#' Add a rank list inside bucket list.
#' Since a [bucket_list] can contain more than one [rank_list], you need
#' an easy way to define the contents of each individual rank list. This
#' function serves as a specification of a rank list.
#' @inheritParams rank_list
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to `rank_list`
#' @seealso [bucket_list()], [rank_list()] and [update_rank_list()]
#' @return A list of class `add_rank_list`
#' @export
add_rank_list <- function(text, labels = NULL, input_id = NULL,
css_id = input_id, ...)
{ # nolint
if (is.null(input_id)) {
input_id <- increment_rank_list_input_id()
z <- list(
text = text,
labels = labels,
input_id = input_id,
css_id = css_id,
class(z) <- c("add_rank_list", "list")
is_add_rank_list <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "add_rank_list")
#' Create a bucket list.
#' A bucket list can contain more than one [rank_list] and allows drag-and-drop
#' of items between the different lists.
#' @template options
#' @param header Text that appears at the top of the bucket list. (This is
#' encoded as an HTML `<p>` tag, so not strictly speaking a header.) Note
#' that you must explicitly provide `header` argument, especially in the case
#' where you want the header to be empty - to do this use `header = NULL` or
#' `header = NA`.
#' @param ... One or more specifications for a rank list, and must be defined by
#' [add_rank_list].
#' @param class A css class applied to the bucket list and rank lists. This can
#' be used to define custom styling.
#' @param group_name Passed to `SortableJS` as the group name. Also the input
#' value set in Shiny. (`input[[group_name]]`). Items can be dragged between
#' bucket lists which share the same group name.
#' @param group_put_max Not yet implemented
#' @param orientation Either `horizontal` or `vertical`, and specifies the
#' layout of the components on the page.
#' @param css_id This is the css id to use, and must be unique in your shiny
#' app. This defaults to the value of `group_id`, and will be appended to the
#' value "bucket-list-container", to ensure the CSS id is unique for the
#' container as well as the embedded rank lists.
#' @return A list with class `bucket_list`
#' @seealso [rank_list], [update_rank_list]
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example_bucket_list.R
#' @examples
#' ## Example of a shiny app
#' if (interactive()) {
#' app <- system.file(
#' "shiny/bucket_list/app.R",
#' package = "sortable"
#' )
#' shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
bucket_list <- function(
header = NULL,
css_id = group_name,
group_put_max = rep(Inf, length(labels)),
options = sortable_options(),
class = "default-sortable",
orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical")
) {
if (isTRUE(is.na(header))) header <- NULL
if (missing(group_name) || is.null(group_name)) {
group_name <- increment_bucket_group()
orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
class <- paste(class, collapse = " ")
# capture the dots
dot_vals <- rlang::list2(...)
# Remove any NULL elements
dot_vals <- dot_vals[!vapply(dot_vals, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
# modify the dots by adding the group_name to the sortable options
dots <- lapply(seq_along(dot_vals), function(i) {
dot <- dot_vals[[i]]
if (is.null(dot$css_id)) {
dot$css_id <- increment_rank_list()
val = list(
options = sortable_options(group = group_name),
class = paste(class, paste0("column_", i))
css_ids <- vapply(dots, function(dot) dot$css_id, character(1))
input_ids <- vapply(dots, function(dot) dot$input_id, character(1))
set_bucket <- sortable_js_capture_bucket_input(group_name, input_ids, css_ids)
display_empty_class <- sortable_js_set_empty_class(css_ids)
dots <- lapply(dots, function(dot) {
dot$options$onLoad <- chain_js_events(set_bucket, dot$options$onLoad) # nolint
dot$options$onSort <- chain_js_events(set_bucket, dot$options$onSort) # nolint
dot$options$onMove <- chain_js_events(dot$options$onMove, display_empty_class) # nolint
# construct list rank_list objects
sortables <- lapply(dots, function(dot) do.call(rank_list, dot))
title_tag <-
if (!is.null(header)) {
tags$p(class = "bucket-list-header", header)
} else {
z <- tagList(
class = paste("bucket-list-container", class),
id = as_bucket_list_id(css_id),
class = paste(class, "bucket-list",
paste0("bucket-list-", orientation)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.