
Defines functions getQuantilesDifferencesWeighted getBootstrapSample getOR compute.ORdensity findbestKclustering

#' @title An S4 class for representing potential differentially expressed genes
#' @description An object of class ORdensity includes all potential differentially expressed genes
#' given microarray data measured in two experimental conditions.
#' @name ORdensity
#' @rdname ORdensity
#' @exportClass ORdensity
#' @references Irigoien and Arenas (2018)
#' Identification of differentially expressed genes by means of outlier detection.
#' \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}, 19:317
#' @author Jose Maria Martinez-Otzeta, Itziar Irigoien, Concepcion Arenas
#' @export silhouetteAnalysis
#' @export findDEgenes
#' @export preclusteredData
#' @slot Exp_cond_1 Matrix including microarray data measured under experimental condition 1.
#' @slot Exp_cond_2 matrix including microarray data measured under experimental condition 2.
#' @slot labels  Vector of characters identifying the genes, by default
#' rownames(Exp_cond_1) is inherited. If NULL,
#' the genes are named ‘Gene1’, ..., ‘Genen' according to the order given in \code{Exp_cond_1}.
#' @slot B Numeric value indicating the number of bootstrap iterations. By default, \code{B}=100.
#' @slot scale Logical value to indicate whether the scaling of the difference of quantiles should be done.
#' @slot alpha Numeric value to control the bootstrap threshold. By default 0.05.
#' @slot fold Numeric value, by default \code{fold}=10. It controls the number of partitions.
#' @slot probs Vector of numerics. It sets the quantiles to be considered. By default
#' \code{probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)}.
#' @slot weights Vector of numerics. It controls the weights given to the quantiles set in \code{probs}. 
#' By default  \code{weights = c(1/4, 1/2, 1/4)}.
#' @slot numneighbours Numeric value to set the number of nearest neighbours. By default \code{numneighbours=10}.
#' @slot numclustoseek Numeric value to set the number of maximum clusters to consider. By default \code{numclustoseek=10}.
#' @slot out List containing the potential DE genes and their characteristics.
#' @examples
#' # To create an instance of a class ORdensity given data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)

ORdensity <- setClass(
	slots = c(Exp_cond_1="matrix", Exp_cond_2="matrix", labels="character", 
	          B="numeric", scale="logical", alpha="numeric", 
	          fold="numeric", probs="numeric", weights="numeric", numneighbours="numeric", numclustoseek="numeric",
	          out="list", OR="numeric", FP="numeric", dFP="numeric", char="data.frame", bestKclustering = "numeric", 
	          verbose="logical", parallel="logical", nprocs="numeric", replicable="logical", seed="numeric"),
	prototype = list(Exp_cond_1=matrix(), Exp_cond_2=matrix(), labels=character(), 
	                 B=numeric(), scale=logical(), alpha=numeric(), 
	                 fold=numeric(), probs=numeric(), weights=numeric(), numneighbours=numeric(), numclustoseek=numeric(), 
	                 out=list(), OR=numeric(), FP=numeric(), dFP=numeric(), char=data.frame(), bestKclustering = numeric(), 
	                 verbose=logical(), parallel=logical(), nprocs=numeric(), replicable=logical(), seed=numeric())

#' @title summary.ORdensity
#' @description This function clusters the potential differentially expressed (DE) genes among them 
#' so that the real DE genes can be distinguish from the not DE genes.
#' @param object An object of `findDEgenes' class
#' @param numclusters By default \code{NULL}, it inherits from the \code{object}. Optionally,
#' an integer number indicating number of clusters.
#' @details Once the potential DE genes are identified, the real DE genes and the not real DE genes or
#' false positives must be distinguished. Since the real DE genes must have high OR values along with
#' low FP and dFP values, and on the contrary, the false DE genes must have low OR values but high FP and dFP values,
#' a clustering of all the potential DE genes is carried out. The clustering is based on build-on variables OR, FP and dFP 
#' (see class \code{ORdensity}) which are scaled. The clustering algorithm is   \code{\link{pam}} and by default
#' the number of clusters in the partition is obtained by \code{\link{silhouette}}. With parameter \code{numclusters} the number
#' of clusters in the partition can be customized.
#' @return  A list with \eqn{k} lists where \eqn{k} is the best number of clusters found. 
#' The clusters are ordered based on their importance according to the mean OR values of the clusters 
#' (greater is the mean OR value of the cluster more important are the genes in the cluster).
#' The first one is the most important, the last one the less important. Each list has elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{numberOfGenes}: Number of genes in the cluster.
#' \item \code{CharacteristicsCluster}: Matrix with mean values and standard deviation of variables OR, FP and dFP for each cluster.
#' \item \code{Genes}: Identification of the genes in the cluster.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{preclusteredData}}, 
#' \code{\link{plot.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{silhouetteAnalysis}},
#' \code{\link{findDEgenes}}, \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @examples
#' # Read data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)
#' out <- findDEgenes(myORdensity)
#' # For instance, general characteristics of cluster1, likely composed of true DE genes 
#' out$Cluster1
#' @rdname summary.ORdensity
#' @export
setGeneric("summary.ORdensity", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("summary.ORdensity"))

          signature = "ORdensity",
          definition = function(object, numclusters=NULL){
            KForClustering <- object@bestKclustering
            if (!is.null(numclusters))
              KForClustering <- numclusters
	    d <- distances::distances(scale(object@char))
            clustering <- cluster::pam(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])], KForClustering, diss = TRUE)$clustering
            result_prov <- list()
            meanOR <- rep(NA, KForClustering)
            CharClus <- list()
            aux <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=3, dimnames=list(c("mean", "sd"), c("OR", "FP", "dFP")))
            for (k in 1:KForClustering)
              result_prov[[k]] <- object@out$summary[clustering==k,]
              aux[1, 1] <- mean(result_prov[[k]][,'OR'])
              aux[2, 1] <- sd(result_prov[[k]][,'OR'])
              aux[1, 2] <- mean(result_prov[[k]][,'FP'])
              aux[2, 2] <- sd(result_prov[[k]][,'FP'])
              aux[1, 3] <- mean(result_prov[[k]][,'dFP'])
              aux[2, 3] <- sd(result_prov[[k]][,'dFP'])
              CharClus[[k]] <- aux
              meanOR[k] <- aux[1, 1]
            clusters_ordering <- order(as.numeric(meanOR), decreasing = TRUE)
            clusters <- list()
            for (k in 1:KForClustering)
              clusters[[k]] <- result_prov[[clusters_ordering[k]]]
            DFgenes <- list()
            for (k in 1:KForClustering)
              DFgenes[[k]] <- list( "numberOfGenes"=length(clusters[[k]][,'id']), 
                                    "CharacteristicsCluster"=CharClus[[k]], "genes"=sort(clusters[[k]][,'id']))
            cat("The ORdensity method has found that the optimal clustering of the data consists of",object@bestKclustering,
		"clusters, computed from a maximum of", object@numclustoseek,"when the ORdensity object was created\n")
            if (!is.null(numclusters))
              cat("The user has chosen a clustering of",numclusters,"clusters\n")
            names(DFgenes) <- paste("Cluster", 1:KForClustering, sep="")
            return (DFgenes)

#' preclusteredData
#' This function returns the description of all the identified 
#' potential DE genes in terms of variables OR, FP, and dFP in one only table so that 
#' the interesed user can perform its own clustering analysis.
#' @param object Object of class \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @return \code{\link{data.frame}} with all potential DE genes
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ORdensity}}, 
#' \code{\link{plot.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{silhouetteAnalysis}},
#' \code{\link{findDEgenes}}, \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @examples
#' # Read data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)
#' # data.frame with all potential DE genes:
#' preclusteredData(myORdensity)
#' @rdname preclusteredData
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setGeneric("preclusteredData", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("preclusteredData"))

          signature = "ORdensity",
          definition = function(object, verbose=TRUE){
              prop <- object@out$prop
              neighbours <- prop[3]
              p0 <- prop[2]
              preclustered_data <- as.data.frame(object@out$summary)
              preclustered_data$DifExp <- NULL
              preclustered_data$minFP <- NULL
              preclustered_data$maxFP <- NULL
              preclustered_data$radius <- NULL
              preclustered_data$Strong <- ifelse(preclustered_data$FP == 0, "S", "-")
              preclustered_data$Relaxed <- ifelse(preclustered_data$FP < p0 * neighbours, "R", "-")
              if (verbose) {
                cat("Columns \"Strong\" and \"Relaxed\" show the genes identified as DE genes\n")
                cat("They denote the strong selection (FP=0) with S and the relaxed selection (FP < expectedFalsePositives) with F\n")

#' @title print
#' @examples
#' @rdname print
#' @export
           signature = "ORdensity",
           definition = function(object) {
             preClustering <- preclusteredData(object, verbose=FALSE)
             numGenes <- nrow(preClustering)
             cat("The ORdensity method has detected", numGenes, "potential DE genes\n", sep = " ")

#' @title plot.ORdensity
#' @description This function plots the \code{\link{silhouette}} values of successive clusterings. 
#' @param object An object of \code{\link{ORdensity}} class
#' @param K Integer value to indicate the maximum number of partitions to check 
#' along the successive clusterings. By default \code{K=10}.
#' @details Once the potential DE genes are identified, the real DE genes and the not real DE genes or
#' false positives must be distinguished and it is carried out clustering  all the potential DE genes  
#' (see \code{\link{findDEgenes}}). The clustering algorithm is   \code{\link{pam}} and by default
#' the number of clusters in the partition is obtained by \code{\link{silhouette}}. 
#' Nevertheless, \code{silhouetteAnalysis} allows to check whether there is a clear best number for the partition
#' or the  average silhouettes values are
#' rather similar. 
#' #' @references Rousseeuw, P. J. (1987). Silhouettes: a graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 20, 53-65.
#' @return  Displays a plot of the average silhouette width along with the number of clusters in the partition. 
#' If assigned to an object, it returns a vector of length \code{K} with the average
#' silhouette values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{preclusteredData}}, 
#' \code{\link{silhouetteAnalysis}},
#' \code{\link{findDEgenes}}, \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @examples
#' # Read data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)
#' silhouetteAnalysis(myORdensity)
#' @rdname plot.ORdensity
#' @export
setGeneric("plot.ORdensity", function(object, k = object@bestKclustering, ...) standardGeneric("plot.ORdensity"))

  signature = "ORdensity",
  definition = function(object, k = object@bestKclustering, ...){
    d <- distances::distances(scale(object@char))
    clustering <- cluster::pam(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])], k, diss = TRUE)$clustering
    legend_text <- sprintf("cluster %s",seq(1:k))
    prop <- object@out$prop
    neighbours <- prop[3]
    p0 <- prop[2]
    preclustered_data <- as.data.frame(object@out$summary)
    selec <- preclustered_data$FP < p0 * neighbours
    plot(object@FP, object@OR, type="n",main="Potential genes",xlab="FP",ylab="OR")
    points(object@FP[selec], object@OR[selec], pch=2, cex=1/(0.5+object@dFP),  col = clustering[selec])
    points(object@FP[!selec], object@OR[!selec], cex=1/(0.5+object@dFP[!selec]),  col = clustering[!selec])
    legend("topright", legend=legend_text, pch=16, col=unique(clustering))

#' @title Silhouette Analysis 
#' @description This function plots the \code{\link{silhouette}} values of successive clusterings. 
#' @param object An object of \code{\link{ORdensity}} class
#' @param K Integer value to indicate the maximum number of partitions to check 
#' along the successive clusterings. By default \code{K=10}.
#' @details Once the potential DE genes are identified, the real DE genes and the not real DE genes or
#' false positives must be distinguished and it is carried out clustering  all the potential DE genes  
#' (see \code{\link{findDEgenes}}). The clustering algorithm is   \code{\link{pam}} and by default
#' the number of clusters in the partition is obtained by \code{\link{silhouette}}. 
#' Nevertheless, \code{silhouetteAnalysis} allows to check whether there is a clear best number for the partition
#' or the  average silhouettes values are
#' rather similar. 
#' @references Rousseeuw, P. J. (1987). Silhouettes: a graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 20, 53-65.
#' @return  Displays a plot of the average silhouette width along with the number of clusters in the partition. 
#' If assigned to an object, it returns a vector of length \code{K} with the average
#' silhouette values.
#' @examples
#' # Read data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)
#' silhouetteAnalysis(myORdensity)
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{preclusteredData}}, 
#' \code{\link{plot.ORdensity}}, 
#' \code{\link{findDEgenes}}, \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @rdname silhouetteAnalysis
#' @export
setGeneric("silhouetteAnalysis", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("silhouetteAnalysis"))

          signature = "ORdensity",
          definition = function(object, numclustoseek=10)
            s <- rep(NA, numclustoseek)
            for (k in 2:numclustoseek)
	      d <- distances::distances(scale(object@char))
	      aux <- cluster::pam(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])], k, diss = TRUE)
              s[k] <- mean(silhouette(aux)[, "sil_width"])
            plot(s, type="b", ylim=c(0,1), main="Clustering goodness", xlab = "Number of clusters in partition", ylab = "silhouette")

getQuantilesDifferencesWeighted <- function(positiveCases, negativeCases, scale, weights, probs){
  numGenes <- dim(positiveCases)[1]
  quantilesPositiveCases <- t(apply(positiveCases, 1, quantile, probs=probs))
  quantilesNegativeCases <- t(apply(negativeCases, 1, quantile, probs=probs))
  quantilesDifferences <- cbind(quantilesPositiveCases - quantilesNegativeCases)
  numProbs <- length(probs)
    interquartileRangePositiveCases <- quantilesPositiveCases[,3]-quantilesPositiveCases[,1]
    interquartileRangeNegativeCases  <- quantilesNegativeCases[,3]-quantilesNegativeCases[,1]
    maxInterquartileRange <- apply(cbind(interquartileRangePositiveCases, interquartileRangeNegativeCases), 1, max)
    {stop('Can\'t scale the data')}
    quantilesDifferences <- quantilesDifferences/maxInterquartileRange
  quantilesDifferencesWeighted <- quantilesDifferences*matrix(rep(weights, numGenes), byrow=TRUE, ncol=numProbs)
  return (quantilesDifferencesWeighted)

getBootstrapSample <- function(allCases, numPositiveCases)
  numCases <- dim(allCases)[2]
  s1 <- sample(1:numCases, numPositiveCases, replace=FALSE)
  s2 <- (1:numCases)[-s1]
  aux1 <- allCases[, s1]
  aux2 <- allCases[, s2]
  return(list("positives"=aux1, "negatives"=aux2))

getOR <- function(distMatrix)
  # vgR <- Rfast::med(distMatrix^2)/2
  vgR <- (Rfast::med(distMatrix)^2)/2
  I <- apply(distMatrix, 1,  IindexRobust, vg=vgR)
  OR <- 1/I

compute.ORdensity <-  function(object, B=100, scale=FALSE, alpha=0.05, fold=floor(B/10), probs=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), weights=c(1/4,1/2,1/4), numneighbours = 10, verbose=FALSE, 
                       parallel = FALSE, nprocs = 0, replicable = TRUE, seed = 0) {
	    a <- system.time ({
	    bootstrap_time_estimated <- FALSE
	    positiveCases <- as.matrix(object@Exp_cond_1)
		  negativeCases <- as.matrix(object@Exp_cond_2)
		  numGenes <- dim(positiveCases)[1]
		  cat("An object of size", format(object.size(1.0) * numGenes * numGenes / 7, unit="auto"), "is going to be created in memory. ")
		  cat("If the parallel option is enabled, as many objects of that size as the number of processes chosen ")
		  cat("are going to be created at the same time. Please consider that when running this code.\n")
		  numPositiveCases <- dim(positiveCases)[2]
		  numNegativeCases <- dim(negativeCases)[2]
		  numCases <- numPositiveCases + numNegativeCases
		  numProbs <- length(probs)
		  numFolds <- fold})
		  if (verbose) {print('Time after first chunk'); print(a)}

		  b <- system.time ({
		  quantilesDifferencesWeighted <- getQuantilesDifferencesWeighted(positiveCases, negativeCases, scale, weights, probs)

		  if (verbose) {print('Time after second chunk'); print(b)}

		  c <- system.time ({
		    d <- distances::distances(quantilesDifferencesWeighted)
		    Dxy <- d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])]

		  if (verbose) {print('Time after third chunk'); print(c)}

		  d2time <- system.time ({
		  allCases <- cbind(positiveCases, negativeCases)
		  ORbootstrap <- matrix(0, nrow=numGenes, ncol=B)
		  quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null <- array(0, dim=c(numGenes, numProbs, B))

		  if (parallel)
		    if (replicable){
	    nproc <- parallel::detectCores()
      cl <- NULL
	    if (as.integer(nprocs) > 0)
	      cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(as.integer(nprocs))
        cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(nproc)
      res_par <- foreach(b = 1:B, .combine = 'c', .options.RNG=seed) %dorng% {
        bootstrapSample <- getBootstrapSample(allCases, numPositiveCases)
  			res_one <- list()
  			res_one[[1]] <- getQuantilesDifferencesWeighted(bootstrapSample$positives, bootstrapSample$negatives, scale, weights, probs)
  			d <- distances::distances(res_one[[1]])
  			res_one[[2]] <- getOR(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])])

      for (b in 1:B) {
        quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null[ , ,b] <- res_par[[b*2-1]]
        ORbootstrap[, b] <- res_par[[b*2]]
		} # end if
		  if (replicable){
		  for (b in 1:B)
		    w <- system.time({
		      w1 <- system.time({
		    bootstrapSample <- getBootstrapSample(allCases, numPositiveCases)})
		      if (verbose) {print('Time after a non-parallel bootstrap replication (step 1)'); print(w1)}
		      w2 <- system.time({
		    quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null[ , ,b] <- getQuantilesDifferencesWeighted(bootstrapSample$positives, bootstrapSample$negatives, scale, weights, probs)})
		      if (verbose) {print('Time after a non-parallel bootstrap replication (step 2)'); print(w2)}
		      w3 <- system.time({
		        d <- distances::distances(quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null[,,b])
		       ORbootstrap[, b] <- getOR(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])])
		      if (verbose) {print('Time after a non-parallel bootstrap replication (step 3)'); print(w3)}
		    if (!bootstrap_time_estimated)
		      bootstrap_time_estimated <- TRUE
		      bootstrap_time <- w['elapsed']
		      cat("A bootstrap replication takes", bootstrap_time, "seconds, and you have requested", B, "bootstrap replications.\n")
		    if (verbose) {print('Time after a non-parallel bootstrap replication'); print(w)}
		  if (verbose) {print('Time after fourth chunk'); print(d2time)}

		# OR values for original data
		  e <- system.time ({
		  ORoriginal <- getOR(Dxy)

		# Find cut point
		   cutPoint <- (sort(c(ORbootstrap)))[floor((1-alpha)*numGenes*B)]

		# Find individuals beyond threshold
		   suspicious <- ORoriginal > cutPoint
		   numSuspicious <- sum(suspicious)

		   # the indices are in the form (case, bootstrap_sample)
		  indicesBiDimORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint <- which(ORbootstrap > cutPoint, arr.ind=TRUE)
		  numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint <- dim(indicesBiDimORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint)[1]
		  # vector of integers (assigned fold) of size numGenes * B * alpha
		  assignFoldToBootstrapBeyondCutPoint <- sample(1:numFolds, numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint, replace=TRUE) #
		  # create a zero-filled 3D matrix with a 2D matrix of dim (numSuspicious, 3) for each fold
		  # created to store FPneighbourghood, densityFP and radius
		  originalDataFPStatistics <- array(0, dim=c(numSuspicious, 3, numFolds)) })

		  if (verbose) {print('Time after fifth chunk'); print(e)}

		  globalquantilesDifferencesWeighted.null <- quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null
		  f <- system.time ({
		  for (j in 1:numFolds)
		    # for every fold, we see how is the distribution of the OR statistic along the boostrap samples and the original ones
		      currentFold <- assignFoldToBootstrapBeyondCutPoint == j
		      numInCurrentFold <- sum(currentFold)
		      quantilesBootstrapFold <- matrix(0, nrow=numInCurrentFold, ncol=numProbs)
		      cont <- 1
		      indicesBeyondCutPointCurrentFold <- (1:numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint)[currentFold]
		      for (i in indicesBeyondCutPointCurrentFold)
  			   numGene <- indicesBiDimORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint[i, 1]
  			   numBootstrap <- indicesBiDimORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint[i, 2]
  			   quantilesBootstrapFold[cont, ] <- quantilesDifferencesWeighted.null[numGene, , numBootstrap]
  			   cont <- cont + 1
		      quantilesOriginalPlusBootstrapFold <- rbind(quantilesDifferencesWeighted[suspicious, ], quantilesBootstrapFold)
		      # after joining the original data with the bootstrap, we need the labels to find which is which
		      label <- c(rep(1, numSuspicious), rep(0, numInCurrentFold))

		      d <- distances::distances(quantilesOriginalPlusBootstrapFold)
		      Dmix <- d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])]
		      originalDataFPStatisticsByFold <- matrix(0, nrow=numSuspicious, ncol=3)
		      colnames(originalDataFPStatisticsByFold) <- c( "FPneighbourghood", "densityFP", "radius")

		      DOriginal <- Dmix[1:numSuspicious, ]
		      for(i in 1:numSuspicious)
		        originalDataFPStatisticsByFold[i, ] <- c(density(DOriginal[i, -i], label=label[-i], numneighbours))
		      originalDataFPStatistics[ , , j] <- originalDataFPStatisticsByFold
		  } # end for (j in 1:numFolds)

		  if (verbose) {print('Time after sixth chunk'); print(f)}

		  g <- system.time ({
		    # means with respect to the folds
		    originalDataFPStatisticsMeans <- t(plyr::aaply(originalDataFPStatistics, c(2,1), mean))
		    originalDataFPNeighboursStats <- t(apply(originalDataFPStatistics[, 1, ], 1, function(x){c(min(x), mean(x), max(x))}))
		    percentageSuspiciousOverPositives <- numSuspicious/(numSuspicious+numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint/numFolds)
		    percentageBoostrapOverPositives <- (numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint/numFolds)/(numSuspicious+numORbootstrapBeyondCutPoint/numFolds)
		    diffOverExpectedFPNeighbours <- originalDataFPStatisticsMeans[, 1] - percentageBoostrapOverPositives * numneighbours
		    labelGenes <- object@labels
		    genes <- labelGenes[suspicious]
		    finalResult <- data.frame("id"=genes, "OR"=ORoriginal[suspicious], "DifExp"=diffOverExpectedFPNeighbours,
		                              "minFP"=originalDataFPNeighboursStats[,1], "FP"= originalDataFPNeighboursStats[,2],
		                              "maxFP"=originalDataFPNeighboursStats[,3], "dFP"=originalDataFPStatisticsMeans[, 2],
		                              "radius"=originalDataFPStatisticsMeans[, 3])
		    finalResult$id <- as.character(finalResult$id)
		    row.names(finalResult) <- NULL
		    finalOrdering <- order(finalResult[, 3], -finalResult[, 2])

		   if (verbose) {print('Time after seventh chunk'); print(g)}

		   object@out <- list("summary"=finalResult[finalOrdering, ], "ns"=numSuspicious, "prop"=c(percentageSuspiciousOverPositives, percentageBoostrapOverPositives , numneighbours))

setValidity("ORdensity", function(object) {
  valid <- TRUE
  msg <- NULL
  if (length(object@Exp_cond_1) == 0) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "There is no Exp_cond_1 data")
  if (length(object@Exp_cond_2) == 0) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "There is no Exp_cond_2 data")
  if (nrow(object@Exp_cond_1) != nrow(object@Exp_cond_2)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Exp_cond_1 and Exp_cond_2 number of rows do not match")
  if (length(probs) != length(weights)) {
    valid <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "probs and weights lengths do not match")
  if (valid) TRUE else msg

setMethod("initialize", "ORdensity", function(.Object, Exp_cond_1, Exp_cond_2, labels = rownames(Exp_cond_1), B=100, scale=FALSE, alpha=0.05, 
                                              fold=floor(B/10), probs=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), weights=c(1/4,1/2,1/4), numneighbours = 10, 
                                              numclustoseek = 10,
                                              out, OR, FP, dFP, char, bestKclustering, verbose = FALSE, 
                                              parallel = FALSE, nprocs = 0, replicable = TRUE, seed = 0) {
  .Object@Exp_cond_1 <- Exp_cond_1
  .Object@Exp_cond_2 <- Exp_cond_2
  if (is.null(labels))
    .Object@labels<- paste("Gene", 1:nrow(Exp_cond_1), sep="")
    .Object@labels <- labels
  .Object@B <- B
  .Object@scale <- scale
  .Object@alpha <- alpha
  .Object@fold <- fold
  .Object@probs <- probs
  .Object@weights <- weights
  .Object@numneighbours <- numneighbours
  .Object@numclustoseek <- numclustoseek
  .Object@verbose <- verbose
  .Object@parallel <- parallel
  .Object@nprocs <- nprocs
  .Object@replicable <- replicable
  .Object@seed <- seed
  .Object@out <- compute.ORdensity(.Object, B = .Object@B, scale = .Object@scale, alpha = .Object@alpha, fold = .Object@fold, 
                                   probs = .Object@probs, weights = .Object@weights, numneighbours = .Object@numneighbours,
                                   verbose = .Object@verbose, parallel = .Object@parallel, nprocs = .Object@nprocs, replicable = .Object@replicable, 
                                   seed = .Object@seed)
  .Object@OR <- .Object@out$summary[, "OR"]
  .Object@FP <- .Object@out$summary[, "FP"]
  .Object@dFP <- .Object@out$summary[, "dFP"]
  .Object@char <- data.frame(.Object@OR, .Object@FP, .Object@dFP)
  .Object@bestKclustering <- findbestKclustering(.Object)

findbestKclustering <- function(object){
            s <- rep(NA, object@numclustoseek)
            # len(object@char) could be less than 10
            for (k in 2:object@numclustoseek)
              d <- distances::distances(scale(object@char))
              aux <- cluster::pam(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])], k, diss = TRUE)
              s[k] <- mean(cluster::silhouette(aux)[, "sil_width"])
            best_k <- which(s == max(s, na.rm = TRUE))
	    object@bestKclustering <- best_k
            return (best_k)

#' @title findDEgenes
#' @description This function clusters the potential differentially expressed (DE) genes among them 
#' so that the real DE genes can be distinguished from the not DE genes.
#' @param object An object of `ORdensity` class
#' @param numclusters By default \code{NULL}, it inherits from the \code{object}. Optionally,
#' an integer number indicating number of clusters.
#' @details Once the potential DE genes are identified, the real DE genes and the not real DE genes or
#' false positives must be distinguished. Since the real DE genes must have high OR values along with
#' low FP and dFP values, and on the contrary, the false DE genes must have low OR values but high FP and dFP values,
#' a clustering of all the potential DE genes is carried out. The clustering is based on built-on variables OR, FP and dFP 
#' (see class \code{\link{ORdensity}}) which are scaled. The clustering algorithm is   \code{\link{pam}} and by default
#' the number of clusters in the partition is obtained by \code{\link{silhouette}}. With parameter \code{numclusters} the number
#' of clusters in the partition can be customized.
#' @return  A list with \eqn{k} lists where \eqn{k} is the best number of clusters found. 
#' The clusters are ordered based on their importance according to the mean OR values of the clusters 
#' (the greater the mean OR value of the cluster the more important are the genes in the cluster).
#' The first one is the most important, the last one the less important. Each list has elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{numberOfGenes}: Number of genes in the cluster.
#' \item \code{CharacteristicsCluster}: Matrix with mean values and standard deviation of variables OR, FP and dFP for each cluster.
#' \item \code{Genes}: Identification of the genes in the cluster.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{preclusteredData}}, 
#' \code{\link{plot.ORdensity}}, \code{\link{silhouetteAnalysis}},
#' \code{\link{ORdensity}}
#' @examples
#' # Read data from 2 experimental conditions
#' x <- simexpr[, 3:32]
#' y <- simexpr[, 33:62]
#' EXC.1 <- as.matrix(x)
#' EXC.2 <- as.matrix(y)
#' myORdensity <- new("ORdensity", Exp_cond_1 = EXC.1, Exp_cond_2 = EXC.2)
#' out <- findDEgenes(myORdensity)
#' # For instance, characteristics of cluster1, likely composed of true DE genes 
#' out[[1]]

#' @rdname findDEgenes
#' @export
setGeneric("findDEgenes", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("findDEgenes"))

          signature = "ORdensity",
          definition = function(object, numclusters=NULL){
            KForClustering <- object@bestKclustering
            if (!is.null(numclusters))
              KForClustering <- numclusters
            prop <- object@out$prop
            neighbours <- prop[3]
            p0 <- prop[2]
            preclustered_data <- as.data.frame(object@out$summary)
            preclustered_data$DifExp <- NULL
            preclustered_data$minFP <- NULL
            preclustered_data$maxFP <- NULL
            preclustered_data$radius <- NULL
            preclustered_data$Strong <- ifelse(preclustered_data$FP == 0, "S", "-")
            preclustered_data$Relaxed <- ifelse(preclustered_data$FP < p0 * neighbours, "R", "-")
	    d <- distances::distances(scale(object@char))
            clustering <- cluster::pam(d[1:(dim(d)[2]), 1:(dim(d)[2])], KForClustering, diss = TRUE)$clustering
            result_prov <- list()
            meanOR <- list()
            for (k in 1:KForClustering)
              result_prov[[k]] <- preclustered_data[clustering==k,] #object@out$summary[clustering==k,]
              result_prov[[k]] <- result_prov[[k]][,!colnames(result_prov[[k]]) %in% c("DifExp",  "minFP", "maxFP", "radius")]
              meanOR[[k]] <- mean(result_prov[[k]][,'OR'])
            clusters_ordering <- order(as.numeric(meanOR), decreasing = TRUE)
            clusters <- list()
            for (k in 1:KForClustering)
              clusters[[k]] <- result_prov[[clusters_ordering[k]]]
            prop <- object@out$prop
            neighbours <- prop[3]
            p0 <- prop[2]
            cat("The ORdensity method has found that the optimal clustering of the data consists of", object@bestKclustering,"clusters\n\n")
            return(list("neighbours"=neighbours, "expectedFalsePositiveNeighbours"=p0*neighbours, "clusters"=clusters))
rsait/ORdensity documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 4:16 a.m.