Man pages for scristia/CNPBayes
Bayesian mixture models for copy number polymorphisms

bafLikelihoodCalculate the likelihood of the observed B allele frequencies...
batch-methodRetrieve batches from object.
bayesFactorCompute the Bayes factor
bic-methodCalculate BIC of a model
burnin-methodNumber of burnin iterations.
chains-methodRetrieve simulated chains from model object.
CNPBayesBayesian mixture models for copy number estimation
cnv_modelsFit a series of Gaussian finite mixture models at a CNV...
consensusCNPIdentify consensus start and stop coordinates of a copy...
down_sample2Downsamples the data to reduce computation
findSurrogates-MultiBatch-methodEstimate batch from any sample-level surrogate variables that...
fit_restricted2Wrapper for running many independent chains with a short...
genotype_modelMap mixture component labels to integer copy numbers
ggplot-functionsPlotting posterior predictive densities from mixture model
hemdel_modelFits a series of models consistent for a deletion CNV where...
homdeldup_modelWrapper for evaluating mixture models consistent with copy...
homdel_modelWrapper for evaluating mixture models consistent with copy...
HyperparametersCreate an object of class 'Hyperparameters'
Hyperparameters-classAn object to specify the hyperparameters of a model.
HyperparametersMultiBatchCreate an object of class 'HyperparametersMultiBatch' for the...
HyperparametersMultiBatch-classAn object to specify the hyperparameters of a batch effect...
HyperparametersSingleBatchCreate an object of class 'HyperparametersSingleBatch' for...
HyperparametersSingleBatch-classAn object to specify the hyperparameters of a marginal model.
HyperparametersTrios-classAn object to specify the hyperparameters of a model with...
hyperParams-methodAccessor for Hyperparameters object for a...
id-methodAccessor for sample id
isSimulatedAccessor for which observations were simulated
iter-methodReset number of iterations.
k-methodNumber of components.
kolmogorov_batchesGroup provisional batch labels by similarity of eCDFs
log_lik-methodRetrieve log likelihood.
mappingMap mixture components to copy number states
map_zCalculate the maximum a posteriori estimate of latent...
marginal_likAccessor for the log marginal likelihood of a SB, SBP, MB, or...
marginalLikExtract marginal likelihoods from a list of models
marginalLikelihood-methodCompute the marginal likelihood of a converged model.
McmcChains-classAn object to hold estimated paraeters.
McmcParamsCreate an object of class 'McmcParams' to specify iterations,...
McmcParams-classAn object to specify MCMC options for a later simulation
mcmcParams-methodRetrieve MCMC parameters from model.
mcmcWithHomDelWrapper for fitting likely homozygous deletion polymorphisms
median_summaryCompute median summaries of log ratios at a CNV region
mixture_layoutLayout of grid-based graphics for visualization of posterior...
MixtureModel-classAn object for running MCMC simulations.
mixture_plotList of figures useful for evaluating model fit.
modelNameAccessor for name of MultiBatch model
modelName-MixtureModel-methodAbbreviated model name
MultiBatchConstructor for MultiBatch objects MultiBatch is the...
MultiBatch-accessorsMultiBatch accessors
MultiBatch-classAn object for running MCMC simulations.
MultiBatchListConstructor for a list of MultiBatch objects
MultiBatchModel-classAn object for running MCMC simulations.
MultiBatchModelExampleThis data is an instance of MultiBatchModel
MultiBatchPooledExampleThis data is an instance of MultiBatchPooled
mu-methodAccessor for mu slot of McmcChains class
names-methodsRetrieve the names of the parameters estimated in the MCMC...
nStarts-methodNumber of random starts for MCMC
nu.0-methodAccessor for nu.0 slot of McmcChains class
numberObs-methodNumber of observations in mixture model object
oned-methodRetrieve one-dimensional summaries of the log ratios for each...
orderModelsOrder models by Bayes factor
posteriorSimulation-methodRun MCMC simulation.
probz-methodRetrieve the probability of latent variable membership by...
revertToMultiBatchConvert a single-batch object to a multi-batch model
sigma2.0-methodAccessor for sigma2.0 slot of McmcChains class
sigma2-methodRetrieve the variances of each component and batch...
simulateBatchDataCreate simulated batch data for testing.
simulateDataCreate simulated data for testing.
SingleBatchCopyNumber-classMixture model container where mixture components have been...
SingleBatchModel-classThe 'SingleBatchModel' class
SingleBatchModelExampleThis data is an instance of SingleBatchModel
subsetting-methodsSubsetting methods for CNPBayes objects
summarize_regionWrapper for summarizing CNV regions
tau2-methodAccessor for tau2 slot of McmcChains class
theta-methodAccessor for the theta parameter in the hierarchical mixture...
thin-methodGet or set the number of thinning intervals.
upsample2Provides probabilistic assignments for mixture components to...
warmupRun short burnin from multiple independent starts and select...
zfreq-methodAccessor for frequency of mixture component label in...
z-methodRetrieve latent variable assignments.
scristia/CNPBayes documentation built on Aug. 9, 2020, 7:31 p.m.