
Defines functions read.MFCLFrq2 read.MFCLLenFreq2 read.MFCLFrq read.MFCLLenFreq read.MFCLFrqStats

Documented in read.MFCLFrq read.MFCLFrq2 read.MFCLFrqStats read.MFCLLenFreq read.MFCLLenFreq2

#FLR4MFCL - R4MFCL built with FLR classes
#Copyright (C) 2018  Rob Scott

#' MFCL Frq Statistics
#' Extracts the essential ranges and dimensions from the frq file
#' @param frqfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read 
#' @return An object of class MFCLFrqStats
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLFrqStats("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/skj.frq")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLFrqStats <- function(frqfile){
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x) 
  splitter      <- function(ff, tt, ll=1, inst=1) unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(ff[grep(tt, ff)[inst]+ll]),split="[[:blank:]]+")) 
  res <- new("MFCLFrqStats")
  tt <- scan(frqfile, nlines=100, comment.char='#', quiet=quiet)
  res@n_regions <- tt[1]
  res@n_fisheries <- tt[2]
  res@generic_diffusion <- as.logical(tt[3])
  res@n_tag_groups <- tt[4]
  res@range['minyear'] <- tt[5]
  res@frq_age_len <- as.logical(tt[7])
  res@n_recs_yr   <- tt[8]
  res@rec_month   <- tt[9]
  res@frq_version <- tt[10]
  frq  <- readLines(frqfile)  
  line <- grep("Relative Region Size", frq)+1
  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line], split="[[:blank:]]+")))
  res@region_size <- FLQuant(dat[!is.na(dat)], 
#  line <- grep("Region in which each fishery is located", frq)+1
#  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line], split=" ")))
  dat  <- as.numeric(splitter(frq, "Region in which each fishery is located"))
  res@region_fish <- FLQuant(dat[!is.na(dat)], 
    line <- grep("Incidence matrix", frq)
    res@move_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=res@n_regions, ncol=res@n_regions)
    for(i in 1:(res@n_regions-1)){
      dat <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line+i], split="[[:blank:]]+")))[!is.na(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line+i], split="[[:blank:]]+"))))]
      res@move_matrix[i,(i+1):res@n_regions] <- dat
  line <- grep("Season-region flags", frq)
  kk <- unlist(strsplit(frq[line+1:res@n_recs_yr], split="[[:blank:]]+"))[1:(slot(res, 'n_regions')*slot(res, 'n_recs_yr'))]
  res@season_flags <- matrix(as.numeric(kk), nrow=res@n_recs_yr, ncol=res@n_regions, byrow=T)
#  line <- grep("Data flags", frq)
#  res@data_flags <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line+1:5], split=" "))),nrow=5, ncol=res@n_fisheries, byrow=T)
  res@data_flags <- matrix(as.numeric(splitter(frq, "Data flags", 1:5)), nrow=5, byrow=T)
  res@n_move_yr <- as.numeric(frq[grep("Number of movements per year", frq)+1])
  line <- grep("Weeks in which movement occurs", frq)
  res@move_weeks <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[line+1], split="[[:blank:]]+")))

#' MFCL Length Frequency
#' Extracts the length frequency data from the frq file
#' @param frqfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read 
#' @return An object of class MFCLLenFreq
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLLenFreq("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/skj.frq")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLLenFreq <- function(frqfile){
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x) 
  quick.check <- function(obj, both, ...){
      if(lf_range(obj)["WFIntervals"]>0 & lf_range(obj)["LFIntervals"]>0)
        stop("I don't know if the frequency data are by length or weight: check the lf_range inputs")
      if(lf_range(obj)["WFIntervals"]==0 & lf_range(obj)["LFIntervals"]==0)
        stop("Both the length intervals and weight intervals are set to 0: check the lf_range inputs")
  build.df <- function(lffrq, arr.rows, nfields, frqlen=NA, frqwt=NA, inc=0, inc2=0, inc3=0){    
    mat  <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lffrq[nfields==arr.rows], split="[[:blank:]]+"))), ncol=arr.rows, byrow=T)
    df   <- apply(mat[,1:7],2,rep,each=arr.rows-(7+inc))
    colnames(df) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery", "catch", "effort", "penalty")    
    df   <- cbind(df, length=frqlen, weight=frqwt, freq=as.vector(t(mat[,(min(nfields)-inc2):(arr.rows-inc3)])))     
    #df   <- cbind(df, length=frqlen, weight=frqwt, freq=as.vector(t(mat[,(8-inc2):(arr.rows-inc3)])))     
  res  <- new("MFCLLenFreq")  
  frq  <- readLines(frqfile)  
  # get the frq file version - this should be the last number on the first non-commented line - hopefully
  tp <- frq[-grep("#", frq)]
  tp <- tp[nchar(tp)>1]
  version <- rev(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(tp[1]), split="[[:blank:]]+"))))[1]
  # get the summary dimension data
  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[grep("Datasets", frq)+1], split="[[:blank:]]+")))
  slot(res, "lf_range")[] <- dat[!is.na(dat)]
  # age nage values - whatever they might be
  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(frq[grep("age_nage", frq)+1]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))
    slot(res, "age_nage")[] <- dat
  nLbins <- lf_range(res)['LFIntervals']; Lwidth <- lf_range(res)["LFWidth"]; Lfirst <- lf_range(res)["LFFirst"]
  nWbins <- lf_range(res)['WFIntervals']; Wwidth <- lf_range(res)["WFWidth"]; Wfirst <- lf_range(res)["WFFirst"]
  line1 <- ifelse(all(is.na(slot(res, "age_nage"))), grep("Datasets", frq)+2, grep("age_nage", frq)+2)  # find the first line of freq datatable
  #lffrq <- frq[line1:length(frq)]   # just the length frequency data 
  lffrq <- trim.leading(frq[line1:length(frq)])   # just the length frequency data table)
  frq_size <- ifelse(version==6, 9, 8)
  nfields <- count.fields(frqfile, skip=line1-1)          # number of fields in each line of the frequency data
  both      <- length(table(nfields))>2 & min(nfields) >= frq_size  # does the freq contain both length and weight frequency data - this is not ideal
  both_comb <- length(table(nfields))>3 & min(nfields) >= frq_size  # do you have realisations with both length and weight freq data
  frqlen <- frqwt <- NA
  if(nLbins>0) {frqlen <- seq(Lfirst, Lwidth*nLbins+Lfirst-Lwidth, by=Lwidth)}
  if(nWbins>0) {frqwt  <- seq(Wfirst, Wwidth*nWbins+Wfirst-Wwidth, by=Wwidth)}
  #cnames        <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery", "catch", "effort", "penalty")
  if(!both & quick.check(res, both)){ # If only one type of frequency data - length or weight 
    # no frequency data-frame bit
    df1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lffrq[nfields==8], split="[[:blank:]]+"))), ncol=8, byrow=T)[,-8])
    colnames(df1) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery", "catch", "effort", "penalty")
    #colnames(df1) <- ifelse(version==6, cnames, cnames[-7])
      df1 <- cbind(df1, length=NA, weight=NA, freq=-1)
    # with frequency data-frame bit - array size depends if you have length or weight data
    df2      <- build.df(lffrq, arr.rows=(7+ifelse(nLbins>0,nLbins,nWbins)), nfields, frqlen, frqwt, inc=0)   
    dfall    <- rbind(df1, df2)
  if(both){  # if you have both length and weight frequency data ...
    # no frequency data-frame bit
    df1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lffrq[nfields==min(nfields)], split="[[:blank:]]+"))), 
                                ncol=min(nfields), byrow=T)[,1:(min(nfields)-2)])
    #colnames(df1) <- ifelse(version==6, cnames, cnames[-7])
    colnames(df1) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery", "catch", "effort", "penalty")
    df1 <- cbind(df1, length=NA, weight=NA, freq=-1)
    # length frequency data-frame bit
    dfL      <- build.df(lffrq, arr.rows=(7+nLbins+1), nfields, frqlen, frqwt=NA, inc=1, inc2=1, inc3=1)
    # weight frequency data-frame bit
    dfW      <- build.df(lffrq, arr.rows=(7+1+nWbins), nfields, frqlen=NA, frqwt, inc=1, inc2=0, inc3=0)
    dfall <- rbind(df1, dfL, dfW)
    # length and weight frequency data-frame bit
      dfLW      <- build.df(lffrq, arr.rows=(7+nLbins+nWbins), nfields, 
                           frqlen=c(frqlen, rep(NA, length(frqwt))), 
                           frqwt =c(rep(NA, length(frqlen)), frqwt), inc=0, inc2=1, inc3=0)
      dfall <- rbind(df1, dfL, dfW, dfLW) 
  res@freq <- dfall
  res@freq <- res@freq[order(res@freq$fish, res@freq$year, res@freq$month),]

#' MFCL frq file reader
#' Reads the entire contents of the frq file
#' @param frqfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read 
#' @return An object of class MFCLFrq
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLFrq(paste(system.file('data', package='FLR4MFCL'), 'skj.frq', sep='/'))
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLFrq <- function(frqfile){
  lenfreq <- read.MFCLLenFreq(frqfile)
  vitals  <- read.MFCLFrqStats(frqfile)
  res <- new("MFCLFrq")
  for(slotname in slotNames(lenfreq)){
    slot(res, slotname) <- slot(lenfreq, slotname)
  for(slotname in slotNames(vitals)){
    slot(res, slotname) <- slot(vitals, slotname)
  minlen <- lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst']
  maxlen <- lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst'] + lenfreq@lf_range['LFIntervals'] * lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst']
  res@range[c('min','max')] <- c(minlen,maxlen)
  res@range['maxyear']      <- max(res@freq[,'year'])

#' MFCL Length Frequency2 - MUFDAGR friendly
#' Extracts the length frequency data from Mufdagr output
#' @param frqfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read
#' @return An object of class MFCLLenFreq
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLLenFreq2("C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/skj.frq")
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLLenFreq2 <- function(frqfile){

  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x)

  quick.check <- function(obj, both, ...){
      ## if(lf_range(obj)["WFIntervals"]>0 & lf_range(obj)["LFIntervals"]>0)
      ##   stop("I don't know if the frequency data are by length or weight: check the lf_range inputs")
      if(lf_range(obj)["WFIntervals"]==0 & lf_range(obj)["LFIntervals"]==0)
        stop("Both the length intervals and weight intervals are set to 0: check the lf_range inputs")
      if(lf_range(obj)["WFFirst"]==0 & lf_range(obj)["LFFirst"]==0)
        stop("Both the first length and first weight bin are set to 0: check the lf_range inputs")

  get_data<- function(subset,start,width){
    df <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(lffrq[subset], split="[[:blank:]]+"),'[',c(1:4,seq(start,by=1,length.out=width))))), ncol=(width+4), byrow=T))

  res  <- new("MFCLLenFreq2")
  frq  <- readLines(frqfile,warn=FALSE)

  # get the frq file version
  tp <- frq[-grep("#", frq)]
  tp <- tp[nchar(tp)>1]
  version <- rev(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(tp[1]), split="[[:blank:]]+"))))[1]
  if (version >7) stop("FLR4MFCL cannot currently read in multispecies frq files")

  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(frq[grep("Datasets", frq)+1], split="[[:blank:]]+")))
  slot(res, "lf_range")[] <- dat[!is.na(dat)]

  dat  <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim.leading(frq[grep("age_nage", frq)+1]), split="[[:blank:]]+")))
    slot(res, "age_nage")[] <- dat

  nLbins <- lf_range(res)['LFIntervals']; Lwidth <- lf_range(res)["LFWidth"]; Lfirst <- lf_range(res)["LFFirst"]
  nWbins <- lf_range(res)['WFIntervals']; Wwidth <- lf_range(res)["WFWidth"]; Wfirst <- lf_range(res)["WFFirst"]

  line1 <- ifelse(any(is.na(slot(res, "age_nage"))), grep("Datasets", frq)+2, grep("age_nage", frq)+2)  # first line of frequency data
  #lffrq <- frq[line1:length(frq)]   # just the length frequency data
  lffrq <- trim.leading(frq[line1:length(frq)])   # just the length frequency data )

  ## add in a check to remove first line if it is a blank line
  if (lffrq[1]=="") lffrq <- lffrq[-1]

  ## frq_size <- ifelse(version==6, 9, 8)
  nfields <- count.fields(frqfile, skip=line1-1)          # number of fields in each line of the frequency data
  sumfields <- c(0,cumsum(nfields))
  frq_size <- min(nfields)
  #both    <- length(table(nfields))>2 & min(nfields) > 8  # check if you have both length and weight frequency data
  ## both    <- length(table(nfields))>2 & min(nfields) >= frq_size  # version control that doesnt work at the moment
  both <- Wfirst!=0 & Lfirst!=0         #check to make sure that there is length and weight data as defined in Mufdager

  frqlen <- frqwt <- NA
  if(nLbins>0& Lfirst!=0) {frqlen <- seq(Lfirst, Lwidth*nLbins+Lfirst-Lwidth, by=Lwidth)}
  if(nWbins>0& Wfirst!=0) {frqwt  <- seq(Wfirst, Wwidth*nWbins+Wfirst-Wwidth, by=Wwidth)}

  if(!both & quick.check(res, both)){ # If only one type of frequency data - length or weight

    ## catch effort and penalty with identifiers
    cep <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(lffrq, split="[[:blank:]]+"),head,(frq_size-1)))), ncol=(frq_size-1), byrow=T))

    if(Lfirst==0){                      #If only weight frequency
      lnfrq <- data.frame(year=NA,month=NA,week=NA,fishery=NA,Len=NA)
      lnfrq <- lnfrq[-1,]
      wtfrq <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-1+nWbins),frq_size,nWbins)
      colnames(wtfrq) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery",frqwt)
    } else{                             #If only length frequency
      lnfrq <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-1+nLbins),frq_size,nLbins)
      colnames(lnfrq) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery",frqlen)
      wtfrq <- data.frame(year=NA,month=NA,week=NA,fishery=NA,Wt=NA)
      wtfrq <- wtfrq[-1,]

  if(both){  # if you have both length and weight frequency data ...
    ## catch effort and penalty with identifiers
    cep <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(lffrq, split="[[:blank:]]+"),head,(frq_size-2)))), ncol=(frq_size-2), byrow=T))

    ## columns with only length
    lnfrq1 <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-1+nLbins),(frq_size-1),nLbins)

    ## columns with only weight
    wtfrq1 <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-1+nWbins),(frq_size),nWbins)

    ## columns with both length and weight
    lnfrq2 <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-2+nLbins+nWbins),(frq_size-1),nLbins)
    wtfrq2 <- get_data(nfields==(frq_size-2+nLbins+nWbins),(frq_size-1+nLbins),nWbins)

    ## combine the two
    lnfrq <- rbind(lnfrq1,lnfrq2)
    wtfrq <- rbind(wtfrq1,wtfrq2)
    colnames(lnfrq) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery",frqlen)
    colnames(wtfrq) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery",frqwt)

  ## If a mufdager file enter a column for the penalty and set age_nage to zero
  if (version <6) {
    slot(res, "age_nage") <- c(0,0)

  ## renames the columns of the catch effort and penalty
  if (version <=7){                     #single species
    colnames(cep) <- c("year", "month", "week", "fishery", "catch", "effort", "penalty")
  } ## need to add to this for multispecies frq files

  cep <- cep[order(cep$fish,cep$year,cep$month),]
  lnfrq <- lnfrq[order(lnfrq$fish,lnfrq$year,lnfrq$month),]
  wtfrq <- wtfrq[order(wtfrq$fish,wtfrq$year,wtfrq$month),]

  res@cateffpen <- cep
  res@lnfrq <- lnfrq
  res@wtfrq <- wtfrq



#' MFCL frq2 file reader - Mufdagr friendly
#' Reads the entire contents of the frq file
#' @param frqfile A character string giving the name and path of the frq file to be read
#' @return An object of class MFCLFrq
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read.MFCLFrq2(paste(system.file('data', package='FLR4MFCL'), 'skj.frq', sep='/'))
#' }
#' @export

read.MFCLFrq2 <- function(frqfile){

  lenfreq <- read.MFCLLenFreq2(frqfile)
  vitals  <- read.MFCLFrqStats(frqfile)

  ## If version number is less than 6 when read in change it to 6 because it is transformed by adding penalty column
  if (frq_version(vitals)<6) frq_version(vitals) <- 6
  res <- new("MFCLFrq2")

  for(slotname in slotNames(lenfreq)){
      slot(res, slotname) <- slot(lenfreq, slotname)

  for(slotname in slotNames(vitals)){
    slot(res, slotname) <- slot(vitals, slotname)

  minlen <- lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst']
  maxlen <- lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst'] + lenfreq@lf_range['LFIntervals'] * lenfreq@lf_range['LFFirst']
  res@range[c('min','max')] <- c(minlen,maxlen)
  res@range['maxyear']      <- max(res@cateffpen[,'year'])



#frqfile <- 'C:/R4MFCL/test_data/skj_ref_case/skj.frq'
robscott3/FLR4MFCL documentation built on April 9, 2024, 3:31 p.m.