#' Fit data to a standard curve
#' \code{stdCurve}, which was designed with mass spectrometry data in mind, fits
#' concentration and signal data to a standard curve and returns the calculated
#' betas, a plot of the standard curve, the data that were used to generate the
#' fitted line, and the original data that were used to generate the standard
#' curve.
#' @param DF The input data.frame with columns containing the nominal analyte
#' concentration and the instrument response
#' @param rawPeak The unadjusted instrument response column. Ignore this if data
#' are already normalized by internal standard.
#' @param rawIS The internal standard column name. This is ignored if
#' \code{normPeak} is provided.
#' @param normPeak The column containing instrument response normalized by
#' internal standard. Use this if the data are peak heights or areas already
#' divided by the IS peak height or area.
#' @param nominal The column with the nominal concentrations or masses.
#' @param poly Should the data be fit to a 1st or 2nd order polynomial? Options:
#' "1st" or "2nd".
#' @param weights Weighting scheme to use for the regression. User may supply a
#' numeric vector of weights to use or choose from "1/x", "1/x^2", "1/y" or
#' "1/y^2". If left as NULL, no weighting scheme will be used. Be careful that
#' you don't have any infinite values or this will fail!
#' @param omit An index of which, if any, samples to omit from the curve. These
#' samples will be depicted as red open circles in the graph but will not be
#' included in the regression. The red color for omitted points overrides any
#' other choices for \code{colorBy}.
#' @param IDcol Optional column with sample IDs
#' @param colorBy What column to color the points by in the standard curve
#' graph. If not set, all points will be black.
#' @param useNLS_outnames TRUE or FALSE for whether the object "Fit" should be
#' the standard, list output from \code{nls} or \code{nls2}. If set to FALSE,
#' the output will be a data.frame of the coefficients with column names
#' "Beta", "Estimate", "SE", "tvalue" and "pvalue".
#' @return Output is a list of the following named objects:\describe{
#' \item{Fit}{The fitted parameters}
#' \item{CurvePlot}{A plot of the data and the fitted line}
#' \item{CurveDF}{A data.frame of the points used for graphing the fitted
#' line.}
#' \item{Data}{The original data with a column of the calculated concentration
#' or mass as a percent of the nominal.}}
#' @examples
#' data(ExStdCurve)
#' # Using a peak ratio that's already been calculated
#' stdCurve(ExStdCurve,
#' normPeak = MET.peakarearatio,
#' nominal = MET.nominalmass,
#' poly = "2nd")
#' # Having 'stdCurve' calculate the peak ratio and making the fitted
#' # coefficients a data.frame rather than a list
#' stdCurve(ExStdCurve,
#' rawPeak = MET.area,
#' rawIS = d6MET.area,
#' nominal = MET.nominalmass,
#' poly = "2nd",
#' IDcol = SampleID,
#' useNLS_outnames = FALSE)
#' # Using weights in the nonlinear regression
#' stdCurve(ExStdCurve,
#' normPeak = MET.peakarearatio,
#' nominal = MET.nominalmass,
#' poly = "1st",
#' weights = "1/x")
#' # Omitting certain points from the regression but showing them on the graph
#' stdCurve(ExStdCurve,
#' normPeak = MET.peakarearatio,
#' nominal = MET.nominalmass,
#' poly = "2nd",
#' omit = which(ExStdCurve$MET.nominalmass > 10 &
#' ExStdCurve$MET.nominalmass < 20),
#' useNLS_outnames = FALSE)
#' # Coloring by some variable
#' stdCurve(ExStdCurve %>% dplyr::mutate(Group = c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 6))),
#' normPeak = MET.peakarearatio,
#' nominal = MET.nominalmass,
#' colorBy = Group,
#' poly = "2nd")
#' @export
stdCurve <- function(DF,
poly = "1st",
weights = NULL,
omit = NA,
IDcol = NA,
useNLS_outnames = TRUE) {
# Defining pipe operator and bang bang
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
`!!` <- rlang::`!!`
nominal <- rlang::enquo(nominal)
rawPeak <- rlang::enquo(rawPeak)
rawIS <- rlang::enquo(rawIS)
normPeak <- rlang::enquo(normPeak)
IDcol <- rlang::enquo(IDcol)
colorBy <- rlang::enquo(colorBy)
DForig <- DF
# If the user supplied a value for "omit" but that value doesn't fall
# within DF, issue a warning but keep going.
if(any(complete.cases(omit)) & any(omit %in% 1:nrow(DF) == FALSE) |
length(omit) == 0){
message("One or more of the values supplied for 'omit' do not fall within the range of the data.frame supplied. All of the points supplied were included in the regression.")
# If normPeak is NOT supplied, calculate it.
if(rlang::as_label(normPeak) %in% names(DForig) == FALSE){
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::mutate(NormPeak = !!rawPeak / !!rawIS)
# Now, only keep NormPeak, nominal, and, if present, colorBy and
# IDcol. Rename them to work with more easily later in the function.
if(rlang::as_label(colorBy) %in% names(DForig)){
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::select(any_of(c(rlang::as_label(nominal), "NormPeak",
rlang::as_label(IDcol)))) %>%
dplyr::rename(Nominal = !!nominal,
ColorBy = !!colorBy)
} else {
DF <- DF %>%
dplyr::select(any_of(c(rlang::as_label(nominal), "NormPeak"))) %>%
dplyr::rename(Nominal = !!nominal)
# Removing any rows the user requests
if(any(complete.cases(omit)) & any(omit %in% 1:nrow(DF))){
DFomit <- DF %>% dplyr::slice(omit)
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::slice(-omit)
# Setting the y label for the graphs based on whether normPeak was
# supplied.
Ylabel <- paste0(rlang::as_label(rawPeak), "/", rlang::as_label(rawIS))
} else {
# If normPeak *is* supplied, keep that. Check for colorBy. Rename
# everything to make life easier farther down in the function.
if(rlang::as_label(colorBy) %in% names(DForig)){
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::select(any_of(c(rlang::as_label(nominal),
rlang::as_label(IDcol)))) %>%
dplyr::rename(Nominal = !!nominal,
NormPeak = !!normPeak,
ColorBy = !!colorBy)
} else {
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::select(any_of(c(rlang::as_label(nominal),
rlang::as_label(IDcol)))) %>%
dplyr::rename(Nominal = !!nominal,
NormPeak = !!normPeak)
# Removing any rows the user requests
if(any(complete.cases(omit)) & any(omit %in% 1:nrow(DF))){
DFomit <- DF %>% dplyr::slice(omit)
DF <- DF %>% dplyr::slice(-omit)
# Setting the y label for the graphs based on whether normPeak was
# supplied.
Ylabel <- rlang::as_label(normPeak)
MaxNominal <- max(DF$Nominal, na.rm = TRUE)
# Setting up the weights to use
if(class(weights) == "character"){
WeightOptions <- DF %>%
dplyr::select(Nominal, NormPeak) %>%
dplyr::mutate(One_x = 1/Nominal,
One_x2 = 1/Nominal^2,
One_y = 1/NormPeak,
One_y2 = 1/NormPeak^2)
weights <- tolower(weights)
MyWeights <- c("1/x" = "One_x", "1/x^2" = "One_x2",
"1/y" = "One_y", "1/y^2" = "One_y2")
weights <- WeightOptions %>% dplyr::pull(MyWeights[weights])
stop("The weights used for the regression cannot include infinite numbers. Please change the weighting scheme to avoid this. If the problem is that you've included a point with a nominal mass or concentration of 0, that shouldn't be part or your curve anyway since it is below the LLOQ; remove it.")
if(poly == "1st"){
Fit <- lm(DF$NormPeak ~ DF$Nominal, weights = weights)
beta0 <- summary(Fit)$coef["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]
beta1 <- summary(Fit)$coef["DF$Nominal", "Estimate"]
Curve <- data.frame(Nominal = seq(0, MaxNominal, length.out = 1000))
Curve$NormPeak <- beta1 * Curve$Nominal + beta0
if(poly == "2nd"){
Fit <- nls(NormPeak ~ beta2*Nominal^2 + beta1*Nominal + beta0,
data = DF,
start = list(beta2 = 0.01,
beta1 = summary(lm(
DF$NormPeak ~ DF$Nominal))$coef[
"DF$Nominal", "Estimate"],
beta0 = 0),
weights = weights)
beta0 <- summary(Fit)$coef["beta0", "Estimate"]
beta1 <- summary(Fit)$coef["beta1", "Estimate"]
beta2 <- summary(Fit)$coef["beta2", "Estimate"]
Curve <- data.frame(Nominal = seq(0, MaxNominal, length.out = 1000))
Curve$NormPeak <- beta2*Curve$Nominal^2 + beta1*Curve$Nominal + beta0
# If the user wants to use better names for the output data.frame, setting
# those here for 2nd order polynomials...
if(useNLS_outnames == FALSE & class(Fit) == "nls"){
Fit <- as.data.frame(summary(Fit)[["coefficients"]])
names(Fit) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "tvalue", "pvalue")
Fit$Beta <- row.names(Fit)
Fit <- Fit %>% dplyr::select(Beta, Estimate, SE, tvalue, pvalue) %>%
# ... and for 1st order polynomials.
if(useNLS_outnames == FALSE & class(Fit) == "lm"){
Fit <- as.data.frame(summary(Fit)[["coefficients"]])
names(Fit) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "tvalue", "pvalue")
Fit$Beta <- c("beta0", "beta1")
Fit <- Fit %>% dplyr::select(Beta, Estimate, SE, tvalue, pvalue) %>%
if(rlang::as_label(colorBy) %in% names(DForig)){
if(theme_get()$panel.background$fill == "grey92"){
ColorsToUse <- c("black", "green")
} else {
ColorsToUse <- c("black", "#5ECCF3")
CurvePlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x = Nominal, y = NormPeak,
fill = ColorBy, color = ColorBy,
shape = ColorBy)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 2, shape = 21) +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = Curve, ggplot2::aes(x = Nominal, y = NormPeak),
inherit.aes = FALSE, color = "gray60") +
ggplot2::labs(color = rlang::as_label(colorBy),
fill = rlang::as_label(colorBy),
shape = rlang::as_label(colorBy)) +
ggplot2::xlab(rlang::as_label(nominal)) +
ggplot2::ylab(Ylabel) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(16, 17))
if(length(unique(DF$ColorBy)) == 2){
CurvePlot <- CurvePlot +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = ColorsToUse) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#005883"))
} else {
CurvePlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF, ggplot2::aes(x = Nominal, y = NormPeak)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 2) +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = Curve, ggplot2::aes(x = Nominal, y = NormPeak),
color = "gray60") +
ggplot2::xlab(rlang::as_label(nominal)) +
if(any(complete.cases(omit)) & any(omit %in% 1:nrow(DF))){
CurvePlot <- CurvePlot +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = DFomit, ggplot2::aes(x = Nominal, y = NormPeak),
color = "red", inherit.aes = FALSE, shape = "o", size = 2)
if(poly == "1st"){
DF$Calculated <- (DF$NormPeak - beta0)/beta1
if(poly == "2nd"){
DF$Calculated <- (-beta1 + sqrt(beta1^2 - 4*beta2*(beta0 - DF$NormPeak)))/
DF <- DF %>%
dplyr::mutate(PercentOfNominal = Calculated/Nominal,
PercentOfNominal = ifelse(Nominal == 0,
NA, PercentOfNominal),
Nominal = signif(Nominal, 3),
NormPeak = signif(NormPeak, 3),
Calculated = round(Calculated, 2),
PercentOfNominal = round(PercentOfNominal, 2)) %>%
dplyr::select(any_of(c(rlang::as_label(IDcol), "ColorBy", "Nominal", "NormPeak",
"Calculated", "PercentOfNominal"))) %>%
if(rlang::as_label(normPeak) %in% names(DForig)){
names(DF)[names(DF) == "Nominal"] <- rlang::as_label(nominal)
names(DF)[names(DF) == "NormPeak"] <- rlang::as_label(normPeak)
names(Curve)[names(Curve) == "Nominal"] <- rlang::as_label(nominal)
names(Curve)[names(Curve) == "NormPeak"] <- rlang::as_label(normPeak)
} else {
names(DF)[names(DF) == "Nominal"] <- rlang::as_label(nominal)
names(DF)[names(DF) == "NormPeak"] <-
paste0(rlang::as_label(rawPeak), "/", rlang::as_label(rawIS))
names(Curve)[names(Curve) == "Nominal"] <- rlang::as_label(nominal)
names(Curve)[names(Curve) == "NormPeak"] <-
paste0(rlang::as_label(rawPeak), "/", rlang::as_label(rawIS))
if(rlang::as_label(colorBy) %in% names(DForig)){
names(DF)[names(DF) == "ColorBy"] <- rlang::as_label(colorBy)
names(Curve)[names(Curve) == "ColorBy"] <- rlang::as_label(colorBy)
CurveResults <- list(Fit, CurvePlot, Curve, DF)
names(CurveResults) <- c("Fit", "CurvePlot", "CurveDF", "Data")
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