Man pages for satijalab/azimuth
A Shiny App Demonstrating a Query-Reference Mapping Algorithm for Single-Cell Data

AttachDepsAttach dependent packages
AzimuthAppLaunch the mapping app
AzimuthBridgeReferenceCreate a Seurat object compatible with Azimuth.
Azimuth-packageAzimuth: A Shiny App Demonstrating a Query-Reference Mapping...
AzimuthReferenceCreate a Seurat object compatible with Azimuth.
AzimuthServerServer function for the mapping app
CategoryTableReturns a dataframe of the frequency or percentage of levels...
ConvertGeneNamesConverts gene names of query to match type/species of...
CreateAzimuthDataCreate an 'AzimuthData' object
CreateColorMapCreate A Color Map
FilterFeaturesSanitize feature names for 'selectInput'
FormatDiffTimeFormat Time Differences
GetColorMapGet Azimuth color mapping
GetCSSGet Azimuth's CSS file
GetPlotRefGet Azimuth plotref
GetTranscriptsGet transcripts modified from Signac::GeneActivity
LoadBridgeReferenceLoad the extended reference RDS file for bridge integration
LoadFileInputLoad file input into a 'Seurat' object
LoadH5ADLoad a diet H5AD file
LoadH5ADobsLoad obs from a H5AD file
LoadReferenceLoad the reference RDS files
NNTransformTransform an NN index
PlottableMetadataNamesReturn names of metadata columns in a Seurat object that have...
ReferenceVersionGet Azimuth reference version number
RenderDiffExpPrepare differential expression results for rendering
RenderDiffMotifExpPrepare differential expression motif results for rendering
RunAzimuthRun Azimuth annotation
RunAzimuthATACRun Azimuth annotation for ATAC query
SaveAzimuthReferenceSave 'Azimuth' references and neighbors index to same folder
SetColorMapSet Azimuth color mapping
ValidateAzimuthReferenceValidate References for Azimuth
satijalab/azimuth documentation built on Nov. 19, 2023, 8:34 a.m.