
#' Use Phylomatic locally - ideal for large queries
#' @export
#' @param taxa (character) Phylomatic format input of taxa names.
#' @param taxauri (character) URL of a taxa list online
#' @param taxnames If \code{TRUE} (default), we get the family names for
#' you to attach to your species names to send to Phylomatic API. If
#' \code{FALSE}, you have to provide the strings in the right format.
#' @param informat (character) One of newick (default), nexml, or cdaordf.
#' If using a stored tree, informat should always be newick.
#' @param method (character) One of 'phylomatic' (default) or 'convert'
#' @param storedtree One of R20120829 (Phylomatic tree R20120829 for plants),
#'    smith2011 (Smith 2011, plants), binindaemonds2007 (Bininda-Emonds 2007,
#'    mammals), or zanne2014 (Zanne et al. 2014, plants). Default: R20120829
#' @param treeuri (character) URL for a phylogenetic tree in newick format.
#' @param taxaformat (character) Only option is slashpath for now. Leave as is.
#' @param outformat (character) One of newick, nexml, or fyt.
#' @param clean (logical) Return a clean tree or not. Default: \code{TRUE}
#' @param db (character) One of "ncbi", "itis", or "apg". Default: apg
#' @param verbose (logical) Print messages. Default: \code{TRUE}
#' @param outfile (character) output file for the tree, cleaned up after
#' @param cleanup (logical) Remove the output file. Default: \code{TRUE}
#' @param path (character) Path to the \code{phylomatic-ws} folder
#' @section Fetch Phylomatic code:
#' Download the code by doing
#' \code{git clone}
#' which will result in a folder \code{phylomatic-ws} (or download a zip
#' file, and uncompress it). Then give the path to that folder in the
#' \code{path} parameter
#' @details
#' If you set \code{taxnames = FALSE}, you need to pass in a character
#' vector, with each element like this example:
#' \code{"asteraceae/taraxacum/taraxacum_officinale"}, of the form
#' \code{"family/genus/genus_specfic epithet"}
#' @return Newick formatted tree as \code{phylo} object or
#' nexml character string
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Input taxonomic names
#' taxa <- c("Poa annua", "Phlox diffusa", "Helianthus annuus")
#' (tree <- phylomatic_local(taxa, path = "~/github/play/phylomatic-ws"))
#' plot(tree, no.margin=TRUE)
#' taxa <- c("Poa annua", "Collomia grandiflora", "Lilium lankongense",
#' "Phlox diffusa", "Iteadaphne caudata", "Gagea sarmentosa",
#' "Helianthus annuus")
#' (tree <- phylomatic_local(taxa, path = "~/github/play/phylomatic-ws"))
#' plot(tree, no.margin=TRUE)
#' # Don't clean - clean=TRUE is default
#' (tree <- phylomatic_local(taxa, path = "~/github/play/phylomatic-ws",
#'   clean = FALSE))
#' ## with clean=FALSE, you can get non-splitting nodes, which you
#' ## need to collpase before plotting
#' library('ape')
#' plot(, no.margin=TRUE)
#' library("taxize")
#' spp <- names_list("species", 1000)
#' length(spp)
#' (tree <- phylomatic_local(spp, path = "~/github/play/phylomatic-ws",
#'   outfile=""))
#' }

phylomatic_local <- function(taxa = NULL, taxauri = NULL, taxnames = TRUE,
  informat = "newick", method = "phylomatic", storedtree = "R20120829", treeuri = NULL,
  taxaformat = "slashpath", outformat = "newick", clean = TRUE, db="apg",
  verbose=TRUE, outfile = "", cleanup = TRUE, path = "phylomatic-ws") {

  # check for awk, gawk, and awk files

  if (is.null(taxauri)) {
    mssg(verbose, "preparing names...")
    if (taxnames) {
      dat_ <- phylomatic_names(taxa, format = 'isubmit', db = db)
      checknas <- sapply(dat_, function(x) strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][1])
      checknas2 <- checknas[match("na", checknas)]
      if (is.numeric(checknas2)) {
        stop(sprintf("A family was not found for the following taxa:\n %s \n\n try setting taxnames=FALSE, and passing in a vector of strings, like \n%s",
                     paste(sapply(dat_, function(x) strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][3])[match("na", checknas)], collapse = ", "),
                     'phylomatic(taxa = c("asteraceae/taraxacum/taraxacum_officinale", "ericaceae/gaylussacia/gaylussacia_baccata", "ericaceae/vaccinium/vaccinium_pallidum"), taxnames=FALSE, parallel=FALSE)'
    } else {
      dat_ <- taxa

    if (length(dat_) > 1) {
      dat_ <- paste(dat_, collapse = "\n")

    dat_ <- curl::curl_escape(dat_)

  # Only one of storedtree or treeuri
  if (!is.null(treeuri)) storedtree <- NULL

  # clean up the clean param
  clean <- if (clean) "true" else "false"

  args <- cpt(list(taxa = dat_, taxauri = taxauri, informat = informat, method = method,
                   storedtree = storedtree, treeuri = treeuri, taxaformat = taxaformat,
                   outformat = outformat, clean = clean, local = 1))
  argstr <- paste0(paste(names(args), args, sep = "="), collapse = "&")

  # process
  origpath <- getwd()

  outfilepath <- file.path(outfile)

  datfile <- basename(tempfile(fileext = ".txt"))
  cat(argstr, file = datfile)

  if (cleanup) on.exit(unlink(outfilepath))
  on.exit(unlink(datfile), add = TRUE)
  on.exit(setwd(origpath), add = TRUE)

  mssg(verbose, "processing with phylomatic...")
  system(sprintf("cat %s | ./pmws > %s", datfile, outfilepath))

  # read in output
  out <- readLines(outfilepath)[3]

  if (grepl("No taxa in common|over 200kB", out)) {
    stop(out, call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    # parse out missing taxa note
    if (grepl("\\[NOTE: ", out)) {
      taxa_na <- strmatch(out, "NOTE:.+")
      taxa_na2 <- strmatch(taxa_na, ":\\s[A-Za-z].+")
      taxa_na2 <- strsplit(taxa_na2, ",")[[1]][-length(strsplit(taxa_na2, ",")[[1]])]
      taxa_na2 <- gsub(":|\\s", "", taxa_na2)
      taxa_na2 <- sapply(taxa_na2, function(x) strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][[3]], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      taxa_na2 <- traits_capwords(gsub("_", " ", taxa_na2), onlyfirst = TRUE)

      mssg(verbose, get_note(taxa_na))
      out <- gsub("\\[NOTE:.+", ";\n", out)
    } else {
      taxa_na2 <- NULL

    outformat <- match.arg(outformat, choices = c("nexml",'newick'))
           nexml = structure(out, class = "phylomatic", missing = taxa_na2),
           newick = structure(phytools::read.newick(text = out),
                              class = c("phylo", "phylomatic"),
                              missing = taxa_na2))

get_note <- function(x) {
  tmp <- substring(x, 1, 300)
  if (nchar(x) > nchar(tmp)) paste0(tmp, " ...") else tmp

check_if <- function(x) {
  if (Sys.which(x) == "") stop([-1], " is missing, install it first", call. = FALSE)

check_pmws <- function(path) {
  if (file.exists(path)) {
    files <- list.files(path, recursive = TRUE)
    if (!all(phy_files %in% files)) {
      stop("code note available, see 'Fetch Phylomatic code' section", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("code note available, see 'Fetch Phylomatic code' section", call. = FALSE)

comment_lines <- function(x) {
  paths <- list.files(x, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  pawk <- grep("phylomatic.awk", paths, value = TRUE)
  pawk_orig <- readLines(pawk)
  val <- grep("ntaxatrees > 5000", pawk_orig)
  if (length(val) != 0) {
    cat(pawk_orig[-grep("ntaxatrees > 5000", pawk_orig)], file = pawk, sep = "\n")
  # pnws
  pmws <- grep("pmws", paths, value = TRUE)
  pmws_orig <- readLines(pmws)
  val <- grep("length\\(tmpquery\\[2\\]\\) > 200000", pmws_orig)
  if (length(val) != 0) {
    cat(pmws_orig[-c(val, val + 1)], file = pmws, sep = "\n")

phy_files <- c("lib/cdao2fyt.awk", "lib/fyt2new.awk", "lib/fyt2nexml.awk", "lib/new2fyt.awk",
               "lib/nexml2fyt.awk", "lib/phylomatic.awk", "lib/readfyt.awk",
               "lib/utils.awk", "pmws")
ropensci/branching documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 10:46 a.m.