
Defines functions get.variation.method.character get.summary.method.character geva.summarize weighted.sd weighted.var rows.weighted.variation rows.weighted.summary

Documented in geva.summarize

# -----------------------
# Functions to summarize the processed data for GEVA
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al

#' @include c_GEVAInput.R
#' @include c_GEVASummary.R
#' @include asserts.R

#' @name geva.summarize
#' @rdname geva.summarize

#' @options [geva.summarize]
#' @details The `options.summary` refer to the available operations to calculate central *logFC* values (`mean` or `median`), whereas `options.variation` presents three functions to calculate *logFC* variation (`sd`: Standard Deviation; `var`: Variance; and `mad`: Median Absolute Deviation).
#' Moreover, all those operations include a weighted counterpart applied using the `weights` table from the [`GEVAInput-class`] object.
#' @seealso [base::mean()], [stats::median()]
#' @order 2
options.summary <- c('mean', 'median')

#' @options [geva.summarize]
#' @seealso [stats::var()], [stats::sd()], [stats::mad()]
#' @order 3
options.variation <- c('sd', 'var', 'mad')

# Calculates the weighted summary of a matrix
rows.weighted.summary <- function(mv, mw, summary.method = options.summary)
  if (missing(mw)) mw = mv^0
  summary.method = assert.choices(summary.method)
  if (ncol(mv) == 1L) return(mv)
  vv = as.numeric(mv)
  vw = as.numeric(mw)
  matinds = as.indexes(mv)
  summf = get.summary.method(summary.method)
  na.rm = anyNA(vv) || anyNA(vw)
  vres = apply(matinds, 1, function(vinds) summf(vv, vw, idxs = vinds, na.rm = na.rm))

# Calculates the weighted variation of a matrix
rows.weighted.variation <- function(mv, mw, centers, variation.method = options.variation)
  if (missing(mw)) mw = mv^0
  variation.method = assert.choices(variation.method)
  assert.dim(centers, length=nrow(mv))
  if (ncol(mv) == 1L) return(mv*0)
  vv = as.numeric(mv)
  vw = as.numeric(mw)
  matinds = as.indexes(mv)
  varf = get.variation.method(variation.method)
  na.rm = anyNA(vv) || anyNA(vw)
  vres = apply(matinds, 1, function(vinds) varf(vv, vw, idxs = vinds, center=centers[vinds[1]], na.rm = na.rm))

# Weighted variance implementation
weighted.var <- function(x, w = NULL, idxs = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, ...)
  n = length(x)
  if (n == 0L) return(0)
  if (is.null(w))
    w = rep(1, times = n)
  else if (length(w) != n)
    stop ("The number of elements in arguments 'w' and 'x' does not match: ", length(w), " != ", n)
  if (!is.null(idxs))
    x = x[idxs]
    w = w[idxs]
  if (na.rm)
    keep = !(is.na(x) | is.na(w))
    if (any(!keep))
      x = x[keep]
      w = w[keep]
  wsum = sum(w)
  if (wsum == 0)
    w = rep(1, times = n)
    wsum = n
  if (is.null(center))
    center = sum(w * x) / wsum
  sqdx = (x - center)^2
  wvar = sum(w * sqdx) / wsum

# Weighted standard-deviation implementation
weighted.sd <- function(x, w = NULL, idxs = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, ...)
  wvar = weighted.var(x, w, idxs, na.rm, center, ...)
  wsd = sqrt(wvar)

#' @title Summarizes the GEVAInput
#' @description Performs the summarization step by calculating the central points and variation estimates of *logFC* values from the input data.
#' @param ginput a [`GEVAInput-class`] object
#' @param summary.method single `character`, method used to calculate the central (summarized) *logFC* values
#' @param variation.method single `character`, method used to calculate the distribution degree (variation) of the *logFC* values
#' @param ... additional arguments. Accepts `verbose` (`logical`, default is `TRUE`) to enable or disable printing the current progress
#' @return A [`GEVASummary-class`] object
#' @examples
#' ## Summarization of a randomly generated input
#' ginput <- geva.ideal.example()     # Generates a random input example
#' gsummary <- geva.summarize(ginput) # Summarizes with the default parameters
#' plot(gsummary)                     # Plots the summarized data
#' @export
#' @rdname geva.summarize
#' @order 1
geva.summarize <- function(ginput, summary.method = options.summary, variation.method = options.variation, ...)
  assert.class(ginput, is='GEVAInput')
  summary.method = match.arg(summary.method)
  variation.method = match.arg(variation.method)
  if (ncol(ginput) < 2L)
    stop(sprintf("ginput must contain at least two value columns (has %s)", ncol(ginput)))
  if (ncol(ginput) <= 3L && variation.method == 'mad')
    variation.method = setdiff(options.variation, 'mad')[1]
    warning(sprintf("'mad' option for variation method requires at least 4 columns.\nUsing '%s' instead", variation.method))
  mv = inputvalues(ginput)
  mw = inputweights(ginput)
  vsumm = rows.weighted.summary(mv, mw, summary.method)
  vvar = rows.weighted.variation(mv, mw, vsumm, variation.method)
  dfsv = data.frame(S=vsumm, V=vvar)
  svmets = svattr(summary.method, variation.method)
  infols = list(summary.method=summary.method, variation.method=variation.method)
  vprint("Input summarized")
  new('GEVASummary', sv=dfsv, inputdata=ginput, sv.method=svmets, info=infols)

# Gets the function for summarization (central point calculation)
get.summary.method.character <- function(method = options.summary)
  method = match.arg(method)
  fn = switch(method,
              median = matrixStats::weightedMedian,
              mean = matrixStats::weightedMean,

# Gets the function for variation (deviation amount calculation)
get.variation.method.character <- function(method = options.variation)
  method = match.arg(method)
  fn = switch(method,
              mad = matrixStats::weightedMad,
              sd = weighted.sd,
              var = weighted.var,
sbcblab/geva documentation built on March 15, 2021, 10:08 p.m.