
## File containing the OpEC4photo and all it auxiliary functions
##' Optimization of C4 photosynthesis parameters (von Caemmerer model)
##' Optimization method for the von Caemmerer C4 photosynthesis model.
##' @aliases OpEC4photo summary.OpEC4photo
##' @param obsDat observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix.  The first column should be observed net assimilation rate
##' (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The second column should be the
##' observed quantum flux (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The third
##' column should be observed temperature of the leaf (Celsius).  The fourth
##' column should be the observed relative humidity in proportion (e.g. 0.7).
##' @param iVcmax initial value for Vcmax (default = 60).
##' @param iVpmax initial value for Vpmax (default = 120).
##' @param iVpr initial value for Vpr (default = 80).
##' @param iJmax initial value for Jmax (default = 400).
##' @param co2 atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm), default = 380.
##' @param o2 atmospheric O2 concentration (mmol/mol), default = 210.
##' @param level level for the confidence intervals.
##' @export
##' @return
##' an object of class \code{\link{OpEC4photo}}. Notice that these are the
##' new-style S4 classes.
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' data(obsNaid)
##' ## These data are from Naidu et al. (2003)
##' ## in the correct format
##' res <- OpEC4photo(obsNaid)
##' ## Other example using Beale, Bint and Long (1996)
##' data(obsBea)
##' resB <- OpEC4photo(obsBea)
OpEC4photo <- function(obsDat, iVcmax = 60, iVpmax = 120, iVpr = 80, iJmax = 400, 
    co2 = 380, o2 = 210, level = 0.95) {
    if (iVpr != 80) 
        warning("\n iVpr is not optimized at the moment\n")
    coef <- c(iVcmax, iVpmax, iJmax)
    obsvec <- as.vector(obsDat[, 1])
    SST <- t(obsvec) %*% (obsvec)
    RSS <- function(coefs) {
        vec1 <- eC4photo(obsDat[, 2], obsDat[, 3], obsDat[, 4], co2, o2, coefs[1], 
            coefs[2], iVpr, coefs[3])$Assim
        rss <- t(obsvec - vec1) %*% (obsvec - vec1)
    resp <- optim(coef, RSS, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(5, 5, 5), hessian = TRUE)
    bestParms <- resp$par
    ReSumS <- resp$value
    conv <- resp$convergence
    HessMat <- resp$hessian
    iHess <- solve(HessMat)
    def <- nrow(obsDat) - length(coef)
    sigm <- ReSumS/def
    varcov <- sigm * iHess
    ## Need to add the correlation matrix Calculating confidence intervals
    alp <- (1 - level)/2
    ## Vcmax
    lcVcmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
    ucVcmax <- bestParms[1] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[1, 1])
    ## Vpmax
    lcVpmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
    ucVpmax <- bestParms[2] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[2, 2])
    ## Jmax
    lcJmax <- bestParms[3] + qt(alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
    ucJmax <- bestParms[3] + qt(1 - alp, def) * sqrt(varcov[3, 3])
    structure(list(bestVcmax = bestParms[1], bestVpmax = bestParms[2], bestJmax = bestParms[3], 
        ReSumS = as.numeric(ReSumS), Convergence = conv, VarCov = varcov, df = def, 
        ciVcmax = c(lcVcmax, ucVcmax), ciVpmax = c(lcVpmax, ucVpmax), ciJmax = c(lcJmax, 
            ucJmax), level = level, data = obsDat), class = "OpEC4photo")
##' R-squared for C4 photosynthesis simulation (von Caemmerer model)
##' This is an auxiliary function which is made available in case it is useful.
##' It calculates the R-squared based on observed assimilation (or stomatal
##' conductance) data and coefficients for the von Caemmerer C4 photosynthesis
##' model. The only coefficients being considered are Vcmax, Vpmax, Vpr and
##' Jmax.
##' @param obsDat observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix.  The first column should be observed net assimilation rate
##' (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The second column should be the
##' observed quantum flux (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).  The third
##' column should be observed temperature of the leaf (Celsius).  The fourth
##' column should be the observed relative humidity in proportion (e.g. 0.7).
##' @param iVcmax Maximum rubisco activity (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @param iVpmax Maximum PEP carboxylase activity (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @param iVpr PEP regeneration rate (\eqn{\mu} mol \eqn{m^{-2}}
##' \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @param iJmax Maximal electron transport rate (\eqn{\mu}mol electrons
##' \eqn{m^{-2}} \eqn{s^{-1}}).
##' @param co2 atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (ppm or \eqn{\mu}bar)
##' (default = 380).
##' @param o2 atmospheric oxygen concentration (mbar) (default = 210).
##' @param type Use \code{'Assim'} if you want an \eqn{R^2} for assimilation
##' data and use \code{'StomCond'} if you want an \eqn{R^2} for stomatal
##' conductance data.
##' @export
##' @return
##' a \code{\link{numeric}} object
##' It simply returns the \eqn{R^2} value for the given data and coefficients.
##' @keywords univar
##' @examples
##' data(obsNaid)
##' obs <- obsNaid
##' ## These data are from Naidu et al. (2003)
##' ## in the correct format
##' res <- RsqEC4photo(obs)
##' ## Other example using Beale, Bint and Long (1996)
##' data(obsBea)
##' obsD <- obsBea
##' resB <- RsqEC4photo(obsD)
RsqEC4photo <- function(obsDat, iVcmax = 60, iVpmax = 120, iVpr = 80, iJmax = 400, 
    co2 = 380, o2 = 210, type = c("Assim", "StomCond")) {
    coef <- c(iVcmax, iVpmax, iVpr, iJmax)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "Assim") {
        if (max(obsDat[, 1]) < 1) 
            warning("Units of Assim might be wrong:\nshould be micro mol m-2 s-1\n")
        vec1 <- eC4photo(obsDat[, 2], obsDat[, 3], obsDat[, 4], co2, o2, coef[1], 
            coef[2], coef[3], coef[4])$Assim
    if (type == "StomCond") {
        if (max(obsDat[, 1]) < 1) 
            warning("Units of StomCond might be wrong:\nshould be mmol m-2 s-1\n")
        vec1 <- eC4photo(obsDat[, 2], obsDat[, 3], obsDat[, 4], co2, o2, coef[1], 
            coef[2], coef[3], coef[4])$Assim
    obsvec <- as.matrix(obsDat[, 1])
    SST <- t(obsvec) %*% (obsvec)
    SSE <- t(obsvec - vec1) %*% (obsvec - vec1)
    Rsquare <- 1 - SSE/SST
    if (Rsquare < 0) 
        stop("negative Rsq\n")
##' Print an OpEC4photo object
##' Print an object generated by OpEC4photo
##' @param x Object returned from C4 photosynthesis optimization (von Caemmerer
##' model).
##' @param \dots Optional arguments.
##' @seealso \code{\link{OpEC4photo}}
##' @keywords optimize
##' @export
##' @S3method print OpEC4photo
print.OpEC4photo <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("\nOptimization of C4 photosynthesis\n")
    cat("\nbest Vcmax:", x$bestVcmax, "\n")
    cat("\n", x$level * 100, "% Conf Interval Vcmax")
    cat("\n", x$ciVcmax, "\n")
    cat("\nbest Vpmax:", x$bestVpmax, "\n")
    cat("\n", x$level * 100, "% Conf Interval Vpmax")
    cat("\n", x$ciVpmax, "\n")
    cat("\nbest Jmax:", x$bestJmax, "\n")
    cat("\n", x$level * 100, "% Conf Interval Jmax")
    cat("\n", x$ciJmax, "\n")
    if (x$Convergence == 0) 
        cat("YES\n") else cat("NO\n")

##' @export
##' @S3method summary OpEC4photo
summary.OpEC4photo <- function(object, ...) {
    dat <- object$data
    obsvec <- as.vector(dat[, 1])
    fittd <- eC4photo(dat[, 2], dat[, 3], dat[, 4], ca = 380, oa = 210, object$bestVcmax, 
        object$bestVpmax, 80, object$bestJmax)
    rsd <- obsvec - fittd$Assim
    rss <- object$ReSumS
    ## Some measures of agreement Index of agreement
    IAN <- t(rsd) %*% rsd
    IAD1 <- abs(rsd) + abs(scale(obsvec, scale = FALSE))
    IAD <- t(IAD1) %*% IAD1
    IA <- 1 - IAN/IAD
    ## Rsquared 1
    Rsq1 <- as.numeric(1 - rss/t(obsvec) %*% obsvec)
    ## Rsquared 2
    Rsq2 <- as.numeric(cor(fittd$Assim, obsvec)^2)
    ## Mean bias
    meanBias <- mean(rsd)
    ## AIC and BIC
    n1 <- length(rsd)
    AIC <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2
    BIC <- n1 * log(rss/n1) + 2 * log(n1)
    sigma <- sqrt(rss/(n1 - 2))
    stdresid <- rsd/sigma
    outli <- which(abs(stdresid) > 2)
    structure(list(fitted = fittd$Assim, resid = rsd, stdresid = stdresid, IA = IA, 
        Rsq1 = Rsq1, Rsq2 = Rsq2, meanBias = meanBias, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC, outli = outli, 
        sigma = sigma), class = "summary.OpEC4photo")
## Need to add a plotting method 
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.