
Defines functions orderPyramid pyramid

# pyramid
# returns a "pyramidal" sequence with the length supplied by n
# @param n length of the sequence to be returned
# @return a "pyramidally ordered" sequence of integers with length n
# @examples pyramid(10)
pyramid <- function(n) {
  seq <- c(seq(1,n,2),rev(seq(2,n,2)))

# orderPyramid
# returns the "pyramidal" order for a vector with numeric values
# @param x vector that should be ordered
# @param na.rm whether ornot to remove missing values
# @return integer, the "pyramidal" order of x
# @examples
# data  <- rnorm(n = 20, mean = 2, sd = .2)
# order.pyramid <- orderPyramid(data)
# plot(data)
# plot(data[order.pyramid])
orderPyramid <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
  order.x   <- order(x)
  if(na.rm == TRUE)
    order.x <- order.x[- which(order.x %in% which(is.na(x)))]
  length.x  <- length(order.x)
  pyramid.x <- order.x[pyramid(length.x)]
ropensci/DoOR.functions documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 9:44 a.m.