
Defines functions valid_email check_within_a_pkg mssg_get_rules mssg2 mssg package_name email_token_check email_get_token assert_validated_email_for_check get_email get_maintainer_email parse_email stract list_validated_emails2 get_email_to_validate interactive_validate_email fetch_token token_registered cchn_valid request_token email_file_path add_token

# much of the below code adapted from r-hub/rhub
add_token <- function(email, token) {
  file <- email_file_path()
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    parent <- dirname(file)
    if (!file.exists(parent)) dir.create(parent, recursive = TRUE)
    toks <- data.frame(V1 = character(), V2 = character(),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    toks <- utils::read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
  if (email %in% toks[, 1]) {
    toks[which(email == toks[,1]), 2] <- token
  } else {
    toks <- rbind(toks, c(email, token))
  utils::write.table(toks, file = file, sep = ",", col.names = FALSE,
    row.names = FALSE)

email_file_path <- function() {
  if (Sys.getenv("CCHECKS_TESTING", "FALSE")) {
  } else {
    file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir("cranchecks", "cchecks"),

request_token <- function(email, ...) {
  args <- ct(list(email = email))
  ccc_GET("notifications/token", args, email = NULL, no_token = TRUE, ...)

cchn_valid <- function(token = NULL) {
  z <- tryCatch(cchn_rule_list(token = token), error = function(e) e)
  !inherits(z, "error")

token_registered <- function(email) {
  file <- email_file_path()
  if (file.exists(file)) {
    toks <- utils::read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
    if (email %in% toks[, 1]) {
      token <- toks[which(email == toks[,1]), 2]
      if (cchn_valid(token)) {
        message("email '", email, "' already registered")
      } # if FALSE, we return FALSE below and ask for new token

fetch_token <- function(email) {
  toks <- utils::read.csv(email_file_path(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    header = FALSE)
  toks[which(email == toks[,1]), 2]

interactive_validate_email <- function(email, token, path = ".", ...) {
  if (is.null(email)) email <- get_email_to_validate(path)
  stopifnot("'email' is not a valid email" = grepl(".@.", email))

  if (token_registered(email)) {
    return(cchn_register(email, fetch_token(email)))
  if (is.null(token)) {
    request_token(email, ...)
      "Check your emails for the CRAN checks token (may not arrive immediately)\n",
      "Paste in the token without quotes"
    token <- readline("Token: ")
  stopifnot(grepl("[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}", token, perl = TRUE))
  cchn_register(email, token)

get_email_to_validate <- function(path) {
  valid <- list_validated_emails2(msg_if_empty = FALSE)
  guess <- whoami::email_address()
  maint <- tryCatch(get_maintainer_email(path), error = function(e) NULL)

  choices <- rbind(
    if (nrow(valid)) cbind(valid = TRUE, valid),
    if (!is.null(guess) && ! guess %in% valid$email) {
      tibble::tibble(valid = FALSE, email = guess, token = NA)
    if (!is.null(maint) && ! maint %in% valid$email && maint != guess) {
      tibble::tibble(valid = FALSE, email = maint, token = NA)
    tibble::tibble(valid = NA, email = "New email address", token = NA)

  ## Only show the menu if there is more than one thing there
  if (nrow(choices) != 1) {
    choices_str <- paste(
      sep = "  ",
        choices$valid & !is.na(choices$valid),
        " "

    title <- crayon::yellow(paste0(
      symbol$line, symbol$line,
      " Choose email address to (re)validate (or 0 to exit)"
    ch <- menu(choices_str, title = title)

    if (ch == 0) stop("Cancelled email validation", call. = FALSE)

  } else {
    ch <- 1

  ## Get another address if that is selected
  if (is.na(choices$valid[ch])) {
    email <- readline("Email address: ")
  } else {
    email <- choices$email[ch]

list_validated_emails2 <- function(msg_if_empty = TRUE) {
  file <- email_file_path()
  res <- if (file.exists(file)) {
      utils::read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE),
      names = c("email", "token")
  } else {
      email = character(),
      token = character(),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if (interactive() && nrow(res) == 0) {
    if (msg_if_empty) message("No validated emails found.")
  } else {

stract <- function(str, pattern) regmatches(str, regexpr(pattern, str))

parse_email <- function(x) {
    rematch::re_match(pattern = "<(?<email>[^>]+)>", x)[, "email"]

get_maintainer_email <- function(path) {
  path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE)
  if (file.info(path)$isdir) {
    if (!file.exists(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
      stop("No 'DESCRIPTION' file found")
  } else {
    stop("does not appear to be a package")
get_email <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
  assert(quiet, "logical")
  file <- email_file_path()
  if (!file.exists(file))
    stop("emails.csv file not found; see ?cchn_register", call. = FALSE)
  df <- utils::read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
  if (NROW(df) == 0) {
    stop("emails.csv file empty; see ?cchn_register", call. = FALSE)
  if (NROW(df) > 1) {
    if (!quiet) {
      warning("> 1 emails found in emails.csv; ",
        "using first email; ",
        "re-arrange emails in file to set a different preferred email",
        call. = FALSE)

assert_validated_email_for_check <- function(email) {
  token <- email_get_token(email)
  if (is.null(token)) {
    stop(paste(collapse = "\n", strwrap(indent = 2, exdent = 2, paste(
      sQuote(crayon::green(email)), "is not validated, see ?cchn_register"

email_get_token <- function(email) {
  file <- email_file_path()
  if (!file.exists(file)) return(NULL)

  tokens <- utils::read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
  if (!email %in% tokens[,1]) return(NULL)

  tokens[match(email, tokens[,1]), 2]

email_token_check <- function(email = NULL) {
  if (is.na(email)) stop("Cannot get email address from package")

package_name <- function(package, path = ".") {
  if (is.null(package)) {
    if (!desc::desc_has_fields("Package", file = path))
      stop("could not find package name")
    package <- desc::desc_get_field("Package", file = path)

mssg <- function(package, rule) {
    left = "success ", line = 2, line_col = "blue", width = 30
    paste("package:", crayon::style(package, "lightblue"))
    paste("rule:", crayon::style(rule, "purple"))
  cli::cat_line("list rules: ",
    crayon::style("cchn_pkg_rule_list()/cchn_rule_list()", "underline"))
mssg2 <- function(package, rule) {
    left = "success ", line = 2, line_col = "blue", width = 30
    paste("package:", crayon::style(package, "lightblue"))
    paste("rule:", crayon::style(rule, "purple"))
mssg_get_rules <- function() {
  cli::cat_line("list rules: ", crayon::style("cchn_rule_list()", "underline"))

check_within_a_pkg <- function(path = ".") {
  x <- tryCatch(desc::desc(file = path), error = function(e) e)
  !inherits(x, "error")

valid_email <- function(email) {
  assert(email, "character")
  if (!grepl(".@.", email)) stop("`email` is not a valid email")
  # x <- Address$new(email)
  # if (!x$valid()) stop("invalid email address: ", email, call. = FALSE)
  # if (!x$valid()) stop(x$fail(), call. = FALSE)
ropenscilabs/cchecks documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 3:54 a.m.