
Defines functions getBestModel calcLifeTable calcKMLifeTable calcInterpolatedKMLifeTable getLastPoint calcLifeTableNoCovariates calcParametricLifeTable

Documented in getBestModel

#' @include survivalModels.R

##' Method to create life table
##' @name createLifeTable
##' @rdname createLifeTable-methods
##' @param object (SurvivalModel object) contains fitted models
##' @param ... additional arguments for specific instances of this generic
##' @return The lifetable
setGeneric("createLifeTable", function(object,  ...) standardGeneric("createLifeTable"))

##' @rdname createLifeTable-methods
##' @aliases createLifeTable,SurvivalModel-methods
##' @param times (numeric vector) times at which to evaluate life table
##' @param modelToUse (character vector) name of models to base life table upon. If
##'        NULL, the model with lowest AIC is chosen
##' @param Nsim (numeric) number of simulations used to estimate the average
##'        curve - only used when models includes covariates
##' @param class (data.frame or default flexTable) the class of the created table
##' @param digits (numeric default 3) the number of decimal places to round the
##' FlexTable output to 
##' @param seed (numeric, default NULL) if not NULL then set random seed (although it will only be
##' used if models include covariates)
##' @param B (integer) Only used when no covariates in model. See summary.flexsurvreg 
##' Number of simulations from the normal asymptotic distribution of the estimates used 
##' to calculate confidence intervals. Decrease for greater speed at the expense of accuracy, 
##' or set B=0 to turn off calculation of CIs.
##' @param conf.type ("none", "plain", "log" [default], "log-log") argument passed to survfit
##' @details If the models include covariates a simulation procedure is required to generate averaged survival
##' curves. If the models do not include covariates then \code{summary.flexsurvreg} is used 
##' @export
setMethod("createLifeTable", signature(object="SurvivalModel"),
  function(object, times, modelToUse = NULL, Nsim=500, class=c("data.frame","FlexTable")[2], digits=3,
           seed=NULL, B=1000, conf.type=c("none", "plain", "log", "log-log")[3]){

    if(length(conf.type)!=1 || !conf.type %in% c("none", "plain", "log", "log-log")){
      stop("Invalid conf.type argument")
      modelToUse <- getBestModel(object)
    tableHeading <- modelToUse

    # Check required model has been fitted
    for(modelName in modelToUse){
      function(x){x == modelName}, FUN.VALUE = TRUE))){
         stop(paste0("Model '", modelName, "' has not been fitted. ",
                     "The fitted models are: ",
                     paste(names(object@models),collapse=", ")))

    # Validate times
    if (any(!is.numeric(times) | times < 0)){
      stop("Times must be numeric and non-negative")

    # Construct life table for this model
    lifeTable <- calcLifeTable(object@models, object@survData@subject.data, object@endPointDef, times, modelToUse, Nsim,
                               object@armAsFactor, length(object@covariates)!=0, getArmNames(object@survData), B,
                               isSingleArm(object), conf.type)

    #create FlexTable
    arms <- as.character(getArmNames(object@survData))
    numRows <- length(times)
    numCols <- 1+(length(tableHeading)+1)*length(arms)
    MyFTable <- FlexTable(numrow=numRows,numcol=numCols, 
                          header.text.props = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"),
                          body.cell.props = cellProperties(padding.right=1))
    #Add data to table
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1] <- times
    oneTime <- split(lifeTable, lifeTable$t)
    lapply(seq_along(oneTime), function(i){
      df <- oneTime[[i]]
      df[1:nrow(df),] <- df[nrow(df):1,]
      ans <- unlist(round(df[colnames(df)%in% c("KM",tableHeading)], digits=digits))
      MyFTable[i,2:numCols] <- ifelse(is.na(ans),"", ans)
    #Add headers
    hR <- FlexRow(c("time", rep(rev(arms),1+length(tableHeading))),
                  text.properties = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"))
    firstColText <- if(isSingleArm(object)) "time" else ""
    hR2 <- FlexRow(c(firstColText, "Kaplan Meier",getDistributionDisplayNames(tableHeading)),
                   colspan = c(1,rep(length(arms),length(tableHeading)+1)),
                   text.properties = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"))
    MyFTable <- addHeaderRow(MyFTable,hR2)
    if(!isSingleArm(object))  MyFTable <- addHeaderRow(MyFTable,hR)

##' Output the model distribution with the lowest AIC
##' @details If armAsFactor is FALSE and separate models are
##' fitted then for each distribution calculate the sum of the
##' AIC and returns the distribution with the lowest sum of AIC 
##' @param object (SurvivalModel)
##' @return The name of the model with the lowest AIC
##' @export 
getBestModel <- function(object){
    stop("Argument must be a Survival Model object")
  icTable <- internalGetICTable(object)
  #generate AIC sums
  AICSums <- by(icTable,icTable$Model,function(x){sum(x$AIC)})
  #find minimum
  AICSumMin <- min(AICSums)
  #find name of model which model has the minimum value
  names(which(as.list(AICSums)== AICSumMin)[1])

# allModelFits: list of list of model fits from SurvivalModel object
# times: vector, times at which to evaluate the life table
# modelToUse: string; name of the parametric model used
#Nsim number of simulations (if simulating)
#armAsFactor: logical is the model included in the arm?
#useCovariates: logical does the model include covariates
#B: see summary.flexsurvreg 
calcLifeTable <- function(allModelFits, subjectData, endPointDef, times,
                          modelToUse, Nsim, armAsFactor, useCovariates, armNames,
                          B, isSingleArm, conf.type){

  # Ensure times in ascending order
  times <- sort(times)

  # Calculate KM-lifetable with times given by survfit
  kmValuesByArm <- calcKMLifeTable(subjectData,endPointDef, isSingleArm=isSingleArm, conf.type=conf.type)

  #Next convert the standard KM table to one
  #whose time points match the times input by the user
  KMLifeTables <- calcInterpolatedKMLifeTable(kmValuesByArm, times)

  #Now calculate life table for given modelfits:
  #returns a list (one per distribution) of lists (one per arm)  
  parametricLifeTables <- lapply(modelToUse, function(modelName){
    # Extract fits of this model to each arm
    modelFits <- allModelFits[[modelName]]
    #Apply calcParametricLifeTable to each {modelFits, dataByArm} pair,
    #if there is only one modelFit (as it is was fitted with arm as factor)
    #it is reused for each arm
      #split data by arm
      dataByArm <- split(subjectData, subjectData[, "arm"])
      parametricLifeTables <- mapply(calcParametricLifeTable, mod=modelFits, oneArmData=dataByArm,
                              MoreArgs=list(times=times,Nsim=Nsim), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      parametricLifeTables <- mapply(calcLifeTableNoCovariates, mod=modelFits, armName=armNames,
                                   MoreArgs=list(times=times,armAsFactor=armAsFactor,B=B), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)  
    #change column name from S to model name
    parametricLifeTables <- lapply(parametricLifeTables, function(df){
      colnames(df)[colnames(df)=="S"] <- modelName
    names(parametricLifeTables) <- names(KMLifeTables)
  #merge the parametric and KM lifetables together
  mergedTables <- mapply(merge, KMLifeTables, parametricLifeTables[[1]],
                          MoreArgs=list(by="t"), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  if(length(parametricLifeTables) > 1){
    for(i in 2:length(parametricLifeTables))
      mergedTables <- mapply(merge, mergedTables, parametricLifeTables[[i]],
                             MoreArgs=list(by="t"), SIMPLIFY=FALSE) 
  #bind the different arms into the same data frame
  results <- data.frame(do.call("rbind",mergedTables))
  rownames(results) <- NULL


# Calculate KM-lifetables with times given by survfit
calcKMLifeTable <- function(subjectData, endPointDef, outputCI=FALSE, isSingleArm, conf.type){
  # Create formula for fitting KM curv. Note:
  #   - This is *not* the formula used to originally fit the model, because
  #     that (may) depend on covariates, whereas for the KM curve we don't
  #     want these.
  #   - Arm is always factor because then survfit will fit each arm
  #     separately, without having to explicitly loop over arms. We can then
  #     separate out results for different arms.
  formulaToFit <- survivalFormula(armAsFactor = !isSingleArm,
                                  timeCol = endPointDef[["timeCol"]],
                                  censorCol = endPointDef[["censorCol"]])

  # Estimate KM curve (for all arms at once)
  kmFit <- survfit(formulaToFit, data = subjectData, conf.type=conf.type)

  # Use extractCumHazData to split up data points by arm
  kmValuesByArm <- extractCumHazData(kmFit, levels(subjectData$arm), outputCI, isSingleArm=isSingleArm)

  # Name values according to arm
  names(kmValuesByArm) <- levels(subjectData$arm)


#given a list of KM life tables (one per arm) with times from survfit
#output interpolated KM table with times given by the input parameter times
calcInterpolatedKMLifeTable <- function(kmValuesByArm, times){

  KMLifeTables <- lapply(kmValuesByArm,function(oneArmDataFrame){

  #interpolate for each time point t, the value of S:
  #P(have not had event by time t)
  S <- vapply(times, function(t){
    getLastPoint(t, oneArmDataFrame)
  }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))

  #convert to data frame


# Interpolate KM curve to a given time, taking the last point
getLastPoint <- function(t, km){

  # Find the last data point before x
  if(t > max(km$t)){
  idxBefore <- which(km$t <= t)
  if (length(idxBefore) > 0){
    idx <- max(idxBefore)
    # If there is no previous data point, return the first one
    idx <- 1


#Calculate the parametric life table when the model has no covariates
#mod: The (flexSurv) model used to fit this arm, from which to generate the lifetable
#armName: The name of a single arm
#times: The times
#armAsFactor: logical whether arm is a covariate in the model
#conf.int: whether to output the confidence interval?
#level: The percentiles to calculate for the confidence interval of S
#returns a data frame with columns:
# t:times (with 0 added if not part of input parameter)
# S: median of the Nsim average cumulative surival curves at the given times
# if outputCI=True then output lower and upper confidence intervals at 100*(1-conf.int) and
# 100*conf.int  percentiles of the Nsim S values
calcLifeTableNoCovariates <- function(mod, armName, times, armAsFactor, outputCI=FALSE, conf.int=0.95, B){
    stop("Cannot create average lifetable unless using a flexsurv model")
  #Do not need B if not outputting confidence intervals
  if(!outputCI) B <- 0
    result <- summary(mod,t=times, cl=conf.int, newdata=data.frame(arm=armName), ci=outputCI, B=B)
    result <- summary(mod,t=times, cl=conf.int, ci=outputCI, B=B)
  result <- result[[1]]
  cols <- c("t","S")
  if(outputCI) cols <- c(cols,"lower", "upper")
  colnames(result) <- cols
  rownames(result) <- NULL
  if(!0 %in% times){
    result <-rbind(c(0,rep(1,1+2*outputCI)),result)

#Calculate the parametric life table when the model has covariates
#mod: The (flexSurv) model used to fit this arm, from which to generate the lifetable
#oneArmData: The data associated with a single arm
#times: The times
#Nsim: The number of simulations from which to generate the average
#conf.int: whether to output the confidence interval?
#level: The percentiles to calculate for the confidence interval of S
#returns a data frame with columns:
# t:times (with 0 added if not part of input parameter)
# S: median of the Nsim average cumulative surival curves at the given times
# if outputCI=True then output lower and upper confidence intervals at 100*(1-conf.int) and
# 100*conf.int  percentiles of the Nsim S values
calcParametricLifeTable <- function(mod, oneArmData, times, Nsim, outputCI=FALSE, conf.int=0.95){

  #check we are using flexsurv
    stop("Cannot create average lifetable unless using a flexsurv model")

  #Create a 3D array of model parameters for subjects
  #which takes into account their covariate values and uncertainties
  #sim.params has 3 dimensions, the first is which simulation
  #number (1 to Nsim) the second is which model parameters (e.g. for
  #weibull it is shape and scale) and the third is which subject
  #so sim.params[6, ,125] is the model parameters for subject 125 for simulation 6

  #create parameters
  sim.params <- normboot.flexsurvreg(mod, B=Nsim, newdata=oneArmData)
    #This should never actually be called (unless Nsim=1) as
    #in the case of no covariates the calcLifeTableNoCovariates
    #should be used instead
    sim.params <- rep(list(sim.params),nrow(oneArmData))
  #coerce into form described above
  sim.params <- array(unlist(sim.params),
  #Set up cdf function:  As an input
  #this function will take a (named) vector of arguments specifying
  #the parameters of the model and will output the values
  #of the cdf of the model with given parameters at the user inputted times

  ##get the unparameterized-model cdf
  tmp.f <- mod$dfns$p
  ##create our cdf function - splines need knots argument
  cdf <- function(params){do.call(tmp.f, c(list(times), params))}
    cdf <- function(params){do.call(tmp.f, c(list(times, knots=mod$knots, scale=mod$scale, 
                                                  timescale=mod$aux$timescale), params))} 
  #for each simulation:
  simulationResults <- apply(sim.params, 1, function(oneSimulation){

    #for each person get prob had event by given input times
    oneSimulation <- apply(oneSimulation, 2, cdf)

    #oneSimulation is a matrix with each column a subject
    #and each time a column
    1 - rowMeans(oneSimulation, na.rm=TRUE)

  #simulation results is a matrix with columns for each simulation (the indivdual
  #values of S) and one row for each time requested

  #calculate median at each time point and wrap into data frame
  result <- data.frame(t=times,

  #if calculating confidence intervals calculate them and
  # add to result data frame
    result <- cbind(result,

  #if time = 0 not included at it t=0, S=1, confidence intervals (if used) 1
  if(!0 %in% times){
    result <-rbind(c(0,rep(1,1+2*outputCI)),result)

scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.