
Defines functions SimCommunityAssembly CalcSummaryStats CalcPhyDispStats

Documented in CalcPhyDispStats CalcSummaryStats SimCommunityAssembly

#' This function simulates phylogenetic and phenotypic community assembly data in a species-based model. First, a regional community phylogeny is simulated under a constant birth-death process. Trait evolution is then modeled along this phylogeny. Once the regional community pool exists, the species are assembled into local communities under one of three assembly models: neutral, habitat filtering, and competitive exclusion.
#' @param sims: The number of simulations; sims
#' @param N: The size of the regional community, can be a single number or a prior range
#' @param local: size of the local community, can be a single number, a proportion of the regional pool (btw 0 and 1), or a prior range of proportions
#' @param traitsim: Brownian Motion as 'BM' or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck as 'OU'
#' @param comsim: "neutral", "filtering", "competition", "all"
#' @param lambda: speciation rate, can be single number or prior range, default is a uniform prior between 0.5 and 2.0
#' @param eps: the extinction fraction, extinction (mu) = lambda * eps, default is a uniform prior between 0.2 and 0.8
#' @param sig2: rate of character change, can be single value or prior range, default is a uniform prior range between 1.0 and 5.0
#' @param alpha: pull to trait optimum, default is a uniform prior range between 0.01 and 0.2
#' @param tau: strength of the community assembly process, default is a uniform prior range between 1.0 and 30.0
#' @return A list of two matrices, one containing all parameter values for each simulation, and the other containing all
#'         summary statistics. In both matrices, each row corresponds to one simulation
#' @export
#' @examples
SimCommunityAssembly <- function(sims, N, local,
                                 disable.bar = FALSE,
                                 output.sum.stats = TRUE,
                                 output.phydisp.stats = FALSE,
                                 lambda = c(0.05, 2.0),
                                 eps = c(0.2, 0.8),
                                 sig2 = c(1, 5),
                                 alpha = c(0.01, 0.2),
                                 tau = c(1, 30)) {

  #check all parameters and reply with error message if any incomplete
  if (missing(sims))
    stop("'sims' is missing with no default", call. = F)
  if (missing(N))
    stop("'N' is missing with no default", call. = F)
  if (missing(local))
    stop("'local' is missing with no default", call. = F)
  if (missing(traitsim))
    stop("'traitsim' is missing with no default", call. = F)
  if (!any(traitsim == c("BM", "OU")))
    stop("Method must be 'BM' or 'OU'.",
         call. = F)
  if (missing(comsim))
    stop("'comsim' is missing with no default", call. = F)
  if (!any(comsim == c("all", "neutral", "filtering", "competition")))
    stop("Method must be 'all', 'neutral', 'filtering', or 'competition'.",
         call. = F)

  ##empty vectors declared to hold info that will be output
  ## changed to 10
  params <- matrix(NA, sims, 10)
  colnames(params) <- c("sim#",       #1
                        "comsim",     #2
                        "traitsim",   #3
                        "N",          #4
                        "local",      #5
                        "lambda",     #6
                        "mu",         #7
                        "sig2",       #8
                        "alpha",      #9
                        "tau")        #10
                        #"avg.Pa",     #11 cut out 8-16
                        #"avg.rej")    #12 cut out

  params <- data.frame(sim=integer(),

  if (output.sum.stats == TRUE) {
    summary.stats <- matrix(NA, nrow = sims, 30)
    colnames(summary.stats) <-   c("Mean.BL", 	#1
                                   "Var.BL",		#2
                                   "Mean.Tr",		#3
                                   "Var.Tr",		#4
                                   "Moran.I",		#5
                                   "Age",			  #6
                                   "Colless",		#7
                                   "Sackin",		#8
                                   "nLTT",			#9
                                   "Msig",			#10
                                   "Cvar",			#11
                                   "Svar",			#12
                                   "Shgt",			#13
                                   "Dcdf",			#14
                                   "Skw",			  #15
                                   "Krts",			#16
                                   "MnRegTr",		#17
                                   "VrRegTr",		#18
                                   "MnTrDif",		#19
                                   "VrTrDif",		#20
                                   "MnRegBl",		#21
                                   "VarRegBl",	#22
                                   "MnBlDif",		#23
                                   "VarBlDif",	#24
                                   "Amp1",			#25
                                   "Amp2",			#26
                                   "BiCoef",		#27
                                   "BiRatio",		#28
                                   "Mode1",		  #29
                                   "Mode2")		  #30

  if (output.phydisp.stats == TRUE) {
    phydisp.stats <- matrix(NA, nrow = sims, 32)
    colnames(phydisp.stats) <-   c("ntaxa", 	        #1
                                   "mpd.obs",		      #2
                                   "mpd.rand.mean",	  #3
                                   "mpd.rand.sd",		  #4
                                   "mpd.obs.rank",	  #5
                                   "mpd.obs.z",			  #6
                                   "mpd.obs.p",		    #7
                                   "runs",		        #8
                                   "ntaxa", 	        #9
                                   "mntd.obs",		    #10
                                   "mntd.rand.mean",  #11
                                   "mntd.rand.sd",	  #12
                                   "mntd.obs.rank",		#13
                                   "mntd.obs.z",			#14
                                   "mntd.obs.p",		  #15
                                   "ntaxa", 	        #1
                                   "mpd.obs",		      #2
                                   "mpd.rand.mean",	  #3
                                   "mpd.rand.sd",		  #4
                                   "mpd.obs.rank",	  #5
                                   "mpd.obs.z",			  #6
                                   "mpd.obs.p",		    #7
                                   "runs",		        #8
                                   "ntaxa", 	        #9
                                   "mntd.obs",		    #10
                                   "mntd.rand.mean",  #11
                                   "mntd.rand.sd",	  #12
                                   "mntd.obs.rank",		#13
                                   "mntd.obs.z",			#14
                                   "mntd.obs.p",		  #15
                                   "runs")		        #16

  ##initiate progress bar
  if (disable.bar == FALSE){
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sims, style = 3)

  for (i in 1:sims){

    #drawn N if prior
    if (length(N) > 1){
      N.drawn <- runif(1, N[1], N[2])
    }else {N.drawn <- N}
    #drawn N if prior
    if (length(N) > 1){
      N.drawn <- round(runif(1, N[1], N[2]))
    }else {N.drawn <- N}
    #drawn comsim if "all"
    comSwitch <- 0
    if (comsim == "all"){
      index <- round(runif(1,.5,3.5))
      modnames <- c("neutral", "filtering", "competition")
      comsim <-  modnames[index]
      comSwitch <- 1
    #draw lambda
    if (length(lambda) > 1){
      lambda.drawn <- round(runif(1, lambda[1], lambda[2]), digits=4)
    }else {lambda.drawn <- lambda}
    #draw eps
    if (length(eps) > 1){
      eps.drawn <- round(runif(1, eps[1], eps[2]), digits=4)
    }else {eps.drawn <- eps}
    #draw sig2
    if (length(sig2) > 1){
      sig2.drawn <- round(runif(1, sig2[1], sig2[2]), digits=4)
    } else {sig2.drawn <-  sig2}
    #draw alpha
    if (length(alpha) > 1) {
      alpha.drawn <- round(runif(1, alpha[1], alpha[2]), digits=4)
    } else {alpha.drawn <- alpha}
    #draw tau
    if (length(tau) > 1){
      tau.drawn <- round(runif(1, tau[1], tau[2]), digits=4)
    } else {tau.drawn <- tau}
    #set local community size
    if (length(local) > 1){
      n <- round(runif(1, local[1], local[2]))
      if (as.integer(local) != 0){
        n <- local
        n <- N.drawn * local

    #Simulate Regional Community
    mu <- round(lambda.drawn*eps.drawn, digits = 4)
    regional.tree <- TreeSim::sim.bd.taxa(n=N.drawn, numbsim=1, lambda=lambda.drawn, mu=mu, complete=FALSE)[[1]]

    #Simulate Regional Traits
    if (traitsim == "BM") {
      traits <- geiger::sim.char(regional.tree, par=sig2.drawn, nsim=1, model="BM", root=0)[,,1]
    }else {
      traits <- phytools::fastBM(regional.tree, a=0, theta=0, alpha=alpha.drawn, sig2=sig2.drawn, internal=FALSE)
    #store all regional traits here for calculating summary stats
    regional.traits <- traits

    #Simulate Community under given method
    rej <- 0
    if (comsim == "neutral"){
      local.traits <- sample(traits, n)
      probs <- c(1,1)
    if (comsim == "filtering" || comsim == "competition"){

      if (comsim == "competition") {
        Xi <- sample(traits,1)
        local.traits <- Xi
        traits <- traits[!traits==Xi]
      }else{ local.traits <- c()}

      #determine trait optimum for filtering models
      opt <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = mean(regional.traits), sd = sd(regional.traits))

      #Continuosly sample regional pool until local community is at required size as determined by 'local'
      probs <- c()

      while (length(local.traits) < n && !rej > 10000) {

        if (rej > 1000 && length(local.traits) < 2 ){
          opt <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = mean(regional.traits), sd = sd(regional.traits))
          rej <- 0
          probs <- c()
          traits <- regional.traits
          local.traits <-c()

        Xj <- sample(traits,1)

        #calculate the probability of acceptance for this species into community, determined by Tau and the mean of the local trait values
        if (comsim == "filtering") {
          Pj <- (exp(-((Xj-opt)^2)/tau.drawn))
        if (comsim == "competition"){
          Pj <- 1 - (exp(-((mean(local.traits)-Xj)^2)/tau.drawn))

        #if the probability is > than the random uniform #, the species is accepted into the communtiy
        if (Pj > runif(1,0,1)) {
          local.traits <- c(local.traits, Xj)
          traits <- traits[!traits==Xj]
          probs = c(probs, Pj)
          probs = c(probs, Pj) }


    #construct local tree
    local.tree <- ape::drop.tip(regional.tree,setdiff(regional.tree$tip.label, names(local.traits)))
    #local.tree <- keep.tip(regional.tree, names(local.traits))

    #Store all parameters for each simulation and data produced
    #params[i, ] <- c(i, comsim, traitsim, N.drawn, length(local.traits), lambda.drawn, mu, sig2.drawn, alpha.drawn, tau.drawn, mean(probs), rej)
    ## removed avg.Pa and avg.rej from param files stored.
    params[i,1:3 ] <- c(i, comsim, traitsim)

    params[i,4:10 ] <- c(as.numeric(paste(N.drawn)),

    ##calculate all summary statistics
    if (output.sum.stats == TRUE){
      summary.stats[i, ] <- CalcSummaryStats(regional.tree, local.tree, regional.traits, local.traits)
    if (output.phydisp.stats == TRUE) {
      phydisp.stats[i, ] <- CalcPhyDispStats(regional.tree, local.tree, regional.traits, local.traits)

    if (disable.bar == FALSE){
      # update progress bar
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    ##switch comsim back to all, if it was switched before
    if (comSwitch == 1){
      comsim <- "all"


  if (output.sum.stats == TRUE && output.phydisp.stats == TRUE) {
    output <- list(data.frame(params), summary.stats, phydisp.stats)
    names(output) <- c("params", "summary.stats", "phydisp.stats")
  if (output.sum.stats == TRUE && output.phydisp.stats == FALSE) {
    output <- list(data.frame(params), summary.stats)
    names(output) <- c("params", "summary.stats")
  if (output.sum.stats == FALSE && output.phydisp.stats == TRUE) {
    output <- list(data.frame(params), phydisp.stats)
    names(output) <- c("params", "phydisp.stats")

  if (disable.bar == FALSE){


#' CalcSummaryStats
#' @param regional.tree: regional community phylogenetic tree, of class "phylo"
#' @param local.tree: local community phylogenetic tree, of class "phylo"
#' @param regional.traits: trait values for each species in regional community, vector or list
#' @param local.traits: trait values for each species in local community, vector or list
#' @return vector of summary statistics
#' @export
#' @examples:
CalcSummaryStats <- function(regional.tree,

  if (class(regional.tree)!="phylo")
    stop("'regional.tree' is not a phylo object", call. = F)
  if (class(local.tree)!="phylo")
    stop("'regional.tree' is not a phylo object", call. = F)
  if (length(regional.traits)!=length(regional.tree$tip.label))
    stop("Number of regional traits does not match the number of tips on the regional tree", call. = F)
  if (length(local.traits)!=length(local.tree$tip.label))
    stop("Number of local traits does not match the number of tips on the local tree", call. = F)

  ## 1. Mean branch length in local tree
  mean.branch.local.tree <- mean(local.tree$edge.length)

  ## 2. Variance of branch lengths in local tree
  var.branch.local.tree <- var(local.tree$edge.length)

  ## 3. Mean trait value in local community
  mean.trait.local <- mean(local.traits)

  ## 4. Variance of trait values in local community
  var.trait.local <- var(local.traits)

  ## 5. Moran's autocorrelation index
  w <- 1/cophenetic(local.tree)
  diag(w) <- 0
  MI <-  ape::Moran.I(local.traits, w)$observed

  ## 6. Maximum node depth
  max.depth <- max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(local.tree))

  ## 7. Colless index
  colless <- phyloTop::colless.phylo(local.tree)

  ## 8. Sackin index
  sackin <- phyloTop::sackin.phylo(local.tree)

  ## 9. lineage through time plot differences between regional and local tree
  nLTT <- nLTT::nLTTstat_exact(regional.tree, local.tree)

  ## 10. Mean of squared phylogenetic independent contrasts in local communtiy
  PIC <- ape::pic(local.traits, local.tree, var.contrasts=T)
  Msig <- mean(PIC[,1]^2)

  ## 11. Standard devation of PICs in local over the mean PICs in local
  Cvar <- sd(PIC[,1])/mean(PIC[,1])

  ## 12. slope of linear model between abs(PICs) and the expected variance in PICs
  Svar <- lm(abs(PIC[,1]) ~ PIC[,2])$coefficients[2]

  ## 13. Slope of linear model between the absolute magnitude of the standardized independent contrasts
  ##     and the height above the root of the node at which they were being compared
  Shgt.lm <- geiger::nh.test(local.tree, local.traits[local.tree$tip.label], regression.type="lm", show.plot=FALSE)
  Shgt <- Shgt.lm$coefficients[2]

  ## 14. D statistic from KS.test between PIC of local communtiy and expect variance under BM
  expCont.BM <- rnorm(n=length(local.traits), mean=0, sd=sqrt(mean(PIC[,1]^2)))
  Dcdf <- ks.test(PIC[,1], expCont.BM)$statistic

  ## 15. skeness of local community traits
  skew <- modes::skewness(local.traits)

  ## 16. Kurtosis of local community traits
  kurt <- modes::kurtosis(local.traits, finite=T)

  ## 17. Mean of regional trait values
  mean.trait.reg <- mean(regional.traits)

  ## 18. Variance of regional trait values
  var.trait.reg <- var(regional.traits)

  ## 19. Difference in mean of trait values between regional and local communities
  mean.trait.dif <- mean.trait.reg - mean.trait.local

  ## 20. Difference in variance of trait values between regional and local communities
  var.trait.dif <- var.trait.reg - var.trait.local

  ## 21. Mean branch length in regional tree
  mean.branch.reg.tree <- mean(regional.tree$edge.length)

  ## 22. Variance of branch lengths in regional tree
  var.branch.reg.tree <- var(regional.tree$edge.length)

  ## 23. Difference between mean of branch lengths between local and regional tree
  mean.branch.dif <- mean.branch.reg.tree - mean.branch.local.tree

  ## 24. Difference between variance of branch lengths between local and regional tree
  var.branch.dif <- var.branch.reg.tree - var.branch.local.tree

  ## 25. density peak location in local community traits
  amp <- modes::amps(local.traits)$Peaks
  amp1 <- amp[1]

  ## 26. density peak amplitude in local community traits
  amp2 <- amp[2]

  ## 27. Bimodality coefficient
  bimo.coef <- modes::bimodality_coefficient(local.traits)

  ## 28. Bimodality ratio
  bimodal <- modes::bimodality_ratio(local.traits)
  if (is.na(bimodal)){
    bimodal <- 0

  ## 29.
  modes <- modes::modes(local.traits)
  modes1 <- modes[1]

  ## 30.
  modes2 <- modes[2]

  stats <-  c(mean.branch.local.tree, 	#1
              var.branch.local.tree,		#2
              mean.trait.local,		#3
              var.trait.local,		#4
              MI,		#5
              max.depth,			  #6
              colless,		#7
              sackin,		#8
              nLTT,			#9
              Msig,			#10
              Cvar,			#11
              Svar,			#12
              Shgt,			#13
              Dcdf,			#14
              skew,			  #15
              kurt,			#16
              mean.trait.reg,		#17
              var.trait.reg,		#18
              mean.trait.dif,		#19
              var.trait.dif,		#20
              mean.branch.reg.tree,		#21
              var.branch.reg.tree,	#22
              mean.branch.dif,		#23
              var.branch.dif,	#24
              amp1,			#25
              amp2,			#26
              bimo.coef,		#27
              bimodal,		#28
              modes1,		  #29
              modes2)		  #30

  names(stats) <- c("Mean.BL", 	#1
                    "Var.BL",		#2
                    "Mean.Tr",		#3
                    "Var.Tr",		#4
                    "Moran.I",		#5
                    "Age",			  #6
                    "Colless",		#7
                    "Sackin",		#8
                    "nLTT",			#9
                    "Msig",			#10
                    "Cvar",			#11
                    "Svar",			#12
                    "Shgt",			#13
                    "Dcdf",			#14
                    "Skw",			  #15
                    "Krts",			#16
                    "MnRegTr",		#17
                    "VrRegTr",		#18
                    "MnTrDif",		#19
                    "VrTrDif",		#20
                    "MnRegBl",		#21
                    "VarRegBl",	#22
                    "MnBlDif",		#23
                    "VarBlDif",	#24
                    "Amp1",			#25
                    "Amp2",			#26
                    "BiCoef",		#27
                    "BiRatio",		#28
                    "Mode1",		  #29
                    "Mode2")		  #30


#' CalcPhyDispStats
#' @param regional.tree: regional community phylogenetic tree, of class "phylo"
#' @param local.tree: local community phylogenetic tree, of class "phylo"
#' @param regional.traits: trait values for each species in regional community, vector or list
#' @param local.traits: trait values for each species in local community, vector or list
#' @return vector of output from ses.mpd and ses.mndt
#' @export
#' @examples:
CalcPhyDispStats <- function(regional.tree,

  if (class(regional.tree)!="phylo")
    stop("'regional.tree' is not a phylo object", call. = F)
  if (class(local.tree)!="phylo")
    stop("'regional.tree' is not a phylo object", call. = F)
  if (length(regional.traits)!=length(regional.tree$tip.label))
    stop("Number of regional traits does not match the number of tips on the regional tree", call. = F)
  if (length(local.traits)!=length(local.tree$tip.label))
    stop("Number of local traits does not match the number of tips on the local tree", call. = F)

  #Make presence absence matrix where the columns are each species and the row are each community, here we have only 1 community (1 row)
  community.pa.matrix <- matrix(0, 1, length(regional.tree$tip.label))
  colnames(community.pa.matrix) <- regional.tree$tip.label
  #if the species are in the local community, make them a 1
  community.pa.matrix[regional.tree$tip.label %in% local.tree$tip.label] <- 1

  #if you don't combine the matrix to make two rows, the function calculates each column as a community (small bug)
  community.pa.matrix <- rbind(community.pa.matrix,community.pa.matrix)

  ##add this in
  ses.mpd.trait <- picante::ses.mpd(samp=community.pa.matrix, dis=dist(regional.traits), null.model="taxa.labels", runs=1000)[1,]
  ses.mntd.trait <- picante::ses.mntd(samp=community.pa.matrix, dis=dist(regional.traits), null.model="taxa.labels", runs=1000)[1,]

  #standarized effect size of mean pairwise phy dist and mean nearest neighbor phy dist
  ses.mpd.phy <- picante::ses.mpd(samp=community.pa.matrix, dis=cophenetic(regional.tree), null.model="taxa.labels", runs=1000)[1,]
  ses.mntd.phy <- picante::ses.mntd(samp=community.pa.matrix, dis=cophenetic(regional.tree), null.model="taxa.labels", runs=1000)[1,]

  output <- unlist(c(ses.mpd.phy[1:8], ses.mntd.phy[1:8], ses.mpd.trait[1:8], ses.mntd.trait[1:8]))
ruffleymr/CAMI documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 2:55 p.m.