
Defines functions pems_from_means compute_pem_scores minmax .gen_noise compute_mi_dist compute_nst_from_matrix compute_nst_scores cytotalk_score

Documented in compute_mi_dist compute_nst_from_matrix compute_nst_scores compute_pem_scores cytotalk_score minmax

#' Compute cross-talk score from a Seurat Object (DEPRECATED)
#' @details This function executes all the required functions to extract
#' and compute the cross-talk scores as defined by the Cytotalk authors.
#' @param lr_res liana_pipe results
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param score_col name of the score column
#' @param assay.type data slot to be used
#' @param seed random seed
#' @param ... placeholder
#' @keywords internal
#' @import SingleCellExperiment tibble tidyr dplyr
cytotalk_score <- function(lr_res,

  # NST - in LIANA wrap
  nst_scores <- compute_nst_scores(sce = sce,
                                   ligand_receptor_df = lr_res %>%
                                     ungroup() %>%
                                     select(ligand, receptor) %>%
                                     distinct() %>%
                                     arrange(ligand, receptor),
                                   assay.type = assay.type,
                                   seed = seed)

  lr_res %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    left_join(nst_scores, by = c("target" = "celltype", "ligand", "receptor")) %>%
    dplyr::rename(target.nst = nst_score) %>%
    left_join(nst_scores, by = c("source" = "celltype", "ligand", "receptor")) %>%
    dplyr::rename(source.nst = nst_score) %>%
    # CytoTalk Scores are computed by celltype pairs
    group_by(source, target) %>%
    # Expression and Non-self-talk scores
    mutate(es = (ligand.pem + receptor.pem)/ 2) %>% # calculate Expression Score
    mutate(nst = (source.nst + target.nst)/ 2) %>% # combine -log10 NST scores
    # normalize ES and NST
    mutate(Nes = minmax(es), Nnst = minmax(nst)) %>%
    # compute cross-talk scores
    mutate( {{ score_col }} :=
                      Nes * Nnst, # Paracrine as CytoTalk
                      Nes * (1-Nnst) # Autocrine we inverse NST
    )) %>%
    # set crosstalk to 0 if either pem is 0
    mutate( {{ score_col }} :=
              if_else(receptor.pem==0 | ligand.pem==0,
                      .data[[score_col]])) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(source, target,
           ligand, ligand.complex,
           receptor, receptor.complex,
           # ligand.pem, receptor.pem,
           # es, Nes,
           # source.nst, target.nst, nst, Nnst,
           ends_with("prop")) %>%
    filter(.data[[score_col]] > 0)

#### NST ####

#' Compute non-self talk scores from SingleCellExperiment object
#' This function computes the non-self talk scores for all the cell types contained
#' in a SingleCellExperiment object. It iterates through the ligand-receptor pairs
#' that are provided as input and calculates these entropy-based measurements for each
#' cell type using its normalized expression matrix, which should contain log-transformed
#' values.
#' @param sce A SingleCellExperiment object containing log-normalized expression
#' values and cell type annotations as colLabels
#' @param ligand_receptor_df A data frame with, at least, two columns named 'ligand'
#' and 'receptor' containing the ligand-receptor pairs to evaluate
#' @param assay.type The name of the data slot containing the log-normalized expression
#' values in the SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param seed random seed
#' @return A data frame with the computed non-self-talk score for each ligand-receptor
#' pair on each cell-type.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import SingleCellExperiment dplyr
compute_nst_scores <- function(sce,
                               assay.type = "logcounts",
                               seed = 1004) {

  # extract normalized data
  norm_data <- as.matrix(sce@assays@data[[assay.type]])

  # iterate through cell types, calculating NST for each ligand-receptor
  cell_types <- levels(colLabels(sce))
  nst_scores <- lapply(cell_types, function(cell) {

    mat <- norm_data[, colLabels(sce) == cell]
    nst_tibble <-
      compute_nst_from_matrix(mat = mat,
                              ligand_receptor_df = ligand_receptor_df,
                              seed = seed) %>%
      mutate(celltype = cell)

  }) %>%



#' Compute non-self talk scores from matrix
#' Calculates the non-self talk scores (also refered to as mutual information distances)
#' for each ligand-receptor pair using the normalized expression matrix for a given
#' cell type. It expects log-transformed expression values.
#' @param mat A matrix containing the log-transformed normalized expression values.
#' @param ligand_receptor_df A data frame with, at least, two columns named 'ligand'
#' and 'receptor' containing the ligand-receptor pairs to evaluate
#' @param seed random seed
#' @return A data frame with the non-self-talk score for each pair of genes (ligand-receptors).
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
compute_nst_from_matrix <- function(mat,
                                    seed) {
  # extract number of columns and bins from the gene expression matrix
  n_cols <- ncol(mat)
  n_bins <- sqrt(n_cols)

  # add noise
  is_zero <- rowSums(mat) == 0
  mat[is_zero,] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rep(n_cols, sum(is_zero)),
                                         seed = seed))

  # filter ligand-receptor pairs
  keep <- pmap(ligand_receptor_df,
               function(ligand, receptor)
                 ligand %in% rownames(mat) &
                 receptor %in% rownames(mat)) %>%

  # calculate mi distances
  nst_score <- pmap(ligand_receptor_df[keep,],
                    function(ligand, receptor) {
                      mi_dist <- compute_mi_dist(exp1 = mat[ligand, ],
                                                 exp2 = mat[receptor, ],
                                                 n_bins = n_bins)
  }) %>%

  out_df <- data.frame(ligand_receptor_df[keep, ], nst_score) %>%
    # set negative and NAs PEMs to 0
    mutate(nst_score = ifelse(nst_score < 0 | is.na(nst_score), 0, nst_score))



#' Compute mutual information distance from expression vectors
#' Given two normalized gene expression vectors, and a given number of bins, this
#' function uses the entropy package to compute the mutual information between the
#' two vectors. Values passed to this function should be log-transformed.
#' @param exp1 A vector containing the normalized gene expression for the first
#' gene (ligand)
#' @param exp2 A vector containing the normalized gene expression for the first
#' gene (receptor)
#' @param n_bins Number of bins to discretize the expression values.
#' @return The mututal information distance, also refered to as non-self atalk score
#' @keywords internal
compute_mi_dist <- function(exp1, exp2, n_bins) {

  y2d <- entropy::discretize2d(exp1, exp2, n_bins, n_bins)
  H1 <- entropy::entropy(rowSums(y2d), method = "MM")
  H2 <- entropy::entropy(colSums(y2d), method = "MM")
  H12 <- entropy::entropy(y2d, method = "MM")
  mi <- H1 + H2 - H12

  norm <- min(c(H1, H2))
  suppressWarnings(mi_dist <- -log10(mi / norm))



#' Helper function to generate random noise for cytotalk scores
#' @details generate a vector of length n with a noise value inserted in a
#' random position of the vector. This is needed to compute the entropy-related
#' values.
#' @param n Length of the vector to generate
#' @return A vector of length n with noise in a random position
#' @noRd
.gen_noise <- function(n,
                       seed) {
  rng <- seq_len(n)
  (sample(rng, 1) == rng) * 1e-20

#' Helper min-max function
#' @param x vector
#' @inheritDotParams base::max
#' @export
minmax <- function(x, ...) {
  (x - min(x, ...)) / (max(x, ...) - min(x, ...))

#### PEM ####

#' Compute Preferential Expression Measure scores from SingleCellExperiment object
#' @details Uses the information contained in a SingleCellExperiment object to
#' stratify the expression matrix by cell type, and then computes the PEM scores
#' from the exponential of the normalized expression values.
#' This function expects an object containing log-transformed values (not raw counts).
#' @param sce A SingleCellExperiment object containing log-normalized expression
#' values and cell type annotations as colLabels
#' @param assay.type The name of the data slot containing the log-normalized expression
#' values in the SingleCellExperiment object
#' @return A matrix containing the computed PEM values
#' @import SingleCellExperiment tibble tidyr dplyr
#' @keywords internal
compute_pem_scores <- function(sce, assay.type = "logcounts") {

  # extract normalized data
  norm_data <- t(as.matrix(sce@assays@data[[assay.type]]))

  # expm1(x) computes exp(x) - 1 accurately also for |x| << 1
  exp_data <- expm1(norm_data)

  # calculate mean per cell using expm1 data
  means_per_cell <- exp_data %>%
    aggregate(., list(colLabels(sce)), FUN = mean) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::rename(celltype = Group.1) %>%
    pivot_longer(-celltype, names_to = "gene") %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = celltype,
                       id_cols = gene,
                       values_from = value) %>%

  # calculate PEMs from the mean matrix
  pem_out <- pems_from_means(means_per_cell)



#' PEM from mean matrix
#' Computes the Preferential Expression Measure (PEM) scores from a matrix containing
#' genes as rows and cell types as samples. The values in the matrix are supposed
#' to contain the average expression values of the count matrix per cell, obtained
#' from the exponential of the log-transformed count matrix.
#' @param means_per_cell A matrix containing the mean expression per cell type
#' @return A matrix with the computed PEM scores
#' @noRd
pems_from_means <- function(means_per_cell) {

  # calculate sum of means for rows and columns
  sums_per_cell <- colSums(means_per_cell)
  sums_per_gene <- rowSums(means_per_cell)
  total_sums <- sum(sums_per_cell)

  # will lead to bugs later, could check downstream
  if (total_sums == Inf) {
    message("Inf introduced into PEM score, is the data log1p tranformed?")

  # what proportion of this cell type's rowmean sum accounts for the whole?
  cell_type_prop <- sums_per_cell / total_sums

  # gene_proportions
  gene_prop <- sapply(cell_type_prop, function(x) x * sums_per_gene)

  # calculate PEM scores
  pem_out <- log10(means_per_cell / gene_prop)

  # set negative and NAs PEMs to 0
  pem_out[pem_out < 0 | is.na(pem_out)] <- 0


saezlab/ligrec_decoupler documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 11:54 a.m.