
Defines functions clean_filename copy_file replace_file_extension save_json wait_copy get_tz get_today_in_local get_now_in_local check_files_exist create_master_meta_data import_json update_hashes

Documented in check_files_exist clean_filename copy_file create_master_meta_data import_json update_hashes wait_copy

#' clean a file name
#' given a file to copy, generates a new file name stripped of special
#' characters
#' @param in_file the file to copy
#' @param replace_special what to use to replace anything besides dot
#' @details This function creates a new file name that is stripped of special
#' characters. The following characters are replaced by a period: " ", ":", "~",
#' "'". A leading "~" will be replaced by space.
#' @export
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' clean_filename("badly:formatted~file name(sample1)")
clean_filename <- function(in_file, replace_special = "-"){
  use_file <- basename(in_file)

  file_name <- basename(use_file)
  file_name <- gsub(" ", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)
  file_name <- gsub(":", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)
  file_name <- gsub("^~", "", file_name)
  file_name <- gsub("~", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)
  file_name <- gsub("'", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)
  file_name <- gsub("(", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)
  file_name <- gsub(")", replace_special, file_name, fixed = TRUE)


#' copy file
#' Copy a single file from one location to another
#' @param from_file the location of the original file
#' @param to_dir the location to copy the file to
#' @param json_data the json meta information data
#' @param tmp_loc temp location if you want to specify it
#' @param clean_file_fun function used to rename the file
#' @details We want to keep track of information about the copied files, so this
#' function does some stuff to help us out. It strips special characters from
#' the base file name, copies the file to a temp location, calculates the SHA-1 hash
#' of the file, checks the JSON meta file for matches to the SHA-1, and if there
#' are none, copies the renamed file to the copy location.
#' If a matching instance of SHA-1 hashes are found, then the file path is added
#' to the entry for that file location.
#' If a matching file name is found but with a different SHA-1 hash, then the first
#' 8 characters of the SHA-1 hash are appended to the file, and it is added to the
#' database.
#' @import digest
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @export
#' @return list
copy_file <- function(from_file = NULL, to_dir = ".", json_data = NULL, tmp_loc = "/tmp",
                      clean_file_fun = clean_filename){

  to_dir <- normalizePath(to_dir)

  base_file <- basename(from_file)
  if (!is.null(clean_file_fun)) {
    base_out <- clean_file_fun(base_file)

  tmp_file <- file.path(tmp_loc, base_out)

  did_copy <- file.copy(from_file, tmp_file)

  if (did_copy) {
    add_file <- TRUE
    sha1 <- digest(tmp_file, algo = "sha1", file = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(json_data)) {
      match_sha1 <- map_lgl(json_data, function(x){sha1 %in% x$sha1})
      match_file <- map_lgl(json_data, function(x){base_file %in% basename(unlist(x$original_path))})
    } else {
      match_sha1 <- FALSE
      match_file <- FALSE

    if (any(match_sha1)) {
      #browser(expr = TRUE)
      tmp_json <- json_data[[which(match_sha1)]]

      # figure out where the individual json file should be saved
      raw_path <- tmp_json$saved_path
      json_path <- replace_file_extension(raw_path, ".json")

      tmp_json[["original_path"]] <- c(tmp_json[["original_path"]], from_file)

      save_json(tmp_json, json_path)

      json_data[[which(match_sha1)]] <- tmp_json

      add_file <- FALSE
    } else if (any(match_file)) {
      fileext <- tools::file_ext(base_out)
      fileext_regex <- paste0(".", fileext, "$")
      base2 <- gsub(fileext_regex, "", base_out)
      base_out <- paste0(base2, "-", substr(sha1, 1, 8), ".", fileext)

    if (add_file) {
      file_loc <- file.path(to_dir, base_out)
      did_copy2 <- file.copy(tmp_file, file_loc)
      if (did_copy2) {
        file_data <- vector("list", 1)
        file_data[[1]] <- list(
          file = base_out,
          saved_path = file_loc,
          original_path = from_file,
          sha1 = sha1
        json_path <- replace_file_extension(file_loc, ".json")
        save_json(file_data, json_path)
        if (is.null(json_data)) {
          json_data <- file_data
        } else {
          json_data <- c(json_data, file_data)




#' convert to another format
#' given a file path, replace a files extension with a new one
#' @param in_file the file name to work with
#' @param out_extension the new file extension
#' @noRd
replace_file_extension <- function(in_file, out_extension){

  fileext <- tools::file_ext(in_file)
  fileext_regex <- paste0(".", fileext, "$")
  new_file <- gsub(fileext_regex, out_extension, in_file)

#' save json
#' given a list, saves it to json in a nice way
#' @param list_data the data in list format
#' @param save_loc the location to save it to
#' @noRd
save_json <- function(list_data, save_loc){
  cat(jsonlite::toJSON(list_data, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE), file = save_loc, append = FALSE)

#' wait copy
#' Copy files from one location to another, during set hours if desired. This
#' is very useful for copying from networked drives that get a lot of activity
#' during the day.
#' @param file_list a character vector of files to copy from
#' @param to_dir where to copy the files to
#' @param json_meta the json meta flat file
#' @param tmp_loc a temp file location
#' @param clean_file_fun function to use for cleaning up the file name?
#' @param time_limit only copy during a certain time?
#' @param start_time when to start copying
#' @param stop_time when to stop copying
#' @param time_zone what time zone are we in
#' @param wait_check how long to wait before checking again
#' @param n_check how many times to try before giving up
#' @param wait_files how many files before pausing
#' @param pause_wait how long to pause when the wait limit is reached
#' @param pause_file how long to pause between every file
#' @details
#' 1. **Limiting by time of day**: if `time_limit = TRUE`, the `start_time` and
#'   `stop_time` are assumed to be on a
#'   per day basis, so they should be encoded as the number of hours from midnight.
#'   The function actually does a periodic check as to whether the
#'   `start_time` is ahead of it, and if it is not, then it will create
#'   a new time interval for the copying to be allowed. Default is from 8pm (20:00)
#'   to 6am (30:00). The `wait_check` parameter sets how often to wait before checking
#'   the time again (default is 1800 seconds / 30 minutes), and `n_check` parameter
#'   defines how many times to check if the copying can be done (defaults to infinite).
#' 1. **Time Zone**: Provide your time zone so that the time functionality works
#'   properly!
#' 1. **Waiting Between Copies**: In addition to only copying between certain hours,
#'   it is possible to set how long to pause between each file using `pause_file`,
#'   default is 2 seconds, and also a longer interval after copying several files
#'   using `wait_files` (10 files) and `pause_wait` (10 seconds).
#' 1. **Checking for files**: It is recommended before running `wait_copy` to
#'   first run `check_files_exist` on the file list to copy to make sure that
#'   you are passing valid file paths.
#' @import lubridate
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr map
#' @return logical
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # assume files are in /home/tmp/
#'   # assume current working directory is where to copy to
#'   file_list <- dir(".", full.names = TRUE)
#'   wait_copy(file_list) # copy between 8pm and 6am
#'   # no time limit for copying
#'   wait_copy(file_list, time_limit = FALSE)
#'   # copy from 10am to 1pm (13:00)
#'   wait_copy(file_list, start_time = hours(10), stop_time = hours(13))
#'   # stop checking if can copy after particular number of checks (3)
#'   wait_copy(file_list, n_check = 3)
#'   # check every 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes
#'   wait_copy(file_list, wait_check = 30)
#'   # pause 4 seconds between each file
#'   wait_copy(file_list, pause_file = 4)
#'   # pause 30 seconds after every 20 files
#'   wait_copy(file_list, wait_files = 20, pause_wait = 30)
#'   # don't rename the files
#'   wait_copy(file_list, clean_file_fun = NULL)
#'   # use make.names instead
#'   wait_copy(file_list, clean_file_fun = make.names)
#' }
wait_copy <- function(file_list, to_dir = ".",
                     json_meta = "all_meta_data.json",
                     tmp_loc = "/tmp",
                     clean_file_fun = clean_filename,
                     time_limit = TRUE,
                     start_time = hours(20), stop_time = hours(30),
                     time_zone = NULL, wait_check = 1800, n_check = Inf,
                     wait_files = 10, pause_wait = 10,
                     pause_file = 2){

  if (!dir.exists(to_dir)) {

  if (file.exists(json_meta)) {
    backup_name <- gsub(".json", paste0("-", gsub(" ", "-", as.character(Sys.time())), ".json"), json_meta)
    file.copy(json_meta, backup_name)
    json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_meta, simplifyVector = FALSE)
  } else {
    json_data <- NULL

  json_sha1 <- digest::digest(json_data, "sha1")

  # check if we've copied some before, and if so we want to remove them so
  # we don't waste time copying them again.
  if (!(length(json_data) == 0)) {
    previous_files <- unlist(purrr::map(json_data, function(x){x$original_path}))

    file_list <- file_list[!(file_list %in% previous_files)]

  if (time_limit) {
    t_start <- get_today_in_local() + start_time
    t_stop <- get_today_in_local() + stop_time
  } else {
    t_start <- get_today_in_local() - days(10)
    t_stop <- get_today_in_local() + days(10)

  if (is.null(time_zone)) {
    time_zone <- get_tz(now())
  allowed_copy_time <- interval(t_start, t_stop, tz(t_stop))

  # check that the top level directory we are copying from and to
  # actually exists so that we don't try to copy from an invalid location

  to_copy <- length(file_list)
  check_wait_counter <- 0
  i_check <- 0
  did_copy <- 1
  while ((to_copy > 0) && (did_copy <= to_copy)) {
    now1 <- get_now_in_local()
    now2 <- get_now_in_local()
    tmp_int <- interval(now1, now2, tz(t_stop))
    can_copy <- int_overlaps(tmp_int, allowed_copy_time)

    if (can_copy) {
      # copy if we're below the limit for waiting for a time,
      # otherwise, wait for a time. Used to keep us in check on the server
      # and wait some time after copying a reasonable number of files.
      # Note that we also pause a little bit of time after each copy.
      if (check_wait_counter < wait_files) {
        json_data <- copy_file(file_list[did_copy], to_dir, json_data, tmp_loc, clean_file_fun = clean_filename)

        check_wait_counter <- check_wait_counter + 1
        did_copy <- did_copy + 1

      } else {
        message("Waiting between sets of files! ....")
        check_wait_counter <- 0

    } else {
      # before waiting, we want to check if the meta-data has changed
      # so we can write it before we sit for a long time again
      if (digest::digest(json_data, "sha1") != json_sha1) {
        save_json(json_data, json_meta)
        json_sha1 <- digest::digest(json_data, "sha1")
      # if we're not allowed, wait some time before trying again.
      message(paste0("Not allowed to copy yet, waiting! .... ", Sys.time()))
      i_check <- i_check + 1
      if (i_check <= n_check) {
      } else {
        message("Reached maximum number of wait periods, exiting ....")

  save_json(json_data, json_meta)

get_tz <- function(in_time){
  new_time <- as.POSIXlt(in_time)

get_today_in_local <- function(){
  use_tz <- get_tz(now())
  curr_day <- today() + seconds(1)
  tz(curr_day) <- use_tz

get_now_in_local <- function(){
  use_tz <- get_tz(now())
  right_now <- now()
  tz(right_now) <- use_tz

#' check files
#' check that requested files to copy actually exist, and warn the user
#' if any of them fail.
#' @param file_list the list of files
#' @param n_check how many to check that they exist?
#' @export
check_files_exist <- function(file_list, n_check = 10){
  n_file <- length(file_list)

  if (n_check >= n_file) {
    n_check <- n_file

  files_to_check <- sample(file_list, n_check)

  does_exist <- file.exists(files_to_check)

  if (sum(does_exist) != n_check){
    warning(paste0(sum(!does_exist), " of ", n_check, " files in your file list do not exist!"))

#' create meta-data
#' Given a set of directories to search for JSON meta-data files, remake
#' a complete meta-data file and save it to the location specified.
#' @param file_dirs the directories to search
#' @param json_meta where to save the new file
#' @param recursive should they be searched recursively?
#' @export
#' @return list of meta-data, invisibly
create_master_meta_data <- function(file_dirs = ".", json_meta = NULL,
                                    recursive = TRUE){
  all_json <- dir(normalizePath(file_dirs), recursive = recursive, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "json$")
  json_data <- lapply(all_json, function(x){

  #json_lengths <- vapply(json_data, length, numeric(1))

  if (file.exists(json_meta)) {
    backup_name <- gsub(".json", paste0("-", gsub(" ", "-", as.character(Sys.time())), ".json"), json_meta)
    file.copy(json_meta, backup_name)

  if (!is.null(json_meta)) {
    save_json(json_data, json_meta)
    message(paste0("Meta-data saved to ", json_meta))

#' import json
#' import json from a file correctly given some things where things get written
#' differently
#' @param json_file the json file to read
#' @export
import_json <- function(json_file){
  json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_file, simplifyVector = FALSE)
  if (length(json_data) == 1) {
    out_list <- json_data[[1]]
  } else {
    out_list <- json_data

#' update hashes
#' If you used a previous version of this package that used MD5 hashes and now
#' need to fix it by changing to SHA-1 hashes, this is your function.
#' @param json_file the json file that needs to be modified
#' @export
#' @return NULL
update_hashes <- function(json_file) {
  file.copy(json_file, paste0(json_file, ".bak"))
  json_metadata <- import_json(json_file)

  json_metadata$sha1 <- digest::digest(json_metadata$saved_path, algo = "sha1", file = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(json_metadata$md5)) {
    json_metadata$md5 <- NULL

  save_json(json_metadata, json_file)
rmflight/waitcopy documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:18 a.m.