
Defines functions AnVILBrowse .search_keyword

Documented in AnVILBrowse .search_keyword

#' Search keywords in a given metadata table
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @param keyword A character(1). Regular expression is accepted. For example,
#' you can search multiple keywords separated by the vertical bar ("\code{|}"). 
#' @param metadata A data frame. Metadata table of workspace, workflow, or 
#' AnVIL data.
#' @returns A data frame. A subset of input metadata table with the rows
#' containing the keyword.
.search_keyword <- function(keyword, metadata) {
    rows <- c()
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(metadata))) {
        checkCell <- grepl(keyword, 
                           ignore.case = TRUE)
        if (any(checkCell)) {
            ## Add the row index containing the keyword
            rows <- c(rows, row) 
    res <- tibble::as_tibble(metadata[rows,])

#' Search AnVIL workspaces using keywords
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @param keyword A character(1). Regular expression is accepted. For example,
#' you can search multiple keywords separated by the vertical bar ("\code{|}"). 
#' @param searchFrom Under the default (\code{all}), all the workspaces 
#' containing keywords in their workspace/workflow/data will be returned.
#' The other available options are \code{workspace}, \code{workflow}, and 
#' \code{data}.
#' @param returnFrom Under the default (\code{NULL}), the same data type 
#' as for \code{searchFrom} will be used, while \code{searchFrom = "all"} 
#' returns workspaces. 
#' @param metaTables Under the default (\code{default}), all the publicly 
#' accessible AnVIL workspaces will be subjected for search. If you want 
#' to search in all the workspaces you have access to, set this argument as
#' \code{custom}, and provide the inputs for \code{workspaceTable}, 
#' \code{workflowTable}, and \code{dataTable} arguments.
#' @param minAge A numeric (1). Any data with a maximum participant age lower 
#' than this parameter will be excluded from the output. Under the default 
#' (\code{0}), no filtering will be applied. Data entries with no maximum 
#' participant age listed will not be removed by this argument.
#' @param maxAge A numeric (1). Any data with a minimum participant age higher 
#' than this parameter will be excluded from the output. Under the default 
#' (\code{130}), no data entries will be removed due to the minimum participant 
#' age. Data entries with no minimum participant age listed will not be removed 
#' by this argument.
#' @param minCount A numeric (1). Any data with the number of subjects fewer 
#' than this parameter will be excluded from the output. Under the default 
#' (\code{0}), no data entries will be removed due to participant count. 
#' Data entries with no participant count listed will not be removed by 
#' this argument.
#' @param workspaceTable A data frame. This argument is counted only when 
#' \code{metaTables = "custom"}. Provide the output from the 
#' \code{getWorkspaces} function, to search in all the workspaces 
#' you have access to.
#' @param workflowTable A data frame. This argument is counted only when 
#' \code{metaTables = "custom"}. Provide the output from the 
#' \code{getWorkflows} function, to search in all the workflows
#' you have access to.
#' @param dataTable A data frame. This argument is counted only when 
#' \code{metaTables = "custom"}. Provide the output from the \code{getData} 
#' function, to search in all the AnVIL data you have access to.
#' @return A data frame of AnVIL resources containing keywords. Depending on
#' the \code{returnFrom} argument, it can be workspaces, workflows, or data.
#' Under the default \code{returnFrom = NULL}, it returns the same data type
#' as specified in \code{searchFrom} or workspace for \code{searchFrom = "all"}.
#' @examples 
#' AnVILBrowse("malaria")
#' AnVILBrowse("resistance")
#' AnVILBrowse("resistance", searchFrom = "workflow")
#' @export
AnVILBrowse <- function(keyword, 
                        searchFrom = "all",
                        returnFrom = NULL, # defaulting with `searchFrom` parameter, options are c("workspace", "workflow","data")
                        metaTables = "default",
                        minAge = 0,
                        maxAge = 130,
                        minCount = 0,
                        workspaceTable = NULL,
                        workflowTable = NULL,
                        dataTable = NULL) {
    ## Load data table
    dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "AnVILWorkflow")
    lastupdate <- readLines(file.path(dir, "date_of_last_update.txt"))
    message(paste("Tables last updated on:", lastupdate, collapse = " "))
    ## Confirm that numeric arguments are numeric
    checkNumInput <- all(c(is.numeric(maxAge), 
    if (!checkNumInput) {
      error_msg <- "Provide numeric values for maxAge, minAge, and minCount."
    if (metaTables == "default") {
        workspaceTable <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "AnVILworkspaces.csv"))
        workflowTable <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "AnVILworkflows.csv"))
        dataTable <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "AnVILdata.csv"))
    } else if (metaTables == "custom") {
        checkInput <- any(c(is.null(workspaceTable), 
        if (checkInput) {
            error_msg <- "Provide the proper inputs for workspaceTable, 
            workflowTable, and dataTable"
    } else {
        error_msg <- "Provide the proper input for the metaTables argument."
    ## Initial search results
    ws_res <- .search_keyword(keyword, workspaceTable)
    wf_res <- .search_keyword(keyword, workflowTable)
    data_res <- .search_keyword(keyword, dataTable)
    ## Filter by age range and count minimum (output inclusive of NA values)
    age_min_filter <- data_res$workspace_key[which(data_res$AGE_MIN < minAge)]
    age_max_filter <- data_res$workspace_key[which(data_res$AGE_MAX > maxAge)]
    size_filter_ind <- which(ws_res$number_of_subjects < minCount)
    size_filter <- ws_res$workspace_key[size_filter_ind]
    filtered_ws <- unique(c(age_min_filter, age_max_filter, size_filter)) # workspace(s) to filter out

    ## Filtered search results
    ws_res <- filter(ws_res, !workspace_key %in% filtered_ws)
    wf_res <- filter(wf_res, !workspace_key %in% filtered_ws)
    data_res <- filter(data_res, !workspace_key %in% filtered_ws)

    ## Compile query results
    if (searchFrom == "all") {
        all_ws <- unique(c(ws_res$workspace_key, 
        ind <- which(workspaceTable$workspace_key %in% all_ws)
        res <- workspaceTable[ind,]
    } else if (searchFrom == "workspace") {
        res <- ws_res
    } else if (searchFrom == "workflow") {
        res <- wf_res
    } else if (searchFrom == "data") {
        res <- data_res
    } else {
        error_msg <- "Provide a correct input for the searchFrom argument."

    # Requested return type
    if (is.null(returnFrom)) {
      formatted_res <- res
    } else if (returnFrom == "workspace") {
      formatted_res <- dplyr::filter(workspaceTable, 
                                     workspace_key %in% res$workspace_key)
    } else if (returnFrom == "workflow") {
      formatted_res <- dplyr::filter(workflowTable, 
                                     workspace_key %in% res$workspace_key)
    } else if (returnFrom == "data") {
      formatted_res <- dplyr::filter(dataTable, 
                                     workspace_key %in% res$workspace_key)
    } else {
      error_msg <- "Provide a correct input for the returnFrom argument."
    # Return results if applicable
    if (!nrow(formatted_res)) {
        msg <- paste(stringr::str_to_title(searchFrom), 
                     "table(s) doesn't include the keyword.")
shbrief/RunTerraWorkflow documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 3:56 p.m.