#' Evaluate a surface against a pointset
#' Evaluate a surface created with `otp_make_surface` against a pointset made
#' with `otp_pointset` to get travel times and statitics from the analysit in
#' OTP 1.x
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param surface A surface list from otp_make_surface()
#' @param pointsset character, name of pointset
#' @param get_data Logical, should data be returned or just travel times.
#' @param ncores Integer, number of cores to use
#' @return Returns a list of data.frames of travel times
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' times <- otp_surface(otpcon, c(-1.17502, 50.64590), "lsoa", path_data)
#' }
#' @details THis function requires the analysis and pointset features to be
#' enabled during `otp_setup()`. Thus it will only work with OTP 1.x. For more
#' detail see the analyst vignette.
#' @export
otp_surface <- function(otpcon = NULL,
surface = NULL,
pointsset = NULL,
get_data = TRUE,
ncores = 1) {
# Check for OTP2
if (!is.null(otpcon$otp_version)) {
if (otpcon$otp_version >= 2) {
stop("Surface is not supported by OTP v2.X")
surfaceUrl <- make_url(otpcon, type = "surfaces")
surfaceids <- purrr::map_int(surface, `[[`, "id")
surfaceUrl <- paste0(surfaceUrl,
message(Sys.time()," evaluating ",length(surfaceUrl)," surfaces using ",ncores," threads")
results <- progressr::with_progress(otp_async(surfaceUrl, ncores))
asjson <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(unlist(results, use.names = FALSE),
parse_error_ok = TRUE,
always_list = TRUE)
res <- purrr::map(asjson, parse_surface, get_data = get_data)
x = return(res)
#' Parse Surface resutls
#' @param x list
#' @param get_data logical
#' @family internal
#' @noRd
parse_surface <- function(x, get_data){
response <- list()
dat <- x$data
dat <- unlist(dat, recursive = FALSE)
dat <- list2df(dat)
dat$minutes <- seq(1, nrow(dat))
response$data <- dat
times <- x$times
times[times == 2147483647] <- NA
response$times <- times
#' Make an isochrone from a surface
#' Make a raster image (picture) of travel time using the surface features in
#' OTP 1.x
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param surface A surface list from otp_make_surface()
#' @return Returns a data.frame of travel times
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' times <- otp_surface(otpcon, c(-1.17502, 50.64590), "lsoa", path_data)
#' }
#' @details THis function requires the analysis and pointset features to be
#' enabled during `otp_setup()`. Thus it will only work with OTP 1.x. For more
#' detail see the analyst vignette.
#' @export
otp_surface_isochrone <- function(otpcon = NULL,
surface = NULL) {
# Check for OTP2
if (!is.null(otpcon$otp_version)) {
if (otpcon$otp_version >= 2) {
stop("Surface is not supported by OTP v2.X")
# Check for terra package
if(!"terra" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())){
stop("The terra pacakge is not installed, please run install.packages('terra')")
# Check for list
stop("Can't find surface ID")
surfaceUrl <- make_url(otpcon, type = "surfaces")
surfaceUrl <- paste0(surfaceUrl,
# convert response content into text
h <- curl::new_handle()
#curl::handle_setopt(h, post = TRUE)
text <- curl::curl_fetch_disk(surfaceUrl,
path = file.path(tempdir(),"otpIsochrone.tiff"),
handle = h)
if(text$status_code == 200){
r <- terra::rast(text$content)
r[r == 128] <- NA
} else {
stop("Error getting surface code: ",text$status_code," URL: ",surfaceUrl)
#' Make a Surface
#' Requires OTP 1.x and the analyst
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param fromPlace Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g.
#' `c(-0.134649,51.529258)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs,
#' or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param mode character vector of one or more modes of travel valid values
#' Not all combinations are valid e.g. c("WALK","BUS") is valid but
#' c("WALK","CAR") is not.
#' @param date_time POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time
#' @param maxWalkDistance Numeric passed to OTP in metres
#' @param arriveBy Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the
#' specified date and time, default FALSE
#' @param routeOptions Named list of values passed to OTP use
#' @param timezone Character, what timezone to use, see as.POSIXct, default is
#' local timezone
#' @param ncores How many cores to use default = 1
#' @family analyst
#' @return Returns a list with information about the surface created
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' surface <- otp_make_surface(otpcon, c(-1.17502, 50.64590))
#' }
#' @details THis function requires the analysis and pointset features to be
#' enabled during `otp_setup()`. Thus it will only work with OTP 1.x. For more
#' detail see the analyst vignette.
#' @export
otp_make_surface <- function(otpcon = NULL,
fromPlace = c(-1.17502,50.64590),
mode = "CAR",
date_time = Sys.time(),
maxWalkDistance = 1000,
arriveBy = FALSE,
routeOptions = NULL,
timezone = otpcon$timezone,
ncores = 1) {
# Check for OTP2
if (!is.null(otpcon$otp_version)) {
if (otpcon$otp_version >= 2) {
stop("Surface is not supported by OTP v2.X")
if (is.null(timezone)) {
warning("otpcon is missing the timezone variaible, assuming local timezone")
timezone <- Sys.timezone()
# Validate Inputs
date <- format(date_time, "%m-%d-%Y", tz = timezone)
time <- tolower(format(date_time, "%I:%M%p", tz = timezone))
checkmate::assert_class(otpcon, "otpconnect")
mode <- toupper(mode)
choices = c(
empty.ok = FALSE
mode <- paste(mode, collapse = ",")
arriveBy <- tolower(arriveBy)
fromPlace <- otp_clean_input(fromPlace, "fromPlace")
fromPlace <- format(fromPlace, scientific = FALSE, digits = 9, trim = TRUE)
fromPlace <- paste0(fromPlace[,1],"%2C",fromPlace[,2])
# Make POST Request to build surface
surfaceUrl <- make_url(otpcon, type = "surfaces")
querylist <- list(
batch = "true",
date = date,
time = time,
mode = mode,
maxWalkDistance = maxWalkDistance,
arriveBy = arriveBy
# Check Route Options
if (!is.null(routeOptions)) {
routeOptions <- otp_validate_routing_options(routeOptions)
if (!is.null(routeOptions)) {
querylist <- c(querylist, routeOptions)
urls <- build_urls(surfaceUrl,fromPlace, toPlace = NULL, querylist)
message(Sys.time()," making ",length(urls)," surfaces using ",ncores," threads")
results <- progressr::with_progress(otp_async(urls, ncores, post = TRUE))
# convert response content into text
asjson <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(unlist(results, use.names = FALSE),
parse_error_ok = TRUE,
always_list = TRUE)
#' Create a pointset
#' Pointsets are text files tha can be used by the Analyist feature in OTP 1.5
#' @param points sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param name Character, name for pointset
#' @param dir A character string, path to a directory containing the necessary
#' files, see details
#' @family routing
#' @return
#' Returns a data.frame of SF POINTS or Coordinates of all
#' the locations that match `query`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' locations <- otp_geocode(otpcon, "High Street")
#' }
#' @details
#' OTP will return a maximum of 10 results
#' @export
otp_pointset <- function(points = NULL,
name = NULL,
dir = NULL) {
if(!"sf" %in% class(points)){
stop("points is not an sf object")
if(any(sf::st_geometry_type(points) != "POINT")){
stop("points is not make up of points")
stop("points is not in lng/lat format use sf::st_transform(points, 4326)")
coords <- as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(points))
names(coords) <- c("lon","lat")
coords <- coords[,2:1]
points <- sf::st_drop_geometry(points)
points <- cbind(coords, points)
cls <- vapply(points, class, FUN.VALUE = "character", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
points <- points[,cls %in% c("integer","numeric")]
stop("NA values are not allowed in pointsets")
file = file.path(dir,"pointsets",paste0(name,".csv")),
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
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