
Defines functions fitFfm zScore coef.ffm fitted.ffm residuals.ffm

Documented in coef.ffm fitFfm fitted.ffm residuals.ffm

#' @title Fit a fundamental factor model using cross-sectional regression
#' @description Fit a fundamental (cross-sectional) factor model using ordinary
#' least squares or robust regression. Fundamental factor models use observable
#' asset specific characteristics (or) fundamentals, like industry
#' classification, market capitalization, style classification (value, growth)
#' etc. to calculate the common risk factors. An object of class \code{"ffm"}
#' is returned.
#' @details
#' Estimation method "LS" corresponds to ordinary least squares using
#' \code{\link[stats]{lm}} and "Rob" is robust regression using
#' \code{\link[robust]{lmRob}}. "WLS" is weighted least squares using estimates
#' of the residual variances from LS regression as weights (feasible GLS).
#' Similarly, "W-Rob" is weighted robust regression.
#' The weights to be used in "WLS" or "W-Rob" can be set using
#' \code{resid.scale.type} argument which computes the residual variances in one
#' of the following ways - sample variance, EWMA, Robust EWMA and GARCH(1,1).
#' The inverse of these residual variances are used as the weights. For EWMA
#' model, lambda = 0.9 is used as default and for GARCH(1,1) omega = 0.09,
#' alpha = 0.1, and beta = 0.81 are used as default as mentioned in Martin &
#' Ding (2017). These default parameters can be changed using the arguments
#' \code{lambda}, \code{GARCH.params} for EWMA and GARCH respectively. To
#' compute GARCH parameters via MLE, set \code{GARCH.MLE} to \code{TRUE}.
#' Standardizing style factor exposures: The exposures can be standardized into
#' z-scores using regular or robust (see \code{rob.stats}) measures of location
#' and scale. Further, \code{weight.var}, a variable such as market-cap, can be
#' used to compute the weighted mean exposure, and an equal-weighted standard
#' deviation of the exposures about the weighted mean. This may help avoid an
#' ill-conditioned covariance matrix. Default option equally weights exposures
#' of different assets each period.
#' If \code{rob.stats=TRUE}, \code{\link[robust]{covRob}} is used to compute a
#' robust estimate of the factor covariance/correlation matrix, and,
#' \code{\link[robustbase]{scaleTau2}} is used to compute robust tau-estimates
#' of univariate scale for residuals during "WLS" or "W-Rob" regressions. When
#' standardizing style exposures, the \code{\link[stats]{median}} and
#' \code{\link[stats]{mad}} are used for location and scale respectively.
#' When \code{resid.scale.type} is EWMA or GARCH, the residual covariance is
#' equal to the diagonal matrix of the estimated residual variances in last
#' time period.
#' The original function was designed by Doug Martin and initially implemented
#' in S-PLUS by a number of University of Washington Ph.D. students:
#' Christopher Green, Eric Aldrich, and Yindeng Jiang. Guy Yollin ported the
#' function to R and Yi-An Chen modified that code. Sangeetha Srinivasan
#' re-factored, tested, and expanded the functionalities and S3 methods.
#' Avinash Acharya and Chindhanai Uthaisaad further added new functionalities.
#' @importFrom stats lm as.formula coef contr.treatment fitted mad median
#' model.matrix na.exclude na.fail na.omit var
#' @importFrom robustbase scaleTau2 covOGK
#' @importFrom PerformanceAnalytics checkData skewness kurtosis
#' @importFrom robust covRob covClassic lmRob
#' @importFrom rugarch ugarchspec ugarchfit
#' @param data data.frame of the balanced panel data containing the variables
#' \code{asset.var}, \code{ret.var}, \code{exposure.vars}, \code{date.var} and
#' optionally, \code{weight.var}.
#' @param asset.var character; name of the variable for asset names.
#' @param ret.var character; name of the variable for asset returns.
#' @param date.var character; name of the variable containing the dates
#' coercible to class \code{Date}.
#' @param exposure.vars vector; names of the variables containing the
#' fundamental factor exposures.
#' @param weight.var character; name of the variable containing the weights
#' used when standarizing style factor exposures. Default is \code{NULL}. See
#' Details.
#' @param fit.method method for estimating factor returns; one of "LS", "WLS"
#' "Rob" or "W-Rob". See details. Default is "LS".
#' @param rob.stats logical; If \code{TRUE}, robust estimates of covariance,
#' correlation, location and univariate scale are computed as appropriate (see
#' Details). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param full.resid.cov logical; If \code{TRUE}, a full residual covariance
#' matrix is estimated. Otherwise, a diagonal residual covariance matrix is
#' estimated. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param z.score method for exposure standardization; one of "none",
#' "crossSection", or "timeSeries". Default is \code{"none"}.
#' @param add.intercept logical; If \code{TRUE}, intercept is added in the
#' exposure matrix. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param lag.exposures logical; If \code{TRUE}, the style exposures in the
#' exposure matrix are lagged by one time period. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param resid.scale.type character; method for computing weights when
#' fit.method is set to WLS or W-Rob; one of \code{stdDev}, \code{EWMA},
#' \code{robEWMA}, or \code{GARCH}. Default is \code{stdDev}. See details.
#' @param lambda value of lambda to be used for the EWMA estimation of residual
#' variances. Default is 0.9.
#' @param GARCH.params list containing GARCH parameters omega, alpha, and beta.
#' Default values are 0.09, 0.1, 0.81 respectively. Valid only when
#' \code{GARCH.MLE} is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param GARCH.MLE logical; If \code{TRUE}, GARCH parameters are estimated by
#' maximum liklihood estimation. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param analysis method used in the analysis of fundamental law of active
#' management; one of "none", "ISM", or "NEW". Default is "none".
#' @param std.return logical; If \code{TRUE}, the returns will be standardized
#' using GARCH(1,1) volatilities. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param target.vol numeric; the targeted portfolio volatility in the
#' analysis. Default is 0.06.
#' @param ... potentially further arguments passed.
#' @return \code{fitFfm} returns an object of class \code{"ffm"} for which
#' \code{print}, \code{plot}, \code{predict} and \code{summary} methods exist.
#' The generic accessor functions \code{coef}, \code{fitted} and
#' \code{residuals} extract various useful features of the fit object.
#' Additionally, \code{fmCov} computes the covariance matrix for asset returns
#' based on the fitted factor model.
#' An object of class \code{"ffm"} is a list containing the following
#' components:
#' \item{factor.fit}{list of fitted objects that estimate factor returns in
#' each time period. Each fitted object is of class \code{lm} if
#' \code{fit.method="LS" or "WLS"}, or, class \code{lmRob} if
#' \code{fit.method="Rob" or "W-Rob"}.}
#' \item{beta}{N x K matrix of factor exposures for the last time period.}
#' \item{factor.returns}{xts object of K-factor returns (including intercept).}
#' \item{residuals}{xts object of residuals for N-assets.}
#' \item{r2}{length-T vector of R-squared values.}
#' \item{factor.cov}{K x K covariance matrix of the factor returns.}
#' \item{g.cov}{G x G covariance matrix of the coefficients for a Sector plus
#' Market and Sector plus Country plus Global Market models.}
#' \item{resid.cov}{N x N covariance matrix of residuals.}
#' \item{return.cov}{N x N return covariance estimated by the factor model,
#' using the factor exposures from the last time period.}
#' \item{restriction.mat}{restriction matrix used in the computation of f=Rg.}
#' \item{resid.var}{N x T matrix of estimated residual variances. It will be a
#' length-N vector of sample residual variances when \code{resid.scale.type} is
#' set to \code{stdDev}}
#' \item{call}{the matched function call.}
#' \item{data}{data frame object as input.}
#' \item{date.var}{date.var as input}
#' \item{ret.var}{ret.var as input}
#' \item{asset.var}{asset.var as input.}
#' \item{exposure.vars}{exposure.vars as input.}
#' \item{weight.var}{weight.var as input.}
#' \item{fit.method}{fit.method as input.}
#' \item{asset.names}{length-N vector of asset names.}
#' \item{factor.names}{length-K vector of factor.names.}
#' \item{time.periods}{length-T vector of dates.}
#' \item{activeWeights}{active weights obtaining from the fundamental law of
#' active management}
#' \item{activeReturns}{active returns corresponding to the active weights}
#' \item{IR}{the vector of Granold-K, asymptotic IR, and finite-sample IR.}
#' Where N is the number of assets, K is the number of factors (including the
#' intercept or dummy variables) and T is the number of unique time periods.
#' @author Sangeetha Srinivasan, Guy Yollin, Yi-An Chen, Avinash Acharya and
#' Chindhanai Uthaisaad
#' @references
#' Menchero, J. (2010). The Characteristics of Factor Portfolios. Journal of
#' Performance Measurement, 15(1), 52-62.
#' Grinold, R. C., & Kahn, R. N. (2000). Active portfolio management (Second
#' Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
#' Ding, Z., & Martin, R. D. (2017). The fundamental law of active management:
#' Redux. Journal of Empirical Finance, 43, 91-114.
#' And, the following extractor functions: \code{\link[stats]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{fitted}}, \code{\link[stats]{residuals}},
#' \code{\link{fmCov}}, \code{\link{fmSdDecomp}}, \code{\link{fmVaRDecomp}}
#' and \code{\link{fmEsDecomp}}.
#' \code{\link{paFm}} for Performance Attribution.
#' @examples
#' # Load fundamental and return data
#'  data("factorDataSetDjia5Yrs")
#' # fit a fundamental factor model
#' exposure.vars <- c("P2B", "MKTCAP")
#' fit <- fitFfm(data=factorDataSetDjia5Yrs, asset.var="TICKER", ret.var="RETURN",
#'               date.var="DATE", exposure.vars=exposure.vars)
#' names(fit)
#' # fit a Industry Factor Model with Intercept
#' exposure.vars <- c("SECTOR","P2B")
#' fit1 <- fitFfm(data=factorDataSetDjia5Yrs, asset.var="TICKER", ret.var="RETURN",
#'                date.var="DATE", exposure.vars=exposure.vars, add.intercept=TRUE)
#' # Fit a SECTOR+COUNTRY+Style model with Intercept
#' # Create a COUNTRY column with just 3 countries
#'  factorDataSetDjia5Yrs$COUNTRY = rep(rep(c(rep("US",1),rep("GERMANY",1)),11),60)
#'  exposure.vars= c("SECTOR","COUNTRY","P2B","MKTCAP")
#'  fit.MICM <- fitFfm(data=factorDataSetDjia5Yrs, asset.var="TICKER", ret.var="RETURN",
#'                    date.var="DATE", exposure.vars=exposure.vars, add.intercept=TRUE)
#' @export

fitFfm <- function(data, asset.var, ret.var, date.var, exposure.vars,
                   weight.var=NULL, fit.method=c("LS","WLS","Rob","W-Rob"),
                   rob.stats=FALSE, full.resid.cov=FALSE,
                   add.intercept=FALSE, lag.exposures=TRUE,
                   GARCH.params=list(omega=0.09, alpha=0.10, beta=0.81),
                   lambda=0.90, GARCH.MLE=FALSE, std.return=FALSE,
                   analysis=c("none","ISM","NEW"), target.vol=0.06, ...) {

  # record the call as an element to be returned
  this.call <- match.call()

  # set defaults and check input validity
  if (missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("Invalid args: data must be a data.frame")
  fit.method = fit.method[1]
  if (!(fit.method %in% c("LS","WLS","Rob","W-Rob"))) {
    stop("Invalid args: fit.method must be 'LS', 'WLS', 'Rob' or 'W-Rob'")
  if (missing(asset.var) || !is.character(asset.var)) {
    stop("Invalid args: asset.var must be a character string")
  if (missing(date.var) || !is.character(date.var)) {
    stop("Invalid args: date.var must be a character string")
  if (missing(ret.var) || !is.character(ret.var)) {
    stop("Invalid args: ret.var must be a character string")
  if (missing(exposure.vars) || !is.character(exposure.vars)) {
    stop("Invalid args: exposure.vars must be a character vector")
  if (ret.var %in% exposure.vars) {
    stop("Invalid args: ret.var can not also be an exposure")
  if (!is.null(weight.var) && !is.character(weight.var)) {
    stop("Invalid args: weight.var must be a character string")
  if (!is.logical(rob.stats) || length(rob.stats) != 1) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'rob.stats' must be logical")
  if (!is.logical(full.resid.cov) || length(full.resid.cov) != 1) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'full.resid.cov' must be logical")
  resid.scale.type = resid.scale.type[1]
  if (!(resid.scale.type %in% c("stdDev","EWMA","robEWMA", "GARCH"))) {
    stop("Invalid args: resid.scale.type must be 'stdDev','EWMA','robEWMA', or
  if ((resid.scale.type != "stdDev") && !(fit.method %in% c("WLS","W-Rob"))) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'resid.scale.type' only valid if
          fit.method is 'WLS' or 'W-Rob'")
  if (!is.list(GARCH.params)) {
    stop("Invalid args: parameter 'GARCH.params' must be a list")
  if (!is.logical(std.return)) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'std.return' must be logical")
  z.score = z.score[1]
  if (!(z.score %in% c("none", "crossSection", "timeSeries")) ||
      length(z.score) != 1) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'z.score' must be 'none',
         'crossSection' or 'timeSeries'")
  analysis = analysis[1]
  if (!(analysis %in% c("none", "ISM", "NEW")) || length(z.score) != 1) {
    stop("Invalid args: control parameter 'analysis' must be 'none', 'ISM' or

  # initialize to avoid R CMD check's NOTE: no visible binding for global var

  # ensure dates are in required format
  data[[date.var]] <- as.Date(data[[date.var]])
  # extract unique time periods from data
  time.periods <- unique(data[[date.var]])
  TP <- length(time.periods)
  if (TP < 2) {
    stop("Invalid args: at least 2 unique time periods are required to fit the
         factor model")

  # order data.frame by date.var
  data <- data[order(data[,date.var]),]

  # extract asset names from data
  asset.names <- unique(data[[asset.var]])
  N <- length(asset.names)
  rawReturns <- matrix(data[[ret.var]], nrow=N)

  # Standardize the returns if std.return=TRUE
  if (std.return) {
    sdReturns <- apply(rawReturns, 1, sd)
    sigmaGarch <- rawReturns
    for (i in 1:N) {
      ts <- rawReturns[i,]^2
      var_past_2 <- 0
      sigmaGarch[i,] <- sapply(ts, function(x)
        var_past_2 <<- (1-0.10-0.81)*sdReturns[i]^2 + 0.10*x + 0.81*var_past_2)
    sigmaGarch <- sqrt(sigmaGarch)
    data[[ret.var]] <- as.vector(rawReturns/sigmaGarch)
  std.returns <- matrix(data[[ret.var]], nrow=N)

  # check number & type of exposure; convert character exposures to dummy vars
  which.numeric <- sapply(data[,exposure.vars,drop=FALSE], is.numeric)
  exposures.num <- exposure.vars[which.numeric]
  exposures.char <- exposure.vars[!which.numeric]
  if ((length(exposures.char) >1) && !add.intercept) {
    stop("Invalid args: Sector + Country model without Market (Intercept) is
         currently not handled")
  if (length(exposures.char) > 1) {
    # Model has both Sector and Country along with Intercept
  if (length(exposures.char) == 0) {

  if(lag.exposures) {
    data <- data[order(data[,date.var]),]
    # Get the style exposures except for the last time period
    dataExpoLagged <- data[1:((TP-1)*N), exposures.num]
    # Remove data corresponding to the first time period
    data.lagged <- data[-(1:N),]
    # Replace style expo with lagged expo
    data.lagged[,exposures.num] <- dataExpoLagged
    data <- data.lagged
    # Update the time period length
    time.periods <- unique(data[[date.var]])
    TP <- length(time.periods)

  # Convert numeric exposures to z-scores
  if (!grepl(z.score, "none")) {
    if (!is.null(weight.var)) {
      # Weight exposures within each period using weight.var
      w <- unlist(by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]],
                     function(x) x[[weight.var]]/sum(x[[weight.var]])))
    } else {
      w <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    # Calculate z-scores looping through all numeric exposures
    if (grepl(z.score, "crossSection")) {
      for (i in exposures.num) {
        std.expo.num <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]], FUN=zScore,
                           i=i, w=w, rob.stats=rob.stats, z.score=z.score,
        data[[i]] <- unlist(std.expo.num)
    } else {
      for (i in exposures.num) {
        data[[i]] <- zScore(x=data, i=i, w=w, rob.stats=rob.stats,
                            z.score=z.score, asset.names=asset.names)

  if(!model.MSCI) {
    # determine factor model formula to be passed to lm or lmRob
    fm.formula <- paste(ret.var, "~", paste(exposure.vars, collapse="+"))
    if (length(exposures.char)) {
      # Remove Intercept as it introduces rank deficiency in the exposure matrix
      # Implemetation with Intercept is handled later, using a Restriction
      # matrix to remove the rank deficiency
      fm.formula <- paste(fm.formula, "- 1")
      data[, exposures.char] <- as.factor(data[,exposures.char])
      contrasts.list <- lapply(seq(length(exposures.char)), function(i)
        function(n) contr.treatment(n, contrasts=FALSE))
      names(contrasts.list) <- exposures.char
    else {
      if (!add.intercept && model.style.only) {
        fm.formula <- paste(fm.formula, "- 1")}
      contrasts.list <- NULL
    # convert the pasted expression into a formula object
    fm.formula <- as.formula(fm.formula)

  if (add.intercept == TRUE && model.MSCI == FALSE && model.style.only == FALSE) {
    # formula to extract beta of Sec or Country
    formula.expochar <- as.formula(paste(ret.var, "~", exposures.char, "-1"))
    factor.names <- c("Market", paste(levels(data[,exposures.char]), sep=" "),
    beta.expochar <- model.matrix(formula.expochar, data=data)
    rownames(beta.expochar) <- rep(asset.names, length(time.periods))

    # Beta for the whole model (generally without intercept)
    beta <- model.matrix(fm.formula, data=data)
    rownames(beta) <- rep(asset.names, length(time.periods))
    # Define beta.star as Beta of the whole model with Intercept/Market
    # represtend by col of ones
    beta.star <- cbind("Market"=rep(1, nrow(beta.expochar)), beta.expochar)
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      beta.style<- matrix(beta[,exposures.num], ncol=length(exposures.num))
      colnames(beta.style) <- exposures.num
      # Define Beta for Style factors
      B.style <- beta.style[((TP-1)*N+1):(TP*N), ]
    # Number of factors
    K <- dim(beta.star)[2]
    # Define Restriction matrix
    R_matrix <- rbind(diag(K-1), c(0,rep(-1,K-2)))
    # Define B.Mod = X*R
    B.mod <- (beta.star[1:N, ]) %*% R_matrix
    # Formula for Markt+Sec/Country Model
    fmSI.formula <- as.formula(paste(ret.var, "~", "B.mod+",
                                     paste(exposures.num, collapse="+"),"-1"))

  if(model.MSCI == FALSE) {
    # Perform regression using fm.formula without any restriction matrix, if
    # WLS/WRob is the fit.method when add.intercept =TRUE. Else use fmSI.formula
    if (!(grepl("W",fit.method)) && add.intercept==TRUE && !model.style.only) {
      fm.formula = fmSI.formula
      contrasts.list = NULL

    # estimate factor returns using LS or Robust regression
    # returns a list of the fitted lm or lmRob objects for each time period
    if (grepl("LS",fit.method)) {
      reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]], FUN=lm,
                     formula=fm.formula, contrasts=contrasts.list,
    else if (grepl("Rob",fit.method)) {
      reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]], FUN=lmRob,
                     formula=fm.formula, contrasts=contrasts.list,
                     mxr=200, mxf=200, mxs=200, na.action=na.fail)

    # compute residual variance for all assets for weighted regression
    if (grepl("W",fit.method)) {
      if (rob.stats) {
        resid.var <- apply(sapply(reg.list, residuals), 1, scaleTau2)^2
      } else {
        resid.var <- apply(sapply(reg.list, residuals), 1, var)
      # Compute cross-sectional weights using EWMA or GARCH
      if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")) {
        # Extract Residuals
        res = sapply(reg.list, residuals)

        if(grepl("EWMA", resid.scale.type)) {
          w <- matrix(0,N,TP)
          for (i in 1:N) {
            var_tminus1 = as.numeric(resid.var[i])
            for(j in 2:TP) {
              # ifelse conditon is used to check if robust EWMA weights has to
              # be calculated. The rejection threshold a=2.5 is used as
              # mentioned in eq 6.6 of Martin (2005)
              w[i,j] <- var_tminus1 + ((1-lambda)*(res[i,j]^2-var_tminus1)) * ifelse(resid.scale.type == "robEWMA", ifelse(abs(res[i,j] <= 2.5 * sqrt(var_tminus1)), 1, 0), 1)
              var_tminus1 <- w[i,j]
          w[,1] <- resid.var

        # GARCH(1,1)
        else if(resid.scale.type == "GARCH") {
          # Compute parameters using MLE
          if(GARCH.MLE) {
            garch.spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),
                                     mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=FALSE),
            garch.weights <- sapply(X = 1:nrow(res),
                                    FUN = function(X){(ugarchfit(garch.spec,res[X,]))@fit$var})
            w <- t(garch.weights)

          else {
            # use fixed parameters
            # default values of omega, Alpha and beta are based on Martin and Ding (2017)
            alpha <- ifelse(!exists("alpha", where=GARCH.params), 0.10, GARCH.params$alpha)
            beta <-  ifelse(!exists("beta", where=GARCH.params), 0.81, GARCH.params$beta )
            w <- matrix(0,N,TP)
            for(i in 1:N) {
              # Use sample variance as the initial variance
              w[,1] <- resid.var
              var_tminus1 <- as.numeric(resid.var[i])
              for(j in 2:TP) {
                w[i,j] <- resid.var[i]*(1-alpha-beta) + alpha*res[i,j-1]^2 + beta*var_tminus1
                var_tminus1 <- w[i,j]
        data <- cbind(data, W=1/as.numeric(w))
      else {
        data <- cbind(data, W=1/resid.var)

    # estimate factor returns using WLS or weighted-Robust regression
    # returns a list of the fitted lm or lmRob objects for each time period
    if (fit.method=="WLS") {
      if(add.intercept  && !model.style.only) {
        fm.formula = fmSI.formula
        contrasts.list = NULL}
      reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]],
                     FUN=function(x) {
                       lm(data=x, formula=fm.formula, contrasts=contrasts.list,
                          na.action=na.fail, weights=W)
    } else if (fit.method=="W-Rob") {
      reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]],
                     FUN=function(x) {
                       lmRob(data=x, formula=fm.formula, contrasts=contrasts.list,
                             na.action=na.fail, weights=W,
                             mxr=200, mxf=200, mxs=200)

  ## Compute or Extract objects to be returned
  if ((add.intercept == FALSE || model.style.only ==TRUE) && model.MSCI == FALSE) {

    # number of factors including Market and dummy variables
    if (length(exposures.char)) {
      factor.names <- c(exposures.num,
    } else {
      if(add.intercept) {
        factor.names <- c("Alpha", exposures.num)
      } else {
        factor.names <- exposures.num
    K <- length(factor.names)

    # exposure matrix B or beta for the last time period - N x K
    beta <- model.matrix(fm.formula, data=subset(data, data[[date.var]]==time.periods[TP]))
    if (is.vector(beta)) {
      beta <- as.matrix(beta)
      colnames(beta) <- factor.names
    rownames(beta) <- asset.names
    # Shorten the Sector/Country names
    colnames(beta) <- gsub("COUNTRY|SECTOR|GICS.", "", colnames(beta))
    # colnames(beta) <- gsub(paste(exposures.char), "", colnames(beta))

    # Remove SECTOR/COUNTRY to shorten the coef names.
    if (length(exposures.char) > 0) {
      reg.list <- lapply(seq(1:TP), function(x) {names(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients) = gsub("COUNTRY|SECTOR|GICS.", "",names(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients) ); reg.list[[x]]})
      names(reg.list) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    } else if (model.style.only && add.intercept) {
      reg.list <- lapply(seq(1:TP), function(x) {names(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients)[1] = "Alpha"; reg.list[[x]]})
      names(reg.list) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))

    # time series of factor returns = estimated coefficients in each period
    factor.returns <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) {temp <- coef(x); temp[match(factor.names, names(temp))]})
    if (is.vector(factor.returns)) {
      factor.returns <- as.matrix(t(factor.returns))

    # simplify factor.names for dummy variables
    if (length (exposures.char)) {
      factor.names <- c(exposures.num, levels(data[,exposures.char]))
    rownames(factor.returns) <- factor.names
    factor.returns <- checkData(t(factor.returns)) # TxK

    # time series of residuals
    residuals <- sapply(reg.list, residuals) # NxT
    row.names(residuals) <- asset.names
    residuals <- checkData(t(residuals)) # TxN

    # r-squared values for each time period
    r2 <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) summary(x)$r.squared)

    # factor and residual covariances
    if (rob.stats) {
      if (kappa(na.exclude(coredata(factor.returns))) < 1e+10) {
        factor.cov <- covRob(coredata(factor.returns), estim="pairwiseGK",
                             distance=FALSE, na.action=na.omit)$cov
      } else {
        cat("Covariance matrix of factor returns is singular.\n")
        factor.cov <- covRob(coredata(factor.returns), distance=FALSE,
      resid.var <- apply(coredata(residuals), 2, scaleTau2, na.rm=T)^2
      if (full.resid.cov) {
        resid.cov <- covOGK(coredata(residuals), sigmamu=scaleTau2, n.iter=1)$cov
      } else {
        # if resid.scale.type is not stdDev, use the most recent residual var
        # as the diagonal cov-var of residuals
        if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")){
          row.names(w) <- asset.names
          resid.cov <- diag(w[,ncol(w)])
          # update resid.var with the timeseries of estimated resid variances
          resid.var <- as.xts(t(w), order.by=as.yearmon(time.periods))
        } else {
          resid.cov <- diag(resid.var)
    } else {
      factor.cov <- covClassic(coredata(factor.returns), distance=FALSE,
      resid.var <- apply(coredata(residuals), 2, var, na.rm=T)
      if (full.resid.cov) {
        resid.cov <- covClassic(coredata(residuals), distance=FALSE,
      } else {
        # if resid.scale.type is not stdDev, use the most recent residual var
        # as the diagonal cov-var of residuals
        if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")){
          row.names(w) <- asset.names
          resid.cov <- diag(w[,ncol(w)])
          # update resid.var with the timeseries of estimated resid variances
          resid.var <- as.xts(t(w), order.by=as.yearmon(time.periods))
        } else {
          resid.cov <- diag(resid.var)

    # return covariance estimated by the factor model
    # (here beta corresponds to the exposure of last time period, TP)
    return.cov <-  beta %*% factor.cov %*% t(beta) + resid.cov
    if(add.intercept) {
      colnames(beta)[1] <- "Alpha"
    beta <- beta[, colnames(factor.returns), drop=FALSE]

    # If Market+Sector/Country is required
  } else if (add.intercept == TRUE && model.MSCI == FALSE && model.style.only == FALSE) {

    # Rename regression coefs
    reg.list <- lapply(seq(1:TP), function(x) {names(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients) =  paste("g", seq(1:length(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients)), sep = ""); reg.list[[x]]})
    names(reg.list) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))

    # Extract g coef
    g <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) coef(x))

    # factor returns = restriction matrix * g coefficients
    factor.returns <- R_matrix %*% g[1:(K-1), ]
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      factor.returns = rbind(factor.returns, g[K:nrow(g), ])
    rownames(factor.returns) <- factor.names
    colnames(factor.returns) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))

    # Extract resid
    residuals <- sapply(reg.list, residuals)
    colnames(residuals) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    row.names(residuals) <- asset.names

    # Create a T x N xts object of residuals
    residuals <- checkData(t(residuals))
    r2 <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) summary(x)$r.squared)
    names(r2) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    factor.returns <- checkData(t(factor.returns)) # T x K

    # Rearrange g,factor return to Mkt- Style Factor - Sec/Country order
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      g <- g[c(1,K:nrow(g),2:(K-1)),]
    factor.names <- c("Market", exposures.num,
                      paste(levels(data[,exposures.char]),sep=" "))
    factor.returns <- factor.returns[, factor.names]

    # Factor Covariance
    factor.cov <-covClassic(coredata(factor.returns), distance=FALSE,
    g.cov <- cov(t(g))

    # Residual Variance
    resid.var <- apply(coredata(residuals), 2, var, na.rm=T)
    names(resid.var) <- asset.names

    # if resid.scale.type is not stdDev, use the most recent residual var as the diagonal cov-var of residuals
    if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")) {
      row.names(w) <- asset.names
      resid.cov <- diag(w[,ncol(w)])
      # update resid.var with the timeseries of estimated resid variances
      resid.var <- as.xts(t(w), order.by=as.yearmon(time.periods))
    } else {
      resid.cov <- diag(resid.var)

    # Return covariance
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      beta.combine <- cbind(beta.star, beta.style)
      beta.stms <- cbind(B.mod[,1], B.style, B.mod[,-1])
    } else {
      beta.combine <- beta.star
      beta.stms <- B.mod

    colnames(beta.combine) <- gsub("COUNTRY|SECTOR|GICS.", "", colnames(beta.combine))
    beta.combine <- beta.combine[, factor.names]
    return.cov <- beta.stms %*% g.cov %*% t(beta.stms) + resid.cov

    # Exposure matrix for the last time period
    beta <- beta.combine[((TP-1)*N+1):(TP*N), 1:ncol(beta.combine)]

    # Restriction matrix
    restriction.mat <- R_matrix

  } else if(model.MSCI) {

    # determine factor model formula to be passed to lm
    fm.formula <- paste(ret.var, "~", paste(exposure.vars, collapse="+"))
    if (length(exposures.char)) {
      fm.formula <- paste(fm.formula, "- 1")
      for(i in exposures.char) {
        data[, i] <- as.factor(data[,i])
        if (grepl("SECTOR",i)) {
          formula.ind <- as.formula(paste(ret.var, "~", i, "-1"))
        } else {
          formula.cty <- as.formula(paste(ret.var, "~", i, "-1"))

    # convert the pasted expression into a formula object
    fm.formula <- as.formula(fm.formula)

    # Extract model beta, expo.char beta and expo.num betas
    beta <- model.matrix(fm.formula, data=data)
    beta.ind <- model.matrix(formula.ind, data=data)
    beta.cty <- model.matrix(formula.cty, data=data)
    beta.mic <- cbind("Market" = rep(1, nrow(beta.ind)), beta.ind, beta.cty)
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      beta.style<- beta[,exposures.num]
    fac.names.indcty <- lapply(seq(exposures.char), function(x) paste(levels(data[,exposures.char[x]]),sep=""))
    if(grepl("SECTOR", exposures.char[1])) {
      factor.names <- c("Market",unlist(fac.names.indcty), exposures.num)
    } else {
      factor.names <- c("Market", unlist((fac.names.indcty)[2]),
                        unlist((fac.names.indcty)[1]), exposures.num)
    rownames(beta.mic) <- rep(asset.names, TP)
    asset.names <- unique(data[[asset.var]])
    N <- length(asset.names)

    # Define Retrun matrix
    returns <- matrix(data[[ret.var]],nrow = N)
    K <- length(factor.names)
    K1 <- dim(beta.ind)[2]
    K2 <- dim(beta.cty)[2]

    # Define Restriction matrix
    rMic <-  rbind(cbind(diag(K1), matrix(0, nrow=K1, ncol=K2-1)),
                   c(c(0,rep(-1, K1-1)), rep(0, K2-1)),
                   cbind(matrix(0, ncol=K1, nrow=K2-1), diag(K2-1)),
                   c(rep(0, K1), rep(-1, K2-1)))

    row.names(returns) <- asset.names
    colnames(returns) <- as.character(time.periods)

    reg.list<- list()

    B.mod <- (beta.mic[1:N, ]) %*% rMic  #Y = X*R
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      B.style = beta.style[((TP-1)*N+1) : (TP*N), ]
    fmMSCI.formula <- as.formula(paste(ret.var, "~", "B.mod+", paste(exposures.num, collapse="+"),"-1" ))
    reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]],
                   FUN = function(x) {
                     lm(data=x, formula=fmMSCI.formula, na.action=na.fail)})

    # Find weights for WLS regression
    if (grepl("W",fit.method)) {
      if (rob.stats) {
        resid.var <- apply(sapply(reg.list, residuals), 1, scaleTau2)^2
      } else {
        resid.var <- apply(sapply(reg.list, residuals), 1, var)

      # Compute cross-sectional weights using EWMA or GARCH
      if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")) {
        # Extract Residuals
        res <- sapply(reg.list, residuals)

        if(grepl("EWMA", resid.scale.type)) {
          w <- matrix(0,N,TP)
          for(i in 1:N) {
            var_tminus1 <- as.numeric(resid.var[i])
            for(j in 2:TP) {
              # ifelse conditon is used to check if robust EWMA weights has to be calculated.
              # The rejection threshold a=2.5 is used as mentioned in eq 6.6 of Martin (2005)
              w[i,j] <- var_tminus1 + ((1-lambda)*(res[i,j]^2-var_tminus1)) * ifelse(resid.scale.type == "robEWMA", ifelse(abs(res[i,j] <= 2.5 * sqrt(var_tminus1)), 1, 0), 1)
              var_tminus1 <- w[i,j]
          w[,1] <- resid.var
        # GARCH(1,1)
        else if(resid.scale.type == "GARCH") {
          # Compute parameters using MLE
          if(GARCH.MLE) {
            garch.spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),
                                     mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=FALSE),
            garch.weights <- sapply(X=1:nrow(res),
                                    FUN = function(X) {(ugarchfit(garch.spec,res[X,]))@fit$var})
            w <- t(garch.weights)
          } else {
            # use fixed parameters
            # default values of omega, Alpha and beta are based on Martin and Ding (2017)
            alpha <- ifelse(!exists("alpha", where = GARCH.params), 0.10, GARCH.params$alpha)
            beta <-  ifelse(!exists("beta", where = GARCH.params), 0.81, GARCH.params$beta )
            w <- matrix(0,N,TP)
            for (i in 1:N) {
              # Use sample variance as the initial variance
              w[,1] <- resid.var
              var_tminus1 <- as.numeric(resid.var[i])
              for(j in 2:TP) {
                w[i,j] <- resid.var[i] * (1-alpha-beta) + alpha*res[i,j-1]^2 + beta*var_tminus1
                var_tminus1 <- w[i,j]
        data <- cbind(data, W=1/as.numeric(w))
      } else {
        data <- cbind(data, W=1/resid.var)

      reg.list <- by(data=data, INDICES=data[[date.var]],
                     FUN=function(x) {lm(data=x, formula=fmMSCI.formula, weights=W,

    reg.list <- lapply(seq(1:TP), function(x){ names(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients) =  paste("g", seq(1:length(reg.list[[x]]$coefficients)), sep = "");reg.list[[x]]})
    names(reg.list) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    g <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) coef(x))
    factor.returns  <- rMic %*% g[1:(K1+K2-1), ]
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      factor.returns <- rbind(factor.returns, g[(K1+K2):nrow(g), ])
    rownames(factor.returns) <- factor.names
    colnames(factor.returns) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      residuals <- returns - B.mod %*% g[1:(K1+K2-1),] - B.style %*% g[(K1+K2):nrow(g), ] # NxT
    } else {
      residuals <- returns - B.mod %*% g[1:(K1+K2-1),]
    colnames(residuals) <- as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    # Create a T x N xts object of residuals
    residuals <- checkData(t(residuals))
    # all.equal(x,residuals)
    r2 <- sapply(reg.list, function(x) summary(x)$r.squared)
    # r2 <- as.numeric(sapply(X = summary(reg.list), FUN = "[","r.squared"))
    names(r2) = as.character(unique(data[[date.var]]))
    factor.returns <- checkData(t(factor.returns)) # T x K

    # Re-order the columns in the order mkt-style-sector-country
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0)
      factor.returns <- factor.returns[,c(1,(K1+2+K2):K, 2:(K1+1), (K1+2):(K1+K2+1))]
    factor.names <- colnames(factor.returns)

    # Factor Covarinace
    factor.cov <- covClassic(coredata(factor.returns), distance=FALSE,
    # Residual Variance
    resid.var <- apply(coredata(residuals), 2, var, na.rm=T)
    names(resid.var) <- asset.names
    # if resid.scale.type is not stdDev, use the most recent residual var as the diagonal cov-var of residuals
    if((resid.scale.type != "stdDev")){
      row.names(w) = asset.names
      resid.cov <- diag(w[,ncol(w)])
      # update resid.var with the timeseries of estimated resid variances
      resid.var = as.xts(t(w), order.by = as.yearmon(time.periods))
      resid.cov <- diag(resid.var)
    # Returns covariance
    if(length(exposures.num) > 0) {
      beta.combine <- cbind(beta.mic, beta.style)
    } else {
      beta.combine <- beta.mic
    colnames(beta.combine) <- gsub("COUNTRY|SECTOR|GICS.", "", colnames(beta.combine))
    beta.combine <- beta.combine[, factor.names]
    return.cov <- beta.combine[((TP-1)*N+1):(TP*N), 1:K] %*% factor.cov %*% t( beta.combine[((TP-1)*N+1):(TP*N), 1:K]) + resid.cov
    # Exposure matrix
    beta = beta.combine[((TP-1)*N+1):(TP*N), 1:K]
    # colnames(beta) = gsub("COUNTRY|SECTOR", "", colnames(beta))
    # factor.cov = factor.cov[factor.names, factor.names]
    # Restriction matrix
    restriction.mat = rMic

  # Initialization
  EX <- length(exposures.num)

  # FLAM
  if (EX == 1) {

    # Standardized exposure matrix (lagged)
    stdExposures <- matrix(data[[exposures.num]], nrow = N)

    # ISM model
    if (grepl(analysis, "ISM")) {

      # Information coefficient in each time period is the correlation between the raw returns
      # and the cross-sectional standardized returns
      IC <- c()
      for (t in 1:TP) {
        IC[t] <- cor(rawReturns[, t + 1], stdExposures[, t])
      meanIC <- mean(IC)
      sigmaIC <- sd(IC)
      IR_GK <- meanIC * sqrt(N)
      IR_inf <- meanIC / sigmaIC
      IR_N <- meanIC / sqrt((1 - meanIC^2 - sigmaIC^2) / N + sigmaIC ^ 2)

      # Compute the conditional mean forecast and the conditional forecast error covariance used in
      # the optimization (TBD)
      condAlpha <- meanIC * stdExposures[, TP]
      condOmega <- sigmaIC ^ 2 * (stdExposures[, TP] %*% t(stdExposures[, TP])) + diag(resid.var)

      # Compute optimal active weights using formula
      sigma_A <- target.vol
      kappa <- (t(condAlpha) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% rep(1, N)) / (rep(1, N) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% rep(1, N))
      activeWeights <- sigma_A * (solve(condOmega) %*% as.matrix(condAlpha)) / c(sqrt(t(as.matrix(condAlpha)) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% as.matrix(condAlpha)))
      #activeWeights <- activeWeights - mean(activeWeights)
      activeReturns <- t(activeWeights) %*% rawReturns[, TP + 1]

    } else if (grepl(analysis, "NEW")) {

      # Information coefficient is the correlation between the standardized returns
      # and the standardized exposures
      IC <- c()
      for (t in 1:TP) {
        IC[t] <- cor(std.returns[, t + 1], stdExposures[, t])
      meanIC <- mean(IC)
      sigmaIC <- sd(IC)
      IR_GK <- meanIC * sqrt(N)
      IR_inf <- meanIC / sigmaIC
      IR_N <- meanIC / sqrt((1 - meanIC^2 - sigmaIC^2) / N + sigmaIC ^ 2)

      # Compute the conditional mean forecast and the conditional forecast error covariance
      # at the end of the period
      condAlpha <- meanIC * as.vector(diag(sigmaGarch[, TP + 1]) %*% stdExposures[, TP])
      condOmega <- diag(sigmaGarch[, TP + 1]) %*% (sigmaIC^2 * (stdExposures[, TP] %*% t(stdExposures[, TP])) + diag((1 - meanIC^2 - sigmaIC^2), nrow = N, ncol = N)) %*% diag(sigmaGarch[, TP + 1])

      # Compute optimal active weights using formula
      sigma_A <- target.vol
      kappa <- (t(condAlpha) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% rep(1, N)) / (rep(1, N) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% rep(1, N))
      activeWeights <- sigma_A * (solve(condOmega) %*% as.matrix(condAlpha)) / c(sqrt(t(as.matrix(condAlpha)) %*% solve(condOmega) %*% as.matrix(condAlpha)))
      #activeWeights <- activeWeights - mean(activeWeights)
      activeReturns <- t(activeWeights) %*% std.returns[, TP + 1]
      IR = c(IR_GK, IR_inf, IR_N)

    } else {
      activeReturns <- activeWeights <- IR <- NULL

  } else {
    # Multi-factor model (To be implemented)
    activeReturns <- activeWeights <- IR <- NULL

  # create list of return values.
  result <- list(factor.fit=reg.list, beta=beta, factor.returns=factor.returns,
                 residuals=residuals, r2=r2, factor.cov=factor.cov, g.cov=g.cov,
                 resid.cov=resid.cov, return.cov=return.cov,
                 restriction.mat=restriction.mat, resid.var=resid.var,
                 call=this.call, data=data, date.var=date.var, ret.var=ret.var,
                 asset.var=asset.var, exposure.vars=exposure.vars,
                 weight.var=weight.var, fit.method=fit.method,
                 asset.names=asset.names, factor.names=factor.names,
                 time.periods=time.periods, activeWeights=activeWeights,
                 activeReturns=activeReturns, IR=IR)

  class(result) <- "ffm"

### function to calculate z-scores for numeric exposure i using weights w
## x is a data.frame object, i is a character string and w has same length as x
# rob.stats is a logical argument to compute robust location and scale

zScore <- function(x, i, w, rob.stats, z.score, asset.names) {
  if (grepl(z.score, "crossSection")) {
    if (rob.stats) {
      x_bar <- median(w*x[[i]])
      (x[[i]]-x_bar)/mad(x[[i]], center=x_bar)
    } else {
      x_bar <- mean(w*x[[i]])
      n <- length(x[[i]])
      # use equal weighted squared deviation about the weighted mean
  } else {
    N <- length(asset.names)
    exposures <- matrix(w*x[[i]], nrow=N)
    sigmaEWMA <- stdExpo <- exposures
    meanExp <- apply(exposures, 1, mean)
    sigmaExp <- apply(exposures, 1, sd)

    for (j in 1:N) {
      ts <- (exposures[j,]-meanExp[j])^2
      var_past_2 <- sigmaExp[j] ^ 2
      sigmaEWMA[j,] <- sapply(ts, function(x) var_past_2 <<- 0.10*x + 0.90*var_past_2)
      if (any(sigmaEWMA[j, ] == 0)) {
        sigmaEWMA[j,] <- 1

#' @param object a fit object of class \code{ffm} which is returned by
#' \code{fitFfm}

#' @rdname fitFfm
#' @method coef ffm
#' @export

coef.ffm <- function(object, ...) {
  # these are the last period factor exposures
  # already computed through fitFfm

#' @rdname fitFfm
#' @method fitted ffm
#' @export

fitted.ffm <- function(object, ...) {
  # get fitted values for all assets in each time period
  # transpose and convert into xts/zoo objects
  fitted.xts <- checkData(t(sapply(object$factor.fit, fitted)))
  names(fitted.xts) <- object$asset.names

#' @rdname fitFfm
#' @method residuals ffm
#' @export

residuals.ffm <- function(object, ...) {
sangeeuw/factorAnalytics documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:40 p.m.