
Defines functions NodeLabelList ReturnTaxSet AutofillTaxonNames DropADim RepeatDataToDrop MakeTreeData CombineHierarchyInfo MergeTaxonomies subsetDataForHierTrees MakeHierarchyTree

Documented in AutofillTaxonNames MakeHierarchyTree MakeTreeData MergeTaxonomies NodeLabelList ReturnTaxSet

#' Creates Hierarchical Trees
#' These functions will create a taxonomic tree (dendrogram) based on ranking from EOLs provider
#' (hierarchy) pages.
#' @export
#' @param MyHiers A vector of filenames or a list of XMLs for downloaded EOL pages
#' @param TreeData A dataframe of taxonomic hierarchy information out of MakeTreeData function
#' @param missingData If tip taxa are not all the same taxonomic rank, should Reol cleave out taxa
#' or hierarchical rank first
#' @param includeNodeLabels Option to write node labels to phylogenetic tree (Note, this can also
#' be done separately using \code{NodeLabelList}
#' @param userRanks Option for the user to define their own hierarchical pattern to make a tree.
#' This will define which ranked classifications to include in the final tree.  If left NULL, it
#' will try to keep as much information as possible.
#' @param Taxon Taxonomic group that contains subunits
#' @param label Which hierarchical units should be included in the node labels
#' @param i A Hierarchical Taxonomy (ex: Kingdom, Class, Species)
#' @param j A Hierarchical Taxonomy (ex: Class, Genus, Species)
#' @return \code{MakeTreeData} returns a data frame with data for use in \code{MakeHierarchyTree}
#' function, but can also be used independently to examine the hierarchical structure.
#' \code{AutofillTaxonNames} is an internal function that deals with missing internal data in
#' TreeData. If taxa are of varying hierarchical ranks (for example a mix of genera and species)
#' then tips can not be aligned in the tree.  You will need to select what data you would like
#' to drop from the analysis; for example, either taxa with missing species information OR all
#' species names that will then make a tree of genera. \code{MakeHierarchyTree} returns taxonomic
#' tree in the class phylo. \code{ReturnTaxSet} will return the tree tips for the taxonomic group
#' requested, this is mostly an internal function for creating node labels. \code{MakeNodeLabels}
#' will return a list of tip labels per internal node.  This can be used to create node labels to
#' plot on the tree. \code{MergeTaxonomies} will merge two taxonomies into a single list that
#' preserves hierarchical structure. It is mostly for internal use.
#' @details This tree displays taxonomic structuring only and is not the result of a phylogenetic
#' analysis. Alos note that not all providers return hierarchy information, if errors or no tree
#' is returned it is likely that information is missing and you may have to use another provider.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ProviderCount}} \code{\link{DownloadHierarchy}} \code{\link{MakeEdgeLabels}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(MyHiers)
#' TreeData <- MakeTreeData(MyHiers)
#' Tree <- MakeHierarchyTree(MyHiers, includeNodeLabels=TRUE)
#' labels <- NodeLabelList(MyHiers, "all")
#' plot(Tree, show.node.label=TRUE)
#' plot(Tree, "c", show.node.label=TRUE, adj=0.5, font=3, edge.color="gray",
#'        tip.color=rainbow(10))
#' }

MakeHierarchyTree <- function(MyHiers, missingData=NULL, includeNodeLabels=TRUE, userRanks=NULL) {
  TreeData <- MakeTreeData(MyHiers)
  pattern <- paste("~", paste(colnames(TreeData), sep="", collapse="/"), sep="")
    TreeData <- TreeData[,which(colnames(TreeData) %in% userRanks)]
    TreeData <- AutofillTaxonNames(TreeData)
    #TreeData <- DropADim(TreeData)
    pattern <- paste("~", paste(colnames(TreeData), sep="", collapse="/"), sep="")
  if(any(apply(TreeData, 2, RepeatDataToDrop))) {
      TreeData <- AutofillTaxonNames(TreeData)
      if(colnames(TreeData[dim(TreeData)[2]]) != strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]])]){
          stop("Tip taxa are differing hierarchical ranks, you need to choose an option in missingData whether to drop taxa or ranks.")
        if(missingData == "pruneTaxa")
          TreeData <- TreeData[-which(is.na(TreeData[,dim(TreeData)[2]])),]
    DataToDrop <- which(apply(TreeData, 2, RepeatDataToDrop))
      pattern <- paste("~", paste(colnames(TreeData)[-DataToDrop], sep="", collapse="/"), sep="")
  if(colnames(TreeData[dim(TreeData)[2]]) != strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]])]){
    paste("Your hierarchy files contain information to the", colnames(TreeData[dim(TreeData)[2]]), "level, however not all taxa have this information. In order to make a tree the tips must align, so information was pruned to", strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(pattern, "/")[[1]])])
    paste("If you want to make a", colnames(TreeData[dim(TreeData)[2]]), "tree, change the missingData argument to pruneTaxa, which will remove taxa without", colnames(TreeData[dim(TreeData)[2]]))
  if(pattern == "~")
    stop("Error in Tree Building: try MakeTreeData(MyHiers) to see if there is hierarchical data associated with your files")
  fo <- stats::as.formula(pattern)
  TreeData <- as.data.frame(apply(TreeData, 2, factor))
  tree <- ladderize(as.phylo.formula(fo, data=TreeData))
    tree <- makeNodeLabel(tree, method="u", nodeList=NodeLabelList(MyHiers, "all", missingData=missingData), fixed=TRUE)  #maybe change this later when other options

subsetDataForHierTrees <- function(oneFileHier, HierID) {
  oneFileHier <- matrix(oneFileHier[1:which(oneFileHier[,6] == HierID),], ncol=7)  #stop at HierID to avoid taking children
  oneFileHier  <- matrix(oneFileHier[which(!duplicated(oneFileHier[,2])),], ncol=7) #delete repeats
  oneFileHier  <- matrix(oneFileHier[!is.na(oneFileHier[,2]),], ncol=7) #delete NAs; ncol is hard coded to be 7 columns so that R doesn't convert to a vector when there is a single row.
  if(any(oneFileHier[,2] == "unranked clade"))
    oneFileHier  <- oneFileHier[-which(oneFileHier[,2] == "unranked clade"),] #delete unranked

#' @rdname MakeHierarchyTree
#' @export
MergeTaxonomies <- function(i, j) {
  combined <- i
  `%ni%` = Negate(`%in%`)
  outlier.pos <- which(j %ni% i)
  for (outlier.index in sequence(length(outlier.pos))) {
    if (outlier.pos[outlier.index] == 1) {
      paste("Haven't dealt with this yet")
    previous.pos <- which(grepl(j[outlier.pos[outlier.index] - 1], combined))[1]
    if ((previous.pos+1) <= length(combined))
      combined <- c(combined[1:previous.pos], j[outlier.pos[outlier.index]], combined[(previous.pos+1): length(combined)])
      combined <- c(combined[1:previous.pos], j[outlier.pos[outlier.index]])

CombineHierarchyInfo <- function(MyHiers) {
  CombFiles <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=7)
  longestHierTaxon <- 0  #start at 0, so it accepts the first file as the longest
  MergedTax <- NULL
  for(i in sequence(length(MyHiers))) {
    OFH <- OneFileHierarchy(MyHiers[i])
    if(dim(OFH)[1] <= 1)
      cat(paste(OFH[1,1], "has no higher taxonomic rankings, so it must be dropped\n"))
    if(dim(OFH)[1] > 1){
      oneFile <- subsetDataForHierTrees(OFH, GetHierID(MyHiers[i]))
      if(dim(oneFile)[1] <= 1)
        cat(paste(OFH[1,1], "has no higher taxonomic rankings, so it must be dropped\n"))
      if(dim(oneFile)[1] > 1) {
        Tax <- oneFile[,2]
        MergedTax <- MergeTaxonomies(Tax, MergedTax)
        if(length(oneFile[,2]) > longestHierTaxon) {
          longestHierTaxon <- max(longestHierTaxon, length(oneFile[,2]))
          CombFiles <- rbind(oneFile, CombFiles)  #puts longest hierarchies first in combined files
          CombFiles <- as.data.frame(CombFiles, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        CombFiles <- rbind(CombFiles, oneFile)  #puts shorter hierarchies after
  return(list(CombFiles, MergedTax))

#' @rdname MakeHierarchyTree
#' @export
MakeTreeData <- function(MyHiers) {
  MyHiers <- RemoveNAFiles(MyHiers)
  CombFiles <- CombineHierarchyInfo(MyHiers)
  whichColumns <- CombFiles[[2]]
  TreeData <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(MyHiers), ncol=length(whichColumns)))
  colnames(TreeData) <- whichColumns
  for(i in sequence(length(MyHiers))) {
    #here go one at a time and add each row
    oneFile <- subsetDataForHierTrees(OneFileHierarchy(MyHiers[i]), GetHierID(MyHiers[i]))
    for(j in sequence(dim(oneFile)[1])){
      colPosition <- which(colnames(TreeData) == oneFile[j,2])
      TreeData[i,colPosition] <- oneFile[j,1]
      TreeData <- as.data.frame(TreeData, stringsAsFactors=T)

RepeatDataToDrop <- function(TreeData) {
  #Drop any columns that are the same or NA
  if(length(unique(TreeData)) == 1)

DropADim <- function(TreeData) {
    rowPercent <- apply(is.na(TreeData), 1, sum)/dim(TreeData)[2]
    colPercent <- apply(is.na(TreeData), 2, sum)/dim(TreeData)[1]
    maxPercent <- max(c(rowPercent, colPercent))
    if(maxPercent %in% rowPercent)
      TreeData  <- TreeData[-which(rowPercent == maxPercent), ]
    if(maxPercent %in% colPercent)
      TreeData  <- TreeData[,-which(colPercent == maxPercent)]

#' @rdname MakeHierarchyTree
#' @export
AutofillTaxonNames <- function(TreeData){
  #autofill in missing data with child taxon names
  for(i in sequence(dim(TreeData)[1])){
    columnNAs <- which(is.na(TreeData[i,]))
    columnInfo <- which(!is.na(TreeData[i,]))
      if(max(columnNAs) > max(columnInfo)){
        columnNAs <- columnNAs[-which(columnNAs > max(columnInfo))]
      for (j in rev(sequence(length(columnNAs)))){
        ChildTaxonPlace <- which(columnInfo > columnNAs[j])[1]
        #TreeData[i, columnNAs[j]] <- paste(colnames(TreeData)[columnNAs[j]], TreeData[i, columnInfo[ChildTaxonPlace]], sep="")
        TreeData[i, columnNAs[j]] <- paste(TreeData[i, columnInfo[ChildTaxonPlace]], sep="")

#' @rdname MakeHierarchyTree
#' @export
ReturnTaxSet <- function(Taxon, TreeData) {
	whichRows <- which(TreeData == Taxon, TRUE)[,1]
	return(TreeData[whichRows, dim(TreeData)[2]])

#' @rdname MakeHierarchyTree
#' @export
NodeLabelList <- function(MyHiers, label="all", missingData) {  #also make an option to just label genus, etc.
  TreeData <- MakeTreeData(MyHiers)
    TreeData <- AutofillTaxonNames(TreeData)
    if(any(is.na(TreeData)) && !is.null(missingData)){
      if(missingData == "pruneTaxa")
        TreeData <- TreeData[-which(is.na(TreeData[,dim(TreeData)[2]])),]
  DataToDrop <- which(apply(TreeData, 2, RepeatDataToDrop))
    TreeData <- TreeData[,-DataToDrop]
  if(label == "all")
    uniqueTaxSets <- c(apply(TreeData[,-dim(TreeData)[2]], 2, unique), recursive=T)
  ListOfSpeciesPerNode <- lapply(uniqueTaxSets, ReturnTaxSet, TreeData= TreeData)
  names(ListOfSpeciesPerNode) <- uniqueTaxSets
  ListOfSpeciesPerNode <- ListOfSpeciesPerNode[which(lapply(ListOfSpeciesPerNode, length) > 1)]
  if(any(c(lapply(ListOfSpeciesPerNode, duplicated), recursive=T))){
    for(i in rev(sequence(length(ListOfSpeciesPerNode)))){
        ListOfSpeciesPerNode[[i]] <- ListOfSpeciesPerNode[[i]][-which(duplicated(ListOfSpeciesPerNode[[i]]))]
  if(any(c(lapply(ListOfSpeciesPerNode, length), recursive=T) == 1))
    ListOfSpeciesPerNode <- ListOfSpeciesPerNode[-which(c(lapply(ListOfSpeciesPerNode, length), recursive=T) == 1)]
  if(any(is.na(names(ListOfSpeciesPerNode))) || any(names(ListOfSpeciesPerNode) == "Not assigned")){
    whichMissing <- c(which(is.na(names(ListOfSpeciesPerNode))), which(names(ListOfSpeciesPerNode) == "Not assigned"))
    ListOfSpeciesPerNode <- ListOfSpeciesPerNode[-whichMissing]
ropensci/reol documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:33 p.m.