
Defines functions plugin_search_ma plugin_search_scopus plugin_search_biorxivr plugin_search_arxiv plugin_search_europe_pmc plugin_search_entrez plugin_search_bmc plugin_search_crossref plugin_search_plos

plugin_search_plos <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("plos", sources))) {
    opts$q <- query
    if (is.null(opts$limit)) opts$limit <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$start)) opts$start <- start
    opts$callopts <- list(...)
    out <- do.call(searchplos, opts)
    zz <- list(source = "plos", found = out$meta$numFound, data = out$data,
      opts = opts,
      license = list(
        type = "CC-BY",
        uri = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/',
        text = '<authors> This is an open-access article distributed under
        the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
        unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
        provided the original author and source are credited.'
    if (!inherits(zz$data, "data.frame")) zz$data <- data.frame(NULL)
    zz <- names_lower(zz)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "plos", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_crossref <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("crossref", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$limit)) opts$limit <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$offset)) opts$offset <- start
    if ("filter" %in% names(opts)) {
      opts$filter <- c(c(has_license = TRUE), opts$filter)
    } else {
      opts$filter <- c(has_license = TRUE)
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    out <- do.call(cr_works, opts)
    out$data <- names_lower(out$data)
    zz <- list(source = "crossref", found = out$meta$total_results, data = out$data, opts = opts,
               license = list(type = "variable, see individual records"))
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "crossref", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_bmc <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("bmc", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$limit)) opts$limit <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$offset)) opts$offset <- start
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    out <- do.call(bmc_search, opts)
    dat <- out$records
    dat <- names_lower(dat)
    opts$query <- NULL
    zz <- list(source = "bmc", found = out$result$total, data = dat, opts = opts,
               license = list(type = "variable, see `openaccess` field in results"))
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "bmc", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_entrez <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("entrez", sources))) {
    opts$db <- "pmc"
    opts$term <- query
    if (is.null(opts$retmax)) opts$retmax <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$retstart)) opts$retstart <- start
    out <- do.call(entrez_search, opts)
    sumres <- rentrez::entrez_summary(db = "pmc", id = out$ids, config = c(...))
    dat <- lapply(sumres, function(x) {
      x$authors <- paste(try_NULL(x$authors[,1]), collapse = ", ")
      x$pmid  <- try_NULL(x$articleids[x$articleids[,1] == "pmid", 2])
      x$doi   <- try_NULL(x$articleids[x$articleids[,1] == "doi",  2])
      x$pmcid <- try_NULL(x$articleids[x$articleids[,1] == "pmcid",2])
      x$mid   <- try_NULL(x$articleids[x$articleids[,1] == "MID",  2])
      x$articleids <- NULL
      lapply(x, function(z) if (is.null(z) | length(z) == 0) NA else z)
    data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(dat, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    row.names(data) <- NULL
    data <- move_col(data, "title")
    data <- move_col(data, "authors")
    data <- names_lower(data)

    zz <- list(source = "entrez", found = as.integer(out$count), data = data, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "entrez", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_europe_pmc <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("europmc", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    if (is.null(opts$per_page)) opts$per_page <- limit
    out <- do.call(eupmc_search, opts)
    zz <- list(source = "europmc", found = out$hitCount,
               data = out$resultList$result, opts = opts,
               cursorMark = out$nextCursorMark)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "europmc", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_arxiv <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("arxiv", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$limit)) opts$limit <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$start)) opts$start <- start
    out <- do.call(aRxiv::arxiv_search, opts)
    out <- names_lower(out)
    zz <- list(source = "arxiv", found = attributes(out)$total_results, data = out, opts = opts,
               license = list(type = "variable, but should be free to text-mine, see http://arxiv.org/help/license and http://arxiv.org/help/bulk_data"))
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "arxiv", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_biorxivr <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("biorxiv", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$limit)) opts$limit <- limit
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    out <- do.call(biorxiv_search, opts)
    out$data <- names_lower(out$data)
    zz <- list(source = "biorxiv", found = out$found, data = out$data, opts = opts,
               license = list(type = "variable, but free to text-mine, see http://biorxiv.org/about-biorxiv"))
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "biorxiv", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_scopus <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("scopus", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$count)) opts$count <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$start)) opts$start <- start
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    out <- do.call(scopus_search_loop, opts)
    df <- out$results
    df$`@_fa` <- df$link <- NULL
    zz <- list(source = "scopus",
               found = out$found,
               data = df,
               facets = out$facets,
               opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "scopus", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)

plugin_search_ma <- function(sources, query, limit, start, opts, ...){
  if (any(grepl("microsoft", sources))) {
    opts$query <- query
    if (is.null(opts$count)) opts$count <- limit
    if (is.null(opts$offset)) opts$offset <- start
    opts <- c(opts, ...)
    out <- do.call(microsoft_search, opts)
    zz <- list(source = "microsoft",
               found = NULL,
               data = out,
               opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
  } else {
    zz <- list(source = "microsoft", found = NULL, data = NULL, opts = opts)
    structure(zz, class = "ft_ind", query = query)
ropensci/fulltext documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 7:57 a.m.