
Defines functions exercise_option_pipe verify_tutorial_chunk_label exercise_server_chunk remove_knitr_hooks install_knitr_hooks tutorial_knitr_options detect_installed_knitr_hooks

# @staticimports inst/staticexports/
#   knitr_engine_caption

detect_installed_knitr_hooks <- function() {
  tutorial_chunk_opt <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("tutorial")
  if (!(isTRUE(tutorial_chunk_opt) || identical(tutorial_chunk_opt, "TRUE"))) {

  tutorial_opts_hook <- knitr::opts_hooks$get("tutorial")
  if (!is.function(tutorial_opts_hook)) {

  tutorial_knit_hook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("tutorial")

tutorial_knitr_options <- function() {
  # helper to check for runtime: shiny_prerendered being active
  is_shiny_prerendered_active <- function() {

  # helper to check for an exercise chunk
  is_exercise_chunk <- function(options) {

  is_chunk_empty_or_mismatched_exercise <- function(options) {
    label <- options$label

    if (is.null(get_knitr_chunk(label))) {

    chunk_opt_exercise <- attr(get_knitr_chunk(label), "chunk_opts")[["exercise"]]
    if (is.symbol(chunk_opt_exercise)) {
      # original chunk options might not be evaluated yet, see #757
      chunk_opt_exercise <- eval(chunk_opt_exercise, knitr::knit_global())

    if (!identical(options$exercise, chunk_opt_exercise)) {
      # this looks like an exercise chunk, but knitr knows about a different
      # chunk that isn't an exercise here. so there must be a problem (i.e. this
      # is an empty chunk that didn't trigger knitr's duplicate chunk error).
      # Note that we can't rely on knit_code$get() or options$code since they
      # both report the code for the non-exercise chunk.
      msg <- sprintf("Cannot create exercise '%s': duplicate chunk label", label)


  # helper to find chunks that name a chunk as their setup chunk
  exercise_chunks_for_setup_chunk <- function(label) {
    label_query <- paste0("knitr::all_labels(exercise.setup == '", label, "')")
    eval(parse(text = label_query))

  ensure_knit_code_exists <- function(
    current = knitr::opts_current$get(),
    all = knitr::opts_chunk$get()
  ) {
    label <- current$label

    # Recreate chunk options: unique to chunk or different from default.
    # Typically, we'd use `knit_code$get()` to find the chunk options defined
    # directly on the chunk, but that returns `NULL` for empty chunks and
    # doesn't include the chunk options. If we call this function in the options
    # hooks, we have an opportunity to infer the chunk options.
    chunk_opts <- current[setdiff(names(current), names(all))]
    for (opt in names(all)) {
      if (!identical(all[[opt]], current[[opt]])) {
        chunk_opts[[opt]] <- current[[opt]]

    n_lines <- current[["exercise.lines"]] %||% all[["exercise.lines"]] %||% 3L
    code <- rep_len("", n_lines)

    # https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/0f0c9c26/R/parser.R#L118
    chunk <- list(structure(code, chunk_opts = chunk_opts))
    names(chunk) <- label

  # helper to check for an exercise support chunk
  is_exercise_support_chunk <- function(
    type = c(
  ) {
    # is this a support chunk using chunk labels to match with an exercise?
    support_regex <- paste0("-(", paste(type, collapse = "|"), ")$")
    if (grepl(support_regex, options$label)) {
      exercise_label <- sub(support_regex, "", options$label)
      label_query <- "knitr::all_labels(exercise == TRUE)"
      all_exercise_labels <- eval(parse(text = label_query))
      return(exercise_label %in% all_exercise_labels)

    if ("setup" %in% type) {
      if (identical(options$label, "setup-global-exercise")) {

      # look for another chunk which names this as its setup chunk or if it has `exercise.setup`
      # this second condition is for support chunks that isn't referenced by an exercise yet
      # but is part of a chain and should be stored as a setup chunk
      is_referenced <- length(exercise_chunks_for_setup_chunk(options$label)) > 0
      if (is_referenced) {
        find_parent_setup_chunks(options) # only used to check for cycles; the return value is not useful here

      # if this looks like a setup chunk, but no one references it, error
      if (is.null(options[["exercise"]]) && !is.null(options$exercise.setup)) {
          "Chunk '", options$label, "' is not being used by any exercise or exercise setup chunk.\n",
          "Please remove chunk '", options$label, "' or reference '", options$label, "' with `exercise.setup = '", options$label, "'`",
          call. = FALSE


  is_exercise_setup_chunk <- function(label) {
    grepl("-setup$", label) || (length(exercise_chunks_for_setup_chunk(label)) > 0)

  # helper function to grab the raw knitr chunk associated with a chunk label
  get_knitr_chunk <- function(label) {
    # Note: we directly call the knitr function in this case because we do not
    # need to pass expressions which required delayed evaluation.

  get_setup_global_exercise <- function() {
    # setup-global-exercise is a special chunk name that will over-ride the
    # global setup chunk, but only for external evaluators. This lets tutorials
    # have separate setup code for the local shiny app and the remote evaluator.
    knitr::knit_code$get("setup-global-exercise") %||%

  # helper function to find all the setup chunks associated with an exercise chunk
  # it goes up the chain of setup dependencies and returns a list of raw knitr chunks (if any)
  find_parent_setup_chunks <- function(options, visited = NULL) {
    # base case: when options are null, there are no more setup references
    if (is.null(options))
    has_visited <- options$label %in% visited
    # update visited set
    visited <- append(visited, options$label)
    # error out if there is a cycle
    if (has_visited) {
      stop("Chained setup chunks form a cycle!\nCycle: ", paste0(visited, collapse = " => "), call. = FALSE)
    # check if the chunk with label has another setup chunk associated with it
    setup_label <- options$exercise.setup
    setup_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(setup_label)
    # if the setup_label is mispelled, throw an error to user instead of silently ignoring
    # which would cause other issues when data dependencies can't be found
    if (!is.null(setup_label) && is.null(setup_chunk))
      stop(paste0("exercise.setup label '", setup_label, "' not found for exercise '", options$label, "'"))

    setup_options <- attr(setup_chunk, "chunk_opts")
    # serialize the options here so that the values are not evaluated when retrieved from learnr cache
    current_setup_chunks <- if (is.null(setup_options)) {
    } else {
          label = setup_label,
          code = paste0(setup_chunk, collapse = "\n"),
          opts = lapply(setup_options, dput_to_string),
          engine = knitr_engine(setup_options$engine)
    # recurse
    append(find_parent_setup_chunks(setup_options, visited), current_setup_chunks)

  # helper function to return a list of exercise chunk and its setup chunks
  get_all_chunks <- function(options) {
    # get the exercise chunk
    exercise_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(options$label)
    exercise_options <- attr(exercise_chunk, "chunk_opts")
    # serialize the exercise options here so that the values are not evaluated when retrieved from learnr cache
    chunk_opts <- lapply(exercise_options, dput_to_string)
    exercise_chunk <- paste0(exercise_chunk, collapse = "\n")
    # append the setup chunks at the front
    # retrieve the setup chunks associated with the exercise
    # if there is no `exercise.setup` find one with "label-setup"
    setup_chunks <-
      if (!is.null(options$exercise.setup)) {
      } else if (!is.null(get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, '-setup')))) {
        options$exercise.setup <- paste0(options$label, '-setup')
      } else {
    append(setup_chunks, list(list(label = options$label, code = exercise_chunk, opts = chunk_opts, engine = knitr_engine(options$engine))))

  get_reveal_solution_option <- function(solution_opts) {
    exercise_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(sub("-solution$", "", solution_opts$label))
    if (is.null(exercise_chunk)) {
      stop("Can not find exercise chunk for solution: `", solution_opts$label, "`")

    # these are unevaluated options at this point
    exercise_opts <- attr(exercise_chunk, "chunk_opts")
    # get explicit opts on solution chunk since solution_opts was merged
    # with the global knitr chunk options
    sol_opts_user <- attr(get_knitr_chunk(solution_opts$label), "chunk_opts")

    # Determine if we should reveal the solution using...
    reveal_solution <-
      # 1. the option explicitly set on the solution chunk
      eval(sol_opts_user$exercise.reveal_solution, envir = knitr::knit_global()) %||%
      # 2. the option explicitly set on the exercise chunk
      eval(exercise_opts$exercise.reveal_solution, envir = knitr::knit_global()) %||%
      # 3. the global knitr chunk option
      solution_opts$exercise.reveal_solution %||%
      # 4. the global R option
      getOption("tutorial.exercise.reveal_solution", TRUE)


  # hook to turn off evaluation/highlighting for exercise related chunks
  tutorial_opts_hook <-  function(options) {
    # ensure label is an unnamed string (yihui/knitr#2280)
    options$label <- unname(options$label)

    # check for chunk type
    exercise_chunk <- is_exercise_chunk(options)
    exercise_support_chunk <- is_exercise_support_chunk(options)
    exercise_setup_chunk <- is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = "setup")

    # validate that we have runtime: shiny_prerendered
    if ((exercise_chunk || exercise_support_chunk) && !is_shiny_prerendered_active()) {
      stop("Tutorial exercises require the use of 'runtime: shiny_prerendered'",
           call. = FALSE)

    # validate or ensure that the exercise chunk is 'defined'
    if (exercise_chunk && is_chunk_empty_or_mismatched_exercise(options)) {

    # if this is an exercise chunk then set various options
    if (exercise_chunk) {

      # one time tutor initialization

      options$echo <- TRUE
      options$include <- TRUE
      options$highlight <- FALSE
      options$comment <- NA
      if (!is.null(options$exercise.eval))
        options$eval <- options$exercise.eval
        options$eval <- FALSE
      # exercises can be support chunks, but if it's an exercise it should be treated that way

    # if this is an exercise support chunk then force echo, but don't
    # eval or highlight it
    if (exercise_support_chunk) {
      options$echo <- TRUE
      options$include <- TRUE
      options$eval <- FALSE
      options$highlight <- FALSE

    if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = c("code-check", "error-check", "check", "tests"))) {
      # completely suppress behind-the-scenes support chunks
      options$include <- FALSE

    if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = "check")) {
      if (is.null(knitr::opts_chunk$get("exercise.checker"))) {
          "An exercise check chunk exists ('", options$label, "') but an ",
          "exercise checker function is not configured for this tutorial. ",
          "Please use `tutorial_options()` to define an `exercise.checker`."

    if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = "solution")) {
      # only print solution if exercise.reveal_solution is TRUE
      options$echo <- get_reveal_solution_option(options)

    # if this is an exercise setup chunk then eval it if the corresponding
    # exercise chunk is going to be executed
    if (exercise_setup_chunk) {
      # figure out the default behavior
      exercise_eval <- knitr::opts_chunk$get('exercise.eval')
      if (is.null(exercise_eval))
        exercise_eval <- FALSE

      # look for chunks that name this as their setup chunk
      labels <- exercise_chunks_for_setup_chunk(options$label)
      if (grepl("-setup$", options$label))
        labels <- c(labels, sub("-setup$", "", options$label))
      labels <- paste0('"', labels, '"')
      labels <- paste0('c(', paste(labels, collapse = ', ') ,')')
      label_query <- paste0("knitr::all_labels(label %in% ", labels, ", ",
                            "identical(exercise.eval, ", !exercise_eval, "))")

      default_reversed <- length(eval(parse(text = label_query))) > 0
      if (default_reversed)
        exercise_eval <- !exercise_eval

      # set the eval property as appropriate
      options$eval <- exercise_eval
      options$echo <- FALSE

    # If this is an -error-check function, then make sure that -check chunk is provided
    if (
      is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = "error-check") &&
        is.null(get_knitr_chunk(sub("-error", "", options$label)))
    ) {
        "Exercise '", sub("-error-check", "", options$label), "': ",
        "a *-check chunk is required when using an *-error-check chunk, but",
        " '", sub("-error", "", options$label), "' was not found in the tutorial.",
        call. = FALSE

    # return modified options

  # hook to amend output for exercise related chunks
  tutorial_knit_hook <- function(before, options, envir) {
    if (!before) {
      # Signal any messages added during the chunk evaluation. This exists so
      # that we can direct messages to the console even if created inside a chunk

    # helper to produce an exercise wrapper div w/ the specified class
    exercise_wrapper_div <- function(suffix = NULL, extra_html = NULL) {
      # before exercise
      if (before) {
        if (!is.null(suffix))
          suffix <- paste0("-", suffix)
        class <- paste0("exercise", suffix)
        lines <- ifelse(is.numeric(options$exercise.lines),
                        options$exercise.lines, 0)
        completion  <- as.numeric(options$exercise.completion %||% 1 > 0)
        diagnostics <- as.numeric(options$exercise.diagnostics %||% 1 > 0)
        startover <- as.numeric(options$exercise.startover %||% 1 > 0)
          '<div class="tutorial-', class,
          '" data-label="', options$label,
          '" data-completion="', completion,
          '" data-diagnostics="', diagnostics,
          '" data-startover="', startover,
          '" data-lines="', lines,
          '" data-pipe="', htmltools::htmlEscape(exercise_option_pipe(options)),
      # after exercise
      else {
        c(extra_html, '</div>')

    # handle exercise chunks
    if (is_exercise_chunk(options)) {

      # one-time dependencies/server code
      extra_html <- NULL
      if (before) {

        # verify the chunk has a label if required

        # inject ace and clipboardjs dependencies

        # write server code
      else {
        # forward a subset of standard knitr chunk options
        options$engine <- knitr_engine(options$engine)
        options$exercise.df_print <- options$exercise.df_print %||% knitr::opts_knit$get('rmarkdown.df_print') %||% "default"
        options$exercise.checker <- dput_to_string(options$exercise.checker)
        all_chunks <- get_all_chunks(options)

        code_check_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, "-code-check"))
        error_check_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, "-error-check"))
        check_chunk <- get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, "-check"))
        solution <- get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, "-solution"))
        tests <- get_knitr_chunk(paste0(options$label, "-tests"))

        # remove class of "knitr_strict_list" so (de)serializing works properly for external evaluators
        class(options) <- NULL
        # we collect all the setup code to make exercise compatible with old learnr
        # note: this means that chained setup chunks will not work for non-R exercises
        # Remove this after v0.13 is released
        all_setup_code <- NULL
        if (length(all_chunks) > 1) {
          all_setup_code <- paste0(
            vapply(all_chunks[-length(all_chunks)], function(x) x$code, character(1)),
            collapse = "\n"

        this_exercise <- structure(
            label = options[["label"]],
            global_setup = get_setup_global_exercise(),
            setup = all_setup_code,
            chunks = all_chunks,
            code_check = code_check_chunk,
            error_check = error_check_chunk,
            check = check_chunk,
            solution  = solution,
            tests = tests,
            options = options[setdiff(names(options), "tutorial")],
            engine = options$engine,
            version = current_exercise_version
          class = c(options$engine, "tutorial_exercise")

        # serialize the list of chunks to server

        # script tag with knit options for this chunk
        caption <-
          if (!is.null(options$exercise.cap)) {
          } else {
            cap_engine <- knitr_engine(options$engine)

            # use logo shipped within learnr pkg (currently none)
            cap_engine_file <- system.file(file.path("internals", "icons", paste0(cap_engine, ".svg")), package = "learnr")
            if (file.exists(cap_engine_file)) {
                class = "tutorial_engine_icon",
            } else {
              cap_engine_val <- knitr_engine_caption(options[["engine"]])
                paste(cap_engine_val, "Code"),
                opts = list(engine = cap_engine_val)
        ui_options <- list(
          engine = options$engine,
          has_checker = (!is.null(check_chunk) || !is.null(code_check_chunk)),
          caption = as.character(caption)
        extra_html <- c('<script type="application/json" data-ui-opts="1">',
                        jsonlite::toJSON(ui_options, auto_unbox = TRUE),

      # wrapper div (called for before and after)
      exercise_wrapper_div(extra_html = extra_html)

    # handle exercise support chunks (hints, solution)
    else if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options)) {

      # setup and checking code (-setup, -code-check, and -check) are included in exercise cache
      # do not send the setup and checking code to the browser

      # send hint and solution to the browser
      # these are visibly displayed in the UI
      if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = c("hint", "hint-\\d+"))) {
        exercise_wrapper_div(suffix = "support")
      } else if (is_exercise_support_chunk(options, type = "solution")) {
        if (get_reveal_solution_option(options)) {
          exercise_wrapper_div(suffix = "support")


    # learnr uses `tutorial` for options and hooks, and we also globally set the
    # chunk option `tutorial = TRUE`. This allows the learnr tutorial hooks to
    # visit every chunk without colliding with hooks or options set by other
    # packages or Rmd formats.
    opts_chunk = list(tutorial = TRUE),
    opts_hooks = list(tutorial = tutorial_opts_hook),
    knit_hooks = list(tutorial = tutorial_knit_hook)

install_knitr_hooks <- function() {
  knit_opts <- tutorial_knitr_options()
  knitr::opts_chunk$set(tutorial = knit_opts$opts_chunk$tutorial)
  knitr::opts_hooks$set(tutorial = knit_opts$opts_hooks$tutorial)
  knitr::knit_hooks$set(tutorial = knit_opts$knit_hooks$tutorial)

remove_knitr_hooks <- function() {
  if (!is.null(knitr::knit_hooks$get("tutorial", default = TRUE))) {

exercise_server_chunk <- function(label) {
  # reactive for exercise execution
  rmarkdown::shiny_prerendered_chunk('server', sprintf(
'`tutorial-exercise-%s-result` <- learnr:::setup_exercise_handler(reactive(req(input$`tutorial-exercise-%s-code-editor`)), session)
output$`tutorial-exercise-%s-output` <- renderUI({
})', label, label, label, label))

verify_tutorial_chunk_label <- function() {
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))) return()

  label <- knitr::opts_current$get('label')
  unnamed_label <- knitr::opts_knit$get('unnamed.chunk.label')
  if (isTRUE(grepl(paste0('^', unnamed_label), label))) {
    stop("Code chunks with exercises or quiz questions must be labeled.",
         call. = FALSE)
  not_valid_char_regex <- "[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]"
  if (grepl(not_valid_char_regex, label)) {
      "Code chunks labels for exercises or quiz questions must only be labeled using:",
      "\n\tlower case letters: a-z",
      "\n\tupper case letters: A-Z",
      "\n\tnumbers case letters: 0-9",
      "\n\tunderscore: _",
      "\n\tdash: -",
      "\n\nCurrent label: \"", label ,"\"",
      "\n\nTry using: \"", gsub(not_valid_char_regex, "_", label) ,"\"",
      call. = FALSE

exercise_option_pipe <- function(options = knitr::opts_chunk$get()) {
  if (!is.null(options[["exercise.pipe"]])) {

  if (getRversion() < "4.1.0") "%>%" else "|>"
rstudio/learnr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 11:06 p.m.