
Defines functions bin_data auto_bin.data.frame auto_bin.numeric auto_bin

Documented in auto_bin auto_bin.data.frame auto_bin.numeric bin_data

#' Calculate appropriate bin separators for vpc
#' This function calculates bin separators either using R's native binning
#' approaches available in the classInt library such as `kmeans`, `jenks`,
#' `pretty` etc. Alternatively, a custom approach is available which is based on
#' finding the nadirs in the density functions for the independent variable.
#' Default approach is k-means clustering.
#' @param dat data frame
#' @param type auto-binning type: "density", "time", or "data"
#' @param n_bins number of bins to use; either a positive integer or "auto". For
#'   "density" the function might not return a solution with the exact number of
#'   bins.
#' @param verbose show debugging information (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param ... arguments passed on to underlying binning functions
#' @return A vector of bin separators
#' @export
auto_bin <- function(dat, type = "kmeans", n_bins = 8, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

#' @rdname auto_bin
#' @export
auto_bin.numeric <- function(dat, type = "kmeans", n_bins = 8, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  all_bins <- list()
  l_bins <- c()
  if (is.null(type) || type == "none") {
    msg("No binning performed.", verbose)
  # use R's native binning approaches?
  if(!is.null(type) && type %in% c("jenks", "kmeans", "pretty", "quantile", "hclust", "sd", "bclust", "fisher")) {
      if(! inherits(n_bins, "numeric") | is.null(n_bins)) {
        bins <- classInt::classIntervals(dat, style = type)
      } else {
        bins <- classInt::classIntervals(dat, n = n_bins, style = type)
  if (n_bins == "auto") {
    if(type == "percentiles") n_bins <- min(max(3, ceiling(length(dat)/40)), 15)
    else {
      msg("Automatic optimization of bin number is not available for this binning method, reverting to 8 bins.", verbose)
      n_bins <- 8
  n_bins <- n_bins + 1 # bin_separators
  if(type != "time" & type != "data" & type != "percentiles") {
    if (type == "density" || type == "auto") {
      bws <- diff(range(dat)) * seq(from=0.01, to = .25, by=0.01)
      for (i in seq(bws)) {
        d <- density(dat, bw=bws[i])
        all_bins[[i]] <- c(0, d$x[find_nadirs(d$y)], max(dat)*1.01)
        l_bins[i] <- length(all_bins[[i]])
      return(all_bins[[order(abs(l_bins - n_bins))[1]]]) # return closest to requested bins
    stop("Specified binning method not recognized!")
  } else {
    if (type == "time") {
      tmp <- levels(cut(x = unique(dat), breaks = n_bins, right = TRUE))
      tmp <- gsub("\\(", "", tmp)
      tmp <- gsub("\\]", "", tmp)
      tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(tmp, ","))
      sel <- 1:(length(tmp2)/2)*2 - 1
      bins <- c(as.num(tmp2[sel]), max(dat)*1.001)
    if (type == "data") {
      sorted <- sort(dat)
      tmp <- levels(cut(x = 1:length(sorted), breaks = n_bins, right = TRUE))
      tmp <- gsub("\\(", "", tmp)
      tmp <- gsub("\\]", "", tmp)
      tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(tmp, ","))
      sel <- 1:(length(tmp2)/2)*2 - 1
      idx <- as.num(tmp2[sel])
      idx[idx < 0] <- 0
      bins <- c(sorted[idx], max(dat)*1.001)
    if (type == "percentiles") {
      bins <- quantile(dat, probs = seq(0,1,length.out = n_bins))
  stop(paste0("Binning method ", type, " not implemented yet!"))

#' @rdname auto_bin
#' @export
auto_bin.data.frame <- function(dat, type = "kmeans", n_bins = 8, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  auto_bin(dat=dat[["idv"]], type, n_bins, verbose, ...)

find_nadirs <- function (x, thresh = 0) {
  pks <- which(diff(sign(diff(x, na.pad = FALSE)), na.pad = FALSE) > 0) + 2
  if (!missing(thresh)) {
    pks[x[pks - 1] - x[pks] > thresh]
  else pks

#' Function to bin data based on a vector of bin separators, e.g. for use in VPC
#' @param x data
#' @param bins numeric vector specifying bin separators
#' @param idv variable in the data specifies the independent variable (e.g. "time")
#' @param labeled whether a labeled factor instead of integers should be returned
#' @export
bin_data <- function(x, bins = c(0, 3, 5, 7), idv = "time", labeled = F) {
  if(!labeled) {
    x$bin <- cut(x[[idv]], bins, labels = FALSE, right=FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
  } else {
    x$bin <- cut(x[[idv]], bins, right=FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
ronkeizer/vpc documentation built on June 14, 2024, 11:31 a.m.