
Defines functions make_prediction_grid

# @param cell_width Cell width in units of the data (e.g. UTM km).
# @param region Optional region abbreviation to search for a spatial polygon
#   file.
# @param cache_folder The folder with respect to the local working directory in
#   which to cache the prediction grid.
# @export
# @rdname survey-spatial-modelling
make_prediction_grid <- function(dat, cell_width = 2, survey = NULL,
  cache_folder = "prediction-grids",
  utm_zone = 9,
  survey_boundary = NULL,
  draw_boundary = TRUE,
  premade_grid = NULL) {

  if (is.null(survey)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("The package sp must be installed to use this function with `survey = NULL`.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(premade_grid)) {
    if (is.null(survey)) {
      region <- "no-region"
      x <- dat$X
      y <- dat$Y
      z <- chull(x, y)
      coords <- cbind(x[z], y[z])
      coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, ])
      sp_poly <- sp::SpatialPolygons(
        list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(coords)), ID = 1))
      sp_poly_df <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_poly,
        data = data.frame(ID = 1)
      pred_grid <- expand.grid(
        X = seq(round_down_even(min(dat$X)), max(dat$X), cell_width),
        Y = seq(round_down_even(min(dat$Y)), max(dat$Y), cell_width),
        year = unique(dat$year)
    } else {
      region <- gsub(
        "SYN | OUT| N| S", "", survey) # to match names(gfplot::survey_boundaries)

      if (!region %in% names(gfplot::survey_boundaries) && is.null(survey_boundary)) {
          survey, " is not defined in `gfplot::survey_boundaries`.",
          " Please supply your own survey boundary to the",
          " `survey_boundary` argument as a data frame with columns `X` and `Y`."
        shape_utm <- ll2utm(gfplot::survey_boundaries[[region]],
                            utm_zone = utm_zone)
        shape_utm <- ll2utm(survey_boundary[[region]],
                            utm_zone = utm_zone)
    if (draw_boundary) {
      sp_poly <- sp::SpatialPolygons(
        list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(shape_utm)), ID = 1))
      sp_poly_df <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_poly,
        data = data.frame(ID = 1)
      pred_grid <- expand.grid(
        X = seq(round_down_even(min(shape_utm$X)), max(shape_utm$X), cell_width),
        Y = seq(round_down_even(min(shape_utm$Y)), max(shape_utm$Y), cell_width),
        year = unique(dat$year)
      cell_width <- cell_width
      cell_height <- cell_width
      cell_area <- cell_width * cell_height

      sp::coordinates(pred_grid) <- c("X", "Y")
      inside <- !is.na(sp::over(pred_grid, as(sp_poly_df, "SpatialPolygons")))
      pred_grid <- pred_grid[inside, ]
      pred_grid <- as.data.frame(pred_grid)

    } else {
      if (length(unique(dat$year)) > 1) stop("Must have a single year of data.")
      pred_grid <- data.frame(shape_utm, year = unique(dat$year))
      xo <- pred_grid$X
      yo <- pred_grid$Y

    xo <- sort(unique(pred_grid$X))
    yo <- sort(unique(pred_grid$Y))

    dir.create(cache_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
    file_name <- paste0(
      cache_folder, "/", region,
      "pred-grid-interp-cell-width-", cell_width, ".rds"

    if (file.exists(file_name) & !is.null(region)) {
      message("Preloading interpolated depth for prediction grid...")
      ii <- readRDS(file_name)

    if (!file.exists(file_name) & !is.null(region)) {
      message("Interpolating depth for prediction grid...")
      bath <- load_bath(utm_zone = utm_zone) %>%
          X < max(dat$X + 20),
          X > min(dat$X - 20),
          Y < max(dat$Y + 20),
          Y > min(dat$Y - 20),
          depth > 0
      if (!requireNamespace("akima", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("akima must be installed to use this functionality.", call. = FALSE)
      ii <- akima::interp(
        x = bath$X,
        y = bath$Y,
        z = log(bath$depth),
        xo = xo,
        yo = yo, extrap = TRUE, linear = TRUE
      saveRDS(ii, file_name, compress = FALSE)

    z <- reshape2::melt(ii$z)
    z$x <- ii$x[z$Var1]
    z$y <- ii$y[z$Var2]
    z <- filter(z, paste(x, y) %in% paste(pred_grid$X, pred_grid$Y))
    z <- rename(z, X = x, Y = y, akima_depth = value) %>%
      select(-Var1, -Var2)

    pred_grid <- left_join(pred_grid, z, by = c("X", "Y"))
    pred_grid <- mutate(pred_grid, akima_depth = exp(akima_depth))

    if (is.null(survey)) {
      pred_grid <- filter(
        pred_grid, akima_depth >= min(dat$akima_depth),
        akima_depth <= max(dat$akima_depth)

    pred_grid <- filter(pred_grid, !is.na(akima_depth))

  } else { # end is.null(premade_grid))
    pred_grid <- ll2utm(premade_grid$grid, utm_zone = utm_zone)
    pred_grid <- rename(pred_grid, akima_depth = .data$depth)
    cell_area <- premade_grid$cell_area
  pred_grid$depth_scaled <-
    (log(pred_grid$akima_depth) - dat$depth_mean[1]) / dat$depth_sd[1]
  pred_grid$depth_scaled2 <- pred_grid$depth_scaled^2
  list(grid = pred_grid, cell_area = cell_area)
seananderson/gfplot documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 8:15 a.m.