
Defines functions kdist.cor ldist.ktab dist.ktab

Documented in dist.ktab kdist.cor ldist.ktab

dist.ktab <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8) {
  # Parameters are checked                               #
  if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
    stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
  if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
    stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
  if(length(x$blo) != length(type))
    stop("incorrect length for type")
    stop("tol is not a numeric")
  # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #
  if(scann == TRUE){
    if(any(type == "F")){
      cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
      cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
      cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
      cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d4 = sqrt(1-(Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
      cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
      methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
      if (methodF == 4)
        methodF <- 5
    if(any(type == "B")){
      cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
      cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("2 = SOKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
      cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("3 = SOKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
      cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
      cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
      cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
      methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodO <- 0
    if(any(type == "O")){
      cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
      cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
      cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
      cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
      cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
      cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
      cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodQ <- 1
    methodF <- 2
    methodB <- 1
    methodO <- 1
  nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
  ntype <- length(unique(type))
  if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
    napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
  d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])
  treatment <- function(i)
    # Ordinal data                                        #
    if(type[i] == "O"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      transrank <- function(u){
        return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
      df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)
      if(methodO == 1){
          cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
          cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = (cmax - cmin)))
          if(methodQ == 1){
            thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = 1)
            mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
            fun1.OQ <- function(tab){
              fun2.OQ <- function(u) {
                # start
                return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                # end
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OQ))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            thedis <- fun1.OQ(df)
          thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
          nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
            ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
          cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
          cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                      1, cmax - cmin)))
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          fun1.ONA <- function(vect){
            fun2.ONA <- function(u) {
              if(methodQ ==1)
                return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
                return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.ONA))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          if(ncol(df) == 1)
            lis <- list(df[, 1])
            lis <- as.list(df)
          listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.ONA)
          listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
          funfin1.ONA <- function(u){
            u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
          interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.ONA)
          mat <- interm[[1]]
          if(length(interm) > 1){
            for (k in 2:length(interm)){
              mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
          ntvar <- mat
          # calculation of the sum of distances
          funfin2.ONA <- function(u){
            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
          res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.ONA)
          mat <- res[[1]]
          if(length(res) > 1){
            for (k in 2:length(res)){
              mat <- res[[k]] + mat
          thedis <- mat
          thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Podani's distance                                 #
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
          stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
        cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
        cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
          granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
        grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
        grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
          uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
          uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.OP <- function(k){
          r <- df
          fun2.OP <- function(u){
            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
              if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                          (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[2], k]] - 1)/2) / ((cmax[k] - cmin[k]) - 
                                                                               (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
          listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
          funfin1.OP <- function(u){
            u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
          interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.OP)
          mat <- interm[[1]]
          if(length(interm) > 1){
            for (k in 2:length(interm)){
              mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
          ntvar <- mat
          nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.OP <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.OP)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Quantitative data                                   #
    if(type[i] == "Q"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
      if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd"){
        df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
        if(length(unique(type)) > 1)
          warning("the option scaledBYsd should not be chosen in case of mixed variables")
      if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
        cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
        cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                    1, cmax - cmin)))
        if(methodQ == 1){
          thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = methodQ)
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          fun1.Q <- function(tab){
            fun2.Q <- function(u) {
              # start
              return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
              # end
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          thedis <- fun1.Q(df)                 
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
          ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.QNA <- function(vect){
          fun2.QNA <- function(u) {
            if(methodQ == 1)
              return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
              return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.QNA))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.QNA)
        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
        funfin1.QNA <- function(u){
          u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.QNA)
        mat <- interm[[1]]
        if(length(interm) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(interm)){
            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.QNA <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.QNA)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Nominal data                                        #
    if(type[i] == "N"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      verif <- function(u){
            stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")
      lapply(df, verif)
        FUN <- function(u){
          m <- stats::model.matrix(~-1 + as.factor(u))
          return(stats::dist(m) / sqrt(2))
        lis <- as.list(df)
        res <- lapply(lis, FUN)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        nbvar <- ncol(df)
          ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.NNA <- function(vect){
          fun2.NNA <- function(u) {
            if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
              if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
              else return(1)
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.NNA))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.NNA)
        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
        funfin1.NNA <- function(u){
          u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.NNA)
        mat <- interm[[1]]
        if(length(interm) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(interm)){
            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.NNA <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.NNA)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Dichotomous data                                    #
    if(type[i] == "D"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      verif <- function(u){
        if(any(!u[!is.na(u)] %in% c(0, 1)))
          stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")
      lapply(df, verif)
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      fun1.D <- function(vect){
        fun2.D <- function(u) {
          if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
            if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
              if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
              else return(NA)
        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
        class(d) <- "dist"
      if(ncol(df) == 1)
        lis <- list(df[, 1])
        lis <- as.list(df)
      listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
      listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
      funfin1.D <- function(u){
        u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
      interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.D)
      mat <- interm[[1]]
      if(length(interm) > 1){
        for (k in 2:length(interm)){
          mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
      ntvar <- mat
      # calculation of the sum of distances
      funfin2.D <- function(u){
        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
      res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.D)
      mat <- res[[1]]
      if(length(res) > 1){
        for (k in 2:length(res)){
          mat <- res[[k]] + mat
      thedis <- mat
      thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
      thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Fuzzy data                                          #
    if(type[i] == "F"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")
        stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")
      blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
      fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
      lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
      lis <- lapply(lis, t)
      lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
        if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
          res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
          res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF)^2)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        nbvar <- length(blocs)
          ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nrow(df), nrow(df))
        fun1.FNA <- function(mtflo){
          res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
          dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
          if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
            resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
            resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)^2)
          res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
          res[positions, ] <- NA
          res[, positions] <- NA
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.FNA)
        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
        funfin1.FNA <- function(u){
          u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.FNA)
        mat <- interm[[1]]
        if(length(interm) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(interm)){
            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.FNA <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.FNA)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Binary data                                         #
    if(type[i] == "B"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")
        stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
      if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
        stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
      blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
      fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
      lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
      lis <- lapply(lis, t)
      lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
        res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB)^2)
          stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        nbvar <- length(blocs)
          ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nlig, nlig)
        fun1.BNA <- function(mtbin){
          res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
          dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
          resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB)^2)
          res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
          res[positions, ] <- NA
          res[, positions] <- NA
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.BNA)
        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
        funfin1.BNA <- function(u){
          u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.BNA)
        mat <- interm[[1]]
        if(length(interm) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(interm)){
            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.BNA <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.BNA)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
    # Circular data                                       #
    if(type[i] == "C"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                                         function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")
      verif <- function(u){
        if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
      lapply(df, verif)
      d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
      nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                     row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      odd <- function(u){
        ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
        fun1.C <- function(nucol){
          vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
          maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
          vect <- vect / maxi
          fun2.C <- function(u) {
              return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                       min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                             (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                           na.rm = TRUE))
              return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                               (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                             na.rm = TRUE))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
          ntvar <- matrix(ncol(x[[i]]), nrow(df), nrow(df))
        fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
          vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
          maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
          vect <- vect / maxi
          fun2.CNA <- function(u){
            if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                         min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                               (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                             na.rm = TRUE))
                return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                               na.rm = TRUE))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
        funfin1.CNA <- function(u){
          u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.CNA)
        mat <- interm[[1]]
        if(length(interm) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(interm)){
            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat
        # calculation of the sum of distances
        funfin2.CNA <- function(u){
          u[is.na(u)] <- 0
        res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.CNA)
        mat <- res[[1]]
        if(length(res) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(res)){
            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
        thedis <- mat
        thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
      return(list(nbvar, thedis))
      return(list(ntvar, thedis))
  # Last calculations
  interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
  names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
  res <- lapply(interm, treatment)
    nbvar <- sum(unlist(lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])))
    listntvar <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])
    mat <- listntvar[[1]]
    if(length(listntvar) > 1){
      for (k in 2:length(listntvar)){
        mat <- listntvar[[k]] + mat
    ntvar <- mat + diag(rep(1, nlig))
  dis <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[2]])
  mat <- dis[[1]]^2
  if(length(dis) > 1){
    for (k in 2:length(dis)){
      mat <- dis[[k]]^2 + mat
    disglobal <- sqrt(mat / nbvar)
    disglobal <- stats::as.dist(sqrt(as.matrix(mat) / ntvar))
  attributes(disglobal)$Labels <- d.names

prep.binary <- function (df, col.blocks, labels = paste("B", 1:length(col.blocks), sep = ""))
  if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
    stop("data.frame expected")
  if (sum(col.blocks) != ncol(df)) {
    stop("non convenient data in col.blocks")
  if (is.null(names(col.blocks))) {
    names(col.blocks) <- paste("FV", as.character(1:length(col.blocks)), 
                               sep = "")
  df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
  bloc <- rep(1:length(col.blocks), col.blocks)
  bloc <- as.factor(bloc[apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
  col.blocks <- as.vector(table(bloc))
  df <- df2
  if (any(df[!is.na(df)] < 0)) 
    stop("non negative value expected in df")
  d.names <- row.names(df)
  nlig <- nrow(df)
  df <- as.matrix(1 * (df > 0))
  f1 <- function(x, k) {
    a <- sum(x)
    if (is.na(a)) {
      return(rep(NA, length(x)))
      cat("missing data found in block", k, "\n")
    if (a == 0) 
      return(rep(NA, length(x)))
  k2 <- 0
  for (k in 1:(length(col.blocks))) {
    k1 <- k2 + 1
    k2 <- k2 + col.blocks[k]
    X <- df[, k1:k2]
    X <- t(apply(X, 1, f1, k = k))
    df[, k1:k2] <- X
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  attr(df, "col.blocks") <- col.blocks
  col.num <- factor(rep((1:length(col.blocks)), col.blocks))
  attr(df, "col.num") <- col.num
  attr(df, "Labels") <- labels

prep.circular <-
  function (df, rangemin = apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE), rangemax = apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)) 
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
      stop("data.frame expected")
    veriffun <- function(i){
      if(rangemin[i] > min(df[i], na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Incorrect minimum in rangemin")
      if(rangemax[i] < max(df[i], na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Incorrect maximum in rangemax")
    sapply(1:ncol(df), veriffun)
    df1 <- sweep(df, 2, rangemin, "-")
    max2 <- rangemax - rangemin
    attr(df1, "max") <- max2 + 1

prep.fuzzy <-
  function (df, col.blocks, row.w = rep(1, nrow(df)), labels = paste("F", 1:length(col.blocks), sep = "")) 
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
      stop("data.frame expected")
    if (!is.null(row.w)) {
      if (length(row.w) != nrow(df)) 
        stop("non convenient dimension")
    if (sum(col.blocks) != ncol(df)) {
      stop("non convenient data in col.blocks")
    df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
    bloc <- rep(1:length(col.blocks), col.blocks)
    bloc <- as.factor(bloc[apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
    col.blocks <- as.vector(table(bloc))
    df <- df2
    if (is.null(row.w)) 
      row.w <- rep(1, nrow(df))/nrow(df)
    row.w <- row.w/sum(row.w)
    if (is.null(names(col.blocks))) {
      names(col.blocks) <- paste("FV", as.character(1:length(col.blocks)), 
                                 sep = "")
    f1 <- function(x, k) {
      a <- sum(x)
      if (is.na(a)) {
        return(rep(NA, length(x)))
        cat("missing data found in block", k, "\n")
      if (a == 0) 
        return(rep(NA, length(x)))
    k2 <- 0
    col.w <- rep(1, ncol(df))
    for (k in 1:(length(col.blocks))) {
      k1 <- k2 + 1
      k2 <- k2 + col.blocks[k]
      X <- df[, k1:k2]
      X <- t(apply(X, 1, f1, k = k))
      X.marge <- apply(X, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
      X.marge <- X.marge * row.w
      X.marge <- X.marge/sum(X.marge, na.rm = TRUE)
      X.mean <- apply(X * X.marge, 2, sum)
      df[, k1:k2] <- X
      col.w[k1:k2] <- X.mean
    attr(df, "col.blocks") <- col.blocks
    attr(df, "row.w") <- row.w
    attr(df, "col.freq") <- col.w
    attr(df, "Labels") <- labels
    col.num <- factor(rep((1:length(col.blocks)), col.blocks))
    attr(df, "col.num") <- col.num

ldist.ktab <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8) {
  # Parameters are checked                               #
  if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
    stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
  if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
    stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
    stop("incorrect length for type")
    stop("tol is not a numeric")
  # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #
  if(scann == TRUE){
    if(any(type == "F")){
      cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
      cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
      cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
      cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d4 = sqrt(1 - (Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
      cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
      methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
      if (methodF == 4)
        methodF <- 5
    if(any(type == "B")){
      cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
      cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("2 = SOKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
      cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("3 = SOKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
      cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
      cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
      cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
      methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodO <- 0
    if(any(type == "O")){
      cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
      cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
      cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
      cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
      cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
      cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
      cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodQ <- 1
    methodF <- 2
    methodB <- 1
    methodO <- 1
  nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
  ntype <- length(unique(type))
  if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
    napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
  d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])
  treatment <- function(i)
    # Ordinal data                                        #
    if(type[i] == "O"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      transrank <- function(u){
        return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
      df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)
      if(methodO == 1){
        cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
        cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                    1, cmax - cmin)))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.O <- function(vect){
          fun2.O <- function(u) {
            if(methodQ ==1)
              return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
              return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.O)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
        # Podani's distance                                 #
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the ordinal data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the ordinal data set ", i)
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
          stop("Incorrect definition of the ordinal variables")
        cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
        cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
          granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
        grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
        grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
          uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
          uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.OP <- function(k){
          r <- df
          fun2.OP <- function(u){
            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
              if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                          (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k] - cmin[k]) - 
                                                                             (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                return(ifelse(sqrt(val) < tol, 0, sqrt(val)))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
    # Quantitative data                                   #
    if(type[i] == "Q"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative data set ", i)
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
      if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
        df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
      if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
        cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
        cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                    1, cmax - cmin)))
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      fun1.Q <- function(vect){
        fun2.Q <- function(u) {
          if(methodQ == 1)
            return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
            return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
        class(d) <- "dist"
      if(ncol(df) == 1)
        lis <- list(df[, 1])
        lis <- as.list(df)
      thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.Q)
      names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
    # Nominal data                                        #
    if(type[i] == "N"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      verif <- function(u){
            stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")
      lapply(df, verif)
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      fun1.N <- function(vect){
        fun2.N <- function(u) {
          if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
            if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
            else return(1)
        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.N))
        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
        class(d) <- "dist"
      if(ncol(df) == 1)
        lis <- list(df[, 1])
        lis <- as.list(df)
      thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.N)
      names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
    # Dichotomous data                                    #
    if(type[i] == "D"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
      verif <- function(u){
        if(any(!u[!is.na(u)] %in% c(0, 1)))
          stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")
      lapply(df, verif)
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      fun1.D <- function(vect){
        fun2.D <- function(u) {
          if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
            if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
              if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
              else return(NA)
        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
        attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
        class(d) <- "dist"
      if(ncol(df) == 1)
        lis <- list(df[, 1])
        lis <- as.list(df)
      thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
      names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
    # Fuzzy data                                          #
    if(type[i] == "F"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")
        stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")
      blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
      fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
      lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
      lis <- lapply(lis, t)
      lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
        res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
        funfor0 <- function(x){
          x[x < tol] <- 0
        res <- lapply(res, funfor0)
        if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
          res <- lapply(res, sqrt)
        thedis <- res
        names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
        fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
          res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
          dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
          resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
          resdis[resdis < tol] <- 0
          if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
            resdis <- sqrt(resdis)
          res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
          res[positions, ] <- NA
          res[, positions] <- NA
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)
        names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
    # Binary data                                         #
    if(type[i] == "B"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
        stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")
        stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
      if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
        stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
      blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
      fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
      lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
      lis <- lapply(lis, t)
      lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
        res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB))
          stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
        funfor0 <- function(x){
          x[x < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
        names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
        fun1.B <- function(mtbin){
          res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
          dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
          resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB))
          res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
          res[positions, ] <- NA
          res[, positions] <- NA
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.B)
        funfor0 <- function(x){
          x[x < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
        names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
    # Circular data                                       #
    if(type[i] == "C"){
      # Data are checked                                    #
      df <- x[[i]]
      df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                                         function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
      if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
      if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
        warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
        df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")
      verif <- function(u){
        if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
      lapply(df, verif)
      d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
      nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
      mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
      index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                     row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
      odd <- function(u){
        ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
        fun1.C <- function(nucol){
          vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
          maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
          vect <- vect / maxi
          fun2.C <- function(u) {
              return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                            min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                  (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                na.rm = TRUE)))
              return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                    (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                  na.rm = TRUE)))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
        funfor0 <- function(x){
          x[x < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
        fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
          vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
          maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
          vect <- vect / maxi
          fun2.CNA <- function(u){
            if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                              min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                    (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                  na.rm = TRUE)))
                return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                      (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                    na.rm = TRUE)))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
        listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
        funfor0 <- function(x){
          x[x < tol] <- 0
        thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
  # Last calculations
  interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
  names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
  dispervar <- lapply(interm, treatment)
  namesv <- unlist(lapply(dispervar, names))
  dispervar <- do.call("c", dispervar)
  names(dispervar) <- namesv

kdist.cor <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8, squared = TRUE){
  # Parameters are checked                               #
  if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
    stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
  if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
    stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
  if(length(x$blo) != length(type))
    stop("incorrect length for type")
    stop("tol is not a numeric")
  # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #
  if(scann == TRUE){
    if(any(type == "F")){
      cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
      cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
      cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
      cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
      cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
      cat("d4 = sqrt(1 - (Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
      cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
      methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
      if (methodF == 4)
        methodF <- 5
    if(any(type == "B")){
      cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
      cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("2 = SOKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
      cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("3 = SOKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
      cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
      cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
      cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
      cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
      cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
      cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
      methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodO <- 0
    if(any(type == "O")){
      cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
      cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
      cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
      cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
      cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
      cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
      cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
      cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
      cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
      methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    methodQ <- 1
    methodF <- 2
    methodB <- 1
    methodO <- 1
  nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
  ntype <- length(unique(type))
  if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
    napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
  d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])
  ldist.ktab2 <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), tol = 1e-8) {
    treatment <- function(i)
      # Ordinal data                                        #
      if(type[i] == "O"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        transrank <- function(u){
          return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
        df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)
        if(methodO == 1){
          cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
          cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                      1, cmax - cmin)))
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          fun1.O <- function(vect){
            fun2.O <- function(u) {
              if(methodQ ==1)
                return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
                return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          if(ncol(df) == 1)
            lis <- list(df[, 1])
            lis <- as.list(df)
          thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.O)
          names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
          # Podani's distance                                 #
          df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the ordinal data frames is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            warning("a column full of NA in the ordinal data set ", i)
            df <- as.data.frame(df2)
          if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
            stop("Incorrect definition of the ordinal variables")
          cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
          cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
            granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
            granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
          grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
          grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
            uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
            uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          fun1.OP <- function(k){
            r <- df
            fun2.OP <- function(u){
              if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                  val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                            (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k]-cmin[k]) - 
                                                                             (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                  return(ifelse(sqrt(val) < tol, 0, sqrt(val)))
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
          thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
          names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
      # Quantitative data                                   #
      if(type[i] == "Q"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        df <- x[[i]]
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative data set ", i)
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
          stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
        if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
          df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
        if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
          cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
          cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
          df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                      1, cmax - cmin)))
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.Q <- function(vect){
          fun2.Q <- function(u) {
            if(methodQ == 1)
              return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
              return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.Q)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
      # Nominal data                                        #
      if(type[i] == "N"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        df <- x[[i]]
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        verif <- function(u){
              stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")
        lapply(df, verif)
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.N <- function(vect){
          fun2.N <- function(u) {
            if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
              if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
              else return(1)
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.N))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.N)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
      # Dichotomous data                                    #
      if(type[i] == "D"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        df <- x[[i]]
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
        verif <- function(u){
          if(any(!u[!is.na(u)] %in% c(0, 1)))
            stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")
        lapply(df, verif)
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        fun1.D <- function(vect){
          fun2.D <- function(u) {
            if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
              if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                else return(NA)
          d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
          attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
          attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
          attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
          attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
          attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
          class(d) <- "dist"
        if(ncol(df) == 1)
          lis <- list(df[, 1])
          lis <- as.list(df)
        thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
        names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
      # Fuzzy data                                          #
      if(type[i] == "F"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        df <- x[[i]]
        df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
          stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")
          stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")
        blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
        fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
        lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
        lis <- lapply(lis, t)
        lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
          if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
            res <- lapply(lis, function(u) sqrt(dist.prop(u, method = methodF)))
            res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0) 
          names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
          fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
            res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
            dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
            if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
              resdis <- as.matrix(sqrt(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)))
              resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
            res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
            res[positions, ] <- NA
            res[, positions] <- NA
          listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
          names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
      # Binary data                                         #
      if(type[i] == "B"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
          stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")
          stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
        if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
          stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
        blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
        fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
        lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
        lis <- lapply(lis, t)
        lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
          res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB))
            stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
          names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
          fun1.B <- function(mtbin){
            res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
            dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
            resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB))
            res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
            res[positions, ] <- NA
            res[, positions] <- NA
          listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.B)
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
          names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
      # Circular data                                       #
      if(type[i] == "C"){
        # Data are checked                                    #
        df <- x[[i]]
        df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                                           function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
        if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
        if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
          warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
          df <- as.data.frame(df2)
          stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")
        verif <- function(u){
          if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
        lapply(df, verif)
        d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
        nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                       row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
        odd <- function(u){
          ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
          fun1.C <- function(nucol){
            vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
            maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
            vect <- vect / maxi
            fun2.C <- function(u) {
                return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                              min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                    (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                  na.rm = TRUE)))
                return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                      (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                    na.rm = TRUE)))
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
          res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
          names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
          fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
            vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
            maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
            vect <- vect / maxi
            fun2.CNA <- function(u){
              if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                  return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                      (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                    na.rm = TRUE)))
                  return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                        (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                      na.rm = TRUE)))
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
          listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
          funfor0 <- function(x){
            x[x < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
          names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
    # Last calculations
    interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
    names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
    dispervar <- lapply(interm, treatment)
    namesv <- unlist(lapply(dispervar, names))
    dispervar <- do.call("c", dispervar)
    names(dispervar) <- namesv
  dist.ktab2 <-
    function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), tol = 1e-8) {
      treatment <- function(i)
        # Ordinal data                                        #
        if(type[i] == "O"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          transrank <- function(u){
            return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
          df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)
          if(methodO == 1){
              cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
              cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
              df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = (cmax - cmin)))
              if(methodQ == 1){
                thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = 1)
                mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                fun1.O <- function(tab){
                  fun2.O <- function(u) {
                    # start
                    return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                    # end
                  d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
                  attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                  attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                  attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                  attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                  attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                  attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                  class(d) <- "dist"
                thedis <- fun1.O(df)
              thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
              nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
              cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
              cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
              df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                          1, cmax - cmin)))
              mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
              index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
              fun1.ONA <- function(vect){
                fun2.ONA <- function(u) {
                  if(methodQ ==1)
                    return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
                    return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
                d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.ONA))
                attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                class(d) <- "dist"
              if(ncol(df) == 1)
                lis <- list(df[, 1])
                lis <- as.list(df)
              listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.ONA)
              listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
              funfin1.ONA <- function(u){
                u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                u[is.na(u)] <- 0
              interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.ONA)
              mat <- interm[[1]]
              if(length(interm) > 1){
                for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                  mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
              ntvar <- mat
              # calculation of the sum of distances
              funfin2.ONA <- function(u){
                u[is.na(u)] <- 0
              res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.ONA)
              mat <- res[[1]]
              if(length(res) > 1){
                for (k in 2:length(res)){
                  mat <- res[[k]] + mat
              thedis <- mat
              thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
              thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
            # Podani's distance                                 #
            df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
            if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
            if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
              warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
              df <- as.data.frame(df2)
            if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
              stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
            cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
            cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
              granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
              granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
            grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
            grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
              uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
              uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
            mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
            fun1.OP <- function(k){
              r <- df
              fun2.OP <- function(u){
                if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                  if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                    val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                              (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k]-cmin[k]) - 
                                                                               (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
              listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
              funfin1.OP <- function(u){
                u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                u[is.na(u)] <- 0
              interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.OP)
              mat <- interm[[1]]
              if(length(interm) > 1){
                for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                  mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
              ntvar <- mat
              nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.OP <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.OP)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Quantitative data                                   #
        if(type[i] == "Q"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          df <- x[[i]]
          df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
            df <- as.data.frame(df2)
          if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
            stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")
          if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
            df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
          if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
            cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
            cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
            df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                                                                        1, cmax - cmin)))
            if(methodQ == 1){
              thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = methodQ)
              mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
              index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
              fun1.Q <- function(tab){
                fun2.Q <- function(u) {
                  # start
                  return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                  # end
                d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
                attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                class(d) <- "dist"
              thedis <- fun1.Q(df)                 
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
              ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
            mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
            fun1.QNA <- function(vect){
              fun2.QNA <- function(u) {
                if(methodQ == 1)
                  return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
                  return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.QNA))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            if(ncol(df) == 1)
              lis <- list(df[, 1])
              lis <- as.list(df)
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.QNA)
            listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
            funfin1.QNA <- function(u){
              u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.QNA)
            mat <- interm[[1]]
            if(length(interm) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
            ntvar <- mat
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.QNA <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.QNA)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Nominal data                                        #
        if(type[i] == "N"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          df <- x[[i]]
          df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
            df <- as.data.frame(df2)
          verif <- function(u){
                stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")
          lapply(df, verif)
            FUN <- function(u){
              m <- stats::model.matrix(~-1 + as.factor(u))
              return(stats::dist(m) / sqrt(2))
            lis <- as.list(df)
            res <- lapply(lis, FUN)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
            nbvar <- ncol(df)
              ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
            mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
            index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
            fun1.NNA <- function(vect){
              fun2.NNA <- function(u) {
                if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                  if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                  else return(1)
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.NNA))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            if(ncol(df) == 1)
              lis <- list(df[, 1])
              lis <- as.list(df)
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.NNA)
            listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
            funfin1.NNA <- function(u){
              u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.NNA)
            mat <- interm[[1]]
            if(length(interm) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
            ntvar <- mat
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.NNA <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.NNA)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Dichotomous data                                    #
        if(type[i] == "D"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          df <- x[[i]]
          df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
            df <- as.data.frame(df2)
          verif <- function(u){
            if(any(!u[!is.na(u)] %in% c(0, 1)))
              stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")
          lapply(df, verif)
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          fun1.D <- function(vect){
            fun2.D <- function(u) {
              if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                  if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                  else return(NA)
            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
            attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
            class(d) <- "dist"
          if(ncol(df) == 1)
            lis <- list(df[, 1])
            lis <- as.list(df)
          listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
          listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
          funfin1.D <- function(u){
            u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
          interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.D)
          mat <- interm[[1]]
          if(length(interm) > 1){
            for (k in 2:length(interm)){
              mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
          ntvar <- mat
          # calculation of the sum of distances
          funfin2.D <- function(u){
            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
          res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.D)
          mat <- res[[1]]
          if(length(res) > 1){
            for (k in 2:length(res)){
              mat <- res[[k]] + mat
          thedis <- mat
          thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
          thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Fuzzy data                                          #
        if(type[i] == "F"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          df <- x[[i]]
          df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")
          if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
            stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")
            stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")
          blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
          fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
          lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
          lis <- lapply(lis, t)
          lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
            if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
              res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
              res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF)^2)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
            nbvar <- length(blocs)
              ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nrow(df), nrow(df))
            fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
              res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
              positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
              dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
              if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
                resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)^2)
              res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
              res[positions, ] <- NA
              res[, positions] <- NA
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)
            listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
            funfin1.F <- function(u){
              u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.F)
            mat <- interm[[1]]
            if(length(interm) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
            ntvar <- mat
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.F <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.F)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Binary data                                         #
        if(type[i] == "B"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
            stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")
            stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
          if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
            stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")
          blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
          fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
          lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
          lis <- lapply(lis, t)
          lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)
            res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB)^2)
              stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
            nbvar <- length(blocs)
              ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nlig, nlig)
            fun1.BNA <- function(mtbin){
              res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
              positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
              dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
              resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB)^2)
              res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
              res[positions, ] <- NA
              res[, positions] <- NA
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.BNA)
            listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
            funfin1.BNA <- function(u){
              u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.BNA)
            mat <- interm[[1]]
            if(length(interm) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
            ntvar <- mat
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.BNA <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.BNA)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
        # Circular data                                       #
        if(type[i] == "C"){
          # Data are checked                                    #
          df <- x[[i]]
          df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                                             function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
          if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
          if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
            warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
            df <- as.data.frame(df2)
            stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")
          verif <- function(u){
            if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
          lapply(df, verif)
          d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
          nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
          mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
          index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                         row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
          odd <- function(u){
            ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
            fun1.C <- function(nucol){
              vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
              maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
              vect <- vect / maxi
              fun2.C <- function(u) {
                  return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                           min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                               na.rm = TRUE))
                  return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                   (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
            res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
            nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
              ntvar <- matrix(ncol(x[[i]]), nrow(df), nrow(df))
            fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
              vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
              maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
              vect <- vect / maxi
              fun2.CNA <- function(u){
                if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                    return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                             min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                   (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                    return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                     (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                   na.rm = TRUE))
              d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
              attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
              attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
              attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
              attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
              attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
              class(d) <- "dist"
            lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
            listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
            listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
            funfin1.CNA <- function(u){
              u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.CNA)
            mat <- interm[[1]]
            if(length(interm) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
            ntvar <- mat
            # calculation of the sum of distances
            funfin2.CNA <- function(u){
              u[is.na(u)] <- 0
            res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.CNA)
            mat <- res[[1]]
            if(length(res) > 1){
              for (k in 2:length(res)){
                mat <- res[[k]] + mat
            thedis <- mat
            thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
            thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
          return(list(nbvar, thedis))
          return(list(ntvar, thedis))
      # Last calculations
      interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
      names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
      res <- lapply(interm, treatment)
        nbvar <- sum(unlist(lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])))
        listntvar <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])
        mat <- listntvar[[1]]
        if(length(listntvar) > 1){
          for (k in 2:length(listntvar)){
            mat <- listntvar[[k]] + mat
        ntvar <- mat + diag(rep(1, nlig))
      dis <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[2]])
      mat <- dis[[1]]^2
      if(length(dis) > 1){
        for (k in 2:length(dis)){
          mat <- dis[[k]]^2 + mat
        disglobal <- sqrt(mat / nbvar)
        disglobal <- stats::as.dist(sqrt(as.matrix(mat) / ntvar))
      attributes(disglobal)$Labels <- d.names
  ldis <- ldist.ktab2(x, type, option, tol = 1e-8)
  disglob <- dist.ktab2(x, type, option, tol = 1e-8)
  tabvec <- cbind.data.frame(lapply(ldis, as.vector))
  vecglo <- as.vector(disglob)
    paircov <- stats::cov(tabvec^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    paircor <- stats::cor(tabvec^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    glocor <- stats::cor(tabvec^2, vecglo^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    colnames(glocor) <- "global distance"
    paircov <- stats::cov(tabvec, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    paircor <- stats::cor(tabvec, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    glocor <- stats::cor(tabvec, vecglo, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")     
    colnames(glocor) <- "global distance"
  return(list(paircov = paircov, paircor = paircor, glocor = glocor))
sdray/ade4 documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:38 p.m.