
Defines functions r_job_step view_job_step collect_job_step job_status_is_tuning job_is_tuning job_status_trial_dir job_output_dir job_download_multiple job_list_trials job_download job_collect_async job_collect job_validate_trials job_trials.cloudml_job_status job_trials.cloudml_job job_trials.character job_trials.default job_trials_from_status job_trials print.cloudml_job_status job_status job_stream_logs job_list job_cancel cloudml_train

Documented in cloudml_train job_cancel job_collect job_list job_status job_stream_logs job_trials

#' Train a model using Cloud ML
#' Upload a TensorFlow application to Google Cloud, and use that application to
#' train a model.
#' @inheritParams tfruns::training_run
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @param file File to be used as entrypoint for training.
#' @param master_type Training master node machine type. "standard" provides a
#'   basic machine configuration suitable for training simple models with small
#'   to moderate datasets. See the documentation at
#'   <https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/tensorflow/machine-types#machine_type_table>
#'    for details on available machine types.
#' @param region The region to be used for training.
#' @param config A list, `YAML` or `JSON` configuration file as described
#'   <https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/reference/rest/v1/projects.jobs>.
#' @param collect Logical. If TRUE, collect job when training is completed
#'   (blocks waiting for the job to complete). The default (`"ask"`) will
#'   interactively prompt the user whether to collect the results or not.
#' @param dry_run Triggers a local dry run over the deployment phase to
#'   validate packages and packing work as expected.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(cloudml)
#' gcloud_install()
#' job <- cloudml_train("train.R")
#' }
#' @seealso [job_status()], [job_collect()], [job_cancel()]
#' @family CloudML functions
#' @export
cloudml_train <- function(file = "train.R",
                          master_type = NULL,
                          flags = NULL,
                          region = NULL,
                          config = NULL,
                          collect = "ask",
                          dry_run = FALSE)
  if (dry_run)
    message("Dry running training job for CloudML...")
    message("Submitting training job to CloudML...")

  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  cloudml <- cloudml_config(config)

  if (!is.null(master_type)) cloudml$trainingInput$masterType <- master_type
  if (!is.null(cloudml$trainingInput$masterType) &&
      !identical(cloudml$trainingInput$scaleTier, "CUSTOM"))
    cloudml$trainingInput$scaleTier <- "CUSTOM"

  # use the basic tier when no configuration is passed via file or via
  # the `config` argument.
  if (length(cloudml) == 0L)
    cloudml$trainingInput <- list(scaleTier = "BASIC")

  # Get the customCOmmands field from the config file.
  custom_commands <- cloudml[["customCommands"]]
  cloudml[["customCommands"]] <- NULL

  # set application and entrypoint
  application <- getwd()
  entrypoint <- file

  # allow absolute paths under relative path
  entrypoint <- gsub(paste0("^", getwd(), .Platform$file.sep), "", entrypoint)

  # prepare application for deployment
  id <- unique_job_name("cloudml")
  deployment <- scope_deployment(
    id = id,
    application = application,
    context = "cloudml",
    overlay = flags,
    entrypoint = entrypoint,
    cloudml = cloudml,
    gcloud = gcloud,
    dry_run = dry_run

  # read configuration
  cloudml_file <- deployment$cloudml_file

  # create default storage bucket for project if not specified
  storage <- gs_ensure_storage(gcloud)

  # region is required
  if (is.null(region)) region <- gcloud_default_region()

  # pass parameters to the job
  job_yml <- file.path(deployment$directory, "job.yml")
    storage = storage,
    custom_commands = custom_commands
  ), job_yml)

  # move to deployment parent directory and spray __init__.py
  directory <- deployment$directory

  cloudml_version <- cloudml$trainingInput$runtimeVersion %||% "1.15"

  if (utils::compareVersion(cloudml_version, "1.4") < 0)
    stop("CloudML version ", cloudml_version, " is unsupported, use 1.4 or newer.")

  # generate deployment script
  arguments <- (MLArgumentsBuilder(gcloud)
                ("--job-dir=%s", file.path(storage, "staging"))
                ("--package-path=%s", basename(directory))
                ("--module-name=%s.cloudml.deploy", basename(directory))
                ("--runtime-version=%s", cloudml_version)
                ("--region=%s", region)
                ("--config=%s/%s", "cloudml-model", cloudml_file)

  # submit job through command line interface
  gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = FALSE, dry_run = dry_run)

  # call 'describe' to discover additional information related to
  # the job, and generate a 'job' object from that
  # print stderr output from a 'describe' call (this gives the
  # user URLs that can be navigated to for more information)
  arguments <- (MLArgumentsBuilder(gcloud)

  output <- gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = FALSE, dry_run = dry_run)
  stdout <- output$stdout
  stderr <- output$stderr

  # inform user of successful job submission
  template <- c(
    "Job '%1$s' successfully submitted.",
    "Check job status with:     job_status(\"%1$s\")",
    "Collect job output with:   job_collect(\"%1$s\")",
    "After collect, view with:  view_run(\"runs/%1$s\")",
  rendered <- sprintf(paste(template, collapse = "\n"), id, stderr)

  # create job object
  description <- yaml::yaml.load(stdout)
  job <- cloudml_job("train", id, description)

  if (dry_run) collect <- FALSE

  # resolve collect
  if (identical(collect, "ask")) {
    if (interactive()) {
      if (have_rstudio_terminal())
        response <- readline("Monitor and collect job in RStudio Terminal? [Y/n]: ")
        response <- readline("Wait and collect job when completed? [Y/n]: ")
      collect <- !nzchar(response) || (tolower(response) == 'y')
    } else {
      collect <- FALSE

  # perform collect if required
  destination <- file.path(application, "runs")
  if (collect) {
    if (have_rstudio_terminal()) {
        destination = destination,
        view = identical(rstudioapi::versionInfo()$mode, "desktop")
    } else {
        destination = destination,
        view = interactive()


#' Cancel a job
#' Cancel a job.
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_cancel <- function(job = "latest") {
  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)

  arguments <- (MLArgumentsBuilder(gcloud)

  gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = FALSE)

#' List all jobs
#' List existing Google Cloud ML jobs.
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @param filter
#'   Filter the set of jobs to be returned.
#' @param limit
#'   The maximum number of resources to list. By default,
#'   all jobs will be listed.
#' @param page_size
#'   Some services group resource list output into pages.
#'   This flag specifies the maximum number of resources per
#'   page. The default is determined by the service if it
#'   supports paging, otherwise it is unlimited (no paging).
#' @param sort_by
#'   A comma-separated list of resource field key names to
#'   sort by. The default order is ascending. Prefix a field
#'   with `~` for descending order on that field.
#' @param uri
#'   Print a list of resource URIs instead of the default
#'   output.
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_list <- function(filter    = NULL,
                     limit     = NULL,
                     page_size = NULL,
                     sort_by   = NULL,
                     uri       = FALSE)
  gcloud <- gcloud_config()

  arguments <- (
    ("--filter=%s", filter)
    ("--limit=%i", as.integer(limit))
    ("--page-size=%i", as.integer(page_size))
    ("--sort-by=%s", sort_by)
    (if (uri) "--uri"))

  output <- gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = FALSE)

  if (!uri) {
    output_tmp <- tempfile()
    writeLines(output$stdout, output_tmp)
    jobs <- utils::read.table(output_tmp, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    jobs$CREATED <- as.POSIXct(jobs$CREATED, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT")
    output <- jobs


#' Show job log stream
#' Show logs from a running Cloud ML Engine job.
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @param polling_interval
#'   Number of seconds to wait between efforts to fetch the
#'   latest log messages.
#' @param task_name
#'   If set, display only the logs for this particular task.
#' @param allow_multiline_logs
#'   Output multiline log messages as single records.
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_stream_logs <- function(job = "latest",
                            polling_interval = getOption("cloudml.stream_logs.polling", 5),
                            task_name = NULL,
                            allow_multiline_logs = FALSE)
  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)

  arguments <- (
    ("--polling-interval=%i", as.integer(polling_interval))
    ("--task-name=%s", task_name))

  if (allow_multiline_logs)

  gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = TRUE)

#' Current status of a job
#' Get the status of a job, as an \R list.
#' @param job Job name or job object. Pass "latest" to indicate the
#'   most recently submitted job.
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_status <- function(job = "latest") {
  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)

  arguments <- (MLArgumentsBuilder(gcloud)

  # request job description from gcloud
  output <- gcloud_exec(args = arguments(), echo = FALSE)

  # parse as YAML and return
  status <- yaml::yaml.load(paste(output$stdout, collapse = "\n"))

  class(status) <- "cloudml_job_status"
  attr(status, "messages") <- output$stderr

#' @export
print.cloudml_job_status <- function(x, ...) {

  # strip generated attributes from trainingInput
  x$trainingInput$args <- NULL
  x$trainingInput$packageUris <- NULL
  x$trainingInput$pythonModule <- NULL

  str(x, give.attr = FALSE, no.list = TRUE)
  trials_data <- job_trials(x)
  if (!is.null(trials_data)) {
    cat("Hyperparameter Trials:\n")

  cat(attr(x, "messages"), "\n")

#' Current trials of a job
#' Get the hyperparameter trials for job, as an \R data frame
#' @inheritParams gcloud_exec
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @param x Job name or job object.
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_trials <- function(x) {

job_trials_from_status <- function(status) {
  if (is.null(status$trainingOutput) || is.null(status$trainingOutput$trials))

  df <- do.call("rbind", lapply(status$trainingOutput$trials, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  for(col in colnames(df)) {
    is_numeric <- suppressWarnings(
      !any(is.na( as.numeric(df[[col]])))

    if (is_numeric) {
      df[[col]] <- as.numeric(df[[col]])


#' @export
job_trials.default <- function(x = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x))
    stop("no applicable method for 'job_trials' to an object of class ",

#' @export
job_trials.character <- function(x) {
  status <- job_status(x)

#' @export
job_trials.cloudml_job <- function(x) {

#' @export
job_trials.cloudml_job_status <- function(x) {

job_validate_trials <- function(trials) {
  if (!is.null(trials)) {
    if (!is.numeric(trials) && !trials %in% c("best", "all"))
      stop("The 'trials' parameter must be numeric, 'best' or 'all'.")

#' Collect job output
#' Collect the job outputs (e.g. fitted model) from a job. If the job has not
#' yet finished running, `job_collect()` will block and wait until the job has
#' finished.
#' @inheritParams job_status
#' @param trials Under hyperparameter tuning, specifies which trials to
#'   download. Use `"best"` to download best trial, `"all"` to
#'   download all, or a vector of trials `c(1,2)` or `1`.
#' @param destination The destination directory in which model outputs should
#'   be downloaded. Defaults to `runs`.
#' @param timeout Give up collecting job after the specified minutes.
#' @param view View the job results after collecting it. You can also pass
#'   "save" to save a copy of the run report at `tfruns.d/view.html`
#' @family job management functions
#' @export
job_collect <- function(job = "latest",
                        trials = "best",
                        destination = "runs",
                        timeout = NULL,
                        view = interactive()) {
  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)
  id <- job$id

  # helper function for writing job status to console
  write_status <- function(status, time) {

    # generate message
    fmt <- ">>> [state: %s; last updated %s]"
    msg <- sprintf(fmt, status$state, time)

    whitespace <- ""
    width <- getOption("width")
    if (nchar(msg) < width)
      whitespace <- paste(rep("", width - nchar(msg)), collapse = " ")

    # generate and write console text (overwrite old output)
    output <- paste0("\r", msg, whitespace)
    cat(output, sep = "")


  # get the job status
  status <- job_status(job)
  time <- Sys.time()

  # if we're already done, attempt download of outputs
  if (status$state %in% c("SUCCEEDED", "FAILED")) {
      trial = trials,
      destination = destination,
      view = view,
      status = status)

  # otherwise, notify the user and begin polling
  fmt <- ">>> Job '%s' is currently running -- please wait...\n"
  printf(fmt, id)

  write_status(status, time)

  start_time <- Sys.time()

  repeat {

    # get the job status
    status <- job_status(job)
    time <- Sys.time()
    write_status(status, time)

    # download outputs on success
    if (status$state %in% c("SUCCEEDED", "FAILED")) {
                                   trial = trials,
                                   destination = destination,
                                   view = view,
                                   gcloud = gcloud,
                                   status = status))

    # job isn't ready yet; sleep for a while and try again

    if (!is.null(timeout) && time - start_time > timeout * 60)
      stop("Giving up after ", timeout, " minutes with job in status ", status$state)

  stop("failed to receive job outputs")

# Collect Job Output Asynchronously
job_collect_async <- function(
  gcloud = NULL,
  destination = "runs",
  polling_interval = getOption("cloudml.stream_logs.polling", 5),
  view = interactive()
) {

  if (!have_rstudio_terminal())
    stop("job_collect_async requires a version of RStudio with terminals (>= v1.1)")

  gcloud <- gcloud_config()
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)
  id <- job$id

  log_arguments <- (MLArgumentsBuilder(gcloud)
                   ("--polling-interval=%i", as.integer(polling_interval)))

  gcloud_quoted <- gcloud_binary()
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    gcloud_quoted <- shQuote(gcloud_quoted)

  terminal_steps <- c(
    paste(gcloud_quoted, paste(log_arguments(), collapse = " "))

  destination <- normalizePath(destination, mustWork = FALSE)
  if (!job_is_tuning(job)) {
    terminal_steps <- c(terminal_steps, collect_job_step(destination, job$id))
    if (view)
      terminal_steps <- c(terminal_steps, view_job_step(destination, job$id))
  else {
    terminal_steps <- c(
      paste("echo \"\""),
        "echo \"To collect this job, run from R: job_collect('",
        sep = ""

  gcloud_terminal(terminal_steps, clear = TRUE)

job_download <- function(job,
                         trial = "best",
                         destination = "runs",
                         view = interactive(),
                         gcloud) {

  status <- job_status(job)

  # retrieve the gs-compatible source URL to copy from and the final
  # run directory which might be modified to include the trial number
  trial_paths <- job_status_trial_dir(status, destination, trial, job)
  source <- trial_paths$source
  destination <- trial_paths$destination

  if (!is_gs_uri(source)) {
    fmt <- "job directory '%s' is not a Google Storage URI"
    stopf(fmt, source)

  message(sprintf("Downloading job from %s...", source))

  # check that we have an output folder associated
  # with this job -- 'gsutil ls' will return with
  # non-zero status when attempting to query a
  # non-existent gs URL
  result <- gsutil_exec("ls", source)

  if (result$status != 0) {
    fmt <- "no directory at path '%s'"
    stopf(fmt, source)

  gs_copy(source, destination, TRUE, echo = TRUE)

  # write cloudml properties to run_dir
  run_dir <- destination
  as_date <- function(x) {
                                  tz = "GMT",
                                  format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")),
             error = function(e) NULL)
  properties <- list()
  properties$cloudml_job <- status$jobId
  properties$cloudml_state <- status$state
  properties$cloudml_error <- status$errorMessage
  properties$cloudml_created <- as_date(status$createTime)
  properties$cloudml_start <- as_date(status$startTime)
  properties$cloudml_end <- as_date(status$endTime)
  properties$cloudml_ml_units <- status$trainingOutput$consumedMLUnits
  properties$cloudml_master_type <- status$trainingInput$masterType
  messages <- trimws(strsplit(attr(status, "messages"), "\n")[[1]])
  messages <- messages[grepl("^https://.*$", messages)]
  for (message in messages) {
    if (startsWith(message, "https://console.cloud.google.com/ml/jobs/"))
      properties$cloudml_console_url <- message
    else if (startsWith(message, "https://console.cloud.google.com/logs"))
      properties$cloudml_log_url <- message
  tfruns::write_run_metadata("properties", properties, run_dir)

  if (isTRUE(view) && trial != "all")
  else if (view == "save")
    tfruns::save_run_view(run_dir, file.path(run_dir, "tfruns.d", "view.html"))


job_list_trials <- function(status) {
  as.numeric(sapply(status$trainingOutput$trials, function(e) e$trialId))

job_download_multiple <- function(job, trial, destination, view, gcloud, status) {
  if (length(trial) <= 1 && trial != "all")
    job_download(job, trial, destination, view, gcloud)
  else {
    if (identical(trial, "all")) trial <- job_list_trials(status)
    lapply(trial, function(t) {
      job_download(job, t, destination, FALSE, gcloud)

job_output_dir <- function(job) {

  # determine storage from job
  job <- as.cloudml_job(job)
  storage <- dirname(job$description$trainingInput$jobDir)

  output_path <- file.path(storage, "runs", job$id)

  if (job_is_tuning(job) && !is.null(job$trainingOutput$finalMetric)) {
    output_path <- file.path(output_path, job$trainingOutput$finalMetric$trainingStep)


job_status_trial_dir <- function(status, destination, trial, job) {

  # determine storage from job
  storage <- dirname(status$trainingInput$jobDir)

  output_path <- list(
    source = file.path(storage, "runs", status$jobId, "*", fsep = "/"),
    destination = file.path(destination, status$jobId)

  if (!is.null(trial) && job_is_tuning(job)) {
    trial_digits_format <- paste0("%0", nchar(max(job_list_trials(status))), "d")
    trial_parent <- file.path(storage, "runs", status$jobId)
    if (trial == "best") {
      if (job_status_is_tuning(status) && !is.null(status$trainingInput$hyperparameters$goal)) {

        if (length(status$trainingOutput$trials) == 0) {
          stop("Job contains no output trials.")

        if (is.null(status$trainingOutput$trials[[1]]$finalMetric)) {
            "Job is missing final metrics to retrieve best trial, ",
            "consider using 'all' or an specific trial instead."

        decreasing <- if (status$trainingInput$hyperparameters$goal == "MINIMIZE") FALSE else TRUE
        ordered <- order(sapply(status$trainingOutput$trials, function(e) e$finalMetric$objectiveValue), decreasing = decreasing)
        if (length(ordered) > 0) {
          best_trial <- as.numeric(status$trainingOutput$trials[[ordered[[1]]]]$trialId)
          output_path <- list(
            source = file.path(trial_parent, best_trial, "*"),
            destination = file.path(
                sprintf(trial_digits_format, best_trial),
                sep = "-"
    else if (is.numeric(trial)) {
      output_path <- list(
        source = file.path(trial_parent, trial, "*"),
        destination = file.path(
            sprintf(trial_digits_format, trial),
            sep = "-"


job_is_tuning <- function(job) {

job_status_is_tuning <- function(status) {
  identical(status$trainingOutput$isHyperparameterTuningJob, TRUE)

collect_job_step <- function(destination, jobId) {
    "', destination = '",
                  winslash = "/",
                  mustWork = FALSE),
    "', view = 'save')"

view_job_step <- function(destination, jobId) {
    file.path(normalizePath(destination, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE), jobId, "tfruns.d", "view.html"),

r_job_step <- function(command) {
    paste0("\"", file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript"), "\""),
    paste0("\"", command ,"\"")
rstudio/cloudml documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 8:22 p.m.