
Defines functions clusteringTypicalDays

Documented in clusteringTypicalDays

#' @title Generate a set of flow-based typical days on one time period
#' @description Run a clustering algorithm on the different classes of the calendar (\link{getCalendar})
#' Its principle is to create clusters by
#' gathering the most similar days of each class and to choose among them the best
#' representative: it will be a so-called typical day. The metric used to determine the similarity of two days is
#' a weighted sum of 24 hourly distances, meaning the distances between the domains of the two
#' days at the same hour. 
#' @param calendar \code{list}, vector of date for each period. Can be obtain with \link{getCalendar}
#' @param PLAN \code{data.table}, at least ram, Date, Period and two ptdf columns :
#' \itemize{
#'  \item ptdfAT : autrichian vertices
#'  \item ptdfBE : belgium vertices
#'  \item ptdfDE : german vertices
#'  \item ptdfFR : french vertices
#'  \item ram : line limits
#'  \item Date : date in format YYYY-MM-DD
#'  \item Period : hour in the day, between 1 and 24
#' }
#' PLAN is generated in this format with the function \link{getPreprocPlan}
#' @param VERT \code{data.table}, the same Date, Period and ptdf  we have
#' in PLAN. Default = NULL 
#' This parameter can be obtained with the function \link{getVertices}.
#' @param hubDrop \code{list}, list of hubs in the ptdf, with the ones which should
#' sustracted to the others as the names of the arrays which themself contain the ones which
#' be sustracted
#' @param nbClustWeek \code{numeric}, number of clusters for week period(working days). Defaut to 3
#' @param nbClustWeekend \code{numeric}, number of clusters for weekend period. Defaut to 1
#' @param hourWeight \code{numeric}, vector of 24 weights, one for each hour of the day. The clustering algorithm
#' will be more accurate for the flow-based domains of the hours with a relatively higher weight.
#' @param idStart \code{numeric}, first identifier of the returned typical days. Default value is 1
#' @param maxDomainSize \code{numeric} limit of domain size in each axis. The function will return an error if one domain
#' or more exceed these limits.
#' @param ponderate \code{logical} if TRUE, each angular sector have the same weight 
#' in the clustering metric. E.g. {BE and FR imports, DE and NL exports} is one sector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(data.table)
#' library(quadprog)
#' PLAN <- readRDS(system.file("testdata/plan_test2.rds", package = "fbClust"))
#' calendar <- list()
#' calendar$interSeasonWe <- c("2018-10-01", "2018-10-02")
#' calendar$interSeasonWd <- c("2018-10-03", "2018-10-04")
#' hubDrop <- list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT"))
#' hourWeight = rep(1, 24)
#' nbClustWeek <- 1
#' nbClustWeekend <- 1
#' maxDomainSize <- 20000
#'  clusteringTypicalDays(
#'  calendar = calendar, PLAN = PLAN, VERT = NULL, hubDrop = hubDrop,
#'  maxDomainSize = maxDomainSize, nbClustWeek = nbClustWeek, 
#'  nbClustWeekend = nbClustWeekend, hourWeight = hourWeight)
#' }
#' @import data.table 
#' @import quadprog
#' @import vertexenum
#' @export

clusteringTypicalDays <- function(calendar,
                                  VERT = NULL,
                                  hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
                                  nbClustWeek = 1,
                                  nbClustWeekend = 1,
                                  hourWeight = rep(1, 24),
                                  idStart = 1,
                                  maxDomainSize = 20000,
                                  ponderate = FALSE) {
  # pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
  # remove NOTE data.table
  isSupLim <- NULL
  V1 <- NULL
  Date <- NULL
  # browser()
  PLAN[, Date := as.character(Date)]
  PLANRaw <- copy(PLAN)
  PLAN <- PLAN[as.character(PLAN$Date) %in% as.character(do.call("c", calendar))]
    .ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop, PLAN = PLAN)
    PLAN <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN, hubDrop = hubDrop)
  if(is.null(VERT)) {
    VERT <- getVertices(PLAN)
  VERT <- VERT[as.character(VERT$Date) %in% as.character(do.call("c", calendar))]
  ##•Select only vertices in calendar
  col_ptdf <- colnames(PLAN)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN))]
  col_vert <- colnames(VERT)[!grepl("Date|Period|sign|^N$|nbsign", colnames(VERT))]
  Max <- VERT[,max(unlist(.SD)), by = c("Date", "Period"), .SDcols = col_vert]
  Max[, isSupLim := V1 > maxDomainSize]
  Max <- Max[Max$isSupLim]
  if(nrow(Max) > 0){
    # remove NOTE data.table
    Period <- NULL
    Max <- Max[,list(list(Period)), by = "Date"]
    stop(paste("The following flow-based domains exceed the expected maximum size :",
               paste(Max$Date, "(hour : ",lapply(
                 Max$V1, function(X){paste(X, collapse = ", ")}),")", collapse = ", ")))
  calendar <- lapply(calendar, as.character)
  lapply(calendar, function(X){
    .ctrlDates(X, unique(VERT$Date))
  .ctrlVertPlanFormat(VERT = VERT, PLAN = PLAN)
  ##### Ca c'est un test
  VERT <- .addSignToVertices(VERT)
  # Detect weekend
  We <- rep(FALSE, length(calendar))
  We[grep("We", names(calendar))] <- TRUE
  allTypDay <- rbindlist(apply(
    data.table(calendar, We, nn = names(calendar)),
    1, function(season){
      # remove NOTE data.table
      Date <- NULL
      Period <- NULL
      dist <- NULL
      nbClust <- ifelse(season$We, nbClustWeekend, nbClustWeek)
      dt_dist <- .getDistMatrixV2(
        VERT = VERT[Date %in% as.character(season$calendar) &
                      Period %in% which(hourWeight > 0)], 
        PLAN = PLAN[Date %in% as.character(season$calendar) &
                      Period %in% which(hourWeight > 0)], 
        hourWeight = hourWeight, ponderate = ponderate)
      distMat <- dt_dist[, list(dist = sum(dist)), by = c("Date1", "Date2")]
      distMat <- dcast(distMat, Date1~Date2, value.var = "dist")
      # distMat[, Date1 := NULL]
      distMat[['Date1']] <- NULL
      distMat <- as.matrix(distMat)
      rownames(distMat) <- colnames(distMat)
      diag(distMat) <- 0
      vect <- cluster::pam(distMat, nbClust, diss = TRUE)$clustering
      allTypDay <- rbindlist(sapply(unique(vect), function(X){
        # Found a representative day for each class
        data <- .getDataAndMakeOutput(X, vect, distMat, season$nn)
      }, simplify = FALSE))
      allTypDay <- .addVerticesAndPlansToTp(allTypDay, VERT, PLAN, PLANRaw)
  nb <- idStart:(idStart+nrow(allTypDay)-1)
  allTypDay$idDayType <- nb
  # print(allTypDay)
rte-antares-rpackage/fbClust documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:06 a.m.