#' @include generics.R
#' @include visualization.R
# Functions
#' @param fov Name to store FOV as
#' @param assay Name to store expression matrix as
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return \code{LoadAkoya}: A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells CreateFOV CreateSeuratObject
#' @export
#' @rdname ReadAkoya
LoadAkoya <- function(
type = c('inform', 'processor', 'qupath'),
assay = 'Akoya',
) {
# read in matrix and centroids
data <- ReadAkoya(filename = filename, type = type)
# convert centroids into coords object
coords <- suppressWarnings(expr = CreateFOV(
coords = data$centroids,
type = 'centroids',
key = 'fov',
assay = assay
colnames(x = data$metadata) <- suppressWarnings(
expr = make.names(names = colnames(x = data$metadata))
# build Seurat object from matrix
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = data$matrix,
assay = assay,
meta.data = data$metadata
# make sure coords only contain cells in seurat object
coords <- subset(x = coords, cells = Cells(x = obj))
suppressWarnings(expr = obj[[fov]] <- coords) # add image to seurat object
# Add additional assays
for (i in setdiff(x = names(x = data), y = c('matrix', 'centroids', 'metadata'))) {
suppressWarnings(expr = obj[[i]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = data[[i]]))
#' @inheritParams ReadAkoya
#' @param data.dir Path to a directory containing Vitessce cells
#' and clusters JSONs
#' @return \code{LoadHuBMAPCODEX}: A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells CreateFOV CreateSeuratObject
#' @export
#' @rdname ReadVitessce
LoadHuBMAPCODEX <- function(data.dir, fov, assay = 'CODEX') {
data <- ReadVitessce(
counts = file.path(data.dir, "reg1_stitched_expressions.clusters.json"),
coords = file.path(data.dir, "reg1_stitched_expressions.cells.json"),
type = "segmentations"
# Create spatial and Seurat objects
coords <- CreateFOV(
coords = data$segmentations,
molecules = data$molecules,
assay = assay
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data$counts, assay = assay)
# make sure spatial coords only contain cells in seurat object
coords <- subset(x = coords, cells = Cells(x = obj))
obj[[fov]] <- coords
#' @inheritParams ReadAkoya
#' @param data.dir Path to folder containing Nanostring SMI outputs
#' @return \code{LoadNanostring}: A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells CreateCentroids CreateFOV
#' CreateSegmentation CreateSeuratObject
#' @export
#' @rdname ReadNanostring
LoadNanostring <- function(data.dir, fov, assay = 'Nanostring') {
data <- ReadNanostring(
data.dir = data.dir,
type = c("centroids", "segmentations")
segs <- CreateSegmentation(data$segmentations)
cents <- CreateCentroids(data$centroids)
segmentations.data <- list(
"centroids" = cents,
"segmentation" = segs
coords <- CreateFOV(
coords = segmentations.data,
type = c("segmentation", "centroids"),
molecules = data$pixels,
assay = assay
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data$matrix, assay = assay)
# subset both object and coords based on the cells shared by both
cells <- intersect(
Cells(x = coords, boundary = "segmentation"),
Cells(x = coords, boundary = "centroids")
cells <- intersect(Cells(obj), cells)
coords <- subset(x = coords, cells = cells)
obj[[fov]] <- coords
#' @return \code{LoadVizgen}: A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells CreateCentroids CreateFOV
#' CreateSegmentation CreateSeuratObject
#' @export
#' @rdname ReadVizgen
LoadVizgen <- function(data.dir, fov, assay = 'Vizgen', z = 3L) {
data <- ReadVizgen(
data.dir = data.dir,
filter = "^Blank-",
type = c("centroids", "segmentations"),
z = z
segs <- CreateSegmentation(data$segmentations)
cents <- CreateCentroids(data$centroids)
segmentations.data <- list(
"centroids" = cents,
"segmentation" = segs
coords <- CreateFOV(
coords = segmentations.data,
type = c("segmentation", "centroids"),
molecules = data$microns,
assay = assay
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data$transcripts, assay = assay)
# only consider the cells we have counts and a segmentation for
# Cells which don't have a segmentation are probably found in other z slices.
coords <- subset(
x = coords,
cells = intersect(
x = Cells(x = coords[["segmentation"]]),
y = Cells(x = obj)
# add coords to seurat object
obj[[fov]] <- coords
#' @return \code{LoadXenium}: A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param data.dir Path to folder containing Xenium outputs
#' @param fov FOV name
#' @param assay Assay name
#' @param mols.qv.threshold Remove transcript molecules with
#' a QV less than this threshold. QV >= 20 is the standard threshold
#' used to construct the cell x gene count matrix.
#' @param cell.centroids Whether or not to load cell centroids
#' @param molecule.coordinates Whether or not to load molecule pixel coordinates
#' @param segmentations One of "cell", "nucleus" or NULL (to load either cell
#' segmentations, nucleus segmentations or neither)
#' @param flip.xy Whether or not to flip the x/y coordinates of the Xenium outputs
#' to match what is displayed in Xenium Explorer, or fit on your screen better.
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells CreateCentroids CreateFOV
#' CreateSegmentation CreateSeuratObject CreateMolecules
#' @export
#' @rdname ReadXenium
LoadXenium <- function(
fov = 'fov',
assay = 'Xenium',
mols.qv.threshold = 20,
cell.centroids = TRUE,
molecule.coordinates = TRUE,
segmentations = NULL,
flip.xy = FALSE
) {
if(!is.null(segmentations) && !(segmentations %in% c('nucleus', 'cell'))) {
stop('segmentations must be NULL or one of "nucleus", "cell"')
if(!cell.centroids && is.null(segmentations)) {
"Must load either centroids or cell/nucleus segmentations"
data <- ReadXenium(
data.dir = data.dir,
type = c("centroids", "segmentations", "nucleus_segmentations")[
c(cell.centroids, isTRUE(segmentations == 'cell'), isTRUE(segmentations == 'nucleus'))
outs = c("segmentation_method", "matrix", "microns")[
c(cell.centroids || isTRUE(segmentations != 'nucleus'), TRUE, molecule.coordinates && (cell.centroids || !is.null(segmentations)))
mols.qv.threshold = mols.qv.threshold,
flip.xy = flip.xy
segmentations <- intersect(c("segmentations", "nucleus_segmentations"), names(data))
segmentations.data <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list(
centroids = if(is.null(data$centroids)) {
} else {
segmentations = if(length(segmentations) > 0) {
} else {
coords <- if(length(segmentations.data) > 0) {
assay = assay,
molecules = if(is.null(data$microns)) {
} else {
} else {
slot.map <- c(
`Blank Codeword` = 'BlankCodeword',
`Unassigned Codeword` = 'BlankCodeword',
`Negative Control Codeword` = 'ControlCodeword',
`Negative Control Probe` = 'ControlProbe',
`Genomic Control` = 'GenomicControl'
xenium.obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data$matrix[["Gene Expression"]], assay = assay)
if(!is.null(data$metadata)) {
Misc(xenium.obj, 'run_metadata') <- data$metadata
if(!is.null(data$segmentation_method)) {
xenium.obj <- AddMetaData(xenium.obj, data$segmentation_method)
for(name in intersect(names(slot.map), names(data$matrix))) {
xenium.obj[[slot.map[name]]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = data$matrix[[name]])
xenium.obj[[fov]] <- coords
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{DimHeatmap}
#' @rdname DimHeatmap
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
PCHeatmap <- function(object, ...) {
args <- list('object' = object)
args <- c(args, list(...))
args$reduction <- "pca"
return(do.call(what = 'DimHeatmap', args = args))
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{DimPlot}
#' @rdname DimPlot
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
PCAPlot <- function(object, ...) {
return(SpecificDimPlot(object = object, ...))
#' @rdname SpatialPlot
#' @concept convenience
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
SpatialDimPlot <- function(
group.by = NULL,
images = NULL,
cols = NULL,
crop = TRUE,
cells.highlight = NULL,
cols.highlight = c('#DE2D26', 'grey50'),
facet.highlight = FALSE,
label = FALSE,
label.size = 7,
label.color = 'white',
repel = FALSE,
ncol = NULL,
combine = TRUE,
pt.size.factor = 1.6,
alpha = c(1, 1),
image.alpha = 1,
image.scale = "lowres",
shape = 21,
stroke = NA,
label.box = TRUE,
interactive = FALSE,
information = NULL
) {
object = object,
group.by = group.by,
images = images,
cols = cols,
crop = crop,
cells.highlight = cells.highlight,
cols.highlight = cols.highlight,
facet.highlight = facet.highlight,
label = label,
label.size = label.size,
label.color = label.color,
repel = repel,
ncol = ncol,
combine = combine,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
alpha = alpha,
image.alpha = image.alpha,
image.scale = image.scale,
shape = shape,
stroke = stroke,
label.box = label.box,
interactive = interactive,
information = information
#' @rdname SpatialPlot
#' @concept convenience
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
SpatialFeaturePlot <- function(
images = NULL,
crop = TRUE,
slot = 'data',
keep.scale = "feature",
min.cutoff = NA,
max.cutoff = NA,
ncol = NULL,
combine = TRUE,
pt.size.factor = 1.6,
alpha = c(1, 1),
image.alpha = 1,
image.scale = "lowres",
shape = 21,
stroke = NA,
interactive = FALSE,
information = NULL
) {
object = object,
features = features,
images = images,
crop = crop,
slot = slot,
keep.scale = keep.scale,
min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
max.cutoff = max.cutoff,
ncol = ncol,
combine = combine,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
alpha = alpha,
image.alpha = image.alpha,
image.scale = image.scale,
shape = shape,
stroke = stroke,
interactive = interactive,
information = information
#' @rdname DimPlot
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
TSNEPlot <- function(object, ...) {
return(SpecificDimPlot(object = object, ...))
#' @rdname DimPlot
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
UMAPPlot <- function(object, ...) {
return(SpecificDimPlot(object = object, ...))
# Methods for Seurat-defined generics
# Methods for R-defined generics
# Internal
# @rdname DimPlot
SpecificDimPlot <- function(object, ...) {
funs <- sys.calls()
name <- as.character(x = funs[[length(x = funs) - 1]])[1]
name <- tolower(x = gsub(pattern = 'Plot', replacement = '', x = name))
args <- list('object' = object)
args <- c(args, list(...))
reduc <- grep(
pattern = name,
x = names(x = object),
value = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE
reduc <- grep(pattern = DefaultAssay(object = object), x = reduc, value = TRUE)
args$reduction <- ifelse(test = length(x = reduc) == 1, yes = reduc, no = name)
expr = return(do.call(what = 'DimPlot', args = args)),
error = function(e) {
#' Read output from Parse Biosciences
#' @param data.dir Directory containing the data files
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{ReadMtx}}
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
ReadParseBio <- function(data.dir, ...) {
file.dir <- list.files(path = data.dir, pattern = ".mtx")
mtx <- file.path(data.dir, file.dir)
cells <- file.path(data.dir, "cell_metadata.csv")
features <- file.path(data.dir, "all_genes.csv")
mtx = mtx,
cells = cells,
features = features,
cell.column = 1,
feature.column = 2,
cell.sep = ",",
feature.sep = ",",
skip.cell = 1,
skip.feature = 1,
mtx.transpose = TRUE
#' Read output from STARsolo
#' @param data.dir Directory containing the data files
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{ReadMtx}}
#' @rdname ReadSTARsolo
#' @concept convenience
#' @export
ReadSTARsolo <- function(data.dir, ... ) {
mtx <- file.path(data.dir, "matrix.mtx")
cells <- file.path(data.dir, "barcodes.tsv")
features <- file.path(data.dir, "features.tsv")
return(ReadMtx(mtx = mtx, cells = cells, features = features, ...))
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