#' countGT
#' count how many samples have genotypes calls across markers and count how
#' many markers that each individual has called genotypes for. This function
#' helps identify poor samples or poor markers for filtering. It can also generate
#' plots that help identify outlier samples/markers
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly subplot
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @param geno the genotype data.frame of markers by samples from output of
#' function \code{correctGT}
#' @param plot, it determines whether a plot will be generated, defaults to TRUE
#' @param interactive, it determines whether an interactive plot will be generated
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(snp_geno_gr)
#' genotype_counts <- countGT(GenomicRanges::mcols(snp_geno_gr))
#' @return
#' A list of two elements including \code{n_markers} and \code{n_samples}
countGT <- function(geno, plot =TRUE,interactive=FALSE){
n_samples <- rowSums(!is.na(geno))
n_markers <- colSums(!is.na(geno))
counts <- type <- NULL
pl_df <- data.frame(counts=c(n_samples,n_markers),
type = c(rep("by_marker", each = length(n_samples)),
rep("by_sample", each= length(n_markers))))
type_colors <- c("by_marker"="#003f5c",
p <- plot_ly(data =pl_df,
x = ~type,y = ~counts, hoverinfo="text", jitter = 0.3,
boxpoints = "outliers",color = ~type,
text = ~paste('</br> counts ID: ',counts),
type = c("box"))
return(list(ply = p,n_samples = rowSums(!is.na(geno)),
n_markers = colSums(!is.na(geno))))
} else {
p <- ggplot(data = pl_df,mapping = aes(y = counts,x = type))+
geom_boxplot(size=1.5,aes(fill=type),alpha = 0.5)+
geom_jitter(position = "jitter",aes(color=type),size=2,alpha=.8 )+
theme_classic(base_size=22)+facet_wrap(.~type,scales = "free")+
ylab("Number of samples/markers")+
return(list(plot = p,
n_samples = rowSums(!is.na(geno)),
n_markers = colSums(!is.na(geno))))
return(list(n_samples = rowSums(!is.na(geno)),
n_markers = colSums(!is.na(geno))))
#' filterGT
#' Filter markers or samples that have too many missing values
#' @inheritParams countGT
#' @param min_markers the minimum number of markers for a sample to be kept
#' @param min_samples the minimum number of samples for a marker to be kept
#' @details
#' This function takes the \code{geno} data.frame and filter the data.frame by
#' the provided cut-offs.
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @return
#' The filtered genotype matrix
#' @examples
#' data(snp_geno_gr)
#' corrected_geno <- filterGT(snp_geno_gr, min_markers = 30,min_samples = 2)
#' @export
filterGT <- function(geno, min_markers = 5, min_samples = 3){
gt_counts <- countGT(geno,plot = FALSE)
keep_markers <- gt_counts$n_samples >= min_samples
keep_samples <- gt_counts$n_markers >= min_markers
message("filter out ",sum(keep_markers==FALSE)," marker(s)")
message("filter out ",sum(keep_samples==FALSE)," sample(s)")
return(geno[keep_markers, keep_samples])
#' @rdname filterGT
setMethod("filterGT",signature = c(geno ="matrix",min_markers = "numeric",
min_samples = "numeric"),
function(geno ,min_markers,
filterGT(geno ,min_markers,
#' @rdname filterGT
setMethod("filterGT",signature = c(geno ="GRanges",min_markers = "numeric",
min_samples = "numeric"),
function(geno ,min_markers,
gt_counts <- countGT(mcols(geno),plot = FALSE)
keep_markers <- gt_counts$n_samples >= min_samples
keep_samples <- gt_counts$n_markers >= min_markers
geno <- geno[keep_markers,]
mcols(geno) <- mcols(geno)[,keep_samples]
message( "filter out ",sum(keep_markers==FALSE),
" marker(s)")
message( "filter out ",sum(keep_samples==FALSE),
" sample(s)")
#' Plot markers with missing genotypes, deprecate
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @param geno the genotype data.frame of markers by samples
#' @param plot_wg
#' whether to plot all markers across whole genome or just the markers that are
#' ever missing across all samples
#' @param missing
#' the label in the matrix that is used for encoding the missing or failed data
#' @param plot_type
#' whether a 'dot' plot or a 'bar' plot should be drawn
#' @details
#' This functions plots the missing markers in a 'dot' plot or 'bar' plot.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return
#' a ggplot2 object for markers with missing genotype across samples
#' @examples
#' or_geno <-snp_geno[,grep("X",colnames(snp_geno))]
#' rownames(or_geno) <- paste0(snp_geno$CHR,"_",snp_geno$POS)
#' cr_geno <- correctGT(or_geno,ref = snp_geno$C57BL.6J,
#' alt = snp_geno$FVB.NJ..i.,
#' chr = snp_geno$CHR)
#' plotMissingGT(cr_geno)
plotMissingGT <- function(geno, missing = "Fail", plot_wg = FALSE,
plot_type = "dot"){
stopifnot(plot_type == "dot" | plot_type == "bar")
mis_matrix <- apply(geno, 2, function(es){
is.na(es) | es == missing
plot_df <- melt(mis_matrix)
switch (plot_type,
dot = ggplot(data = plot_df)+
geom_point(mapping =
aes_string(x = "Var1", colour = "value",
y = "Var2"))+
labs(colour = "is_missing")+
scale_color_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "red",
"FALSE"= "lightgrey"))+
theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90)),
bar = ggplot(data = plot_df)+
geom_bar(mapping = aes_string( fill = "value", x = "Var1"))+
labs(fill = "is_missing")+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "red",
"FALSE"= "lightgrey"))+
theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90))
} else {
remain_m <- plot_df %>% group_by(.data$Var1) %>%
summarise(no_missing = sum(.data$value)) %>% filter(.data$no_missing >0)
plot_df <- plot_df[plot_df$Var1 %in% remain_m$Var1,]
switch (plot_type,
dot = ggplot(data = plot_df)+
geom_point(mapping = aes_string(x = "Var1", colour = "value",
y = "Var2"))+
labs(colour = "is_missing")+
scale_color_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "red",
"FALSE"= "lightgrey"))+
theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90)),
bar = ggplot(data = plot_df)+
geom_bar(mapping = aes_string( fill = "value", x = "Var1"))+
labs(fill = "is_missing")+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "red",
"FALSE"= "lightgrey"))+
theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90))
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