
#' @title Move file after simulations
#' @description Move file after simulations
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param simulationName \code{character} name of simulation return by \link{runSimulationFB}
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{0}{ : No log}
#'  \item{1}{ : Short log}
#'  \item{2}{ : Long log}
#' @import antaresRead
#' @noRd
moveFilesAfterStudy <- function(opts, simulationName, verbose = 1)
  #Found files
  outputs <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/output")
  allStudy <- list.files(outputs)
  simulationName <- tolower(simulationName)
  allStudySel <- allStudy[grepl(simulationName, allStudy)]
  sel <-  which(allStudySel[1] == allStudy)
  #Found study type
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  opts2 <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, sel)
  options(warn = oldw)
  type <- unlist(strsplit(opts2$simDataPath, "/"))
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, 0)
  options(warn = oldw)
  type <- type[length(type)]
  outputs_start <- paste0(outputs, "/", allStudySel)
  #Create output dir
  outData <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/output")
  dtTime <- Sys.time()
  dateTim <-  substr(as.character(round(dtTime, "mins")),1,16)
  dateTim2 <- dateTim
  dateTim <- gsub("-", "", dateTim)
  dateTim <- gsub(":", "", dateTim)
  dateTim <- gsub(" ", "-", dateTim)
  realName <- substr(simulationName, 1, nchar(simulationName)-10)
  realName <- paste0(dateTim, realName)
  outData <- paste0(outData, "/", realName)
  #Copy initial study
  file.rename(outputs_start[1], outData)
  #Move others MC years
    outputs_mc_ind <- paste0(outputs_start[-1],  "/", type, "/mc-ind")
    allMcYear <- lapply(outputs_mc_ind, function(X){
      paste0(X, "/",list.files(X))}) %>>% unlist
    namesMc <- lapply(outputs_mc_ind, list.files) %>>% unlist
    outDataMc <- paste0(outData, "/", type, "/mc-ind")
    file.rename(allMcYear, paste0(outDataMc, "/", namesMc))
  #Remove old folders
  unlink(outputs_start,recursive = TRUE )
  .editOutputInfo(outData = outData,
                  simulationName = simulationName,
                  dateTim2 = dateTim2,
                  dtTim = dtTime)

#' Creation of Mc_all
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param newname \code{character} name of simulation.
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' @param filtering \code{boolean} filtering control
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{0}{ : No log}
#'  \item{1}{ : Short log}
#'  \item{2}{ : Long log}
#' @import plyr data.table
#' @noRd
aggregateResult <- function(opts, newname, verbose = 1, filtering = FALSE){
  if(verbose > 0)
      pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, newname)
  options(warn = oldw)
  #Version which readAntares
  linkTable <- try(data.table::fread(system.file("/input/format_output/tableOutput.csv", package = "antaresFlowbased")),
                   silent = TRUE)
  .errorTest(linkTable, verbose, "Load of link table")
  #load link table
  linkTable$progNam <- linkTable$Stats
  linkTable$progNam[which(linkTable$progNam == "values")] <- "EXP"
  dtaMc <- paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-ind")
  numMc <- as.numeric(list.files(dtaMc))
  #sapply on timeStep
  allTyped <- c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly")
  sapply(allTyped, function(type, verbose)
    .addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
      #load first MC-year
      a <- Sys.time()
        dta <- antaresRead::readAntares(area = "all", links = "all", clusters = "all",
                                        timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE, mcYears = numMc[1], showProgress = FALSE)
        areasselect <- .getAreasToAggregate(opts, type)
        linksSelect <- .getLinksToAggregate(opts, type)
        dta <- antaresRead::readAntares(area = areasselect, links = linksSelect, clusters = areasselect,
                                        timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE, mcYears = numMc[1], showProgress = FALSE)
        dtaLoadAndcalcul <- try({
          aTot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
          SDcolsStartareas <- switch(type,
                                     daily = 6,
                                     annual = 4,
                                     hourly = 7,
                                     monthly = 5,
                                     weekly = 4
          SDcolsStartClust <-  SDcolsStartareas + 1
          #make structure
          struct <- list(areas = dta$areas[,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartareas],
                         links = dta$links[,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartareas],
                         clusters = dta$clusters[,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartClust])
          if(type == "weekly"){
            struct$areas$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$areas$time, nchar(as.character(struct$areas$time[1]))-1,
            struct$link$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$link$time, nchar(as.character(struct$link$time[1]))-1,
            struct$clusters$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$clusters$time, nchar(as.character(struct$clusters$time[1]))-1,
            struct$areas$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$areas$day) == 1,
                                       paste0("0", struct$areas$day),
            struct$links$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$links$day) == 1,
                                       paste0("0", struct$links$day),
            struct$clusters$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$clusters$day) == 1,
                                          paste0("0", struct$clusters$day),
          b <- Sys.time()
          #value structure
          value <- .giveValue(dta, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
          N <- length(numMc)
          value <- lapply(value, .creatStats)
          btot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
              .progBar(pb, type, 1, N)
          #sequentially add values
            for(i in 2:N){
              a <- Sys.time()
                dtaTP <- antaresRead::readAntares(area = "all", links = "all", clusters = "all",
                                                  timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE, mcYears = numMc[i], showProgress = FALSE)
                dtaTP <- antaresRead::readAntares(area = areasselect, links = linksSelect, clusters = areasselect,
                                                  timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE, mcYears = numMc[i], showProgress = FALSE)
              aTot <- aTot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
              b <- Sys.time()
              valueTP <- .giveValue(dtaTP, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
              valueTP <- lapply(valueTP, .creatStats)
              value$areas <- .updateStats(value$areas, valueTP$areas)
              value$links <- .updateStats(value$links, valueTP$links)
              value$clusters <- .updateStats(value$clusters, valueTP$clusters)
              btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
                  .progBar(pb, type, i, N)
          #Calcul of sd
          oldw <- getOption("warn")
          options(warn = -1)
          b <- Sys.time()
          value$areas$std <- sqrt((value$areas$sumC - ((value$areas$sum * value$areas$sum)/N))/(N))
          #nan due to round
          for (i in names(value$areas$std))
            value$areas$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i):=0]
          value$links$std <- sqrt((value$links$sumC - ((value$links$sum * value$links$sum)/N))/(N))
          #nan due to round
          for (i in names(value$links$std))
            value$links$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i):=0]
          value$clusters$std <- sqrt((value$clusters$sumC - ((value$clusters$sum * value$clusters$sum)/N))/(N))
          #nan due to round
          for (i in names(value$clusters$std))
            value$clusters$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i):=0]
          options(warn = oldw)
          value$areas$sumC <- NULL
          value$links$sumC <- NULL
          value$clusters$sumC <- NULL
          value$areas$sum <- value$areas$sum / N
          value$links$sum <- value$links$sum / N
          value$clusters$sum <- value$clusters$sum / N
          btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
          .addMessage(verbose, paste0("Time for reading data : ", round(aTot,1), " secondes"))
          .addMessage(verbose, paste0("Time for calculating : ", round(btot,1), " secondes"))
        }, silent = TRUE)
        .errorTest(dtaLoadAndcalcul, verbose, "Load data and calcul")
        #Write area
        allfiles <- c("values")
        areaWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
          #prepare data for all country
          areaSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "area" & Files == f & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
          namekeep <- paste(areaSpecialFile$Name, areaSpecialFile$Stats)
          namekeepprog <- paste(areaSpecialFile$Name, areaSpecialFile$progNam)
          areas <- cbind(value$areas$sum,  value$areas$std, value$areas$min, value$areas$max)
          if(nrow(areas) > 0)
            areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(areas)%in%namekeepprog)]
            areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = match(namekeepprog, names(areas))]
            nbvar <- ncol(areas)
            areas <- cbind(struct$areas, areas)
            ncolFix <- ncol(struct$areas)-3
            areas[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
            allAreas <- unique(areas$area)
            for(i in 1:length(namekeepprog))
              var <- namekeepprog[i]
              dig <- areaSpecialFile[var == paste(Name,progNam )]$digits
              areas[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
            if(length(allAreas > 0))
              sapply(allAreas,  function(areasel){
                #for each country prepare file
                areastowrite <- areas[area == areasel]
                areastowrite[,c("area") := NULL]
                indexMin <- min(areas$timeId)
                indexMax <- max(areas$timeId)
                kepNam <- names(struct$areas)[!names(struct$areas)%in%c("area","mcYear","time")]
                nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
                kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
                #write txt
                .writeFileOut(dta = areastowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
                              ctry = areasel, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
                              indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
                              nomcair = areaSpecialFile$Name, unit = areaSpecialFile$Unit,
                              nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = areaSpecialFile$Stats)
        }), silent = TRUE)
        .errorTest(areaWrite, verbose, "Area write")
        allfiles <- c("values")
        linkWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
          #prepare data for all link
          linkSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "link" & Files == f & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
          namekeep <- paste(linkSpecialFile$Name, linkSpecialFile$Stats)
          namekeepprog <- paste(linkSpecialFile$Name, linkSpecialFile$progNam)
          links <- cbind(value$links$sum,  value$links$std, value$links$min, value$links$max)
          if(nrow(links) > 0)
            links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(links)%in%namekeepprog)]
            links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = match(namekeepprog, names(links))]
            nbvar <- ncol(links)
            links <- cbind(struct$links, links)
            ncolFix <- ncol(struct$links)-3
            links[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
            allLink<- unique(links$link)
            for(i in 1:length(namekeepprog))
              var <- namekeepprog[i]
              dig <- linkSpecialFile[var == paste(Name,progNam )]$digits
              links[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
            sapply(allLink,  function(linksel){
              #for eatch link prepare file
              linkstowrite <- links[link == linksel]
              linkstowrite[,c("link") := NULL]
              indexMin <- min(links$timeId)
              indexMax <- max(links$timeId)
              kepNam <- names(struct$link)[!names(struct$link)%in%c("link","mcYear","time")]
              nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
              kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
              #write txt
              .writeFileOut(dta = linkstowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
                            ctry = linksel, opts = opts, folderType = "links", nbvar = nbvar,
                            indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
                            nomcair = linkSpecialFile$Name, unit = linkSpecialFile$Unit,
                            nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = linkSpecialFile$Stats)
        }), silent = TRUE)
        .errorTest(linkWrite, verbose, "Link write")
        details <- value$clusters$sum
          if(length(struct$clusters$day) > 0)
            endClust <- cbind(struct$clusters, details)
            endClust[, c("mcYear") := NULL]
            detailWrite <- try(sapply(unique(endClust$area),  function(ctry){
              #for each country prepare file
              endClustctry <- endClust[area == ctry]
              orderBeg <- unique(endClustctry$time)
              endClustctry[,c("area") := NULL]
              if(tolower(opts$mode) == "economy")
                nameBy <- c("production EXP", "NP Cost EXP", "NODU EXP")
                nameBy <- c("production EXP")
              nomStruct <- names(endClustctry)[!names(endClustctry)%in%
                                                 c("cluster", nameBy)]
              tmp_formula <- nomStruct
              tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(tmp_formula, collapse = "+"), "~cluster"))
              if(tolower(opts$mode) == "economy")
                endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := list(round(`production EXP`),
                                                 round(`NP Cost EXP`),
                                                 round(`NODU EXP`))]
                endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := list(round(`production EXP`))]
              endClustctry <- data.table::dcast(endClustctry, tmp_formula,
                                                value.var = c(nameBy))
              endClustctry <- endClustctry[match(orderBeg, endClustctry$time)]
              endClustctry[,c("time") := NULL]
              nomStruct <- nomStruct[-which(nomStruct == "time")]
              nomcair <- names(endClustctry)
              nomcair <- nomcair[!nomcair%in%nomStruct]
              nbvar <- length(nomcair)
              unit <- rep("", length(nomcair))
              unit[grep("production EXP_",nomcair)] <- "MWh"
              unit[grep("NP Cost EXP_",nomcair)] <- "NP Cost - Euro"
              unit[grep("NODU EXP_",nomcair)] <- "NODU"
              nomcair <- gsub("production EXP_","",nomcair)
              nomcair <- gsub("NP Cost EXP_","",nomcair)
              nomcair <- gsub("NODU EXP_","",nomcair)
              Stats <- rep("EXP", length(unit))
              nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
              nomStruct[which(nomStruct == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
              indexMin <- min(endClustctry$timeId)
              indexMax <- max(endClustctry$timeId)
              ncolFix <- length(nomStruct)
              #write details txt
              .writeFileOut(dta = endClustctry, timestep = type, fileType = "details",
                            ctry = ctry, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
                            indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
                            nomcair = nomcair, unit = unit, nomStruct = nomStruct,Stats = Stats)
            }), silent = TRUE)
            .errorTest(detailWrite, verbose, "Detail write")
    .addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- End Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
  }, verbose = verbose)

#' @title Extract value part of data
#' @description Extract value part of data
#' @param dta \code{data.table} of data load which antaresRead::readAntares
#' @param SDcolsStartareas \code{numeric} first column of data for areas
#' @param SDcolsStartClust \code{numeric} first column of data for details
#' @return value {data.table} value selected
#' @noRd
.giveValue <- function(dta, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
  value = list()
    value$areas <-  dta$areas[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartareas+1):ncol(dta$areas)]
    value$links <- dta$links[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartareas+1):ncol(dta$links)]
    value$clusters <- dta$clusters[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartClust+1):ncol(dta$clusters)]

#' @title Create stat file compute min, max sd and mean
#' @description Create stat file compute min, max sd and mean
#' @param X \code{data.table} data load which
#' antaresRead::readAntares and extract which .giveValue
#' @return res {data.table} stats computed
#' @noRd
.creatStats <- function(X){
  # res <- list(sum = X, min = X, max = X,
  #             sumC = data.table::data.table(sapply(X, function(Z) Z*Z)))
  res <- list(sum = X, min = X, max = X, sumC = X*X)
  names(res$sum) <- paste(names(X), "EXP")
  names(res$min) <- paste(names(X), "min")
  names(res$max) <- paste(names(X), "max")
  names(res$sumC) <- paste(names(X), "std")

#' @title Update data min, max sd and mean
#' @description Update data min, max sd and mean
#' @param X \code{data.table} data init which .creatStats
#' @param Y \code{data.table} data load which
#' antaresRead::readAntares and extract which .giveValue
#' @return X {data.table} stats updated
#' @noRd
.updateStats <- function(X, Y){
  X$sum <-  X$sum + Y$sum
  X$min <-$min , Y$min)
  X$max <-$max , Y$max)
  X$sumC <-  X$sumC + Y$sumC

# fast pmin and pmax for two elements <- function(k,x) (x+k - abs(x-k))/2 <- function(k,x) (x+k + abs(x-k))/2

#' @title Write mc-all files
#' @description Write mc-all files
#' @param dta \code{data.table} data
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param fileType \code{character} must be values or details
#' @param ctry \code{character} country.
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param folderType \code{character} must be areas or links
#' @param nbvar \code{numeric} for header write, currently ncol(dta)
#' @param indexMin \code{numeric} for header write, depend of number of row write and calandar
#' @param indexMax \code{numeric} for header write, depend of number of row write and calandar
#' @param ncolFix \code{numeric} for header write
#' @param nomcair \code{character} for header write, names of variables
#' @param unit \code{character} for header write, unit of variables
#' @param nomStruct \code{character} for header write, depend of timestep
#' @param Stats \code{character} for header write, stats compute for eatch variables
#' @noRd

.writeFileOut <- function(dta, timestep, fileType, ctry, opts, folderType, nbvar,
                          indexMin, indexMax, ncolFix, nomcair, unit, nomStruct, Stats){
  # threads for fwrite
  folderTypesansS <- substr(folderType, 1, nchar(folderType)-1)
  abrtype <- substr(fileType, 1, 2)
  if(timestep == "annual"){
    nomStruct <- ""
    dta$timeId <- "Annual"
  if(folderType == "links"){
    ctryDecomp <- strsplit(as.character(ctry), " - ")%>>%unlist
    entete <- paste0(ctryDecomp[1], "\t",folderTypesansS,"\t",abrtype,
                     "\t",timestep,"\n",ctryDecomp[2] ,"\tVARIABLES\tBEGIN\tEND\n\t",
                     nbvar, "\t",indexMin, "\t",indexMax, "\n\n",
                     ctryDecomp[1], "\t", timestep, paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix), collapse = ""),
                     paste0(nomcair, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
                     paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix+1), collapse = ""),paste0(unit, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
                     "\t", paste0(nomStruct, collapse = "\t"), "\t", paste0(Stats, collapse = "\t"), "\n")
    entete <- paste0(ctry, "\t",folderTypesansS,"\t",abrtype, "\t",timestep,"\n\tVARIABLES\tBEGIN\tEND\n\t",
                     nbvar, "\t",indexMin, "\t",indexMax, "\n\n",
                     ctry, "\t", timestep, paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix), collapse = ""),
                     paste0(nomcair, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
                     paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix+1), collapse = ""),paste0(unit, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
                     "\t", paste0(nomStruct, collapse = "\t"), "\t", paste0(Stats, collapse = "\t"), "\n")
  dir.create(paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all", "/",folderType,"/", ctry),
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  outputFile <- paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all", "/",folderType,"/", ctry, "/",
                       fileType, "-",timestep,".txt")
  file <- file(outputFile, "wb")
  write.table(entete,file , row.names = FALSE, eol = "",
              quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  # write.table(cbind(NA, dta), file,
  #             append = TRUE,
  #             row.names = FALSE,
  #             col.names =FALSE,
  #             quote = FALSE,sep = "\t",
  #             na = "")
  data.table::fwrite(cbind(NA, dta), outputFile,
                     append = TRUE,
                     row.names = FALSE,
                     quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
                     eol = "\n", na = "")

#' @title Edit info on output folder
#' @description Edit info on output folder
#' @param outData \code{character} out folder path
#' @param simulationName \code{character} simulation name
#' @param dateTim2 \code{datetime} simulation begin date time
#' @param dtTim \code{datetime} simulation end date time
#' @noRd
.editOutputInfo <- function(outData, simulationName, dateTim2, dtTim)
  #Edit infos output simulation
  iniPath <- paste0(outData, "/info.antares-output")
  infosIni <- readIniFile(iniPath)
  infosIni$general$name <- substr(simulationName, 1, nchar(simulationName)-10)
  dateTim2 <- gsub("-" , ".", dateTim2)
  dateTim2 <- gsub(" " , " - ", dateTim2)
  infosIni$general$date <- dateTim2
  infosIni$general$title <- dateTim2
  infosIni$general$timestamp <- round(as.numeric(difftime(dtTim,
                                                          as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00"), units = "sec")), 0)
  writeIni(infosIni, iniPath)

#' @title Progress bar
#' @description Progress bar
#' @param pb \code{progressbar} progress bar to update
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param mcALLNum \code{numeric} current mcYears position
#' @param nbmcallTOT \code{numeric} number of  mcYear
#' @return progress bar update
#' @noRd
.progBar <- function(pb, timeStep, mcALLNum, nbmcallTOT)
  usalTime <- data.frame(period = c("start","annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
                         value = c(0, 20, 200, 600, 800, 1000))
  per <- which(usalTime$period == timeStep)
  dif <- usalTime$value[per] - usalTime$value[per - 1]
  approxEnd <- mcALLNum/nbmcallTOT
  i = (dif * approxEnd + usalTime$value[per - 1]) / usalTime$value[length( usalTime$value)]
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

.getAreasToAggregate <- function(opts, timeStep){
  inputsAreas <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/input/areas")
  allAreas <- list.dirs(inputsAreas, full.names = FALSE)
  allAreas <- allAreas[!allAreas == ""]
  out <- sapply(allAreas, function(X){
    Ini <- paste0(inputsAreas, "/", X, "/optimization.ini")
    gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(readIniFile(Ini)$filtering$`filter-synthesis`, ",")))
  }, simplify = FALSE)
  out <- lapply(out, function(X){
    any(X == timeStep)

.getLinksToAggregate <- function(opts, timeStep){
  inputsLinks <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/input/links")
  allLinks <- list.dirs(inputsLinks, full.names = FALSE)
  allLinks <- allLinks[!allLinks == ""]
  out <- sapply(allLinks, function(X){
    Ini <- paste0(inputsLinks, "/", X, "/properties.ini")
    res <- lapply(readIniFile(Ini), function(X){X$`filter-synthesis`})
    lapply(res, function(X)gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(X, ","))))
  out <- out[lapply(out, length)!=0]
  out <- lapply(out, function(X){
    lapply(X, function(Y){
      any(Y == timeStep)
  out <- lapply(out, unlist)
  out <- lapply(out, function(X)X[X])
  res <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(out)){
    res[[i]] <- paste(names(out)[i], names(out[[i]]), sep = " - ")
  res <- unlist(res)

.recupeFilesUser <- function(opts){
  if(dir.exists(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile/")))
    tocp <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile/", list.files(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile"), recursive = TRUE))
    initialFile <- gsub("/user/tempfile/","/input/", tocp)
    file.copy(tocp, initialFile, overwrite = TRUE)
    unlink(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile"), recursive = TRUE)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresFlowbased documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 11:23 a.m.