
Defines functions cloudClient getCurrentProjectId

# Docs: https://build.posit.it/job/hostedapps/job/lucid-pipeline/job/main/API/

getCurrentProjectId <- function(service, authInfo) {
  currentApplicationId <- Sys.getenv("LUCID_APPLICATION_ID")
  if (currentApplicationId != "") {
    path <- paste0("/applications/", currentApplicationId)
    current_application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

cloudClient <- function(service, authInfo) {

    status = function() {
      GET(service, authInfo,  "/internal/status")

    service = function() {

    currentUser = function() {
      GET(service, authInfo, "/users/current/")

    accountsForUser = function(userId) {
      path <- "/accounts/"
      query <- ""
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "accounts")

    getAccountUsage = function(accountId, usageType = "hours", applicationId = NULL,
                               from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/accounts/", accountId, "/usage/", usageType, "/")
      query <- list()
      if (!is.null(applicationId))
        query$application <- applicationId
      if (!is.null(from))
        query$from <- from
      if (!is.null(until))
        query$until <- until
      if (!is.null(interval))
        query$interval <- interval
      GET(service, authInfo, path, queryString(query))

    getBundle = function(bundleId) {
      path <- paste0("/bundles/", bundleId)
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    updateBundleStatus = function(bundleId, status) {
      path <- paste0("/bundles/", bundleId, "/status")
      json <- list()
      json$status <- status
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    createBundle = function(application, content_type, content_length, checksum) {
      json <- list()
      json$application <- application
      json$content_type <- content_type
      json$content_length <- content_length
      json$checksum <- checksum
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, "/bundles", json)

    listApplications = function(accountId, filters = list()) {
      path <- "/applications/"
      query <- paste(filterQuery(
        c("account_id", "type", names(filters)),
        c(accountId, "connect", unname(filters))
      ), collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "applications")

    getApplication = function(outputOrApplicationId, deploymentRecordVersion) {
      # The IDE doesn't know whether the id is for a content or an application, so we
      # support both.
      if (is.na(deploymentRecordVersion)) {
        # In pre-versioned dcf files, outputOrApplicationId is the id of the application.
        # TODO: consider removing support for this case a year after the release of 1.0.0
        path <- paste0("/applications/", outputOrApplicationId)
        application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        output_id <- application$output_id %||% application$content_id

        path <- paste0("/outputs/", output_id)
        output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
      } else if (deploymentRecordVersion == "unknown") {
        handleError <- function(err) {
          path <- paste0("/applications/", outputOrApplicationId)
          application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

          output_id <- application$output_id %||% application$content_id

          path <- paste0("/outputs/", output_id)
          output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

          list(application = application, output = output)
        applicationAndOutput <- tryCatch(
            path <- paste0("/outputs/", outputOrApplicationId)
            output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

            path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
            application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

            list(application = application, output = output)
          rsconnect_http_403 = handleError,
          rsconnect_http_404 = handleError
        application <- applicationAndOutput$application
        output <- applicationAndOutput$output
      } else {
        # from dcf version >= 1, outputOrApplicationId is the id of the output.
        path <- paste0("/outputs/", outputOrApplicationId)
        output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
        application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

      # if the output is trashed or archived, restore it to the active state
      if (output$state == "trashed" || output$state == "archived") {
        json <- list()
        json$state <- "active"
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", output$id), json)

      # Each redeployment of a static output creates a new application. Since
      # those applications can be deleted, it's more reliable to reference
      # outputs by their own id instead of the applications'.
      application$application_id <- application$id
      application$id <- output$id
      application$url <- output$url
      application$name <- output$name

    getApplicationMetrics = function(applicationId, series, metrics, from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/metrics/", series, "/")
      query <- list()
      m <- paste(lapply(metrics, function(x) { paste("metric", urlEncode(x), sep = "=") }), collapse = "&")
      if (!is.null(from))
        query$from <- from
      if (!is.null(until))
        query$until <- until
      if (!is.null(interval))
        query$interval <- interval
      GET(service, authInfo, path, paste(m, queryString(query), sep = "&"))

    getLogs = function(applicationId, entries = 50) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/logs")
      query <- paste0("count=", entries, "&tail=0")
      GET(service, authInfo, path, query)

    createApplication = function(name, title, template, accountId, appMode, contentCategory = NULL, spaceId = NULL) {
      json <- list()
      json$name <- name
      json$application_type <- if (appMode %in% c("rmd-static", "quarto-static", "static")) "static" else "connect"
      if (appMode %in% c("rmd-static", "quarto-static")) {
        json$render_by <- "server"

      currentProjectId <- getCurrentProjectId(service, authInfo)
      # in case the source cloud project is a temporary copy, there is no
      # content id. The output will be published without a space id.
      if (!is.null(currentProjectId)) {
        json$project <- currentProjectId

        path <- paste0("/content/", currentProjectId)
        currentProject <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
        json$space <- currentProject$space_id

      json$content_category <- contentCategory

      if (is.null(currentProjectId) && !is.null(spaceId)) {
        json$space <- spaceId

      output <- POST_JSON(service, authInfo, "/outputs", json)
      path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
      application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
        id = output$id,
        application_id = application$id,
        url = output$url

    listApplicationProperties = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/")
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    setApplicationProperty = function(applicationId, propertyName,
                                      propertyValue, force = FALSE) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/",
      v <- list()
      v$value <- propertyValue
      query <- paste0("force=", if (force) "1" else "0")
      PUT_JSON(service, authInfo, path, v, query)

    unsetApplicationProperty = function(applicationId, propertyName,
                                        force = FALSE) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/",
      query <- paste0("force=", if (force) "1" else "0")
      DELETE(service, authInfo, path, query)

    uploadApplication = function(applicationId, bundlePath) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/upload")
        contentType = "application/x-gzip",
        file = bundlePath

    createRevision = function(application, contentCategory) {
        path <- paste0("/outputs/", application$id, "/revisions")
        json <- list(content_category = contentCategory)
        revision <- POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    deployApplication = function(application, bundleId = NULL, spaceId = NULL) {
      currentProjectId <- getCurrentProjectId(service, authInfo)
      if (!is.null(currentProjectId)) {
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", application$id), list(project = currentProjectId))

      if (!is.null(spaceId)) {
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", application$id), list(space = spaceId))

      path <- paste0("/applications/", application$application_id, "/deploy")
      json <- list()
      if (length(bundleId) > 0 && nzchar(bundleId))
        json$bundle <- as.numeric(bundleId)
        json$rebuild <- FALSE
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    terminateApplication = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/terminate")
      POST(service, authInfo, path)

    purgeApplication = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/purge")
      POST(service, authInfo, path)

    inviteApplicationUser = function(applicationId, email,
                                     invite_email = NULL, invite_email_message = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users")
      json <- list()
      json$email <- email
      if (!is.null(invite_email))
        json$invite_email <- invite_email
      if (!is.null(invite_email_message))
        json$invite_email_message <- invite_email_message
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    addApplicationUser = function(applicationId, userId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users/",
      PUT(service, authInfo, path, NULL)

    removeApplicationUser = function(applicationId, userId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users/",
      DELETE(service, authInfo, path)

    listApplicationAuthorization = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "authorization")

    listApplicationUsers = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "users")

    listApplicationGroups = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/groups")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "groups")

    listApplicationInvitations = function(applicationId) {
      path <- "/invitations/"
      query <- paste(filterQuery("app_id", applicationId), collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "invitations")

    listTasks = function(accountId, filters = NULL) {
      if (is.null(filters)) {
        filters <- vector()
      path <- "/tasks/"
      filters <- c(filterQuery("account_id", accountId), filters)
      query <- paste(filters, collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "tasks", max = 100)

    getTaskInfo = function(taskId) {
      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId)
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    getTaskLogs = function(taskId) {
      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId, "/logs/")
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    waitForTask = function(taskId, quiet = FALSE) {

      if (!quiet) {
        cat("Waiting for task: ", taskId, "\n", sep = "")

      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId)

      lastStatus <- NULL
      while (TRUE) {

        # check status
        status <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        # display status to the user if it changed
        if (!identical(lastStatus, status$description)) {
          if (!quiet)
            cat("  ", status$status, ": ", status$description, "\n", sep = "")
          lastStatus <- status$description

        # are we finished? (note: this codepath is the only way to exit this function)
        if (status$finished) {
          if (identical(status$status, "success")) {
          } else {
            # always show task log on error
            cli::cat_rule("Begin Task Log", line = "#")
            taskLog(taskId, authInfo$name, authInfo$server, output = "stderr")
            cli::cat_rule("End Task Log", line = "#")
            stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)

        # wait for 1 second before polling again
rstudio/rsconnect documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:21 a.m.