
Defines functions kmsummary kmPlot diagnosticPlot

##' @include semiParametric.R

##' @name summary
##' @rdname summary-methods
##' @aliases summary,SemiParametricModel-method
##' @param class ('data.frame' or "FlexTable' (default)) type of output for summary table
##' @export
setMethod("summary", signature(object="SemiParametricModel"),
  function(object, type=c("medianTTE", "KM")[1], class=c("data.frame","FlexTable")[2], 
           digits=if(type=="medianTTE") 2 else 5){
    if(length(class) != 1 || !class %in% c("data.frame","FlexTable")){
      stop("Invalid class argument, should be 'data.frame' or 'FlexTable")
    if(length(type)!=1 || !type %in% c("medianTTE", "KM") ){
      stop("Invalid type argument must be one of 'medianTTE' or 'KM'")
    if(length(digits)!=1 || !is.numeric(digits) || !digits > 0 || is.infinite(digits) ||
      stop("Invalid digits argument")
      return(kmsummary(object, class, digits))
    #calculate the median time to event with confidence interval
    results <- as.data.frame(quantile(object@km,prob=0.5,conf.int = TRUE))
    #bind on the number of events
    summaryKM <- summary(object@km)
    #notice the comma in the line below to handle different cases
    eventDetails <- if(isSingleArm(object)) summaryKM$table["events"] else summaryKM$table[,"events"] 
    results <- cbind(eventDetails, results)
    #set row/column names
    rownames(results) <- getArmNames(object@survData)
    colnames(results) <- c("Total Events","Median time to event","Lower.CI","Upper.CI")
    #calculate ratios
    if(nrow(results) > 2){
      warning("Not calculating ratios/differences when there is more than one arm")
    else if(nrow(results) == 2){
      ratio <- apply(results,2,function(x){x[2]/x[1]})
      difference <- apply(results, 2, function(x){x[2]-x[1]})
      results <- rbind(results,ratio=ratio)
      results <- rbind(results,difference=difference)
    #transpose to get arms as columns
    results <- t(results)
    armNames <- as.character(getArmNames(object@survData))
    numArms <- length(armNames)
    colnames(results)[1:numArms] <- colnames(results)[numArms:1]
    #Now create Flex Table        
    numRows <- 4
    numCols <- 1 + ncol(results)
    MyFTable <- FlexTable(numrow=numRows,numcol=numCols, 
                          header.text.props = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"),
                          body.cell.props = cellProperties(padding.right=1))
    #Add number of events (want to be integers so have to do this separately)        
    MyFTable[1,1+(1:numArms)] <- results[1,1:numArms]
    #Add ratio of #events if 2 arms
      MyFTable[1,(numCols-1)] <- round(results[1,numArms+1],digits=digits)
      MyFTable[1,numCols] <- round(results[1,numArms+2],digits=digits)
    #Add in rest of data        
    MyFTable[2:numRows,2:numCols] <- round(results[2:numRows,],digits = digits)
    #set left column to include appropriately formatted text        
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1] <- c("Total number of events", "Median time to event",
                               "95% lower CI", "95% upper CI")
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1] <- parProperties(text.align="left")
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1] <- textProperties(font.weight = "bold")
    #Set borders
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1:numCols,side='bottom'] <- borderProperties(width=0)
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1:numCols,side='left'] <- borderProperties(width=0)
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1:numCols,side='top'] <- borderProperties(width=0)
    MyFTable[1:numRows,1:numCols,side='right'] <- borderProperties(width=0)
    MyFTable[numRows,1:numCols,side='bottom'] <- borderProperties(width=3)
    MyFTable[1,1:numCols,side='top'] <- borderProperties(width=1)
    #create text for header row        
    armCounts <- vapply(armNames,function(x){
    armHeaders <- paste(armNames,"\n(total=",armCounts,")",sep="")
      armHeaders <- c(armHeaders,"Ratio", "Difference")
    hR <- FlexRow(c("",armHeaders),
                  text.properties = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"),
                  cell.properties = cellProperties(border.top.width=3, border.bottom.width=0,
                                                   border.left.width=0, border.right.width=0))
    MyFTable <- addHeaderRow(MyFTable,hR)
      diffText <- paste0(armNames[2],"-\n",armNames[1])
      ratioText <- paste0(armNames[2], ":\n", armNames[1])
      hR2 <- FlexRow(c(rep("",3),ratioText,diffText),
                     text.properties = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"),
                     cell.properties = cellProperties(border.top.width=0, border.bottom.width=0,
                                                      border.left.width=0, border.right.width=0))
      MyFTable <- addHeaderRow(MyFTable,hR2)

#function to output the KM summary for the SemiParametricModel
kmsummary <- function(object, class, digits){
  #get summary
  s <- summary(object@km, censored=TRUE)
  #coerce to data frame
  arm <- if(isSingleArm(object)) getArmNames(object@survData) else s$strata
  summaryData <- data.frame(arm=arm,time=s$time,survival=s$surv,
                            n.risk=s$n.risk,n.event=s$n.event, std.err=s$std.err,
                            x=s$lower, y=s$upper)
  colnames(summaryData)[7:8] <- paste(c("lower","upper"), "95% CI")
  #split by arm
  listOfData <- split(summaryData, summaryData$arm)
  #set names of list elements as arms
  names(listOfData) <-  as.character(getArmNames(object@survData))
  #remove arm column from data frames
  listOfData <- lapply(names(listOfData), function(arm){
     listOfData[[arm]]$arm <- NULL
  #set names of list elements as arms 
  names(listOfData) <-  as.character(getArmNames(object@survData))
  if(class=="data.frame") return(listOfData)
  #create flextable
  retVal <- lapply(listOfData, function(oneArmData){
              header.text.props = textProperties(font.weight = "bold"),
              body.cell.props = cellProperties(padding.right=1))
  names(retVal) <-  as.character(getArmNames(object@survData))

##' Plot methods for Sibyl package
##' @rdname plot-methods
##' @aliases plot,SemiParametricModel,missing-method
##' @param x (SemiParametricModel object) contains data to be plotted
##' @param type (character) the type of plot to be created; one of "KM",
##'        "CumHaz", "LoglogS", "LogoddS" or "InvNormS", "Gompertz"
##' @param armColours (vector of colours) the colours for the treatment arms for all
##' graphs except the KM curve (use the col argument to set the colour for the KM graph)
##' @param ... arguments to be passed to azplot.km when type = "KM"
##' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x="SemiParametricModel", y="missing"),
  function(x, type=c("KM","CumHaz","LoglogS","LogoddS","InvNormS", "Gompertz")[1], 
           armColours=c("black", "red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange"), ...){
           "km"=kmPlot(x, ...),
           "cumhaz"=diagnosticPlot(x,logTime=FALSE, yval="-log(S)", use.facet, cumHaz=TRUE, armColours=armColours),
           "loglogs"=diagnosticPlot(x, logTime=TRUE, yval="log(-log(S))", use.facet, armColours=armColours),
           "logodds"=diagnosticPlot(x, logTime=TRUE, yval="log(S/(1-S))",  use.facet, armColours=armColours),
           "invnorms"=diagnosticPlot(x, logTime=TRUE, yval="qnorm(1-S)", use.facet, armColours=armColours),
           "gompertz"=diagnosticPlot(x, logTime=FALSE, yval="-log(h)", use.facet, armColours=armColours),
           stop("type must equal one of KM, CumHaz, LoglogS or Logodds or InvNorms")

#Output KM plot
kmPlot <- function(x, ...){
  kmPlotWrapper(x@km, ...)

#output a ggplot object for diagnostic plots
#x is SemiParametricModel
#logTime logical, true if using log(time) on x-axis, false otherwise
#yval is a string representing the function to be plotted on the y-axis
#as a function of S, the cumulative hazard, for example "log(S/(1-S))"
#use.facet is TRUE if splitting the data into separate graphs per arm
#cumHaz is true if we are outputting cumulative hazard plot
diagnosticPlot <- function(x, logTime, yval, use.facet, cumHaz=FALSE, armColours){
  #cannot use facet if this is a single arm trial
  if(use.facet && isSingleArm(x)){
    stop("use.facet must be FALSE when trial is a single arm trial")
  #R-cmd-check thinks t, s, model, ... are global
  #variables inside the ggplot commands so complains about them
  #they are not global variables but for them to pass R-cmd-check we
  #need to create dummy variables
  Arm <- NULL
  #x-axis value for the graphs
  xval <- if(logTime) "log(t)" else "t"
  xlabel <- if(logTime) "log(time)" else "time"
  #extract the cumulative hazard data from the survfit object
  armNames <- getArmNames(x@survData)
  data <- extractCumHazData(x@km, armNames, isSingleArm=isSingleArm(x))
  # Concatenate list of data frames row-wise into one big data frame
  data <- do.call("rbind", data)
  #remove the edge cases
    data <- data[data$t > 0,]
    data <- data[data$S > 0,]
    data <- data[data$S > 0 & data$S < 1,]
  #for Gompertz estimate h(t)
    data$h <- estimateHazard(data$S, data$t)
  # Create the plot
  p <- ggplot(data, aes_string(color="Arm",x=xval,y=yval))
  # Set colour for each arm
  if (length(armNames) <= length(armColours)){
    p <- p + scale_colour_manual(values = armColours)
    stop("The current value of armColours parameter supports a maximum of ",length(armColours)," arms. ",
         "Use armColours argument to choose colours for each arm")
  #Add facet
    p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ Arm)
    #plot the data
    p <- p + geom_step()
    #plot the data and best fit line
    p <- p + geom_point()
    p <- p + stat_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE, size=1, aes(color=Arm, group=Arm))
    #have to extract the slope values 
    statSmoothVals <- ggplot_build(p)$data[[length(ggplot_build(p)$data)]]
    df <- split(statSmoothVals, statSmoothVals$group)
    slopeVals <- vapply(df, function(data){
      N <- nrow(data)
      if(N<2) return(as.numeric(NA))
      (data$y[N] - data$y[1])/(data$x[N] - data$x[1])
    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    gradText <- if(length(armNames)==1) "gradient" else "gradients" 
    slopeText <- paste("Best fit", gradText, "-", 
                       paste(paste(armNames, round(slopeVals ,digits=4), sep=": "), collapse=", "))
    p <- p + ggtitle(slopeText) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=9)) 
  #Add xlabel
  p <- p + xlab(xlabel)
  # Format background and borders
  p <- p + theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
                 panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA),
                 panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey", linetype="dotted"),
                 panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.