
Defines functions map_to_index map_to_boundaries map_to_xpos plot.scan1 plot_scan1

Documented in plot_scan1 plot.scan1

#' Plot a genome scan
#' Plot LOD curves for a genome scan
#' @param x An object of class `"scan1"`, as output by [scan1()].
#' @param map A list of vectors of marker positions, as produced by
#' [insert_pseudomarkers()].
#' @param lodcolumn LOD score column to plot (a numeric index, or a
#' character string for a column name). Only one value allowed.
#' @param chr Selected chromosomes to plot; a vector of character
#' strings.
#' @param add If TRUE, add to current plot (must have same map and
#' chromosomes).
#' @param gap Gap between chromosomes. The default is 1% of the total genome length.
#' @param ... Additional graphics parameters.
#' @seealso [plot_coef()], [plot_coefCC()], [plot_snpasso()]
#' @section Hidden graphics parameters:
#' A number of graphics parameters can be passed via `...`. For
#' example, `bgcolor` to control the background color and
#' `altbgcolor` to control the background color on alternate chromosomes.
#' `col` controls the color of lines/curves; `altcol` can be used if
#' you want alternative chromosomes in different colors.
#' These are not included as formal parameters in order to avoid
#' cluttering the function definition.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics rect lines par axis title abline box
#' @return None.
#' @examples
#' # read data
#' iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "iron.zip", package="qtl2"))
#' # insert pseudomarkers into map
#' map <- insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1)
#' # calculate genotype probabilities
#' probs <- calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002)
#' # grab phenotypes and covariates; ensure that covariates have names attribute
#' pheno <- iron$pheno
#' covar <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m")) # make numeric
#' names(covar) <- rownames(iron$covar)
#' Xcovar <- get_x_covar(iron)
#' # perform genome scan
#' out <- scan1(probs, pheno, addcovar=covar, Xcovar=Xcovar)
#' # plot the results for selected chromosomes
#' ylim <- c(0, maxlod(out)*1.02) # need to strip class to get overall max LOD
#' chr <- c(2,7,8,9,15,16)
#' plot(out, map, chr=chr, ylim=ylim)
#' plot(out, map, lodcolumn=2, chr=chr, col="violetred", add=TRUE)
#' legend("topleft", lwd=2, col=c("darkslateblue", "violetred"), colnames(out),
#'        bg="gray90")
#' # plot just one chromosome
#' plot(out, map, chr=8, ylim=ylim)
#' plot(out, map, chr=8, lodcolumn=2, col="violetred", add=TRUE)
#' # lodcolumn can also be a column name
#' plot(out, map, lodcolumn="liver", ylim=ylim)
#' plot(out, map, lodcolumn="spleen", col="violetred", add=TRUE)
plot_scan1 <-
    function(x, map, lodcolumn=1, chr=NULL, add=FALSE, gap=NULL, ...)
    if(is.null(map)) stop("map is NULL")

    if(!is.list(map)) map <- list(" "=map) # if a vector, treat it as a list with no names

    # if input x is a vector, try turning it into a matrix, since we'll be pull out row names
    if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x) && is.numeric(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    # subset chromosomes
    if(!is.null(chr)) {
        chri <- match(chr, names(map))
            stop("Chromosomes ", paste(chr[is.na(chri)], collapse=", "), " not found")
        x <- subset_scan1(x, map, chr)
        map <- map[chri]

    if(is.null(gap)) gap <- sum(chr_lengths(map))/100
    if(!is_nonneg_number(gap)) stop("gap should be a single non-negative number")

    # align scan1 output and map
    tmp <- align_scan1_map(x, map)
    x <- tmp$scan1
    map <- tmp$map

    if(nrow(x) != length(unlist(map)))
        stop("nrow(x) [", nrow(x), "] != number of positions in map [",
             length(unlist(map)), "]")

    # pull out lod scores
    if(length(lodcolumn)==0) stop("lodcolumn has length 0")
    if(length(lodcolumn) > 1) { # If length > 1, take first value
        warning("lodcolumn should have length 1; only first element used.")
        lodcolumn <- lodcolumn[1]
    if(is.character(lodcolumn)) { # turn column name into integer
        tmp <- match(lodcolumn, colnames(x))
        if(is.na(tmp)) stop('lodcolumn "', lodcolumn, '" not found')
        lodcolumn <- tmp
    if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > ncol(x))
        stop("lodcolumn [", lodcolumn, "] out of range (should be in 1, ..., ", ncol(x), ")")
    lod <- unclass(x)[,lodcolumn]

    # internal function; trick to be able to pull things out of "..."
    #    but still have some defaults for them
    plot_scan1_internal <-
        function(map, lod, add=FALSE, gap=NULL,
                 bgcolor="gray90", altbgcolor="gray85",
                 lwd=2, col="darkslateblue", altcol=NULL,
                 xlab=NULL, ylab="LOD score",
                 xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
                 main="", mgp.x=c(2.6, 0.5, 0), mgp.y=c(2.6, 0.5, 0),
                 mgp=NULL, las=1,
                 hlines=NULL, hlines_col="white", hlines_lwd=1, hlines_lty=1,
                 vlines=NULL, vlines_col="white", vlines_lwd=1, vlines_lty=1,
                 sub="", ...)
            dots <- list(...)
            onechr <- (length(map)==1) # single chromosome

            xpos <- map_to_xpos(map, gap)
            chrbound <- map_to_boundaries(map, gap)

            if(!add) { # new plot
                    ylim <- c(0, max(lod, na.rm=TRUE)*1.02)

                if(is.null(xlim)) {
                    xlim <- range(xpos, na.rm=TRUE)
                    if(!onechr) xlim <- xlim + c(-gap/2, gap/2)

                if(is.null(xlab)) {
                    if(onechr) {
                        if(names(map) == " ") xlab <- "Position"
                        else xlab <- paste("Chr", names(map), "position")
                    else xlab <- "Chromosome"

                # margin parameters
                if(!is.null(mgp)) mgp.x <- mgp.y <- mgp

                # make basic plot
                plot(xpos, lod, xlab="", ylab="", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                     xaxs=xaxs, yaxs=yaxs, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", type="n",
                     main=main, sub=sub)

                # add background rectangles
                u <- par("usr")
                    rect(u[1], u[3], u[2], u[4], col=bgcolor, border=NA)
                if(!is.null(altbgcolor) && !onechr) {
                    for(i in seq(2, ncol(chrbound), by=2))
                        rect(chrbound[1,i], u[3], chrbound[2,i], u[4], col=altbgcolor, border=NA)

                # include axis labels?
                if(is.null(dots$xaxt)) dots$xaxt <- par("xaxt")
                if(is.null(dots$yaxt)) dots$yaxt <- par("yaxt")

                # add x axis unless par(xaxt="n")
                if(dots$xaxt != "n") {
                    if(onechr) {
                        axis(side=1, at=pretty(xlim), mgp=mgp.x, las=las, tick=FALSE)
                    else {
                        loc <- colMeans(chrbound)
                        odd <- seq(1, length(map), by=2)
                        even <- seq(2, length(map), by=2)
                        axis(side=1, at=loc[odd], names(map)[odd],
                             mgp=mgp.x, las=las, tick=FALSE)
                        axis(side=1, at=loc[even], names(map)[even],
                             mgp=mgp.x, las=las, tick=FALSE)

                # add y axis unless par(yaxt="n")
                if(dots$yaxt != "n") {
                    axis(side=2, at=pretty(ylim), mgp=mgp.y, las=las, tick=FALSE)
                dots$xaxt <- dots$yaxt <- NULL # delete those

                # x and y axis labels
                title(xlab=xlab, mgp=mgp.x)
                title(ylab=ylab, mgp=mgp.y)

                # grid lines
                if(onechr && !(length(vlines)==1 && is.na(vlines))) { # if vlines==NA (or mult chr), skip lines
                    if(is.null(vlines)) vlines <- pretty(xlim)
                    abline(v=vlines, col=vlines_col, lwd=vlines_lwd, lty=vlines_lty)
                if(!(length(hlines)==1 && is.na(hlines))) { # if hlines==NA, skip lines
                    if(is.null(hlines)) hlines <- pretty(ylim)
                    abline(h=hlines, col=hlines_col, lwd=hlines_lwd, lty=hlines_lty)

            # plot each chromosome
            indexes <- map_to_index(map)
            for(i in seq(along=indexes)) {
                # if altcol provided, have chromosomes alternate colors
                if(is.null(altcol) || i %% 2) this_col <- col
                else this_col <- altcol

                lines(xpos[indexes[[i]]], lod[indexes[[i]]],
                           lwd=lwd, col=this_col, ...)

            # add box just in case

    # make the plot
    plot_scan1_internal(map=map, lod=lod, add=add, gap=gap, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_scan1
plot.scan1 <-
    function(x, map, lodcolumn=1, chr=NULL, add=FALSE, gap=NULL, ...)
    if(is.null(map)) stop("map is NULL")

    # if map looks like snpinfo, assume this is a snp asso result and use plot_snpasso()
    if(is.data.frame(map) && "index" %in% names(map)) {
        plot_snpasso(x, snpinfo=map, lodcolumn=lodcolumn, add=add, gap=gap, chr=chr, ...)
    else { # mostly, use plot_scan1()
        plot_scan1(x, map=map, lodcolumn=lodcolumn, chr=chr, add=add, gap=gap, ...)

# convert map to x-axis positions for plot_scan1
map_to_xpos <-
    function(map, gap=NULL)
    if(is.null(gap)) sum(chr_lengths(map))/100

    if(length(map)==1) return(map[[1]])

    chr_range <- vapply(map, range, c(0,1), na.rm=TRUE)

    result <- map[[1]]-chr_range[1,1] + gap/2
    for(i in 2:length(map)) {
        result <- c(result,
                    map[[i]] - chr_range[1,i] + gap + max(result, na.rm=TRUE))

# boundaries of chromosomes in plot_scan1
# first row: left edges
# second row: right edges
map_to_boundaries <-
    function(map, gap=NULL)
    if(is.null(gap)) gap <- sum(chr_lengths(map))/100

        return(cbind(range(map[[1]], na.rm=TRUE)))

    # range of each chromosome
    chr_range <- lapply(map, range, na.rm=TRUE)

    # corresponding xpos, as matrix with two rows
    startend <- matrix(map_to_xpos(chr_range, gap), nrow=2)

    startend[1,] <- startend[1,] - gap/2
    startend[2,] <- startend[2,] + gap/2


# convert map to list of indexes to LOD vector
map_to_index <-
    if(length(map)==1) {
        map[[1]] <- seq(along=map[[1]])

    lengths <- vapply(map, length, 0)
    split(seq_len(sum(lengths)), rep(seq(along=map), lengths))
rqtl/qtl2 documentation built on June 30, 2024, 7:33 a.m.