
#' Calculate V_i = Z_i D t(Z_i) + sig_e^2 I_{n_i}
#' Calculate V_i = Z_i D t(Z_i) + sig_e^2 I_{n_i}
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matrix for the random effects
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @return V_i
#' @export
ref.vi.calc <- function(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae){
    rho.sig0.sig1 <- rho*sigma0*sigma1
    zi %*% matrix(c(sigma0^2, rho.sig0.sig1,rho.sig0.sig1,sigma1^2), nrow=2) %*% t(zi) +

#' Ascertainment correction piece for univariate sampling
#' Calculate the (not yet log transformed) ascertainment correction under a univariate Q_i
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 2)
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 3).
#' @param mu_q a scalar for the mean value of the Q_i distribution
#' @param sigma_q a scalar for the standard deviation of the Q_i distribution
#' @return Not yet log transformed ascertainment correction
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
ref.ACi1q <- function(cutpoints, SampProb, mu_q, sigma_q){
    CDFs <- pnorm(c(-Inf, cutpoints, Inf), mu_q, sigma_q)
    sum( SampProb*(CDFs[2:length(CDFs)] - CDFs[1:(length(CDFs)-1)]) )

#' Ascertainment correction piece for bivariate sampling
#' Calculate the (not yet log transformed) ascertainment correction under a bivariate Q_i
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 4: c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh))
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each of two sampling regions; central region and outlying region (vector of length 2).
#' @param mu_q a 2-vector for the mean value of the bivariate Q_i distribution
#' @param sigma_q a 2 by 2 covariance matrix for the bivariate Q_i distribution
#' @return Not yet log transformed ascertainment correction
#' @export
#' @importFrom mvtnorm pmvnorm
## Ascertainment correction piece for bivariate sampling
ref.ACi2q <- function(cutpoints, SampProb, mu_q, sigma_q){
    (SampProb[1]-SampProb[2])*pmvnorm(lower=c(cutpoints[c(1,3)]), upper=c(cutpoints[c(2,4)]), mean=mu_q, sigma=sigma_q)[[1]] + SampProb[2]
#' Calculate a subject-specific contribution to a log-likelihood for longitudinal normal data
#' Calculate a subject-specific contribution to a log-likelihood for longitudinal normal data
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param beta mean model parameter vector
#' @param vi the variance covariance matrix (ZDZ+Sige2*I)
#' @return subject specific contribution to the log-likelihood
#' @export
subject.ll.lme <- function(yi, xi, beta, vi){
    resid <- yi - xi %*% beta
    -(1/2) * (length(xi[,1])*log(2*pi) + log(det(vi)) + t(resid) %*% solve(vi) %*% resid )[1,1]

#' Log of the Ascertainment correction for univariate sampling
#' Calculate the log transformed ascertainment correction under a univariate Q_i
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param wi the pre-multiplier of yi to generate the sampling variable q_i
#' @param beta mean model parameter vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 2)
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 3).
#' @return log transformed ascertainment correction
#' @export
ref.logACi1q <- function(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb){
    vi      <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    mu      <- xi %*% beta
    mu_q    <- (wi %*% mu)[,1]
    sigma_q <- sqrt((wi %*% vi %*% t(wi))[1,1])
    log(ref.ACi1q(cutpoints, SampProb, mu_q, sigma_q))

#' Log of the Ascertainment correction piece for bivariate sampling
#' Calculate the log transformed ascertainment correction under a bivariate Q_i
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param wi the pre-multiplier of yi to generate the sampling variable q_i
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh))
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region)).
#' @return log transformed ascertainment correction
#' @export
ref.logACi2q <- function(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb){
    vi      <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    mu      <- xi %*% beta
    mu_q    <- as.vector(wi %*% mu)
    sigma_q <- wi %*% vi %*% t(wi)
    sigma_q[2,1] <- sigma_q[1,2]
    log( ref.ACi2q(cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb, mu_q=mu_q, sigma_q=sigma_q))
#' Calculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (Keep.liC=FALSE) or the subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood along with the exponentiated ascertainment correction for multiple imputation (Keep.liC=TRUE).
#' Calculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (Keep.liC=FALSE) or the subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood along with the exponentiated ascertainment correction for multiple imputation (Keep.liC=TRUE).
#' @param y response vector
#' @param x sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param w.function options include "mean" "intercept" "slope" and "bivar"
#' @param id sum(n_i) vector of subject ids
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh))
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region)).
#' @param SampProbi Subject specific sampling probabilities.  A vector of length sum(n_i).  Not used unless using weighted Likelihood
#' @param Keep.liC If FALSE, the function returns the conditional log likelihood across all subjects.  If TRUE, subject specific contributions and exponentiated subject specific ascertainment corrections are returned in a list.
#' @return If Keep.liC=FALSE, conditional log likelihood.  If Keep.liC=TRUE, a two-element list that contains subject specific likelihood contributions and exponentiated ascertainment corrections.
#' @export
subject.liC <- function(subjectData, w.function, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb){
        yi          <- subjectData[["yi"]]
        xi          <- subjectData[["xi"]]
        zi          <- subjectData[["zi"]]
        SampProbi.i <- subjectData[["SampProbi.i"]]
        ni          <- length(yi)
        t.zi        <- t(zi)

        if (w.function != "bivar"){
            if (w.function=="mean")      wi <- t(rep(1/ni, ni))
            if (w.function=="intercept") wi<- (solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi)[1,]
            if (w.function=="slope")     wi<- (solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi)[2,]
            wi         <- matrix(wi, 1, ni)
            IPWi       <- 1/ unique(SampProbi.i)
            vi         <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            logACi.tmp <- ref.logACi1q(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            liC        <- subject.ll.lme(yi, xi, beta, vi)*IPWi - logACi.tmp
            expACi     <- exp(logACi.tmp)
            wi         <- solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi
            IPWi       <- 1/ unique(SampProbi.i)
            vi         <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            logACi.tmp <- ref.logACi2q(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            liC        <- subject.ll.lme(yi, xi, beta, vi)*IPWi - logACi.tmp
            expACi     <- exp(logACi.tmp)
        return(c(liC, expACi))

total.nll.lme2 <- function(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE){

    id.tmp <- split(id,id)
    y.tmp <- split(y,id)
    x.tmp <- split(x,id)
    z.tmp <- split(z,id)
    SampProbi.tmp <- split(SampProbi,id)

    subjectData <- vector('list', length=length(unique(id)))
    subjectData <- list()
    uid <- as.character(unique(id))
    for(j in seq(along=uid)){
        i <- uid[j]
        subjectData[[j]] <- list(idi=as.character(unique(id.tmp[[i]])),
                                 xi=matrix(x.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(x)),
                                 zi=matrix(z.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(z)),
    names(subjectData) <- uid
    liC.and.ACi <- lapply(subjectData, subject.liC, w.function=w.function, beta=beta,
                          sigma0=sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, rho = rho, sigmae = sigmae,
                          cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb)

    if (Keep.liC == FALSE){out <- -1*Reduce('+', liC.and.ACi)[1]  ## sum ss contributions to liC
    }else{ out <- list(liC    = c(unlist(sapply(liC.and.ACi, function(x) x[1]))), ## ss contributions to liC
                       expACi = c(unlist(sapply(liC.and.ACi, function(x) x[2]))))} ## ss contributions to expACi
# ###################################
# y=odsInt$Y
# x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsInt[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")]))
# z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsInt$time))
# id=odsInt$id
# beta=c(5,  1, -2.5,  0.75,  0)
# sigma0= 1.6094379
# sigma1 = 0.2231436
# rho = -0.5108256
# sigmae = 1.6094379
# cutpoints=c(-2.569621, 9.992718)
# SampProb=c(1, 0.1228, 1)
# w.function="intercept"
# SampProbi = rep(1, length(y))
# tmp1 <- total.nll.lme(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp2 <- total.nll.lme2(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp1
# tmp2
# y=odsSlp$Y
# x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsSlp[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")]))
# z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsSlp$time))
# id=odsSlp$id
# beta=c(5,  1, -2.5,  0.75,  0)
# sigma0= 1.6094379
# sigma1 = 0.2231436
# rho = -0.5108256
# sigmae = 1.6094379
# cutpoints=c(-0.7488912,  3.4557775)
# SampProb=c(1, 0.1228, 1)
# w.function="slope"
# SampProbi = rep(1, length(y))
# tmp1 <- total.nll.lme(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp2 <- total.nll.lme2(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp1
# tmp2
# y=odsBiv$Y
# x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")]))
# z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv$time))
# id=odsBiv$id
# beta=c(5,  1, -2.5,  0.75,  0)
# sigma0= 1.6094379
# sigma1 = 0.2231436
# rho = -0.5108256
# sigmae = 1.6094379
# cutpoints=c(-4.413225, 11.935188, -1.390172, 4.084768)
# SampProb=c(0.122807, 1)
# w.function="bivar"
# SampProbi = rep(1, length(y))
# tmp1 <- total.nll.lme(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp2 <- total.nll.lme2(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# tmp1
# tmp2
# Fit.Biv  <- acml.linear(y=odsBiv$Y,
#                         x=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv[,c("time","snp","snptime","confounder")])),
#                         z=as.matrix(cbind(1, odsBiv$time)),
#                         id=odsBiv$id,
#                         InitVals=c(5,  1, -2.5,  0.75,  0,  1.6094379,  0.2231436, -0.5108256,  1.6094379),
#                         ProfileCol=NA,
#                         cutpoints=c(-4.413225, 11.935188, -1.390172, 4.084768),
#                         SampProb=c(0.122807, 1),
#                         w.function="bivar")
# date()
# tmp1 <- total.nll.lme(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# date()
# tmp2 <- total.nll.lme2(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE)
# date()
# tmp <-    lapply(subjectData, subject.liC, w.function="intercept", beta=c(5,  1, -2.5,  0.75,  0),
#            sigma0= 1.6094379,
#            sigma1 = 0.2231436,
#            rho = -0.5108256,
#            sigmae = 1.6094379,
#            cutpoints=c(-2.569621, 9.992718),
#            SampProb=c(1, 0.1228, 1))

#' Calculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (Keep.liC=FALSE) or the subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood along with the exponentiated ascertainment correction for multiple imputation (Keep.liC=TRUE).
#' Calculate the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (Keep.liC=FALSE) or the subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood along with the exponentiated ascertainment correction for multiple imputation (Keep.liC=TRUE).
#' @param y response vector
#' @param x sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param w.function options include "mean" "intercept" "slope" and "bivar"
#' @param id sum(n_i) vector of subject ids
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh))
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region)).
#' @param SampProbi Subject specific sampling probabilities.  A vector of length sum(n_i).  Not used unless using weighted Likelihood
#' @param Keep.liC If FALSE, the function returns the conditional log likelihood across all subjects.  If TRUE, subject specific contributions and exponentiated subject specific ascertainment corrections are returned in a list.
#' @return If Keep.liC=FALSE, conditional log likelihood.  If Keep.liC=TRUE, a two-element list that contains subject specific likelihood contributions and exponentiated ascertainment corrections.
#' @export
total.nll.lme <- function(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, Keep.liC=FALSE){
    liC <- expACi <- NULL
    total <- 0
    for(i in unique(id)){
        yi <- y[id==i]
        ni <- length(yi)
        xi <- x[id==i,]
        zi <- z[id==i,]
        zi <- zi[,1:2]
        t.zi <- t(zi)
        if (w.function != "bivar"){
            if (w.function=="mean")      wi <- t(rep(1/ni, ni))
            if (w.function=="intercept") wi<- (solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi)[1,]
            if (w.function=="slope")     wi<- (solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi)[2,]
            wi      <- matrix(wi, 1, ni)
            IPWi    <- 1/ unique(SampProbi[id==i])
            vi      <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            ACi.tmp <- ref.logACi1q(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            logLiC  <- subject.ll.lme(yi, xi, beta, vi)*IPWi - ACi.tmp
            total   <- total + logLiC
            liC     <- c(liC, logLiC)
            expACi  <- c(expACi, exp(ACi.tmp))
            wi      <- solve(t.zi %*% zi) %*% t.zi
            IPWi    <- 1/ unique(SampProbi[id==i])
            vi      <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            ACi.tmp <-  ref.logACi2q(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            logLiC  <- subject.ll.lme(yi, xi, beta, vi)*IPWi - ACi.tmp
            total   <- total + logLiC
            liC     <- c(liC, logLiC)
            expACi  <- c(expACi, exp(ACi.tmp))
    ## Output log(L^C) or the vector of log(L_i^C): right now log(L_i^C) is used to do multiple imputation

    if (Keep.liC == FALSE){out <- -total
    }else{ out <- list(liC=liC, expACi=expACi)}

#' Gradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for sampling based on bivariate Q_i
#' Calculate the gradient of the log transformed ascertainment correction under designs that sample based on a bivariate Q_i (numerically)
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param wi the pre-multiplier of yi to generate the sampling variable q_i
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh))
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region)).
#' @return gradient of the log transformed ascertainment correction under the bivariate sampling design
#' @export
ref.logACi2q.score <- function(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb){
    eps     <- 1e-6
    param   <- c(beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    npar    <- length(param)
    vi      <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    mu      <- xi %*% beta
    mu_q    <- as.vector(wi %*% mu)
    t.wi    <- t(wi)
    sigma_q <- wi %*% vi %*% t.wi
    sigma_q[2,1] <- sigma_q[1,2]
    start   <- pmvnorm(lower=c(cutpoints[c(1,3)]), upper=c(cutpoints[c(2,4)]), mean=mu_q, sigma=sigma_q)[[1]]

    ## for this bivariate sampling case, right now we calculate gradients numerically
    new.area <- NULL
    eps.mtx <- diag(c(rep(eps,npar)))
    for (rr in 1:npar){
        par.new      <- param+eps.mtx[rr,]
        vi.tmp       <- ref.vi.calc(zi, par.new[(npar-3)], par.new[(npar-2)], par.new[(npar-1)], par.new[npar])
        mu.tmp       <- xi %*% par.new[1:(npar-4)]
        mu_q.tmp     <- as.vector(wi %*% mu.tmp)
        sigma_q.tmp  <- wi %*% vi.tmp %*% t.wi
        ## sometimes the off diagonals different in the 7th or 8th decimal place.  This seeks to fix that.  Not sure why it happened.
        sigma_q.tmp[2,1] <- sigma_q.tmp[1,2]
        new.area     <- c(new.area, pmvnorm(lower=c(cutpoints[c(1,3)]), upper=c(cutpoints[c(2,4)]), mean=mu_q.tmp, sigma=sigma_q.tmp)[[1]])
    Deriv <- (new.area-start)/eps
    out <- (SampProb[1]-SampProb[2])*Deriv / ref.ACi2q(cutpoints, SampProb, mu_q, sigma_q)

#' Gradient of the log of the ascertainment correction piece for sampling based on univariate Q_i
#' Calculate the gradient of the log transformed ascertainment correction for sampling based on univariate Q_i
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param wi the pre-multiplier of yi to generate the sampling variable q_i
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions. (a vector of length 2 to define low, medium and high values of Q_i).
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region (vector of length 3 to define sampling probabilities within sampling regions
#' @return log transformed ascertainment correction under univariate Q_i
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
ref.logACi1q.score <- function(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb){
    vi        <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    t.wi      <- t(wi)
    wi.zi     <- wi %*% zi
    t.wi.zi   <- t(wi.zi)
    rho.sig0  <- rho*sigma0
    rho.sig1  <- rho*sigma1
    sig0.sig1 <- sigma0*sigma1

    mu      <- xi %*% beta
    mu_q    <- (wi %*% mu)[,1]
    sigma_q <- sqrt((wi %*% vi %*% t.wi)[1,1])

    l <- ref.ACi1q(cutpoints, SampProb, mu_q, sigma_q)
    p <- SampProb[1:(length(SampProb)-1)] - SampProb[2:(length(SampProb))]
    f <- dnorm(cutpoints, mu_q, sigma_q)

    d_li_beta <- (wi %*% xi) * sum(p*f) / l

    #f_alpha_k <- sum(p*f*(cutpoints - mu_q)) / (l * sigma_q *2 * sigma_q)
    f_alpha_k <- sum(p*f*(cutpoints - mu_q)) / (l * 2* sigma_q^2 )

    a5        <- (wi.zi %*% matrix(c(2*sigma0, rho.sig1,  rho.sig1,  0),        nrow=2) %*% t.wi.zi)[1,1]
    a6        <- (wi.zi %*% matrix(c(0,        rho.sig0,  rho.sig0,  2*sigma1), nrow=2) %*% t.wi.zi)[1,1]
    a7        <- (wi.zi %*% matrix(c(0,        sig0.sig1, sig0.sig1, 0),        nrow=2) %*% t.wi.zi)[1,1]
    a8        <- (wi %*% (2 * sigmae * diag(length(yi))) %*% t.wi)[1,1]
    c(d_li_beta, c(f_alpha_k * c(a5, a6, a7, a8)))

#' Subject specific contribution to the lme model score (also returns marginal Vi=Cov(Y|X))
#' Subject specific contribution to the lme model score (also returns marginal Vi=Cov(Y|X))
#' @param yi n_i-response vector
#' @param xi n_i by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param zi n_i by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @return Subject specific contribution to the log-likelihood score (also returns marginal Vi=Cov(Y|X))
#' @export
subject.gradient.ll.lme <- function(yi, xi, zi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae){
    resid         <- yi - xi %*% beta
    vi            <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    inv.v         <- solve(vi)
    t.resid       <- t(resid)
    t.resid.inv.v <- t.resid %*% inv.v
    inv.v.resid   <- inv.v %*% resid

    rho.sig0  <- rho*sigma0
    rho.sig1  <- rho*sigma1
    sig0.sig1 <- sigma0*sigma1
    t.zi      <- t(zi)

    dvk5 <- zi %*% matrix(c(2*sigma0, rho.sig1,  rho.sig1,  0),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk6 <- zi %*% matrix(c(0,        rho.sig0,  rho.sig0,  2*sigma1),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk7 <- zi %*% matrix(c(0,        sig0.sig1, sig0.sig1, 0),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk8 <- 2 * sigmae  * diag(length(yi))

    l14 <- t(xi) %*% inv.v.resid # for Beta

    l5  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk5)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk5 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l6  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk6)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk6 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l7  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk7)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk7 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l8  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk8)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk8 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    list(gr=append(l14, c(l5,l6,l7,l8)),

subject.ll.score <- function(subjectData, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae){
    yi          <- subjectData[["yi"]]
    xi          <- subjectData[["xi"]]
    zi          <- subjectData[["zi"]]
    t.zi        <- t(zi)

    resid         <- yi - xi %*% beta
    vi            <- ref.vi.calc(zi, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
    inv.v         <- solve(vi)
    t.resid       <- t(resid)
    t.resid.inv.v <- t.resid %*% inv.v
    inv.v.resid   <- inv.v %*% resid

    rho.sig0  <- rho*sigma0
    rho.sig1  <- rho*sigma1
    sig0.sig1 <- sigma0*sigma1
    t.zi      <- t(zi)

    dvk5 <- zi %*% matrix(c(2*sigma0, rho.sig1,  rho.sig1,  0),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk6 <- zi %*% matrix(c(0,        rho.sig0,  rho.sig0,  2*sigma1),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk7 <- zi %*% matrix(c(0,        sig0.sig1, sig0.sig1, 0),nrow=2) %*% t.zi
    dvk8 <- 2 * sigmae  * diag(length(yi))

    l14 <- t(xi) %*% inv.v.resid # for Beta

    l5  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk5)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk5 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l6  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk6)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk6 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l7  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk7)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk7 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    l8  <- -0.5*(sum(diag(inv.v %*% dvk8)) - t.resid.inv.v %*% dvk8 %*% inv.v.resid)[1,1]
    list(gr=append(l14, c(l5,l6,l7,l8)),
gradient.nll.lme2 <- function(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, CheeseCalc=FALSE){
    total <- 0
    param.vec <- c(beta, log(sigma0),log(sigma1),log((1+rho)/(1-rho)),log(sigmae))
    n.par <- length(param.vec)
    cheese <- matrix(0,n.par,n.par)

    id.tmp        <- split(id,id)
    y.tmp         <- split(y,id)
    x.tmp         <- split(x,id)
    z.tmp         <- split(z,id)
    SampProbi.tmp <- split(SampProbi,id)
    subjectData <- vector('list', length=length(unique(id)))
    subjectData <- list()
    uid <- as.character(unique(id))
    for(j in seq(along=uid)){
        i <- uid[j]
        subjectData[[j]] <- list(idi=as.character(unique(id.tmp[[i]])),
                                 xi=matrix(x.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(x)),
                                 zi=matrix(z.tmp[[i]], ncol=ncol(z)),
    names(subjectData) <- uid

    liC.and.ACi <- lapply(subjectData, subject.liC, w.function=w.function, beta=beta,
                          sigma0=sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, rho = rho, sigmae = sigmae,
                          cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb)

    for(i in unique(id)){
        yi <- y[id==i]
        ni <- length(yi)
        xi <- x[id==i,]
        zi <- z[id==i,]
        zi <- zi[,1:2]
        t.zi <- t(zi)
        xi12 <- xi[,1:2]
        t.xi12 <- t(xi12)
        IPWi <- 1/ unique(SampProbi[id==i])
        if (length(IPWi)>1)print("Hey!")
        if (w.function != "bivar"){
            if (w.function=="mean")      wi <- t(rep(1/ni, ni))
            if (w.function=="intercept") wi<- (solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12)[1,]
            if (w.function=="slope")     wi<- (solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12)[2,]
            wi   <- matrix(wi, 1, ni)
            subject <- subject.gradient.ll.lme(yi, xi, zi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            correct <- ref.logACi1q.score(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            Gradi  <- subject[['gr']]*IPWi  + correct ## Gradient for ith subject
            total  <- total + Gradi
            wi   <- solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12
            subject <- subject.gradient.ll.lme(yi, xi, zi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            correct <- ref.logACi2q.score(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            Gradi  <- subject[['gr']]*IPWi  - correct ## Gradient for ith subject: Notice the minus here versus the plus in the univariate case
            total  <- total + Gradi

        if (CheeseCalc==TRUE){
            ## Need to use the chain rule: note that param,vec is on the unconstrained scale but Gradi was calculated on the constrained parameters
            Gradi[(n.par-3)] <- Gradi[(n.par-3)]*exp(param.vec[(n.par-3)])
            Gradi[(n.par-2)] <- Gradi[(n.par-2)]*exp(param.vec[(n.par-2)])
            Gradi[(n.par-1)] <- Gradi[(n.par-1)]*2*exp(param.vec[(n.par-1)])/((exp(param.vec[(n.par-1)])+1)^2)
            Gradi[n.par]     <- Gradi[n.par]  *exp(param.vec[n.par])
            cheese  <- cheese + outer(Gradi, Gradi)
    if (CheeseCalc==TRUE) total <- -cheese


#' Calculate the gradient of the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (CheeseCalc=FALSE) or the cheese part of the sandwich estimator if CheeseCalc=TRUE.
#' Calculate the gradient of the conditional likelihood for the univariate and bivariate sampling cases across all subjects (CheeseCalc=FALSE) or the cheese part of the sandwich estimator if CheeseCalc=TRUE.
#' @param y response vector
#' @param x sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param w.function options include "mean" "intercept" "slope" and "bivar"
#' @param id sum(n_i) vector of subject ids
#' @param beta mean model parameter p-vector
#' @param sigma0 std dev of the random intercept distribution
#' @param sigma1 std dev of the random slope distribution
#' @param rho correlation between the random intercept and slope
#' @param sigmae std dev of the measurement error distribution
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K c(k1,k2, ... K) to define the cutpoints for Q_i based sampling regions]
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K+1 with sampling probabilities for each region]
#' @param SampProbi Subject specific sampling probabilities.  A vector of length sum(n_i).  Not used unless using weighted Likelihood
#' @param CheeseCalc If FALSE, the function returns the gradient of the conditional log likelihood across all subjects.  If TRUE, the cheese part of the sandwich esitmator is calculated.
#' @return If CheeseCalc=FALSE, gradient of conditional log likelihood.  If CheeseCalc=TRUE, the cheese part of the sandwich estimator is calculated.
#' @export
gradient.nll.lme <- function(y, x, z, w.function, id, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, CheeseCalc=FALSE){
    total <- 0
    param.vec <- c(beta, log(sigma0),log(sigma1),log((1+rho)/(1-rho)),log(sigmae))
    n.par <- length(param.vec)
    cheese <- matrix(0,n.par,n.par)
    for(i in unique(id)){
        yi <- y[id==i]
        ni <- length(yi)
        xi <- x[id==i,]
        zi <- z[id==i,]
        zi <- zi[,1:2]
        t.zi <- t(zi)
        xi12 <- xi[,1:2]
        t.xi12 <- t(xi12)

        IPWi <- 1/ unique(SampProbi[id==i])
        if (length(IPWi)>1)print("Hey!")
        if (w.function != "bivar"){
            if (w.function=="mean")      wi <- t(rep(1/ni, ni))
            if (w.function=="intercept") wi<- (solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12)[1,]
            if (w.function=="slope")     wi<- (solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12)[2,]
            wi   <- matrix(wi, 1, ni)
            subject <- subject.gradient.ll.lme(yi, xi, zi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            correct <- ref.logACi1q.score(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            Gradi  <- subject[['gr']]*IPWi  + correct ## Gradient for ith subject
            total  <- total + Gradi
            wi   <- solve(t.xi12 %*% xi12) %*% t.xi12
            subject <- subject.gradient.ll.lme(yi, xi, zi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae)
            correct <- ref.logACi2q.score(yi, xi, zi, wi, beta, sigma0, sigma1, rho, sigmae, cutpoints, SampProb)
            Gradi  <- subject[['gr']]*IPWi  - correct ## Gradient for ith subject: Notice the minus here versus the plus in the univariate case
            total  <- total + Gradi

        if (CheeseCalc==TRUE){
            ## Need to use the chain rule: note that param,vec is on the unconstrained scale but Gradi was calculated on the constrained parameters
            Gradi[(n.par-3)] <- Gradi[(n.par-3)]*exp(param.vec[(n.par-3)])
            Gradi[(n.par-2)] <- Gradi[(n.par-2)]*exp(param.vec[(n.par-2)])
            Gradi[(n.par-1)] <- Gradi[(n.par-1)]*2*exp(param.vec[(n.par-1)])/((exp(param.vec[(n.par-1)])+1)^2)
            Gradi[n.par]     <- Gradi[n.par]  *exp(param.vec[n.par])
            cheese  <- cheese + outer(Gradi, Gradi)
    if (CheeseCalc==TRUE) total <- -cheese

#' Calculate the log likelihood and score
#' Calculate the log likelihood and score
#' @param param parameter vector c(beta, log(sigma0), log(sigma1), rho, sigmae)
#' @param y response vector
#' @param x sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param id sum(n_i) vector of subject ids
#' @param w.function options include "mean" "intercept" "slope" and "bivar"
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K c(k1,k2, ... K) to define the cutpoints for Q_i based sampling regions]
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K+1 with sampling probabilities for each region]
#' @param SampProbi Subject specific sampling probabilities.  A vector of length sum(n_i).  Not used unless using weighted Likelihood
#' @param ProfileCol the column number(s) for which we want fixed at the value of param.  Maimizing the log likelihood for all other parameters
#'                   while fixing these columns at the values of params[ProfileCol]
#' @param Keep.liC If TRUE outputs subject specific conditional log lileihoods to be used for the imputation procedure described in the AOAS paper keep z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @return The conditional log likelihood with a "gradient" attribute (if Keep.liC=FALSE) and subject specific contributions to the conditional likelihood if Keep.liC=TRUE).
#' @export
LogLikeAndScore <- function(params, y, x, z, id, w.function, cutpoints, SampProb, SampProbi, ProfileCol=NA, Keep.liC=FALSE, NewFn=FALSE){
    npar   <- length(params)
    beta   <- params[1:(npar-4)]
    sigma0 <- exp(params[(npar-3)])
    sigma1 <- exp(params[(npar-2)])
    rho    <- (exp(params[(npar-1)])-1) / (exp(params[(npar-1)])+1)
    sigmae <- exp(params[npar])

    if (NewFn==FALSE){out     <- total.nll.lme(   y=y, x=x, z=z, w.function=w.function, id=id, beta=beta, sigma0=sigma0,
                                sigma1=sigma1, rho=rho, sigmae=sigmae, cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb, SampProbi=SampProbi,
    if (NewFn==TRUE){out     <- total.nll.lme2(   y=y, x=x, z=z, w.function=w.function, id=id, beta=beta, sigma0=sigma0,
                                sigma1=sigma1, rho=rho, sigmae=sigmae, cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb, SampProbi=SampProbi,
    GRAD    <- gradient.nll.lme(y=y, x=x, z=z, w.function=w.function, id=id, beta=beta, sigma0=sigma0,
                                sigma1=sigma1, rho=rho, sigmae=sigmae, cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb, SampProbi=SampProbi)

    ## Need to use the chain rule: note that params is on the unconstrained scale but GRAD was calculated on the constrained parameters
    GRAD[(npar-3)] <- GRAD[(npar-3)]*exp(params[(npar-3)])
    GRAD[(npar-2)] <- GRAD[(npar-2)]*exp(params[(npar-2)])
    GRAD[(npar-1)] <- GRAD[(npar-1)]*2*exp(params[(npar-1)])/((exp(params[(npar-1)])+1)^2)
    GRAD[npar]     <- GRAD[npar]*exp(params[npar])
    ## Force the gradient of the fixed parameter to be zero, so that it does not move
    if (!is.na(ProfileCol)) GRAD[ProfileCol] <- 0
    attr(out,"gradient") <- GRAD


## If you do not want to use the ascertainment correction term in the conditional likelihood
## set all SampProb values equal to each other.  This would be the case if you were doing
## straightforward maximum likelihood (albeit computationally inefficient) or weighted likelihood.

#' Calculate the log likelihood and score
#' Calculate the log likelihood and score
#' @param param parameter vector c(beta, log(sigma0), log(sigma1), rho, sigmae)
#' @param y response vector
#' @param x sum(n_i) by p design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param z sum(n_i) by 2 design matric for random effects (intercept and slope)
#' @param id sum(n_i) vector of subject ids
#' @param w.function options include "mean" "intercept" "slope" and "bivar"
#' @param InitVals starting values for c(beta, log(sigma0), log(sigma1), rho, log(sigmae))
#' @param cutpoints cutpoints defining the sampling regions [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 4 c(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K c(k1,k2, ... K) to define the cutpoints for Q_i based sampling regions]
#' @param SampProb Sampling probabilities from within each region [bivariate Q_i: a vector of length 2 c(central region, outlying region);
#'                   univariate Q_i: a vector of length K+1 with sampling probabilities for each region]
#' @param SampProbi Subject specific sampling probabilities.  A vector of length sum(n_i).  Not used unless using weighted Likelihood
#' @param ProfileCol the column number(s) for which we want fixed at the value of param.  Maimizing the log likelihood for all other parameters
#'                   while fixing these columns at the values of params[ProfileCol]
#' @return Ascertainment corrected Maximum likelihood: Ests, covar, LogL, code, robcov
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats nlm
acml.linear <- function(y,    ## response vector
                        x,    ## fixed effects design matrix
                        z,    ## random effects design matrix (right now this should be an intercept and a time-varying covariate (?)
                        id,   ## subject id variable
                        w.function="mean",           ## Function upon which sampling is based. Choices are the univariate "mean", "intercept", "slope", and the bivariate "bivar"
                        InitVals,                    ## Starting values
                        cutpoints = c(0,5),          ## the cutpoints: when w.function="bivar", this is a vector of length 4 that define a central, rectangular region with vertices (x_lower, x_upper, y_lower, y_upper).
                        SampProb = c(1, 1, 1),       ## Sampling probabilities within the sampling strata to be used for ACML
                        SampProbi=rep(1, length(y)), ## Subject specific sampling probabilities to only be used if doing IPWL.  Note if doing IPWL, only use robcov (robust variances) and not covar
                        NewFn=FALSE){              ## Columns to be held fixed while doing profile likelihood.  It is fixed at its initial value.

    out <- nlm(LogLikeAndScore, InitVals, y=y, x=x, z=z, id=id, w.function=w.function, cutpoints=cutpoints, SampProb=SampProb,
               SampProbi=SampProbi, ProfileCol=ProfileCol,
               stepmax=4, iterlim=250, check.analyticals = TRUE, print.level=0, NewFn=NewFn)

    ## Calculate the observed information and then invert to get the covariance matrix
    npar <- length(out$estimate)
    Hessian.eps <- 1e-7
    eps.mtx     <- diag(rep(Hessian.eps, npar))
    grad.at.max <- out$gradient
    ObsInfo.tmp <- ObsInfo <- matrix(NA, npar, npar)

    ## Observed Information
    for (j in 1:npar){
        temp        <- LogLikeAndScore(out$estimate+eps.mtx[j,], y=y, x=x, z=z, id=id,
                                       w.function=w.function, cutpoints=cutpoints,
                                       SampProb=SampProb,SampProbi=SampProbi, ProfileCol=ProfileCol, NewFn=NewFn)
        ObsInfo.tmp[j,] <- (attr(temp,"gradient")-grad.at.max)/(Hessian.eps)
    for (m in 1:npar){
        for (n in 1:npar){ ObsInfo[m,n] <-  (ObsInfo.tmp[m,n]+ObsInfo.tmp[n,m])/2}}
    ## Cheese part of the sandwich estimator
    Cheese <- gradient.nll.lme(y=y, x=x, z=z, w.function=w.function,
                               id=id, beta=out$estimate[c(1:(npar-4))],
                               rho=   (exp(out$estimate[(npar-1)])-1) / (exp(out$estimate[(npar-1)])+1),

    if (!is.na(ProfileCol)){
        out$estimate <- out$estimate[-ProfileCol]
        ObsInfo <- ObsInfo[-ProfileCol, -ProfileCol]
        Cheese  <- Cheese[-ProfileCol, -ProfileCol]

    list(Ests=out$estimate, covar=solve(ObsInfo), LogL= -out$minimum,  Code=out$code, robcov=solve(ObsInfo)%*%Cheese%*%solve(ObsInfo))
schildjs/ods4lda documentation built on March 16, 2020, 8:16 a.m.