# manipulateWidget:::mwDebug()
# options
.is_shared_input <- FALSE
.ram_limit <- 2
.data_module <- 200
# data path
data_dir <- "data"
# map layout
# ml_data <- tryCatch(readRDS(paste0(data_dir, "/mapLayout-2018-01-19.RDS")), error = function(e) {NULL})
ml_data <- tryCatch(readRDS(paste0(data_dir, "/mapLayout-2018-02-09.RDS")), error = function(e) {NULL})
# .h5 files
h5_files <- list.files(data_dir, full.names = FALSE, pattern = ".h5$")
.list_data_all <- list(antaresDataList = list(), params = list(),
have_links = c(), have_areas = c(), opts = list())
add_h5_file <- lapply(1:length(h5_files), function(x){
params <- list(
areas = "all", links = "all",
clusters = "all", districts = "all",
select = c("OV. COST", "OP. COST", "MRG. PRICE", "CO2 EMIS.", "BALANCE", "ROW BAL.", "PSP", "MISC. NDG",
"NP COST", "NODU", "FLOW LIN.", "congestion", "effacement")
# a .h5 file, so return opts...
opts <- setSimulationPath(paste0(data_dir, "/", h5_files[x]))
.list_data_all$antaresDataList[[x]] <<- opts
.list_data_all$params[[x]] <<- params
.list_data_all$opts[[x]] <<- opts
.list_data_all$have_links[x] <<- TRUE
.list_data_all$have_areas[x] <<- TRUE
names(.list_data_all$antaresDataList)[[x]] <<- h5_files[x]
# add_h5_file <- lapply(1:length(h5_files), function(x){
# # a .h5 file, so return opts...
# opts <- setSimulationPath(paste0(data_dir, "/", h5_files[x]))
# for(ts in c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "annual")){
# # addProcessingH5(mcY = "mcAll",
# # timeStep = ts,
# # evalAreas = list(effacement = "`MISC. DTG` + `fr_dsr_4h` + `de_dsr_4h` + `ie_dsr_4h` + `ni_dsr_4h` + `gb_dsr_4h`"),
# # evalLinks = list(congestion = "(`CONG. PROB +` + `CONG. PROB -`)/100"))
# #
# # addProcessingH5(mcY = "mcInd",
# # timeStep = ts,
# # evalAreas = list(effacement = "`MISC. DTG` + `fr_dsr_4h` + `de_dsr_4h` + `ie_dsr_4h` + `ni_dsr_4h` + `gb_dsr_4h`"),
# # evalLinks = list(congestion = "(`CONG. PROB +` + `CONG. PROB -`)/100"))
# #
# addProcessingH5(mcY = "mcAll",
# timeStep = ts,
# evalAreas = list(effacement = "`MISC. DTG` + `fr_dsr_4h`"),
# evalLinks = list(congestion = "(`CONG. PROB +` + `CONG. PROB -`)/100"))
# addProcessingH5(mcY = "mcInd",
# timeStep = ts,
# evalAreas = list(effacement = "`MISC. DTG` + `fr_dsr_4h`"),
# evalLinks = list(congestion = "(`CONG. PROB +` + `CONG. PROB -`)/100"))
# }
# })
# new prodStack alias
couleur_mix <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/couleur_mix.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
couleur_mix[[1]] <- as.character(couleur_mix[[1]])
Encoding(couleur_mix[[1]] ) <- "latin1"
couleur_mix$color <- rgb(couleur_mix$R, couleur_mix$G, couleur_mix$B, maxColorValue = 255)
cl_mix <- couleur_mix$color
names(cl_mix) <- couleur_mix$Nom
# change eco2mix alias
# dans l'ordre, de bas en haut
tmp_var <- alist(
"Pompage STEP" = - pmax(0, -PSP),
"Export" = - pmax(0, BALANCE + pmax(0, -`ROW BAL.`)),
"Déversement" = -(`SPIL. ENRG`),
"Nucléaire" = NUCLEAR,
"Charbon" = COAL,
"Gaz" = GAS,
"Autre renouvelable" = `MISC. NDG`,
"Hydraulique" = `H. ROR` + `H. STOR`,
"Turbinage STEP" = pmax(0, PSP),
"Fioul" = OIL,
"Import" = pmax(0, - (BALANCE) + pmax(0, `ROW BAL.`)),
"Eolien" = WIND,
"Solaire" = SOLAR,
"Effacements" = effacement,
"Défaillance" = `UNSP. ENRG`
name = "eco2mix",
variables = tmp_var,
colors = unname(cl_mix[names(tmp_var)]),
lines = alist(
"Consommation" = LOAD
lineColors = unname(cl_mix["Consommation"]),
lineWidth = 2
# shared inputs
.global_shared_prodStack <- data.frame(
module = "prodStack",
panel = "Production",
input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5"),
type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.global_shared_plotts <- data.frame(
module = "plotts",
panel = "Chroniques",
input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5"),
type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.global_shared_plotMap <- data.frame(
module = "plotMap",
panel = "Carte",
input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5"),
type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.global_shared_exchangesStack <- data.frame(
module = "exchangesStack",
panel = "Echanges",
input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5"),
type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.global_shared_input <- rbind(.global_shared_prodStack, .global_shared_plotts, .global_shared_plotMap, .global_shared_exchangesStack)
.global_build_input_data <- function(data){
data$input_id <- paste0(data$module, "-shared_", data$input)
data$last_update <- NA
data$update_call <- ""
class(data$last_update) <- c("character")
data <- data.table(data)
# compare
.global_compare <- c("mcYear", "areas")
# .global_compare_prodstack <- c("mcYear", "main", "unit", "areas", "legend",
# "stack", "stepPlot", "drawPoints")
# .global_compare_exchangesStack <- c("mcYear", "main", "unit", "area",
# "legend", "stepPlot", "drawPoints")
# .global_compare_tsPlot <- c("mcYear", "main", "variable", "type", "confInt", "elements",
# "aggregate", "legend", "highlight", "stepPlot", "drawPoints", "secondAxis")
# .global_compare_plotMap <- c("mcYear", "type", "colAreaVar", "sizeAreaVars", "areaChartType", "showLabels",
# "popupAreaVars", "labelAreaVar","colLinkVar", "sizeLinkVar", "popupLinkVars")
# hypothese
# production
sce_prod <- fread(paste0(data_dir, "/correspondance_scenarios_V3.csv"), encoding = "Latin-1")
# bug with fread
hyp_prod <- data.table(read.table(paste0(data_dir, "/BP2017_production_hypothesis_v7_global.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1"))
hyp_prod$filiere2 <- as.character(hyp_prod$filiere2)
Encoding(hyp_prod$filiere2) <- "latin1"
hyp_prod$filiere_BP_num <- as.character(hyp_prod$filiere_BP_num)
Encoding(hyp_prod$filiere_BP_num) <- "latin1"
hyp_prod <- hyp_prod[filiere_BP_num != "Autre thermique décentralisé EnR"]
# # renommage en francais
# unique(hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^other$", "autres_renouvelables", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^wind$", "éolien", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^solar$", "solaire", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^biogas$", "biogaz", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^biomass$", "biomasse", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^geothermal$", "géothermie", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^hydro$", "hydraulique", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^hydrokinetic$", "hydrolien", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^waste$", "déchets", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# hyp_prod$filiere2 <- gsub("^wave$", "houlomotrice", hyp_prod$filiere2)
# renommage en francais
# remove 2036
# hyp_prod <- hyp_prod[date != 2036]
# hyp_prod[, .N, list(filiere1, filiere2)]
# hyp_prod[, .N, list(filiere1, filiere2, filiere3)]
# data <- hyp_prod
couleur_prod <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/couleur_prod.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
couleur_prod <- couleur_prod[Type %in% "production"]
couleur_prod[[1]] <- as.character(couleur_prod[[1]])
Encoding(couleur_prod[[1]] ) <- "latin1"
couleur_prod$color <- rgb(couleur_prod$R, couleur_prod$G, couleur_prod$B, maxColorValue = 255)
cl_hyp_prod <- couleur_prod$color
names(cl_hyp_prod) <- couleur_prod$Nom
order_hyp_prod <- couleur_prod[order(Ordre), Nom]
# data <- hyp_prod
getProductionHypothesis <- function(data, nodes = NULL, sce_prod = NULL, scenario = "Hertz"){
enr_fr <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere1 %in% "enr" & filiere2 %in% c("", NA), get(scenario)]
enr_ue <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "Europe" & filiere1 %in% "enr" & filiere2 %in% c("", NA), get(scenario)]
nuclear_fr <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere1 %in% "nuclear", get(scenario)]
nuclear_ue <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "Europe" & filiere1 %in% "nuclear", get(scenario)]
thermal_fr <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere1 %in% "thermal", get(scenario)]
thermal_ue <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "Europe" & filiere1 %in% "thermal", get(scenario)]
enr_hydro_fr <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere3 %in% "hydro", get(scenario)]
enr_step_fr <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere3 %in% "step", get(scenario)]
enr_hydro_ue <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "Europe" & filiere3 %in% "hydro", get(scenario)]
enr_step_ue <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "Europe" & filiere3 %in% "step", get(scenario)]
# hors hydraulique
data_no_hydro <- data[((node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "enr" & !filiere2 %in% "hydro" & trajectoire %in% enr_fr) |
(!node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "enr" & !filiere2 %in% "hydro" & trajectoire %in% enr_ue) |
(node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "nuclear" & trajectoire %in% nuclear_fr) |
(!node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "nuclear" & trajectoire %in% nuclear_ue) |
(node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "thermal" & trajectoire %in% thermal_fr) |
(!node %in% "fr" & filiere1 %in% "thermal" & trajectoire %in% thermal_ue)) & !filiere2 %in% "hydraulique"]
# hydro
data_hydro <- data[(node %in% "fr" & filiere3 %in% "hydro" & trajectoire %in% enr_hydro_fr) |
(!node %in% "fr" & filiere3 %in% "hydro" & trajectoire %in% enr_hydro_ue) |
(node %in% "fr" & filiere3 %in% "step" & trajectoire %in% enr_step_fr) |
(!node %in% "fr" & filiere3 %in% "step" & trajectoire %in% enr_step_ue) ]
data <- rbindlist(list(data_no_hydro, data_hydro))
if(scenario %in% "Ohm"){
data <- data[date_BP_num <= 2025]
res <- data[, list(capa = sum(capacite)), by = list(date = date_BP_num, filiere_BP_num)]
} else {
res <- data[node %in% nodes, list(capa = sum(capacite)), by = list(date = date_BP_num, filiere_BP_num)]
res[, capa := round(capa/1000, 1)]
col_names <- sort(unique(res$filiere_BP_num))
res <- data.frame(dcast(res, date ~ filiere_BP_num, fun=sum, value.var = "capa"))
colnames(res)[-1] <- col_names
res$date <- as.character(res$date)
# cl_hyp_prod <- c(brewer.pal(n = 12, name = "Set3"), brewer.pal(n = 5, name = "Set1"))
# names(cl_hyp_prod) <- unique(hyp_prod$filiere2)
# a <- amBarplot(x = "date", y = colnames(res)[-1], data = res,
# stack_type = "regular", legend = TRUE,
# zoom = TRUE, export = TRUE, show_values = FALSE,
# labelRotation = 45, legendPosition = "bottom", height = "800")
# a@legend$reversedOrder = TRUE
# a
# interconnexion
# bug with fread
hyp_inter<- data.table(read.table(paste0(data_dir, "/Links.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
hyp_inter$hypothesis <- as.character(hyp_inter$hypothesis)
hyp_inter$hypothesis <- gsub("^low$", "Bas", hyp_inter$hypothesis)
hyp_inter$hypothesis <- gsub("^mid$", "Moyen", hyp_inter$hypothesis)
hyp_inter$hypothesis <- gsub("^high$", "Haute", hyp_inter$hypothesis)
# GW
hyp_inter[["2016"]] <- round(hyp_inter[["2016"]] / 1000, 1)
hyp_inter[["2022"]] <- round(hyp_inter[["2022"]] / 1000, 1)
hyp_inter[["2025"]] <- round(hyp_inter[["2025"]] / 1000, 1)
hyp_inter[["2030"]] <- round(hyp_inter[["2030"]] / 1000, 1)
hyp_inter[["2035"]] <- round(hyp_inter[["2035"]] / 1000, 1)
# subset de colonnes
hyp_inter <- hyp_inter[, c("from", "to", "concat", "hypothesis", "2016", "2022", "2025", "2030", "2035"), with = FALSE]
# couleur et ordre
couleur_inter <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/couleur_interco.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
colnames(couleur_inter)[1] <- "Nom"
couleur_inter[["Nom"]] <- as.character(couleur_inter[["Nom"]])
Encoding(couleur_inter[["Nom"]] ) <- "latin1"
couleur_inter$color <- rgb(couleur_inter$R, couleur_inter$G, couleur_inter$B, maxColorValue = 255)
cl_hyp_interco <- couleur_inter$color
names(cl_hyp_interco) <- couleur_inter$Nom
order_hyp_interco <- couleur_inter[order(Ordre), Nom]
getIntercoHypothesis <- function(data, sce_prod = NULL, scenario = "Hertz"){
trj <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere1 %in% "interconnexions", get(scenario)]
res_import <- data[hypothesis %in% trj & to %in% "fr",]
res_import <- melt(res_import, id = 1:4, measure.vars = 5:ncol(res_import))
res_import <- data.frame(dcast(res_import, variable ~ from, fun=sum, value.var = "value"))
res_import$variable <- as.character(res_import$variable)
colnames(res_import)[1] <- "date"
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^be$", "Belgique", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^ch$", "Suisse", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^de$", "Allemagne", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^es$", "Espagne", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^gb$", "Royaume-Uni", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^ie$", "Irlande", colnames(res_import))
colnames(res_import) <- gsub("^it$", "Italie", colnames(res_import))
res_export <- data[hypothesis %in% trj & from %in% "fr",]
res_export <- melt(res_export, id = 1:4, measure.vars = 5:ncol(res_export))
res_export <- data.frame(dcast(res_export, variable ~ to, fun=sum, value.var = "value"))
res_export$variable <- as.character(res_export$variable)
colnames(res_export)[1] <- "date"
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^be$", "Belgique", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^ch$", "Suisse", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^de$", "Allemagne", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^es$", "Espagne", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^gb$", "Royaume-Uni", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^ie$", "Irlande", colnames(res_export))
colnames(res_export) <- gsub("^it$", "Italie", colnames(res_export))
list(import = res_import, export = res_export)
# amBarplot(x = "date", y = colnames(res_import)[-1], data = res_import,
# stack_type = "regular", legend = TRUE,
# groups_color = unname(cl_hyp_interco[1:(ncol(res_import) - 1)]),
# main = paste0("Evolution des capacités d'import (scénario ", ")"),
# zoom = TRUE, export = TRUE, show_values = FALSE,
# ylab = "MWh", horiz = TRUE,
# labelRotation = 45, legendPosition = "bottom", height = "800")
# consommation
# bug with fread
hyp_conso <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/BP17_hypothese_consommation_flat_5.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
# encoding
for(v in c("Trajectoire", "Secteur", "Branche", "Branche2", "Usage", "Usage2")){
hyp_conso[[v]] <- as.character(hyp_conso[[v]])
Encoding(hyp_conso[[v]] ) <- "latin1"
Encoding(colnames(hyp_conso)) <- "latin1"
# remove 2036
hyp_conso <- hyp_conso[hyp_conso[["Année"]] != 2036]
# hyp_conso[, .N, Secteur]
# hyp_conso[, .N, Branche]
# hyp_conso[, .N, Usage]
# hyp_conso[, .N, list(Secteur, Branche)]
# hyp_conso[, .N, list(Secteur, Usage)]
couleur_conso <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/couleur_conso.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
couleur_conso[["Nom"]] <- as.character(couleur_conso[["Nom"]])
Encoding(couleur_conso[["Nom"]] ) <- "latin1"
secteur_col <- couleur_conso[Type %in% "Secteur", rgb(R, G, B, maxColorValue = 255)]
names(secteur_col) <- couleur_conso[Type %in% "Secteur", Nom]
usage_col <- couleur_conso[Type %in% "Usage", rgb(R, G, B, maxColorValue = 255)]
names(usage_col) <- couleur_conso[Type %in% "Usage", Nom]
# data <- hyp_conso
getConsoHypothesis <- function(data, type = "Secteur", sce_prod = NULL, scenario = "Hertz"){
trj <- sce_prod[Pays %in% "France" & filiere1 %in% "consommation", get(scenario)]
res <- data[Trajectoire %in% trj, list(conso = sum(Consommation)), by = c("Année", type)]
colnames(res)[1:2] <- c("date", "type")
# TWh
res[, conso := round(conso/1000)]
label <- sort(unique(res$type))
res <- data.frame(dcast(res, date ~ type, fun=sum, value.var = "conso"))
res$date <- as.character(res$date)
colnames(res)[-1] <- label
if(type == "Secteur"){
setcolorder(res, c("date", "Industrie", "Tertiaire", "Résidentiel", "Transport, agriculture et énergie", "Pertes"))
} else {
setcolorder(res, c("date", "Autres usages", "Bureautique et autres usages tertiaires", "Autres usages résidentiels",
"Produits gris & bruns résidentiels", "Lavage", "Froid", "Cuisson", "Eclairage intérieur",
"Climatisation & ventilation", "Eau chaude sanitaire", "Chauffage", "VE & VHR", "Pertes"))
# amBarplot(x = "date", y = colnames(res)[-1], data = res,
# stack_type = "regular", legend = TRUE,
# main = paste0("Evolution des capacités d'import (scénario ", ")"),
# zoom = TRUE, export = TRUE, show_values = FALSE,
# ylab = "MWh", horiz = FALSE,
# labelRotation = 45, legendPosition = "bottom", height = "800")
# co2
# bug with fread
hyp_co2 <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/co2_V2.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
hyp_co2$scenario <- as.character(hyp_co2$scenario)
Encoding(hyp_co2$scenario) <- "latin1"
# tmp <- data.frame(date = colnames(hyp_co2)[-1], historique = t(data.frame(hyp_co2[1, ][, scenario := NULL]))[, 1])
# tmp$scenario <- tmp$historique
# tmp$scenario[1:5] <- NA
# tmp$historique[6:8] <- NA
# a <- amBarplot(x = "date", y = c("historique", "scenario"), data = tmp,
# stack_type = "regular", legend = TRUE,
# main = "Évolution des émissions de CO2 en France",
# zoom = TRUE, show_values = TRUE,
# ylab = "Millions de tonnes (Mt)", horiz = FALSE,
# labelRotation = 45, theme = "pattern", creditsPosition = "top-right") %>%
# setExport(enabled = TRUE, menu = ramcharts_menu_obj)
# a@graphs <- lapply(a@graphs, function(x){
# x$fillColors <- NULL
# x$legendColor <- NULL
# x
# })
ramcharts_menu_obj <- list(list(class = "export-main",
menu = list(
list(label = "Télécharger", menu = list("PNG", "JPG"))
# Bilan
hyp_bilan <- data.table(read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/bilans_energetiques_V2.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE))
hyp_bilan$Scenario <- as.character(hyp_bilan$Scenario)
Encoding(hyp_bilan$Scenario) <- "latin1"
hyp_bilan$TWh <- as.character(hyp_bilan$TWh)
Encoding(hyp_bilan$TWh) <- "latin1"
table_couleur_bilan <- read.delim(paste0(data_dir, "/couleur_prod.csv"), dec = ",",
sep = ";", header = T, encoding = "Latin-1", check.names = FALSE)
table_couleur_bilan[[1]] <- as.character(table_couleur_bilan[[1]])
Encoding(table_couleur_bilan[[1]] ) <- "latin1"
table_couleur_bilan$Couleur <- rgb(table_couleur_bilan$R, table_couleur_bilan$G, table_couleur_bilan$B, maxColorValue = 255)
table_couleur_bilan <- table_couleur_bilan[, c("Nom", "Couleur")]
getBilan <- function(data_bilan, data_co2, table_couleur_bilan, scenario = "Hertz"){
bilan <- data_bilan[Scenario %in% scenario]
bilan <- merge(bilan, table_couleur_bilan, by.x = "TWh", by.y = "Nom", all.x = T, sort = FALSE)
# consommation
bilan_conso <- bilan[ TWh %in% c("Consommation France", "Echanges", "Pompage", "Energie déversée")]
pie_conso_2025 <- bilan_conso[, c("TWh", "2025", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_conso_2025) <- c("label", "value", "color")
pie_conso_2030 <- bilan_conso[, c("TWh", "2030", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_conso_2030) <- c("label", "value", "color")
pie_conso_2035 <- bilan_conso[, c("TWh", "2035", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_conso_2035) <- c("label", "value", "color")
# production
bilan_prod <- bilan[ TWh %in% c("Nucléaire", "Cycles combinés au gaz", "Turbines à combustion", "Cogénérations",
"Autre thermique décentralisé", "Hydraulique", "Eolien", "Photovoltaïque", "Bioénergies",
"Charbon", "Energies marines")]
pie_prod_2025 <- bilan_prod[, c("TWh", "2025", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_prod_2025) <- c("label", "value", "color")
pie_prod_2030 <- bilan_prod[, c("TWh", "2030", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_prod_2030) <- c("label", "value", "color")
pie_prod_2035 <- bilan_prod[, c("TWh", "2035", "Couleur")]
colnames(pie_prod_2035) <- c("label", "value", "color")
# somme
twh_2025 <-[TWh %in% "Demande totale", c("2025")])[1, 1]
twh_2030 <-[TWh %in% "Demande totale", c("2030")])[1, 1]
twh_2035 <-[TWh %in% "Demande totale", c("2035")])[1, 1]
# enr
enr_2025 <-[TWh %in% "Pourcentage EnR", c("2025")])[1, 1]
enr_2030 <-[TWh %in% "Pourcentage EnR", c("2030")])[1, 1]
enr_2035 <-[TWh %in% "Pourcentage EnR", c("2035")])[1, 1]
# nucleaire
nuc_2025 <- round([TWh %in% "Nucléaire", c("2025")])[1, 1] / twh_2025 * 100)
nuc_2030 <- round([TWh %in% "Nucléaire", c("2030")])[1, 1] / twh_2030 * 100)
nuc_2035 <- round([TWh %in% "Nucléaire", c("2035")])[1, 1] / twh_2035 * 100)
# co2
data_co2 <-
co2_2025 <- data_co2[data_co2$scenario %in% scenario, c("2025")]
co2_2030 <- data_co2[data_co2$scenario %in% scenario, c("2030")]
co2_2035 <- data_co2[data_co2$scenario %in% scenario, c("2035")]
list(pie_conso_2025 = pie_conso_2025, pie_conso_2030 = pie_conso_2030, pie_conso_2035 = pie_conso_2035,
pie_prod_2025 = pie_prod_2025, pie_prod_2030 = pie_prod_2030, pie_prod_2035 = pie_prod_2035,
twh_2025 = twh_2025, twh_2030 = twh_2030, twh_2035 = twh_2035,
enr_2025 = enr_2025, enr_2030 = enr_2030, enr_2035 = enr_2035,
nuc_2025 = nuc_2025, nuc_2030 = nuc_2030, nuc_2035 = nuc_2035,
co2_2025 = co2_2025, co2_2030 = co2_2030, co2_2035= co2_2035)
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