing_genes_warning(
#'  c("ENSDARG00000061177")
#' )
#' @export
missing_genes_warning <- function(nonexistentIds, session){
  missingGenesWarning <-
      "Some of the gene ids couldn't be matched! Ids: ",
      paste(nonexistentIds, collapse = ", ")
    title = "Non-matching Ids",
    content = missingGenesWarning,
    append = FALSE,
    style = 'warning'
richysix/geneExpr documentation built on Oct. 7, 2022, 2:18 a.m.