
Defines functions compute_hexagon_xy enact_privacy_rule rotate_df rotate_coords boundary_labels load_boundaries load_isobath load_coastline ll2utm utm2ll hex_coords plot_catch_spatial plot_cpue_spatial

Documented in plot_catch_spatial plot_cpue_spatial

#' Plot a map of commercial CPUE or Catch (trawl only)
#' @param dat Data from [gfdata::get_cpue_spatial()], [gfdata::get_cpue_spatial_ll()],
#'   or [gfdata::get_catch_spatial()]
#' @param start_year Starting year.
#' @param bin_width Width of hexagons in km.
#' @param n_minimum_vessels Minimum number of unique vessels before a hexagon is
#'   shown. Defaults to 3 to satisfy privacy requirements.
#' @param xlim X axis limits in UTM units.
#' @param ylim Y axis limits in UTM units.
#' @param utm_zone UTM zone.
#' @param bath A numeric vector of depths to show bathymetry countours at.
#' @param fill_scale A ggplot `scale_fill_*` function to control colour shading.
#' @param colour_scale A ggplot `scale_colour_*` function to control border of
#'   hexagon colours. This should likely match `fill_scale`.
#' @param rotation_angle Angle to rotate the entire map. Used in the synopsis
#'   report to rotate the coast 40 degrees to fit more plots on the page.
#' @param rotation_center The center in UTM coordinates around which to rotate
#'   the coast if it is rotated at all.
#' @param fill_lab Label for the color legend.
#' @param show_historical Should the historical extent of fishing (before
#'   `start_year`) be shown?
#' @param return_data Logical for whether to return the data instead of the
#'   plot.
#' @param min_cells The minimum number of cells needed before the hexagons are
#'   shown.
#' @param french Logical. If `TRUE`, create the plot in French
#' @param percent_excluded_xy If not `NULL`, should be a numeric vector of
#'   length 2 corresponding to the x and y location (as fraction from the bottom
#'   left) of text describing the percentage of fishing events excluded due to
#'   the privacy rule.
#' @param percent_excluded_text The text to associate with the annotation
#'   showing the percentage of fishing events excluded due to the privacy rule.
#' @param show_majorbound If `TRUE`, adds management boundaries.
#' @param major_labels Default uses internal function boundary_labels() to
#'   retrieve a label dataframe. Function can be called and the output modified
#'   outside this function in order to customize label placement
#'   (e.g., `labels <- gfplot:::boundary_labels(utm_zone = 9)`
#'   `labels[!(labels$label %in% c("4B", "5C", "5D")),]$X <- 200`).
#' @param plot_catch If `TRUE` plot catch instead of CPUE. If `FALSE` (default),
#'   plot CPUE. See `dat` for data information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @examples
#' ## fake data demo:
#' xlim <- c(-134.1, -123.0)
#' ylim <- c(48.4, 54.25)
#' d <- dplyr::tibble(lat = runif(1000, min(ylim), max(ylim)),
#'   lon = runif(length(lat), min(xlim), max(xlim)),
#'   species_common_name = "fake species", fishing_event_id = 1,
#'   year = 2013, cpue = rlnorm(length(lat), log(1000), 0.6),
#'   vessel_registration_number = rep(seq_len(100), each = 10))
#' plot_cpue_spatial(d, bin_width = 15, n_minimum_vessels = 1)

plot_cpue_spatial <-
           start_year = 2013,
           bin_width = 7,
           n_minimum_vessels = 3,
           xlim = c(122, 890),
           ylim = c(5373, 6027),
           utm_zone = 9, bath = c(100, 200, 500),
           fill_scale = ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt", option = "D"),
           colour_scale = ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt", option = "D"),
           rotation_angle = 0,
           rotation_center = c(500, 5700),
           fill_lab = ifelse(plot_catch,
                             en2fr("Catch (t)", translate = french),
                             en2fr("CPUE (kg/hr)", translate = french)),
           show_historical = FALSE,
           return_data = FALSE,
           min_cells = 1,
           french = FALSE,
           percent_excluded_xy = NULL,
           percent_excluded_text = "Fishing events excluded due to Privacy Act",
           show_majorbound = FALSE,
           major_labels = boundary_labels(utm_zone, xmin = xlim[1]),
           plot_catch = FALSE) {

      dat <- filter(dat, !is.na(.data$catch))
      dat <- filter(dat, !is.na(.data$cpue))
    dat <- filter(dat, !is.na(vessel_registration_number)) # for privacy rule

    pre_footprint_dat <- filter(dat, year < start_year)
    if (nrow(pre_footprint_dat) <= 1) show_historical <- FALSE
    # pre_footprint_dat <- dat
    dat <- filter(dat, year >= start_year)
    plot_hexagons <- if (nrow(dat) <= 1) FALSE else TRUE

    ll_range <- utm2ll(cbind(X = xlim, Y = ylim))
    coastline_utm <- load_coastline(
      xlim_ll = ll_range[, "X"] + c(-5, 5),
      ylim_ll = ll_range[, "Y"] + c(-5, 5),
      utm_zone = utm_zone
    isobath_utm <- load_isobath(
      xlim_ll = ll_range[, "X"] + c(-5, 5),
      ylim_ll = ll_range[, "Y"] + c(-12, 12),
      bath = bath, utm_zone = utm_zone

    dat <- rename(dat, X = .data$lon, Y = .data$lat)
    pre_footprint_dat <- rename(pre_footprint_dat, X = .data$lon, Y = .data$lat)

    if (plot_hexagons) {
      dat <- ll2utm(dat, utm_zone = utm_zone)

      if (show_historical)
        pre_footprint_dat <- ll2utm(pre_footprint_dat, utm_zone = utm_zone)

      privacy_out <- enact_privacy_rule(dat, bin_width = bin_width,
        n_minimum_vessels = n_minimum_vessels, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, plot_catch)
      gdat <- privacy_out$data

      if (show_historical) {
        privacy_out_historical <- enact_privacy_rule(pre_footprint_dat,
          bin_width = bin_width,
          n_minimum_vessels = n_minimum_vessels, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        if (nrow(privacy_out_historical$data) <= 1) show_historical <- FALSE

      if (return_data) {
      } else {
        if (nrow(gdat) < min_cells) {
          plot_hexagons <- FALSE
        } else {
          public_dat <- compute_hexagon_xy(privacy_out$data, bin_width = bin_width, plot_catch)
          if (show_historical)
            public_dat_historical <-
              compute_hexagon_xy(privacy_out_historical$data, bin_width = bin_width, plot_catch)
    # rotate if needed:

    isobath_utm <- rotate_df(isobath_utm, rotation_angle, rotation_center)
    coastline_utm <- rotate_df(coastline_utm, rotation_angle, rotation_center)

    g <- ggplot()

    if (plot_hexagons) {
      public_dat <- rotate_df(public_dat, rotation_angle, rotation_center)

      if (show_historical) {
        public_dat_historical <- rotate_df(public_dat_historical,
          rotation_angle, rotation_center)
        g <- g + geom_polygon(data = public_dat_historical, aes_string(
          x = "X", y = "Y", group = "hex_id"
        ), inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = "grey95", colour = "grey45", lwd = 0.2)
      g <- g + geom_polygon(data = public_dat, aes_string(
        x = "X", y = "Y",
        fill = ifelse(plot_catch, "catch", "cpue"), colour = ifelse(plot_catch, "catch", "cpue"), group = "hex_id"
      ), inherit.aes = FALSE, lwd = 0.2) + fill_scale + colour_scale


        g <- g + geom_path(
          data = isobath_utm, aes_string(
            x = "X", y = "Y",
            group = "paste(PID, SID)"
          inherit.aes = FALSE, lwd = 0.4, col = "grey70", alpha = 0.4

    if (show_majorbound) {
      # add major management region boundaries
      majorbound <- load_boundaries(9)
      majorbounds <- ggplot2::fortify(majorbound)
      g <- g + geom_path(
        data = majorbounds,
        aes(X , Y , group = PID), colour = "grey50",
        lty = 1,
        inherit.aes = F
      ) + geom_text(data = major_labels,
        aes(X , Y, label = label), colour = "grey50"

    g <- g + geom_polygon(
      data = coastline_utm,
      aes_string(x = "X", y = "Y", group = "PID"),
      inherit.aes = FALSE, lwd = 0.2, fill = "grey90", col = "grey70"
    ) +
      coord_equal(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) +
      theme_pbs() + labs(fill = fill_lab,
                         colour = fill_lab,
                         y = en2fr("Northing", translate = french),
                         x = en2fr("Easting", translate = french))

    g <- g + theme(legend.justification = c(1, 1), legend.position = c(1, 1))

    if (!is.null(percent_excluded_xy) && exists("privacy_out")) {
      excluded_fe <- round(
        privacy_out$lost_fe_ids/privacy_out$total_fe_ids * 100, 0)
      if (is.na(excluded_fe)) stop("excluded_fe was NA.", call. = FALSE)
      if (excluded_fe == 0) excluded_fe <- "< 0.5%"
      g <- g + ggplot2::annotate("text",
        x = min(xlim) + percent_excluded_xy[1] * diff(range(xlim)),
        y = min(ylim) + percent_excluded_xy[2] * diff(range(ylim)),
        label = paste0(percent_excluded_text, ": ", excluded_fe, "%"),
        hjust = 0, colour = "grey30", angle = 90)


#' @export
#' @rdname plot_cpue_spatial
#' @param ... Arguments for [plot_cpue_spatial()].
plot_catch_spatial <- function(...){
  plot_cpue_spatial(..., plot_catch = TRUE)

my_hexcoords <- function (dx, dy = NULL, n = 1, sep = NULL) {
  # from hexbin::hexcoords
  stopifnot(length(dx) == 1)
  if (is.null(dy))
    dy <- dx/sqrt(3)
  if (is.null(sep))
    list(x = rep.int(c(dx, dx, 0, -dx, -dx, 0), n), y = rep.int(c(dy,
      -dy, -2 * dy, -dy, dy, 2 * dy), n), no.sep = TRUE)
  else list(x = rep.int(c(dx, dx, 0, -dx, -dx, 0, sep), n),
    y = rep.int(c(dy, -dy, -2 * dy, -dy, dy, 2 * dy, sep),
      n), no.sep = FALSE)

hex_coords <- function(x, y, unitcell_x = 1, unitcell_y = 1) {
  # data.frame(
  #   x = hexbin::hexcoords(unitcell_x)$x + x,
  #   y = hexbin::hexcoords(unitcell_y)$y + y
  # )
    x = my_hexcoords(unitcell_x)$x + x,
    y = my_hexcoords(unitcell_y)$y + y
  # data.frame(
  #   x = c(1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0) + x,
  #   y = c(0.577350269189626, -0.577350269189626, -1.15470053837925, -0.577350269189626,
  #     0.577350269189626, 1.15470053837925) + y
  # )

utm2ll <- function(x, utm_zone = 9) {
  attr(x, "projection") <- "UTM"
  attr(x, "zone") <- utm_zone

ll2utm <- function(x, utm_zone = 9) {
  attr(x, "projection") <- "LL"
  attr(x, "zone") <- utm_zone

load_coastline <- function(xlim_ll, ylim_ll, utm_zone, buffer = 2) {
  data("nepacLLhigh", package = "PBSmapping", envir = environment())
  np <- PBSmapping::clipPolys(nepacLLhigh,
    xlim = xlim_ll + c(-buffer, buffer),
    ylim = ylim_ll + c(-buffer, buffer)
  ll2utm(np, utm_zone = utm_zone)

load_isobath <- function(xlim_ll, ylim_ll, bath, utm_zone) {
  data("isobath", package = "PBSdata", envir = environment())
  isobath <- filter(isobath, .data$PID %in% bath)
  isobath <- PBSmapping::clipPolys(isobath,
    xlim = xlim_ll + c(-3, 3),
    ylim = ylim_ll + c(-3, 3)
  ll2utm(isobath, utm_zone = utm_zone)

load_boundaries <- function(utm_zone = 9) {
  # library(PBSmapping)
  data("major", package = "PBSdata", envir = environment())
  class(major) <- "data.frame" # this seems to prevent needing to library(PBSmapping)
  ll2utm(major, utm_zone = utm_zone)

boundary_labels <- function(utm_zone = 9, xmin = NULL){
  # library(PBSmapping)
  data("major", package = "PBSdata", envir = environment())

  labels <- attributes(major)$PolyData
  class(labels) <- "data.frame" # this seems to prevent needing to library(PBSmapping)
  labels <-  ll2utm(labels, utm_zone = utm_zone)
  labels[labels$label %in% c("4B", "5C", "5D"),]$X <- c(885, 445, 340)
  labels[labels$label %in% c("4B", "5C", "5D"),]$Y <- c(5475, 5840, 5970)
  if(!is.null(xmin)){labels[!(labels$label %in% c("4B", "5C", "5D")),]$X <- xmin + 50}

# Rotate coords
# @param x X coordinates.
# @param y Y coordinates.
# @param rotation_angle The rotation angle.
# @param rotation_center The coordinates about which to rotate.
# @examples
# x <- c(1:100, rep(100, 100), 100:1, rep(1, 100))
# y <- c(rep(1, 100), 1:100, rep(100, 100), 100:1)
# plot(x, y, asp = 1)
# points(50, 50, col = "red")
# z <- rotate_coords(x = x, y = y, rotation_angle = 24,
#   rotation_center = c(50, 50))
# plot(z$x, z$y, asp = 1)
# points(50, 50, col = "red")
rotate_coords <- function(x, y, rotation_angle, rotation_center) {
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(class(rotation_center), "numeric"))
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(class(rotation_angle), "numeric"))
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(length(rotation_center), 2L))
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(length(rotation_angle), 1L))
  assertthat::assert_that(identical(length(x), length(y)))

  rot <- -rotation_angle * pi / 180
  newangles <- atan2(y - rotation_center[2], x - rotation_center[1]) + rot
  mags <- sqrt((x - rotation_center[1])^2 + (y - rotation_center[2])^2)
  x <- rotation_center[1] + cos(newangles) * mags
  y <- rotation_center[2] + sin(newangles) * mags
  dplyr::tibble(x = x, y = y)

rotate_df <- function(df, rotation_angle, rotation_center) {
  r <- rotate_coords(df$X, df$Y,
    rotation_angle = rotation_angle,
    rotation_center = rotation_center
  df$X <- r$x
  df$Y <- r$y

enact_privacy_rule <- function(dat, bin_width, n_minimum_vessels, xlim, ylim, plot_catch = FALSE) {
  # count unique vessels per hexagon cell for privacy:

  # Fake data to make sure that the hexagons overlap perfectly.
  # This extends the X and Y to extreme but identical limits every time.
  fake_rows <- dat[1:2, , drop = FALSE]
  fake_rows$fishing_event_id <- c(-999L, -998L)
  fake_rows$vessel_registration_number <- c(-999L, -998L)
  fake_rows$X <- c(-1000, 20000)
  fake_rows$Y <- c(-1000, 20000)
  dat <- bind_rows(dat, fake_rows)

  g_count <- ggplot(dat, aes_string("X", "Y")) +
    coord_equal(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) +
      x = "X", y = "Y",
      z = "vessel_registration_number"
      data = dat, binwidth = bin_width,
      fun = function(x) length(unique(x))

  # count fishing events per hexagon cell to keep track of how many not shown:
  g_fe_id_count <- ggplot(dat, aes_string("X", "Y")) +
    coord_equal(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) +
      x = "X", y = "Y",
      z = "fishing_event_id"
      data = dat, binwidth = bin_width,
      fun = function(x) length(unique(x))

  # the actual CPUE or Catch hexagon binning:
    bin_func <- function(x) sum(x / 1000, na.rm = FALSE)
    bin_func <- function(x) exp(mean(log(x), na.rm = FALSE))
  g <- ggplot(dat, aes_string("X", "Y")) +
    coord_equal(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) +
      aes_string(x = "X", y = "Y", z = ifelse(plot_catch, "catch", "cpue")),
      data = dat, binwidth = bin_width,
      fun = bin_func)

  # enact the privacy rule:
  gdat <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(g)$data[[1]]
  gdat_count <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(g_count)$data[[1]]
  gdat_fe_id_count <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(g_fe_id_count)$data[[1]]

  # resolution <- c(ggplot2::resolution(gdat$x, FALSE), ggplot2::resolution(gdat$y, FALSE))

  # sanity check:
  stopifnot(identical(nrow(gdat), nrow(gdat_count)))
  stopifnot(identical(nrow(gdat), nrow(gdat_fe_id_count)))
  # Number of hexagon cells for vessel count and CPUE or Catch didn't match.
  # Stopping because the privacy rule might not remain valid in this case.

  gdat <- gdat[gdat_count$value >= n_minimum_vessels, , drop = FALSE]

  lost_fe_id_df <- gdat_fe_id_count[gdat_count$value < n_minimum_vessels, ,
    drop = FALSE]
  lost_fe_ids <- sum(lost_fe_id_df$value)
  total_fe_ids <- sum(gdat_fe_id_count$value)

  list(data = gdat, lost_fe_ids = lost_fe_ids, total_fe_ids = total_fe_ids)

compute_hexagon_xy <- function(gdat, bin_width, plot_catch = FALSE) {
  # compute hexagon x-y coordinates for geom_polygon()
  dx <- bin_width/2
  dy <- bin_width/2
    public_dat <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(gdat)), function(i){
        hex_id = i, catch = gdat[i, "value"],
        hex_coords(gdat[i, "x"], gdat[i, "y"], dx, dy))
    public_dat <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(gdat)), function(i){
        hex_id = i, cpue = gdat[i, "value"],
        hex_coords(gdat[i, "x"], gdat[i, "y"], dx, dy))
  public_dat <- public_dat %>% bind_rows()
  public_dat$X <- public_dat$x
  public_dat$Y <- public_dat$y
seananderson/gfplot documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 8:15 a.m.