
Defines functions dcl_substitute find_vars_with_indicies dcl_vars dcl_vars_chr dcl_def_label dcl_id_label `dcl_id<-` dcl_is_anonymous dcl_def dcl_id

Documented in dcl_def dcl_id

#' @include declaration-creation.R

#' @title Get declaration fields
#' These function get identifier or definition fields of a declaration.
#' @param dcl A declaration
#' @return An expression
#' @keywords internal
dcl_id <- function(dcl){
  vctrs::field(dcl, "identifier")
#' @rdname dcl_id
#' @keywords internal
dcl_def <- function(dcl){
  vctrs::field(dcl, "definition")

dcl_is_anonymous <- function(dcl) {
  purrr::map_lgl(dcl_id(dcl), is.null)

#' Set declaration fields
#' @param dcl A declaration
#' @param value An expression or a list of expressions
#' @return The modified declaration
#' @keywords internal
`dcl_id<-` <- function(dcl, value){
  vec_assert(dcl, ptype = declaration())
  if (rlang::is_expression(value)) value <- list(value)
  ids <- vec_recycle(value, size = vec_size(dcl))
  new_declaration(identifier = ids, definition = dcl_def(dcl))

dcl_id_label <- function(dcl, null_value = NA_character_){
  labels <- purrr::map_chr(dcl_id(dcl), rlang::expr_text)
  if (!is.null(null_value)) labels[labels == "NULL"] <- null_value

dcl_def_label <- function(dcl) {
  purrr::map_chr(dcl_def(dcl), rlang::expr_text)

dcl_vars_chr <- function(dcl, include_indicies = FALSE, include_lhs = TRUE, unique = TRUE) {
  vars <- dcl_vars(dcl, include_indicies = include_indicies, include_lhs = include_lhs, unique = unique)
  if (!unique) {
    return(purrr::map(vars, as.character))
  } else {

dcl_vars <- function(dcl, include_indicies = FALSE, include_lhs = TRUE, unique = TRUE){
  if (include_indicies) {
    rhs_vars <- purrr::map(dcl_def(dcl), find_vars_with_indicies)
    lhs_vars <- purrr::map(dcl_id(dcl), find_vars_with_indicies)
    rhs_vars <- purrr::map(dcl_def(dcl), all.vars) %>%
    lhs_vars <- purrr::map(dcl_id(dcl), all.vars) %>%
  if (!include_lhs) lhs_vars <- list()
  if (unique) {
    vars <- vec_c(purrr::flatten(lhs_vars), purrr::flatten(rhs_vars))
    vec_c(lhs_vars, rhs_vars)

find_vars_with_indicies <- function(expr){
  if (rlang::is_call(expr) && rlang::call_name(expr) == "[") {
    results <- list(expr)
  }else if (rlang::is_call(expr)) {
    results <- list()
    for (i  in 2:length(expr)) results <- vec_c(results, find_vars_with_indicies(expr[[i]]))
  }else if (rlang::is_symbol(expr)) {
    results <- list(expr)
  } else if (rlang::is_pairlist(expr)) {
    results <- lapply(expr, find_vars_with_indicies)
    results <- list()

dcl_substitute <- function(dcl,
                           substitutions = list(),
                           .include_lhs = TRUE){
  # wrap in list to allow recycling
  substitutions <- purrr::map_if(substitutions, rlang::is_expression, ~list(.))
  args <- vec_recycle_common(dcl, !!!substitutions)
  dcl <- args[[1]]
  substitutions <- purrr::transpose(args[-1])
  id <- field(dcl, "identifier")
  if (.include_lhs) id <- purrr::map2(id, substitutions,
                                      ~transform_ast(.x, substitution_transformer, substitutions = .y))
  def <- purrr::map2(field(dcl, "definition"), substitutions,
                     ~transform_ast(.x, substitution_transformer, substitutions = .y))
  new_declaration(identifier = id,
                  definition = def)

#' Arithmetically combine declarations
#' These functions allow to combine two declarations using addition, substraction, multiplication, or division.
#' @param dcl1 A declaration
#' @param dcl2 A declaration
#' @param lhs List of expressions for the left-hand side of the resulting declaration
#' @return A declaration
#' @keywords internal
#' @describeIn dcl_add Addition of the declarations
dcl_add <- function(dcl1, dcl2, lhs = dcl_id(dcl1)){
  add <-  function(e1, e2){
    if (e1 == quote(0)) return(e2)
    if (e2 == quote(0)) return(e1)
    return(call("+", e1, e2))
  combine_declarations(dcl1, dcl2, lhs, add)

#' @describeIn dcl_add Substraction of the declarations
dcl_substract <- function(dcl1, dcl2, lhs = dcl_id(dcl1)) {
  substract <- function(e1, e2){
    if (e1 == quote(0) && e2 == quote(0)) return(quote(0))
    if (e1 == quote(0)) return(call("-", e2))
    if (e2 == quote(0)) return(e1)
    return(call("-", e1, e2))
  combine_declarations(dcl1, dcl2, lhs, substract)

#' @describeIn dcl_add Multiplications of the declarations
dcl_multiply <- function(dcl1, dcl2, lhs = dcl_id(dcl1)) {
  mult <-  function(e1, e2){
    if (e1 == quote(0) || e2 == quote(0)) return(quote(0))
    if (e1 == quote(1)) return(e2)
    if (e2 == quote(1)) return(e1)
    return(call("*", e1, e2))
  combine_declarations(dcl1, dcl2, lhs, mult)

#' @describeIn dcl_add Division of the declarations
dcl_devide <- function(dcl1, dcl2, lhs = dcl_id(dcl1)) {
  devide <-  function(e1, e2){
    if (e1 == quote(1) && e2 == quote(1)) return(quote(1))
    if (e2 == quote(1)) return(e1)
    return(call("/", e1, e2))
  combine_declarations(dcl1, dcl2, lhs, devide)

combine_declarations <- function(dcl1, dcl2, lhs, fn) {
  vec_assert(dcl1, declaration())
  vec_assert(dcl2, declaration())
  if (rlang::is_expression(lhs)) lhs <- list(lhs)
  dcls <- vec_recycle_common(dcl1, dcl2)
  id <- vec_recycle(lhs, vec_size(dcls[[1]]))
  def <- purrr::map2(dcl_def(dcls[[1]]), dcl_def(dcls[[2]]), .f = fn)
  new_declaration(id, def)

dcl_sum <- function(dcl) {
  if (vec_size(dcl) == 0) return(declaration(~0))
  purrr::reduce(dcl, dcl_add)

dcl_prod <- function(dcl) {
  purrr::reduce(dcl, dcl_multiply, .init = declaration(~1))

dcl_substitute_index <- function(dcl, array_name, substitutions){
  substitutions <- as.list(substitutions)
  id <- field(dcl, "identifier") %>%
                     ~transform_ast(.x, index_transformer, array_name = array_name, substitutions = substitutions))
  def <- field(dcl, "definition") %>%
    purrr::modify(~transform_ast(.x, index_transformer, array_name = array_name, substitutions = substitutions))
  new_declaration(identifier = id,
                  definition = def)

#' Test if an expression is a valid LHS for a declaration
#' @param expr an expression
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @keywords internal
is_valid_lhs <- function(expr){
  contains_no_functions <- setdiff(all.names(expr, unique = T), all.vars(expr)) %>% setdiff("[") %>% rlang::is_empty()

#' @export
format.assemblerr_declaration <- function(x, ...){
  id_txt <- dcl_id_label(x, null_value = ".")
  def_txt <- dcl_def_label(x)
  out <- paste0("`", id_txt, " ~ ", def_txt, "`")

vec_ptype_abbr.assemblerr_declaration <- function(x, ...) "dcl"
vec_ptype_full.assemblerr_declaration <- function(x, ...) "declaration"

list_of_declaration <- function(...){
  list_of(..., .ptype = new_declaration())

#' @export
vec_proxy_equal.assemblerr_declaration <- function(x, ...){
  data_frame(identifier = dcl_id_label(x, null_value = "."),
             definition = dcl_def(x))

#' @export
vec_proxy_compare.assemblerr_declaration <- function(x, ...){
  proxy <- rlang::rep_along(x, 0)
  proxy[topologic_order(x)] <- seq_along(x)

# return logical vector
dcl_depends_on <- function(dcl, variable_names, include_indicies = TRUE){
  dependent <- vec_rep(FALSE, vec_size(dcl))
  while (!vec_is_empty(variable_names)) {
    new_dependent <- dcl_vars_chr(dcl, include_indicies = include_indicies, include_lhs = FALSE, unique = FALSE) %>%
      purrr::map_lgl(~!vec_is_empty(intersect(variable_names, .x )))
    variable_names <- dcl_id_label(dcl[new_dependent])
    dependent <- dependent | new_dependent

# orders the provided declaration list topologically
topologic_order <- function(dcl){
  # DFS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting)
  l <- c() # list of sorted nodes
  marked_perm <- c() # nodes completed
  marked_temp <- c() # nodes visited but not completed
  unmarked <- seq_along(dcl) %>% rev() # nodes not yet visited
  while (!rlang::is_empty(unmarked)) {
    i <- unmarked[1]
    ret <- topologic_visit(dcl, i, marked_perm, marked_temp, l)
    marked_perm <- ret$marked_perm
    marked_temp <- ret$marked_temp
    l <- ret$l
    unmarked <- setdiff(unmarked, c(marked_perm, marked_temp))

topologic_visit <- function(dcl, index, marked_perm, marked_temp, l){
  if (index %in% marked_perm) return(list(marked_perm = marked_perm, marked_temp = marked_temp, l = l))
  if (index %in% marked_temp) stop("Error")
  marked_temp <- c(marked_temp, index)
  # find all nodes that depend on the current node
  var <- dcl_id_label(dcl)[index]
  for (i in direct_dependants(dcl, var)) {
    ret <- topologic_visit(dcl, i, marked_perm, marked_temp, l)
    marked_perm <- ret$marked_perm
    marked_temp <- ret$marked_temp
    l <- ret$l
  marked_temp <- marked_temp %>% purrr::discard(~.x == index)
  marked_perm <- c(marked_perm, index)
  l <- c(index, l)
  return(list(marked_perm = marked_perm, marked_temp = marked_temp, l = l))

direct_dependants <- function(dcl, variable){
  dcl_vars_chr(dcl, include_indicies = FALSE, include_lhs = FALSE, unique = FALSE) %>%
    purrr::map_lgl(~ variable  %in% .x) %>%

dcl_external_variables <- function(dcl) {
  pseudo_names <- paste0(".v", seq_len(sum(dcl_is_anonymous(dcl))))
  dcl_id(dcl[dcl_is_anonymous(dcl)]) <- rlang::syms(pseudo_names)
  sorted <- sort(dcl, decreasing = TRUE)
  lhs <- dcl_id(sorted)
  rhs <- dcl_vars(sorted, include_indicies = TRUE, unique = FALSE, include_lhs = FALSE)
  purrr::reduce2(lhs, rhs, .init = list(), function(external, l, r){
    external <- external[external != l]
    vec_unique(vec_c(external, r))
  }) %>%

dcl_linear_in <- function(dcl, variable){
  purrr::map_lgl(dcl_def(dcl), function(expr){
    terms <- collect_multiplications(expr) %>%
      purrr::map(transform_ast, transformer = remove_array_transformer)
    matching <- terms == variable
    contains <- purrr::map_lgl(terms, ~as.character(variable) %in% all.vars(.x))
    return(sum(matching) == 1 && sum(contains) == 1)

dcl_factor_out <- function(dcl, variable){
  new_def <- purrr::map(dcl_def(dcl), function(expr){
    terms <- collect_multiplications(expr)
    if (vec_size(terms) == 1) {
      if (expr == variable) return(quote(1))
      else return(expr)
    index <- which(purrr::map_lgl(terms, ~exprs_match_ignore_index(.x, variable)))
    if (vec_is_empty(index)) return(expr)
    terms[[index]] <- NULL
    purrr::reduce(terms, ~call("*", .x, .y))
  new_declaration(dcl_id(dcl), new_def)

dcl_collect_denominators <- function(dcl){
  new_def <- purrr::map(dcl_def(dcl), function(expr) {
    terms <- collect_multiplications(expr) %>%
      purrr::keep(~length(.x)>1 && .x[[1]] == quote(`/`) && .x[[2]] == 1) %>%
    if (rlang::is_empty(terms)) {
    } else {
      purrr::reduce(terms, ~call("*", .x, .y))
  new_id <- vec_rep(list(NULL), vec_size(new_def))
  new_declaration(new_id, new_def)

dcl_discard_denominators <- function(dcl){
  new_def <- purrr::map(dcl_def(dcl), function(expr) {
    terms <- collect_multiplications(expr)
    if (vec_size(terms) == 1) return(expr)
    terms %>%
      purrr::discard(~length(.x)>1 && .x[[1]] == quote(`/`) && .x[[2]] == 1) %>%
      purrr::reduce(~call("*", .x, .y))
  new_id <- vec_rep(list(NULL), vec_size(new_def))
  new_declaration(new_id, new_def)

collect_multiplications <- function(node){
  if (length(node) > 1 && node[[1]] == quote(`*`)) {
    return(vec_c(collect_multiplications(node[[2]]), collect_multiplications(node[[3]])))
  } else if (length(node) > 1 && node[[1]] == quote(`/`)) {
    return(vec_c(collect_multiplications(node[[2]]), list(bquote(1/.(node[[3]])))))
  } else if (node == 1) {
  } else {

exprs_match_ignore_index <- function(expr1, expr2) {
  if (identical(expr1, expr2)) return(TRUE)
  if (expr_is_arr(expr1) && expr_is_arr(expr2)) {
    return(expr1[[2]] == expr2[[2]])

dcl_discard_identities <- function(dcl, ignore_case = TRUE) {
  if (ignore_case) identical <- purrr::map2_lgl(dcl_id(dcl), dcl_def(dcl), ~length(.y)==1 && tolower(.x)==tolower(.y))
  else identical <- purrr::map2_lgl(dcl_id(dcl), dcl_def(dcl), ~.x==.y)

dcl_create_function_call <- function(function_name, arguments = list(), identifier = NULL){
  fn_call <- rlang::call2(function_name, !!!arguments)
  new_declaration(list(identifier), list(fn_call))

dcl_create_library_function_call <- function(function_name, arguments = list(), identifier = NULL){
  dcl_create_function_call(paste0(".", function_name), arguments, identifier)

dcl_is_library_function_call <- function(dcl){
  purrr::map_lgl(dcl_def(dcl), function(node){
    if (rlang::is_call(node) && grepl("^\\.", as.character(node[[1]]))) return(TRUE)

dcl_get_library_function_name <- function(dcl){
  fn_name <- vec_rep(NA_character_, vec_size(dcl))
  is_call <- dcl_is_library_function_call(dcl)
  fns <- purrr::map_chr(as.list(dcl[is_call]), ~as.character(.x[[1]]))
  is_lib_call <- grepl("^.", fns)
  fns[!is_lib_call] <- NA
  fns[is_lib_call] <- substring(fns[is_lib_call], 2)
  fn_name[is_call] <- fns
sebastianueckert/assemblerr documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 9:12 a.m.