#' Given a list of inflection points, find the ones closer to a peak apex.
#' @param peak_limit_left The indices of all possible left inflection points
#' @param peak_limit_right The indices of all possible right inflection points
#' @param pos The index of the apex we are looking at
#' @return a named numeric vector with the indices for the left inflection point, the apex and the right inflection point.
#' @noRd
get_peak_bounds <- function(peak_limit_left, peak_limit_right, pos, x, sgf) {
peak_limit_left <- peak_limit_left[pos - peak_limit_left > 0]
peak_limit_right <- peak_limit_right[peak_limit_right - pos > 0]
if (length(peak_limit_right) == 0 || length(peak_limit_left) == 0) {
return(c("left" = 0, "apex" = pos, "right" = 0, "xleft" = 0, "xright" = 0))
right <- peak_limit_right[1]
left <- peak_limit_left[length(peak_limit_left)]
# y = y0 + m*(x-x0)
# y = 0 ==> x = x0 -1/m * y0
mfun <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
(y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
if (left == length(sgf)) {
xleft <- x[left]
} else {
mleft <- mfun(x[left], sgf[left], x[left + 1L], sgf[left + 1L])
xleft <- x[left] - 1 / mleft * sgf[left]
if (right == length(sgf)) {
xright <- x[right]
} else {
mright <- mfun(x[right], sgf[right], x[right + 1L], sgf[right + 1L])
xright <- x[right] - 1.0 / mright * sgf[right]
return(c("left" = left, "apex" = pos, "right" = right, "xleft" = xleft, "xright" = xright))
#' A lorentzian function estimation
#' \eqn{f(x, x_0, \gamma, A) = A \frac{1}{\pi \gamma} \frac{\gamma^2}{(x-x_0)^2 + \gamma^2}}
#' @param x Numbers where the function will be evaluated.
#' @param x0 The peak location
#' @param gamma Lorentzian peak width (in the same units as x and x0)
#' @param A A multiplication factor. When \eqn{x = x_0}, the lorentzian will be \eqn{\frac{A}{\pi \gamma}}
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length than `x`, with the values of the lorentzian
#' @noRd
lorentzian <- function(x, x0, gamma, A) {
A * (1 / (pi * gamma)) * ((gamma^2) / ((x - x0)^2 + gamma^2))
get_norm_rmse <- function(y_fitted, y, y_fitted_apex, y_apex) {
y_fitted_adj <- y_fitted - y_fitted_apex + y_apex
mse <- sum((y - y_fitted_adj)**2) / length(y)
rmse <- sqrt(mse)
norm_rmse <- rmse / y_fitted_apex
refine_lorentzian_fit_with_nls <- function(data_to_fit, start, method) {
estimated_A <- start[["A"]]
gamma <- start[["gamma"]]
peak_pos_ppm <- start[["x0"]]
error_msgs <- c()
if (method == "peak") {
formula <- y ~ A * (1 / (pi * gamma)) * ((gamma^2) / ((x - x0)^2 + gamma^2))
} else if (method == "2nd_derivative") {
formula <- y ~ -2 * A * gamma / pi * (gamma^2 - 3 * (x - x0)^2) / (gamma^2 + (x - x0)^2)^3
} else {
rlang::abort("Unknown method")
mm.model.nls <- stats::nls(
formula = formula,
data = data_to_fit,
start = start
gamma <- mm.model.nls$m$getAllPars()["gamma"]
estimated_A <- mm.model.nls$m$getAllPars()["A"]
if (gamma < 0 && estimated_A < 0) {
gamma <- -gamma
estimated_A <- -estimated_A
if (abs(start[["x0"]] - mm.model.nls$m$getAllPars()["x0"]) > gamma) {
error_msgs <- c(error_msgs, "peak position moved more than gamma!")
peak_pos_ppm <- mm.model.nls$m$getAllPars()["x0"]
error = function(e) {
msg <- conditionMessage(e)
error_msgs <- c(error_msgs, msg)
estimated_A = estimated_A,
gamma = gamma,
peak_pos_ppm = peak_pos_ppm,
error_msgs = error_msgs
#' Fit lorentzians to each peak to estimate areas
#' The different methods are available for benchmarking while developing, we should pick one.
#' - gamma is estimated using the inflection points of the signal and fitting them to the lorentzian inflection points
#' - $A$ is estimated using the `amplitude_method` below
#' - The peak position ($x_0$) is given in `peak_data`
#' Those estimations may be refined with non-linear least squares using `refine_peak_model`. If the nls does not converge,
#' the initial estimations are kept. Convergence -and other nls errors- are saved for further reference and diagnostic.
#' Use `attr(peak_data_fitted, "errors")` to retreive the error messages, where `peak_data_fitted` is assumed to be the
#' output of this function. The refining improves gamma, $A$ and $x_0$.
#' The baseline estimation (when calculated, see the arguments) is set to Asymmetric Least Squares with
#' lambda = 6, p=0.05, maxit=20 and it is probably not optimal... yet.
#' @param peak_data The peak data
#' @param nmr_dataset The nmr_dataset object with the data. This function for now assumes nmr_dataset is NOT be baseline corrected
#' @param amplitude_method The method to estimate the amplitude. It may be:
#' - `"intensity"`. The amplitude of the peak is proportional to the raw intensity at the apex. This is a bad estimation if
#' the intensity includes a baseline, because the amplitude of the peak will be overestimated
#' - `"2nd_derivative"`: The amplitude of the peak is proportional to the second derivative of the raw intensity signal at the apex.
#' This method aims to correct the "intensity" method, since it is expected that the baseline will be mostly removed
#' when considering the 2nd derivative of the spectrum. The 2nd derivative is calculated with a 2nd order Savitzky-Golay filter of 21 points.
#' - `"intensity_without_baseline"`: A baseline is estimated on the whole spectra and subtracted from it. Then the peak amplitude
#' is proportional to the corrected intensity at the apex (as in the "intensity" method).
#' @param refine_peak_model Whether a non linear least squares fitting should be used to refine the estimated parameters. It can be:
#' - `"none"`: Do not refine using nls.
#' - `"peak"`: Use a lorentzian peak model and the baseline corrected spectra.
#' - `"2nd_derivative"`:
#' @export
#' @return The given data frame `peak_data`, with added columns:
#' - inflection points,
#' - gamma
#' - area
#' - a norm_rmse fitting error
#' As well as some attributes
#' - "errors": A data frame with any error in the peak fitting
#' - "fit_baseline": Whether the method used has any consideration for the baseline of the signal (maybe not very useful attribute)
#' - "method_description": A textual description of what we did, to include it in plots
peaklist_fit_lorentzians <- function(peak_data,
amplitude_method = c("intensity", "2nd_derivative", "intensity_without_baseline"),
refine_peak_model = c("none", "peak", "2nd_derivative")) {
peak_data$ppm_infl_min <- NA_real_
peak_data$ppm_infl_max <- NA_real_
peak_data$gamma_ppb <- NA_real_
peak_data$area <- NA_real_
peak_data$norm_rmse <- NA_real_
amplitude_method <- match.arg(amplitude_method)
refine_peak_model <- match.arg(refine_peak_model)
method_description <- c()
x <- nmr_dataset$axis
sindex_prev <- -1
all_errors <- list(peak_id = character(0L), error_msg = character(0L))
pb <- progress_bar_new(name = "Fitting lorentzians", total = nrow(peak_data))
nmr_exp_to_sample_idx <- purrr::set_names(
# For each peak:
has_warned_baseline <- FALSE
for (i in seq_len(nrow(peak_data))) {
posi <- peak_data$pos[i]
sindex <- nmr_exp_to_sample_idx[peak_data$NMRExperiment[i]]
peak_pos_ppm <- peak_data$ppm[i]
# We want to estimate a lorentzian in a computationally fast way.
# peak_data is sorted by sample, so we avoid recalculating.
if (sindex != sindex_prev) {
y <- nmr_dataset$data_1r[sindex, ]
if (amplitude_method == "intensity_without_baseline" || refine_peak_model == "peak") {
if ("data_1r_baseline" %in% names(unclass(nmr_dataset))) {
y_basel <- as.numeric(nmr_dataset$data_1r_baseline[sindex, ])
} else {
if (!has_warned_baseline) {
"Estimating the baseline using ALS with lambda 9 and p = 0.05...",
"i" = "Use nmr_baseline_estimation before calling this function to customize"
has_warned_baseline <- TRUE
y_basel <- baseline::baseline.als(
spectra = nmr_dataset$data_1r[sindex, , drop = FALSE],
lambda = 9,
p = 0.05,
maxit = 20
)$baseline %>% as.numeric()
y_nobasel <- y - y_basel
sgf <- signal::sgolayfilt(y, p = 2, n = 21, m = 2, ts = x[2] - x[1]) # 2nd derivative
peak_limit_left <- which((diff(sign(sgf))) == -2)
peak_limit_right <- which((diff(sign(sgf))) == 2)
peak_bounds <- get_peak_bounds(peak_limit_left, peak_limit_right, posi, x, sgf)
# Estimate gamma with the inflection points:
# The lorentzian second derivative:
# $$f''(x, x_0, A, \gamma) = -\frac{2A \gamma \left(\gamma^2-3\left(x-x_0\right)^2\right)}{\pi \left(\gamma^2+\left(x-x_0\right)^2\right)^3}$$
# The inflection points are at:
# f''(x, x_0, A, \gamma) = 0 \rightarrow
# x_{right}=x_0+\frac{\sqrt{3}\gamma}{3}
# x_{left}=x_0-\frac{\sqrt{3}\gamma}{3}
# Therefore gamma is:
# \gamma = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} (x_{right} - x_{left} )
gamma <- sqrt(3) / 2 * (peak_bounds["xright"] - peak_bounds["xleft"])
if (amplitude_method == "intensity") {
# Estimate the amplitude of the lorentzian with the amplitude of the peak
estimated_A <- pi * gamma * peak_data$intensity[i]
} else if (amplitude_method == "2nd_derivative") {
# Estimate the amplitude of the lorentzian with the amplitude of the second derivative.
# This has the effect of removing the baseline up to linear effects.
# At $x = x_0$, the second derivative is:
# f''(x = x_0, x_0, A, \gamma) = -\frac{2A}{\pi \gamma^3}
# So we can estimate A as follows:
estimated_A <- -(pi * gamma^3 * sgf[posi]) / 2
} else if (amplitude_method == "intensity_without_baseline") {
# Estimate A based on the amplitude of the signal without baseline
estimated_A <- y_nobasel[posi] * pi * gamma
} else {
rlang::abort(sprintf("amplitude_method '%s'unknown", amplitude_method))
if (identical(refine_peak_model, "peak")) {
# Further fitting with nls:
new_params <- refine_lorentzian_fit_with_nls(
data_to_fit = data.frame(
x = x[peak_bounds["left"]:peak_bounds["right"]],
y = y_nobasel[peak_bounds["left"]:peak_bounds["right"]]
start = list(
A = estimated_A,
x0 = x[peak_bounds["apex"]],
gamma = gamma
method = refine_peak_model
gamma <- new_params[["gamma"]]
estimated_A <- new_params[["estimated_A"]]
peak_pos_ppm <- new_params[["peak_pos_ppm"]]
if (!is.null(new_params[["error_msgs"]])) {
all_errors$peak_id <- c(all_errors$peak_id, peak_data$peak_id[i])
all_errors$error_msg <- paste(new_params[["error_msgs"]], collapse = "\n")
} else if (identical(refine_peak_model, "2nd_derivative")) {
# Further fitting with nls:
new_params <- refine_lorentzian_fit_with_nls(
data_to_fit = data.frame(
x = x[peak_bounds["left"]:peak_bounds["right"]],
y = sgf[peak_bounds["left"]:peak_bounds["right"]]
start = list(
A = estimated_A,
x0 = x[peak_bounds["apex"]],
gamma = gamma
method = refine_peak_model
gamma <- new_params[["gamma"]]
estimated_A <- new_params[["estimated_A"]]
peak_pos_ppm <- new_params[["peak_pos_ppm"]]
if (!is.null(new_params[["error_msgs"]])) {
all_errors$peak_id <- c(all_errors$peak_id, peak_data$peak_id[i])
all_errors$error_msg <- paste(new_params[["error_msgs"]], collapse = "\n")
} else if (!identical(refine_peak_model, "none")) {
rlang::abort("Unknown refine_peak_model")
# And then get the whole lorentzian:
y_fitted <- lorentzian(
x = x[peak_bounds["left"]:peak_bounds["right"]],
x0 = x[peak_bounds["apex"]],
gamma = gamma,
A = estimated_A
# So we can estimate how good our fit is to the real data:
y_fitted_apex_idx <- peak_bounds["apex"] - peak_bounds["left"] + 1L
norm_rmse <- get_norm_rmse(
y_fitted_apex = y_fitted[y_fitted_apex_idx],
y_fitted = y[peak_bounds["apex"]]
# And save the result in the peak_data table:
peak_data$ppm_infl_min[i] <- peak_bounds["xleft"]
peak_data$ppm_infl_max[i] <- peak_bounds["xright"]
peak_data$gamma_ppb[i] <- 1000 * gamma
peak_data$area[i] <- estimated_A
peak_data$norm_rmse[i] <- norm_rmse
sindex_prev <- sindex
# Corner case: If the peak detection detects two peaks really really close to each
# other, possibly due to a false detection, the savgol filtering used to detect
# the inflection points may smooth the boundaries for each of the peaks, removing
# the inflection point between the two maxima.
# These two peaks should ideally be merged into one, so we will take
# arbitrarily the one with higher intensity and ignore the other one:
peak_data <- peak_data %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$NMRExperiment, .data$ppm_infl_min, .data$ppm_infl_max) %>%
group_max_intensity = max(.data$intensity),
group_size = dplyr::n()
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$group_size == 1 | (.data$group_size > 1 & .data$intensity == .data$group_max_intensity)) %>%
dplyr::select(-"group_size", -"group_max_intensity")
# Corner case solved.
# Method description (useful for plotting)
method_description <- c(method_description, "Estimate \u03b3 with inflection points")
if (amplitude_method == "intensity") {
fits_on_baseline <- FALSE
method_description <- c(
"Estimate A with raw peak intensity",
"May have baseline issues"
} else if (amplitude_method == "2nd_derivative") {
fits_on_baseline <- TRUE
method_description <- c(
"Estimate A with second derivative",
"2nd derivative should remove baseline"
} else if (amplitude_method == "intensity_without_baseline") {
fits_on_baseline <- TRUE
method_description <- c(
"Remove baseline using ALS",
"Estimate A with the amplitude of the baseline-corrected signal"
if (identical(refine_peak_model, "peak")) {
method_description <- c(
"Refine \u03b3, A and x0 (nls fits a lorentzian)"
} else if (identical(refine_peak_model, "2nd_derivative")) {
method_description <- c(
"Refine \u03b3, A and x0 (nls fits a lorentzian on 2nd deriv)"
} else if (identical(refine_peak_model, "none")) {
method_description <- c(
"nls refining disabled"
attr(peak_data, "errors") <- as.data.frame(all_errors)
attr(peak_data, "fits_on_baseline") <- fits_on_baseline
attr(peak_data, "method_description") <- paste(
collapse = "\n"
#' Peak list: Create an `accepted` column based on some criteria
#' @param peak_data The peak list (a data frame)
#' @param nmr_dataset The nmr_dataset where the peak_data was computed from
#' @param nrmse_max The normalized root mean squared error of the lorentzian peak fitting must be less than or equal to this value
#' @param area_min Peak areas must be larger or equal to this value
#' @param area_max Peak areas must be smaller or equal to this value
#' @param ppm_min The peak apex must be above this value
#' @param ppm_max The peak apex must be below this value
#' @param keep_rejected If `FALSE`, removes those peaks that do not satisfy the criteria and remove the accepted column (since all would be accepted)
#' @param verbose Print informational message
#' @return The `peak_data`, with a new `accepted` column (or maybe some filtered rows)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Fake data:
#' nmr_dataset <- new_nmr_dataset_1D(
#' 1:10,
#' matrix(c(1:5, 4:2, 3, 0), nrow = 1),
#' list(external = data.frame(NMRExperiment = "10"))
#' )
#' peak_data <- data.frame(
#' peak_id = c("Peak1", "Peak2"),
#' NMRExperiment = c("10", "10"),
#' ppm = c(5, 9),
#' pos = c(5, 9),
#' intensity = c(5, 3),
#' ppm_infl_min = c(3, 8),
#' ppm_infl_max = c(7, 10),
#' gamma_ppb = c(1, 1),
#' area = c(25, 3),
#' norm_rmse = c(0.01, 0.8)
#' )
#' # Create the accepted column:
#' peak_data <- peaklist_accept_peaks(peak_data, nmr_dataset, area_min = 10, keep_rejected = FALSE)
#' stopifnot(identical(peak_data$peak_id, "Peak1"))
peaklist_accept_peaks <- function(peak_data, nmr_dataset, nrmse_max = Inf, area_min = 0, area_max = Inf, ppm_min = -Inf, ppm_max = Inf, keep_rejected = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
peak_data$accepted <- (
peak_data$norm_rmse <= nrmse_max &
peak_data$area >= area_min &
peak_data$area <= area_max &
peak_data$ppm >= ppm_min &
peak_data$ppm <= ppm_max &
!are_ppm_regions_excluded(peak_data$ppm_infl_min, peak_data$ppm_infl_max, nmr_get_excluded_regions(nmr_dataset))
report <- c(
"Acceptance report",
"i" = glue::glue("{sum(peak_data$accepted)}/{nrow(peak_data)} peaks accepted. ({signif(100*sum(peak_data$accepted)/nrow(peak_data), 3)}%)")
if (!keep_rejected) {
report <- c(report, "i" = glue::glue("Removing {sum(!peak_data$accepted)} peaks"))
peak_data <- peak_data[peak_data$accepted, , drop = FALSE]
peak_data$accepted <- NULL
if (verbose) {
rlang::inform(message = report)
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