
.custom.DiffusionMap <-
function (data, sigma = NULL, k = find.dm.k(nrow(data) - 1L), 
    n.eigs = min(20L, nrow(data) - 2L), density.norm = TRUE, 
    ..., distance = c("euclidean", "cosine"), censor.val = NULL, 
    censor.range = NULL, missing.range = NULL, vars = NULL, verbose = !is.null(censor.range), 
    .debug.env = NULL) 
    distance <- match.arg(distance)
    data.env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
    data.env$data <- data
    data <- destiny:::extract.doublematrix(data, vars)
    imputed.data <- data
    if (any(is.na(imputed.data))) 
        imputed.data <- as.matrix(hotdeck(data, imp_var = FALSE))
    n <- nrow(imputed.data)
    if (n <= n.eigs + 1L) 
        stop(sprintf("Eigen decomposition not possible if n <U+2264> n.eigs+1 (And %s <U+2264> %s)", 
            n, n.eigs + 1L))
    if (is.null(k) || is.na(k)) 
        k <- n - 1L
    if (k >= nrow(imputed.data)) 
        stop(sprintf("k has to be < nrow(data) (And %s <U+2265> nrow(data))", 
    censor <- destiny:::test.censoring(censor.val, censor.range, 
        data, missing.range)
    if (identical(distance, "cosine") && censor) 
        stop("cosine distance only valid without censoring model")
    sigmas <- sigma
    if (is.null(sigmas)) {
        sigmas <- find.sigmas(imputed.data, censor.val = censor.val, 
            censor.range = censor.range, missing.range = missing.range, 
            vars = vars, verbose = verbose)
    else if (!is(sigmas, "Sigmas")) {
        sigmas <- new("Sigmas", log.sigmas = NULL, dim.norms = NULL, 
            optimal.sigma = sigma, optimal.idx = NULL, avrd.norms = NULL)
    sigma <- optimal.sigma(sigmas)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("finding knns...")
        tic <- proc.time()
    knn <- get.knn(imputed.data, k, algorithm = "kd_tree")
    if (verbose) {
        cat("...done. Time:\n")
        print(proc.time() - tic)
    cb <- invisible
    if (verbose) {
        pb <- txtProgressBar(1, n, style = 3)
        cb <- function(i) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        cat("Calculating transition probabilities...\n")
        tic <- proc.time()
    if (censor) {
        trans.p <- censoring(data, censor.val, censor.range, 
            missing.range, sigma, knn$nn.index, cb)
    else {
        d2 <- switch(distance, euclidean = destiny:::d2_no_censor(knn$nn.index, 
            knn$nn.dist, cb), cosine = icos2_no_censor(knn$nn.index, 
            imputed.data, cb))
        trans.p <- sparseMatrix(d2@i, p = d2@p, x = exp(-d2@x/(2 * 
            sigma^2)), dims = dim(d2), index1 = FALSE)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("...done. Time:\n")
        print(proc.time() - tic)
    diag(trans.p) <- 0
    trans.p <- drop0(trans.p)
    trans.p <- symmpart(trans.p)
    d <- apply(trans.p, 1, sum)
    max.dist <- max(trans.p@x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (density.norm) {
        trans.p <- as(trans.p, "dgTMatrix")
        H <- sparseMatrix(trans.p@i, trans.p@j, x = trans.p@x/(d[trans.p@i + 
            1] * d[trans.p@j + 1]), dims = dim(trans.p), index1 = FALSE)
    else {
        H <- trans.p
    D.rot <- Diagonal(x = apply(H, 1, sum)^-0.5)
    M <- D.rot %*% H %*% D.rot
    if (!is.null(.debug.env)) {
        assign("M", M, .debug.env)
        assign("D.rot", D.rot, .debug.env)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("performing eigen decomposition...")
        tic <- proc.time()
    eig.M <- destiny:::eig.decomp(M, n, n.eigs, TRUE)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("...done. Time:\n")
        print(proc.time() - tic)
    eig.vec <- as.matrix(t(t(eig.M$vectors) %*% as.matrix(D.rot)))
    colnames(eig.vec) <- paste0("DC", seq(0, n.eigs))
    list(eigenvalues = eig.M$values[-1], eigenvectors = eig.vec[, 
        -1], sigmas = sigmas, data.env = data.env, eigenvec0 = eig.vec[, 
        1], d = d, k = k, density.norm = density.norm, distance = distance, 
        censor.val = censor.val, censor.range = censor.range, 
        missing.range = missing.range, M = M)
.Shrink.HSIC <-
function (K, L, H, N, HSIC) 
    KL <- 1/N * sum(diag(K %*% H) * diag(L %*% H))
    (1 - (KL - HSIC)/((N - 2) * HSIC + KL/N)^2) * HSIC
.uni.fuchikoma <-
function (data, mode = c("Supervised", "Unsupervised", "Mix", 
    "tSNE"), weight = c(0.5, 0.5), Comp = NULL, label = FALSE, 
    cat.type = c("simple", "one_vs_rest", "each", "two"), kernelfunc = vanilladot(), 
    n.eigs = 10, sigma = 15, perplexity = 30) 
    mode <- match.arg(mode, c("Supervised", "Unsupervised", "Mix", 
    if (!is.null(Comp) && (Comp > n.eigs)) {
        warning("Inappropriate Comp parameter!")
    cat.type <- match.arg(cat.type, c("simple", "one_vs_rest", 
        "each", "two"))
    if ((n.eigs > nrow(data)) || (0 > n.eigs)) {
        warning("Inappropriate n.eigs parameter!")
    L <- .Lmatrix(data, mode = mode, weight = weight, Comp = Comp, 
        label = label, cat.type = cat.type, n.eigs = n.eigs, 
        sigma = sigma, perplexity = perplexity)
    HSICs <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
        HSIC(kernelMatrix(kernelfunc, t(t(x))), L)
    order.HSIC <- order(sapply(HSICs, function(x) {
    list(All.HSICs = sapply(HSICs, function(x) {
    })[order.HSIC], All.Pvals = sapply(HSICs, function(x) {
.omitone.fuchikoma <-
function (data, cores = NULL, mode = c("Supervised", "Unsupervised", 
    "Mix", "tSNE"), weight = c(0.5, 0.5), Comp = NULL, label = FALSE, 
    cat.type = c("simple", "one_vs_rest", "each", "two"), destiny = FALSE, 
    kernelfunc = vanilladot(), n.eigs = 10, sigma = 15, perplexity = 30) 
    mode <- match.arg(mode, c("Supervised", "Unsupervised", "Mix", 
    if (!is.null(Comp) && (Comp > n.eigs)) {
        warning("Inappropriate Comp parameter!")
    cat.type <- match.arg(cat.type, c("simple", "one_vs_rest", 
        "each", "two"))
    if ((n.eigs > nrow(data)) || (0 > n.eigs)) {
        warning("Inappropriate n.eigs parameter!")
    if (is.null(cores)) {
    else {
    L <- .Lmatrix(data, mode = mode, weight = weight, Comp = Comp, 
        label = label, cat.type = cat.type, n.eigs = n.eigs, 
        sigma = sigma, perplexity = perplexity)
    if (destiny) {
        HSICs <- foreach(j = 1:nrow(data), .export = c("SurvPosition", 
            ".custom.DiffusionMap", "n.eigs", "HSIC", "data", 
            "L", "sigma", "verbose", "counter")) %dopar% {
            dif <- try(.custom.DiffusionMap(as.ExpressionSet(as.data.frame(t(data[setdiff(1:nrow(data), 
                j), ]))), n.eigs = n.eigs, sigma = sigma))
            if ("try-error" %in% class(dif)) {
            else {
                K <- dif$M
                HSIC(K, L)
        HSICs <- t(cbind(sapply(HSICs, function(x) {
        }), sapply(HSICs, function(x) {
    else {
        HSICs <- sapply(1:nrow(data), function(x) {
            HSIC(kernelMatrix(kernelfunc, t(data[setdiff(1:nrow(data), 
                x), ])), L)
    colnames(HSICs) <- rownames(data)
    HSICs <- HSICs[, order(unlist(HSICs[1, ]))]
    list(All.HSICs = unlist(HSICs[1, ]), All.Pvals = unlist(HSICs[2, 
.Lmatrix <-
function (data, mode = c("Supervised", "Unsupervised", "Mix", 
    "tSNE"), weight = c(0.5, 0.5), Comp = NULL, label = FALSE, 
    cat.type = c("simple", "one_vs_rest", "each", "two"), n.eigs = 10, 
    sigma = 15, perplexity = 30) 
    if ((mode == "Supervised") && (is.vector(label))) {
        L <- CatKernel(label, type = cat.type)
    else if (mode == "Unsupervised") {
        if (is.vector(Comp)) {
            DCs_Vals <- .custom.DiffusionMap(as.ExpressionSet(as.data.frame(t(data))), 
                n.eigs = n.eigs, sigma = sigma)
            DCs <- DCs_Vals$eigenvectors[, Comp]
            EigenVals <- DCs_Vals$eigenvalues[Comp]
            if (length(Comp) == 1) {
                DCs_e <- matrix(sapply(DCs, function(x) {
                  x * sqrt(EigenVals)
            else {
                DCs_e <- t(apply(DCs, 1, function(x) {
                  x * sqrt(EigenVals)
            L <- DCs_e %*% t(DCs_e)
        else {
            warning("Specify Comp!")
    else if (mode == "Mix") {
        L1 <- CatKernel(label, type = cat.type)
        if (is.vector(Comp)) {
            DCs_Vals <- .custom.DiffusionMap(as.ExpressionSet(as.data.frame(t(data))), 
                n.eigs = n.eigs)
            DCs <- DCs_Vals$eigenvectors[, Comp]
            EigenVals <- DCs_Vals$eigenvalues[Comp]
            if (length(Comp) == 1) {
                DCs_e <- matrix(sapply(DCs, function(x) {
                  x * sqrt(EigenVals)
            else {
                DCs_e <- t(apply(DCs, 1, function(x) {
                  x * sqrt(EigenVals)
            L2 <- DCs_e %*% t(DCs_e)
        else {
            warning("Specify Comp!")
        L <- weight[1] * L1 + weight[2] * L2
    else if (mode == "tSNE") {
        Dim <- Rtsne(t(data), dims = 2, perplexity = perplexity)$Y
        L <- Dim %*% t(Dim)
    else {
        warning("Wrong mode!")
.estimate.sigma <-
function (x, type = c("destiny", "matlab")) 
    if (type == "destiny") {
        sigma = try(destiny::optimal.sigma(find.sigmas(as.ExpressionSet(as.data.frame(t(x))), 
            verbose = FALSE)), silent = TRUE)
        if ("try-error" %in% class(sigma)) {
            cat(paste0("Error in destiny::optimal.sigma !!\n"))
    else if (type == "matlab") {
        x <- t(x)
        size1 <- nrow(x)
        if (size1 > 100) {
            Xmed <- x[1:100, ]
            size1 <- 100
        else {
            Xmed <- x
        G <- apply(Xmed^2, 1, sum)
        Q <- as.matrix(replicate(size1, G))
        R <- t(as.matrix(replicate(size1, G)))
        dists <- Q + R - 2 * Xmed %*% t(Xmed)
        dists[lower.tri(dists)] <- 0
        dists <- as.vector(dists)
        sigma <- sqrt(0.5 * median(dists[which(dists > 0)]))
    else {
        stop("Wrong type!")
.GenerateFC <-
function (x, thr) 
    if (thr == "E1") {
        a <- 0.3213536
        b <- 0.1211649
    else if (thr == "E2") {
        a <- 0.7019536
        b <- 0.3638012
    else if (thr == "E5") {
        a <- 1.9079161
        b <- 0.6665197
    else if (thr == "E10") {
        a <- 4.4291731
        b <- 0.8141489
    else if (thr == "E50") {
        a <- 21.430831
        b <- 1.161132
    else if (thr == "E100") {
        a <- 30.733509
        b <- 1.131347
    else if (is.numeric(thr)) {
        stop("Wrong thr!!!")
    10^(a * exp(-b * log10(x + 1)))
rikenbit/FUCHIKOMA documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:09 a.m.