
Defines functions extract_col_rows extract_rows dt_ldply dt_ddply make_names

Documented in dt_ddply dt_ldply

# list_to_dataframe = plyr:::list_to_dataframe
loop_apply = plyr:::loop_apply
splitter_d = plyr:::splitter_d

#' @importFrom plyr . each progress_none create_progress_bar as.quoted 
#' quickdf rbind.fill.matrix
#' @export

make_names <- function(x, prefix = "X") {
    nm <- names(x)
    if (is.null(nm)) {
        nm <- rep.int("", length(x))
    n <- sum(nm == "", na.rm = TRUE)
    nm[nm == ""] <- paste(prefix, seq_len(n), sep = "")

unrowname <- . %>% set_rownames(NULL)

#' Split `data.table`, apply function, and return results in a `data.table`.
#' For each subset of a `data.table`, apply function then combine results into a `data.table`.
#' @inheritParams plyr::ddply
#' @inheritParams purrr::map
#' @importFrom purrr as_mapper
#' @example R/examples/ex-ddply.R
#' @export
dt_ddply <- function(.data, .variables, .f = NULL, ..., .progress = "none",
                   .drop = TRUE, .parallel = FALSE) {
    if (empty(.data)) {
    .f <- as_mapper(.f, ...)
    .variables <- as.quoted(.variables)
    pieces <- splitter_d(.data, .variables, drop = .drop)
        .data = pieces, .f = .f, ..., .progress = .progress,
        .parallel = .parallel

#' @rdname dt_ddply
#' @export
dt_ldply <- function(.data, .f = NULL, ..., .progress = "none", 
    .parallel = FALSE, .id = NA) {

     if (!inherits(.data, "split")) 
        .data <- as.list(.data)
    res <- llply(.data = .data, .f = .f, ..., .progress = .progress, 
        .parallel = .parallel)
    # res <- llply(
    #     .data = .data, .f = .f, ..., .progress = .progress,
    #     .parallel = .parallel)
    if (identical(.id, NA)) {
        .id <- ".id"
        id_as_factor <- FALSE
    } else {
        id_as_factor <- TRUE
    list_to_dataframe(res, attr(.data, "split_labels"), .id, id_as_factor)

#' @rdname dt_ddply
#' @export
dt_dlply <- function (.data, .variables, .f = NULL, ..., .progress = "none", 
    .drop = TRUE, .parallel = FALSE) 
    .variables <- as.quoted(.variables)
    pieces <- splitter_d(.data, .variables, drop = .drop)
    llply(.data = pieces, .f = .f, ..., .progress = .progress, 
        .parallel = .parallel)

list_to_dataframe <- function (res, labels = NULL, id_name = NULL, id_as_factor = FALSE) {

    null <- vapply(res, is.null, logical(1))
    res <- res[!null]
    if (length(res) == 0) 
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        stopifnot(nrow(labels) == length(null))
        labels <- labels[!null, , drop = FALSE]
    names_res <- names(res)
    if (!is.null(id_name) && is.null(labels) && !is.null(names_res)) {
        stopifnot(length(id_name) == 1)
        if (id_as_factor) 
            names_res <- factor(names_res, levels = unique(names_res))
        labels <- data.frame(.id = names_res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        names(labels) <- id_name
    atomic <- unlist(lapply(res, is.atomic))
    df <- unlist(lapply(res, is.data.frame))
    mat <- unlist(lapply(res, is.matrix))

    if (all(mat)) {
        resdf <- as.data.frame(rbind.fill.matrix(res))
        rows <- unlist(lapply(res, NROW))
    } else if (all(atomic)) {
        nrow <- length(res)
        ncol <- unique(unlist(lapply(res, length)))
        if (length(ncol) != 1) 
            stop("Results do not have equal lengths")
        vec <- unname(do.call("c", res))
        resdf <- quickdf(unname(split(vec, rep(seq_len(ncol), 
        names(resdf) <- make_names(res[[1]], "V")
        rows <- rep(1, length(nrow))
    } else if (all(df)) {
        # browser()
        # resdf <- rbind.fill(res)
        resdf <- do.call(rbind, res)
        rows <- unlist(lapply(res, NROW))
    } else {
        stop("Results must be all atomic, or all data frames")
    if (is.null(labels)) 
    names(labels) <- make_names(labels, "X")
    cols <- setdiff(names(labels), names(resdf))
    labels <- labels[rep(1:nrow(labels), rows), cols, drop = FALSE]
    if (is_empty(cols)) set_rownames(resdf, NULL) else cbind(data.table(labels), resdf)

# indexed, indexed_df
#' @export
"[[.indexed" <- function(x, i) {
  out <- extract_rows(x$data, x$index[[i]])  
  attr(out, "vars") <- x$vars

extract_rows <- function(x, i) {
  if (is.data.table(x)) return( data.table:::`[.data.table`(x, i, drop = FALSE) )
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) return( x[i, , drop = FALSE] )

  n <- ncol(x)

  out <- lapply(seq_len(n), extract_col_rows, df = x, i = i)

  names(out) <- names(x)
  class(out) <- class(x) #"data.frame"
  attr(out, "row.names") <- c(NA_integer_, -length(out[[1]]))


extract_col_rows <- function(df, i, j) {
  col <- .subset2(df, j)
  if (isS4(col)) return(col[i])

  if (is.null(attr(col, "class"))) {
    .subset(col, i)
  } else if (inherits(col, "factor") || inherits(col, "POSIXt")) {
    out <- .subset(col, i)
    attributes(out) <- attributes(col)
  } else {
rpkgs/Ipaper documentation built on March 24, 2024, 3:09 p.m.