#' Function to check species scientific name in Brazilian Flora 2020 database
#' @param species Character. A species scientific name without authors, ideally already passed by the string check in `Rocc::check_status()`. Accepts only one name at a time. Use `lapply()` or functions from `purrr` package to run for multiple species
#' @param get_synonyms Logical. If `get_synonyms = TRUE` (default) returns a second element containing information of all synonyms a species has
#' @param infraspecies Logical. If `infraspecies = TRUE` returns accepted name of any infraspecies classification
#' @return
#' A list with one or two elements. If `get_synonyms = TRUE` the second element of the list contains the names and additional information of synonyms or a `NULL` object if the species has no synonyms.
#' @importFrom flora trim suggest.names
#' @export
#' @author Sara Mortara & Andrea Sánchez-Tapia
#' @examples
#' # single species
#' check_flora("Dalbergia nigra")
#' # more than one species w/ lapply from base
#' lapply(c("Dalbergia nigra", "Aspidosperma discolor"),
#' check_flora)
check_flora <- function(species,
get_synonyms = TRUE,
infraspecies = FALSE) {
# equivalencia de campos flora2020 e DwC
campos <- c(
taxonID = "taxonid",
family = "family",
genus = "genus",
scientificName = "scientificname",
specificEpithet = "specificepithet",
infraspecificEpithet = "infraspecificepithet",
scientificNameAuthorship = "scientificnameauthorship",
taxonomicStatus = "taxonomicstatus",
acceptedNameUsage = "acceptednameusage",
acceptedNameUsageID = "acceptednameusageid",
modified = "modified"
campos.syn <- c(campos[1:8], higherClassification = "higherclassification",
source = "source", references = "references")
# função para buscar na flora do brasil
search_flora <- function(x) {
api <- "http://servicos.jbrj.gov.br/v2/flora/taxon/"
search_sp <- gsub(" ", "%20", x)
res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(api, search_sp))
sp <- paste(res$result$genus, res$result$specificepithet)
cual <- which(sp == x)
res$result <- res$result[cual,]
# fazendo a busca
fail_message <- "Flora 2020 API is out of service"
res <- tryCatch(search_flora(species), error = function(e) e, finally = print(fail_message))
# checando se a busca funcionou
if (!"error" %in% class(res)) {
#res <- search_flora(species)
# tem na flora?
success <- res$success & !is.null(res$result)
if (success == FALSE) {
message("species scientific name not found in Brazilian Flora 2020")
res <- NULL
} else {
# output taxon ####
cols_remove <- c("SINONIMO", "NOME ACEITO",
"higherclassification", "source",
out <- res$result[, !names(res$result) %in% cols_remove]
# mudando nomes para padrao DwC + recente:
names(out) <- names(campos)
# output synonym
synonyms <- res$result$SINONIMO[[1]]
# acrescentando coluna em out com sinonimo
out$synonyms <- ifelse(!is.null(synonyms$taxonid),
# acrescentando coluna com nome original da busca
out$verbatimSpecies <- species
# guardando se tem nome aceito
accepted_name <- sum(out$taxonomicStatus == "NOME_ACEITO") >= 1
# transformando vazio em NA no taxonomicstatus
out$taxonomicStatus[out$taxonomicStatus == ""] <- NA
#out <- out[out$taxonomicstatus %in% "NOME_ACEITO", ]
# creating column w/ scientificName w/o author
out$species <- paste(out$genus, out$specificEpithet)
# removing infraspecies information
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- out
} else {
if (infraspecies == FALSE) {
out <- out[is.na(out$infraspecificEpithet), ]
} else {
out <- out
# output sinonimo ####
# criando coluna com o basinômio em synonyms
if (get_synonyms & accepted_name) {
if (!is.null(synonyms$taxonid) & accepted_name) {
# mudando nomes para DwC + recente:
names(synonyms) <- names(campos.syn)
syn_remove <- c("higherClassification",
synonyms <- synonyms[, !names(synonyms) %in% syn_remove]
synonyms_base <- out[out$taxonomicStatus %in% "NOME_ACEITO"
& is.na(out$infraspecificEpithet), ]
synonyms_base <- synonyms_base[, c('taxonID', 'species')]
names(synonyms_base) <- c("taxonID_base", "species_base")
# creating column w/ scientificName w/o author
syn_species <- paste(synonyms$genus, synonyms$specificEpithet)
# juntando a info do basinomio com o output de synonyms
synonyms <- cbind(synonyms, synonym_species = syn_species, synonyms_base)
} else {
synonyms <- NULL
# gerando o output
res <- list(taxon = out,
synonyms = synonyms)
} else {
res <- list(taxon = out)
} # end of success if
} # end of search test if
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