### ============================================================================
### Adding dynamic menu to sidebar.
### ============================================================================
dynamicMenuSideBarSC <- function(input, output, session,
forwardReadNum, reverseReadNum,
forwardReadFeature, reverseReadFeature) {
output$singleReadMenu <- renderMenu({
fmenuSub_list <- lapply(seq_len(forwardReadNum), function(i) {
list(menuSubItem(text = paste(strsplit(forwardReadFeature[i], " ")[[1]][1],
"Forward SangerRead"),
tabName = forwardReadFeature[i], icon = icon("minus")))
rmenuSub_list <- lapply(seq_len(reverseReadNum), function(i) {
list(menuSubItem(text = paste(strsplit(forwardReadFeature[i], " ")[[1]][1],
"Reverse SangerRead"),
tabName = reverseReadFeature[i], icon = icon("minus")))
fmenu_list <- menuItem(text = tags$p(tagList(icon("circle"),
HTML(' '),
"Forward SangerReads"),
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
tabName = "forwardReads", fmenuSub_list)
rmenu_list <- menuItem(text = tags$p(tagList(icon("circle"),
HTML(' '),
"Reverse SangerReads"),
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
tabName = "reverseReads", rmenuSub_list)
sidebarMenu(.list = list(fmenu_list, rmenu_list))
# Select consensus Read Menu first
isolate({updateTabItems(session, "sidebar_menu",
"Sanger Contig Overview")})
dynamicMenuSideBarSA <- function(input, output, session, SangerAlignmentParam) {
output$singleReadMenu <- renderMenu({
SangerCSNum <- length(SangerAlignmentParam)
menu_list <- lapply(seq_len(SangerCSNum), function(i) {
forwardReadNum <- SangerAlignmentParam[[i]]$forwardReadNum
reverseReadNum <- SangerAlignmentParam[[i]]$reverseReadNum
forwardReadFeature <- SangerAlignmentParam[[i]]$forwardReadFeature
reverseReadFeature <- SangerAlignmentParam[[i]]$reverseReadFeature
fmenuSub_list <- lapply(seq_len(forwardReadNum), function(j) {
list(menuSubItem(text = paste(i, "-",
strsplit(forwardReadFeature[j], " ")[[1]][1],
"Forward SangerRead"),
tabName = paste(i, "Contig -", forwardReadFeature[j]),
icon = icon("minus")))
rmenuSub_list <- lapply(seq_len(reverseReadNum), function(j) {
list(menuSubItem(text = paste(i, "-",
strsplit(reverseReadFeature[j], " ")[[1]][1],
"Reverse SangerRead"),
tabName = paste(i, "Contig -", reverseReadFeature[j]),
icon = icon("minus")))
fmenu_list <- menuItem(text = tags$p(tagList(HTML(' '),
HTML(' '),
HTML(' '),
"Forward SangerReads"),
style = "font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;"),
tabName = "forwardReads", fmenuSub_list)
rmenu_list <- menuItem(text = tags$p(tagList(HTML(' '),
HTML(' '),
HTML(' '),
"Reverse SangerReads"),
style = "font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;"),
tabName = "reverseReads",
SangerCSMenuSubItem <- list(fmenu_list, rmenu_list)
SangerCSMenuSubItem <- c(list(menuSubItem(text = paste(i, "SangerContig Overview"),
tabName = paste(i, "Sanger Contig Overview Page"),
icon = icon("align-left"))),
list(menuItem(text = tags$p(tagList(icon("align-left"), i, "SangerContig"),
style = "font-size: 17px;
font-weight: bold;"),
tabName = SangerAlignmentParam[[i]]$SCName,
sidebarMenu(.list = menu_list)
# Select consensus Read Menu first
isolate({updateTabItems(session, "sidebar_menu",
"Contigs Alignment Overview Page .")})
### ============================================================================
### observeEvent: Adding dynamic rightHeader text
### ============================================================================
observeEventDynamicHeaderSC <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
observeEvent(input$sidebar_menu, {
menuItem <- switch(input$sidebar_menu, input$sidebar_menu)
log_info("menuItem: ", menuItem)
html("rightHeader", menuItem)
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
# observeEventDynamicHeaderSA <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV,
# SangerAlignmentParam) {
# output$res <- renderText({
# paste("You've selected:", input$sidebar_menu)
# })
# observeEvent(input$sidebar_menu, {
# menuItem <- switch(input$sidebar_menu, input$sidebar_menu)
# html("rightHeader", menuItem)
# sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
# # log_info("strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]]): ", strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]]))
# if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(sidebar_menu[[1]])))) {
# # trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]] <-
# # SangerReadQualReport[[
# # strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])]]@trimmedStartPos
# # trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]] <-
# # SangerReadQualReport[[
# # strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])]]@trimmedFinishPos
# # qualityPhredScores = SangerReadQualReport[[
# # strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])]]@qualityPhredScores
# #
# # readLen = length(qualityPhredScores)
# # trimmedRV[["trimmedSeqLength"]] <- trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]] - trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]] + 1
# # trimmedRV[["remainingRatio"]] <- round(((trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]] - trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]] + 1) / readLen) * 100, digits = 2)
# }
# })
# }
### ============================================================================
### valueBox for SangerAlignment
### ============================================================================
valueBoxSAMinFractionCallSA <- function(input, output,
SAMinFractionCall, session) {
output$SAMinFractionCallSA <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MinFractionCall",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SAMinFractionCall),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAMaxFractionLostSA <- function(input, output,
SAMaxFractionLost, session) {
output$SAMaxFractionLostSA <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MaxFractionLost",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SAMaxFractionLost),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAMinReadsNum <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAMinReadsNum <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAMinReadsNum <- SangerConsensusSet@contigList[[contigIndex]]@minReadsNum
subtitle = tags$p("MinReadsNum",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SAMinReadsNum),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAMinReadLength <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAMinReadLength <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAMinReadLength <- SangerConsensusSet@contigList[[contigIndex]]@minReadLength
subtitle = tags$p("MinReadLength",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SAMinReadLength),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAMinFractionCall <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAMinFractionCall <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAMinFractionCall <- SangerConsensusSet@contigList[[contigIndex]]@minFractionCall
subtitle = tags$p("MinFractionCall",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SAMinFractionCall),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAMaxFractionLost <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAMaxFractionLost <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAMaxFractionLost <- SangerConsensusSet@contigList[[contigIndex]]@maxFractionLost
subtitle = tags$p("MaxFractionLost",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SAMaxFractionLost),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAAcceptStopCodons <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAAcceptStopCodons <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAAcceptStopCodons <- SangerConsensusSet@contigList[[contigIndex]]@acceptStopCodons
subtitle = tags$p("AcceptStopCodons",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(SAAcceptStopCodons,
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSAReadingFrame <- function(input, output, SangerConsensusSet, session) {
output$SAReadingFrame <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
contigIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(contigIndex)) {
SAReadingFrame <-
subtitle = tags$p("ReadingFrame",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SAReadingFrame),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
### ============================================================================
### valueBox for SangerContig
### ============================================================================
valueBoxSCMinReadsNum <- function(input, output, SCMinReadsNum, session) {
output$SCMinReadsNum <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MinReadsNum",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SCMinReadsNum),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSCMinReadLength <- function(input, output, SCMinReadLength, session) {
output$SCMinReadLength <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MinReadLength",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SCMinReadLength),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSCMinFractionCall <- function(input, output,
SCMinFractionCall, session) {
output$SCMinFractionCall <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MinFractionCall",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SCMinFractionCall),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSCMaxFractionLost <- function(input, output,
SCMaxFractionLost, session) {
output$SCMaxFractionLost <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("MaxFractionLost",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(SCMaxFractionLost),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSCAcceptStopCodons <- function(input, output,
SCAcceptStopCodons, session) {
output$SCAcceptStopCodons <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("AcceptStopCodons",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(SCAcceptStopCodons,
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxSCReadingFrame <- function(input, output, SCReadingFrame, session) {
output$SCReadingFrame <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("ReadingFrame",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(SCReadingFrame),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("sliders-h", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
### ============================================================================
### valueBox for SangerRead
### ============================================================================
valueBoxM1TrimmingCutoff <- function(input, output, session) {
output$M1TrimmingCutoff <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
readIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(strtoi(readIndex))) {
if (!is.na(as.numeric(input$M1TrimmingCutoffText)) &&
as.numeric(input$M1TrimmingCutoffText) > 0 &&
as.numeric(input$M1TrimmingCutoffText) <= 1) {
inputM1TrimmingCutoffText <- input$M1TrimmingCutoffText
} else {
inputM1TrimmingCutoffText <- 0.0001
subtitle = tags$p("Cutoff Score",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(as.numeric(inputM1TrimmingCutoffText),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cut", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 10,
valueBoxM2CutoffQualityScore <- function(input, output, session) {
output$M2CutoffQualityScore <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
readIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(strtoi(readIndex))) {
if (!is.na(strtoi(input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText)) &&
strtoi(input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText) > 0 &&
strtoi(input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText) <= 60 &&
strtoi(input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText) %% 1 ==0) {
inputM2CutoffQualityScoreText <- input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText
} else {
inputM2CutoffQualityScoreText <- 20
subtitle = tags$p("Cutoff Quality Score",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(inputM2CutoffQualityScoreText),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cut", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 10,
valueBoxM2SlidingWindowSize <- function(input, output, session) {
output$M2SlidingWindowSize <- renderUI({
sidebar_menu <- tstrsplit(input$sidebar_menu, " ")
readIndex <- strtoi(sidebar_menu[[1]])
if (!is.na(strtoi(readIndex))) {
if (!is.na(strtoi(input$M2SlidingWindowSizeText)) &&
strtoi(input$M2SlidingWindowSizeText) > 0 &&
strtoi(input$M2SlidingWindowSizeText) <= 40 &&
strtoi(input$M2SlidingWindowSizeText) %% 1 ==0) {
inputM2SlidingWindowSizeText <- input$M2SlidingWindowSizeText
} else {
inputM2SlidingWindowSizeText <- 10
# strtoi(input$M2CutoffQualityScoreText
subtitle = tags$p("Sliding Window Size ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(strtoi(inputM2SlidingWindowSizeText),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("expand", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 10,
valueBoxRawSeqLength <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$rawSeqLength <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Raw Seqence Len ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["rawSeqLength"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("ruler", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxRawMeanQualityScore <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$rawMeanQualityScore <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Raw Mean Quality Score ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(round(trimmedRV[["rawMeanQualityScore"]], 2)),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cogs", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxRawMinQualityScore <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$rawMinQualityScore <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Raw Min Quality Score ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["rawMinQualityScore"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cogs", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxTrimmedStartPos <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$trimmedStartPos <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimming Start Pos ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("check-circle", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxTrimmedFinishPos <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$trimmedFinishPos <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimming End Pos ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("times-circle", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxTrimmedSeqLength <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$trimmedSeqLength <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimmed Seqence Length ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedSeqLength"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("ruler", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxTrimmedMeanQualityScore <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$trimmedMeanQualityScore <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimmed Mean Quality Score ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(round(trimmedRV[["trimmedMeanQualityScore"]], 2)),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cogs", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxTrimmedMinQualityScore <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$trimmedMinQualityScore <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimmed Min Quality Score ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedMinQualityScore"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("cogs", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxRemainingRatio <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$remainingRatio <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Remaining Ratio",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(paste(trimmedRV[["remainingRatio"]], "%"),
style = "font-size: 32px;"),
icon = icon("divide", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive",
width = 12,
valueBoxChromTrimmedStartPos <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$ChromatogramtrimmedStartPos <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimming Start Pos ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("check-circle", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
valueBoxChromTrimmedFinishPos <- function(input, output, session, trimmedRV) {
output$ChromatogramtrimmedFinishPos <- renderUI({
subtitle = tags$p("Trimming End Pos ",
style = "font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;"),
value = tags$p(toString(trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]]),
style = "font-size: 29px;"),
icon = icon("times-circle", "fa-sm"),
color = "olive", width = 12,
### ============================================================================
### Plotting : qualityQualityBasePlot
### ============================================================================
qualityQualityBasePlotDisplay <- function(input, output, session,
trimmedRV, qualityPhredScores) {
trimmedStartPos <- trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]]
trimmedFinishPos <- trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]]
readLen = length(qualityPhredScores)
qualityPlotDf<- data.frame(seq_len(length(qualityPhredScores)),
colnames(qualityPlotDf) <- c("Index", "Score")
x <- list(
title = "Base Pair Index"
# titlefont = f
y <- list(
title = "Phred Quality Score"
# titlefont = f
p <- QualityBasePlotly(trimmedStartPos, trimmedFinishPos,
readLen, qualityPlotDf, x, y)
### ============================================================================
### SangerRead Sequence Render Function (DNA / AA) dynamic
### ============================================================================
primarySeqDisplay <- function(sequenceParam, colors) {
if (colors == "default") {
A_color = "#1eff00"
T_color = "#ff7a7a"
C_color = "#7ac3ff"
G_color = "#c9c9c9"
unknown_color = "purple"
} else if (colors == "cb_friendly") {
A_color = rgb(122, 122, 122, max = 255)
T_color = rgb(199, 199, 199, max = 255)
C_color = rgb(0, 114, 178, max = 255)
G_color = rgb(213, 94, 0, max = 255)
unknown_color = rgb(204, 121, 167, max = 255)
} else {
A_color = colors[1]
T_color = colors[2]
C_color = colors[3]
G_color = colors[4]
unknown_color = colors[5]
primarySeq <- unlist(strsplit(
sequenceParam[["primarySeq"]], ""))
primarySeqDF <- data.frame(
t(data.frame(primarySeq)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(primarySeqDF) <- substr(colnames(primarySeqDF), 2, 100)
rownames(primarySeqDF) <- NULL
AstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "A", A_color)
TstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "T", T_color)
CstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "C", C_color)
GstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "G", G_color)
styleList <- c(AstyleList, TstyleList, CstyleList, GstyleList)
excelTable(data = primarySeqDF, defaultColWidth = 30,
editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
secondarySeqDisplay <- function(sequenceParam, colors) {
if (colors == "default") {
A_color = "#1eff00"
T_color = "#ff7a7a"
C_color = "#7ac3ff"
G_color = "#c9c9c9"
unknown_color = "purple"
} else if (colors == "cb_friendly") {
A_color = rgb(122, 122, 122, max = 255)
T_color = rgb(199, 199, 199, max = 255)
C_color = rgb(0, 114, 178, max = 255)
G_color = rgb(213, 94, 0, max = 255)
unknown_color = rgb(204, 121, 167, max = 255)
} else {
A_color = colors[1]
T_color = colors[2]
C_color = colors[3]
G_color = colors[4]
unknown_color = colors[5]
secondarySeq <-unlist(strsplit(
sequenceParam[["secondarySeq"]], ""))
secondarySeqDF <- data.frame(
t(data.frame(secondarySeq)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(secondarySeqDF) <- substr(colnames(secondarySeqDF), 2, 100)
rownames(secondarySeqDF) <- NULL
AstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "A", A_color)
TstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "T", T_color)
CstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "C", C_color)
GstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "G", G_color)
styleList <- c(AstyleList, TstyleList, CstyleList, GstyleList)
excelTable(data = secondarySeqDF, defaultColWidth = 30,
editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
qualityScoreDisplay <- function(PhredScore) {
PhredScoreDF <- data.frame(
t(data.frame(PhredScore)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(PhredScoreDF) <- substr(colnames(PhredScoreDF), 2, 100)
rownames(PhredScoreDF) <- NULL
styleList <- SetAllStyleList(PhredScoreDF, "#ecffd9")
width <- rep(80, length(PhredScoreDF))
# styleList1 <- SetAllStyleList(AAStringDF, "#ecffd9")
# styleList2 <- SetCharStyleList (AAStringDF, "*", "#cf0000")
# styleList <- c(styleList1, styleList2)
# excelTable(data = AAStringDF, columns = data.frame(width = width),
excelTable(data =
PhredScoreDF, defaultColWidth = 30, editable = FALSE,
rowResize = FALSE, columnResize = FALSE,
allowInsertRow = FALSE, allowInsertColumn = FALSE,
allowDeleteRow = FALSE, allowDeleteColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
loadingSpin = TRUE, , autoWidth = FALSE)
PrimAASeqS1Display <- function(sequenceParam) {
AAString <- data.frame(AAString(sequenceParam[["primaryAASeqS1"]]))
if (nchar(sequenceParam[["primaryAASeqS1"]]) == 0) {
AAString <- rbind(NA, AAString)
AAStringDF <- data.frame(t(AAString), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(AAStringDF) <- substr(colnames(AAStringDF), 2, 100)
rownames(AAStringDF) <- NULL
width <- c(30)
styleList <- list()
styleList[['A1']] <- 'background-color: black;'
} else {
AAStringDF <- data.frame(t(AAString), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(AAStringDF) <- substr(colnames(AAStringDF), 2, 100)
rownames(AAStringDF) <- NULL
width <- rep(90, length(AAStringDF))
styleList1 <- SetAllStyleList(AAStringDF, "#ecffd9")
styleList2 <- SetCharStyleList (AAStringDF, "*", "#cf0000")
styleList <- c(styleList1, styleList2)
excelTable(data = AAStringDF, columns = data.frame(width = width),
defaultColWidth = 90, editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
PrimAASeqS2Display <- function(sequenceParam) {
AAString <- data.frame(AAString(sequenceParam[["primaryAASeqS2"]]))
AAString <- rbind(NA, AAString)
AAStringDF <- data.frame(t(AAString), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(AAStringDF) <- substr(colnames(AAStringDF), 2, 100)
rownames(AAStringDF) <- NULL
width <- rep(90, length(AAStringDF) - 1)
width <- c(30, width)
styleList1 <- SetAllStyleList(AAStringDF, "#ecffd9")
styleList2 <- SetCharStyleList (AAStringDF, "*", "#cf0000")
styleList <- c(styleList1, styleList2)
styleList[['A1']] <- 'background-color: black;'
excelTable(data = AAStringDF, columns = data.frame(width = width),
defaultColWidth = 90, editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
PrimAASeqS3Display <- function(sequenceParam) {
AAString <- data.frame(AAString(sequenceParam[["primaryAASeqS3"]]))
AAString <- rbind(NA, NA, AAString)
AAStringDF <- data.frame(t(AAString), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(AAStringDF) <- substr(colnames(AAStringDF), 2, 100)
rownames(AAStringDF) <- NULL
width <- rep(90, length(AAStringDF) - 2)
width <- c(30, 30, width)
styleList1 <- SetAllStyleList(AAStringDF, "#ecffd9")
styleList2 <- SetCharStyleList (AAStringDF, "*", "#cf0000")
styleList <- c(styleList1, styleList2)
styleList[['A1']] <- 'background-color: black;'
styleList[['B1']] <- 'background-color: black;'
excelTable(data = AAStringDF, columns = data.frame(width = width),
defaultColWidth = 90, editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
primarySeqTrimmedDisplay <- function(input, output, session,
sequenceParam, trimmedRV, colors) {
if (colors == "default") {
A_color = "#1eff00"
T_color = "#ff7a7a"
C_color = "#7ac3ff"
G_color = "#c9c9c9"
unknown_color = "purple"
} else if (colors == "cb_friendly") {
A_color = rgb(122, 122, 122, max = 255)
T_color = rgb(199, 199, 199, max = 255)
C_color = rgb(0, 114, 178, max = 255)
G_color = rgb(213, 94, 0, max = 255)
unknown_color = rgb(204, 121, 167, max = 255)
} else {
A_color = colors[1]
T_color = colors[2]
C_color = colors[3]
G_color = colors[4]
unknown_color = colors[5]
primarySeq <- unlist(strsplit(
trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]] + 1,
, ""))
primarySeqDF <- data.frame(
t(data.frame(primarySeq)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ((trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]]-trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]]) == 1) {
colnames(primarySeqDF) <- "1"
} else {
colnames(primarySeqDF) <- substr(colnames(primarySeqDF), 2, 100)
rownames(primarySeqDF) <- NULL
AstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "A", A_color)
TstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "T", T_color)
CstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "C", C_color)
GstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(primarySeqDF, "G", G_color)
styleList <- c(AstyleList, TstyleList, CstyleList, GstyleList)
excelTable(data = primarySeqDF, defaultColWidth = 30,
editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
secondSeqTrimmedDisplay <- function(input, output, session,
sequenceParam, trimmedRV, colors) {
if (colors == "default") {
A_color = "#1eff00"
T_color = "#ff7a7a"
C_color = "#7ac3ff"
G_color = "#c9c9c9"
unknown_color = "purple"
} else if (colors == "cb_friendly") {
A_color = rgb(122, 122, 122, max = 255)
T_color = rgb(199, 199, 199, max = 255)
C_color = rgb(0, 114, 178, max = 255)
G_color = rgb(213, 94, 0, max = 255)
unknown_color = rgb(204, 121, 167, max = 255)
} else {
A_color = colors[1]
T_color = colors[2]
C_color = colors[3]
G_color = colors[4]
unknown_color = colors[5]
secondarySeq <- unlist(strsplit(
trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]] + 1,
, ""))
secondarySeqDF <- data.frame(
t(data.frame(secondarySeq)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ((trimmedRV[["trimmedFinishPos"]]-trimmedRV[["trimmedStartPos"]]) == 1) {
colnames(secondarySeqDF) <- "1"
} else {
colnames(secondarySeqDF) <- substr(colnames(secondarySeqDF), 2, 100)
rownames(secondarySeqDF) <- NULL
AstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "A", A_color)
TstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "T", T_color)
CstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "C", C_color)
GstyleList <- SetCharStyleList(secondarySeqDF, "G", G_color)
styleList <- c(AstyleList, TstyleList, CstyleList, GstyleList)
excelTable(data = secondarySeqDF, defaultColWidth = 30,
editable = FALSE, rowResize = FALSE,
columnResize = FALSE, allowInsertRow = FALSE,
allowInsertColumn = FALSE, allowDeleteRow = FALSE,
allowDeleteColumn = FALSE, allowRenameColumn = FALSE,
style = styleList, loadingSpin = TRUE, autoWidth = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.