
Defines functions sanger.write.corrs read.cond.tab meatable meafile handle.gz make.meafile.cache sanger.read.spikes make.sanger1.layout mea.op sanger.init

Documented in sanger.read.spikes

## sanger.R --- Specifics of analysising MEA data from Sanger centre.
## Author: Stephen J Eglen
## Copyright: GPL
## Fri 19 Jan 2007

## Code for Sanger MEA analysis,

sanger.init <- function() {
  ## Run for initialisation of analysis of Sanger data.

  windows <- .Platform$OS.type !='unix'

  if (windows) {
    ## Set up on Windows machine.
    ## Scripts are stored in meadev/scripts.
    assign("mea.data.dir", "c:/meadev/data/", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign("mea.table.dir", "c:/meadev/tables/", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign("mea.op.dir", "c:/meadev/op/", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else {
    if (file.exists("/nfs/g2c_electrophys/meadev/") ) {

      ## Set up for Sanger deskpro15402 machine.
      assign("mea.data.dir",   "/nfs/g2c_electrophys/meadev/data/",
             envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign("mea.table.dir",  "/nfs/g2c_electrophys/meadev/tables/",
             envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign("mea.op.dir",     "/nfs/g2c_electrophys/meadev/op/",
             envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {
      ## Set up for linux.
      assign("mea.data.dir",   "~/proj/sangermea/data/", envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign("mea.table.dir",  "~/proj/sangermea/tables/", envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign("mea.op.dir",     "~/proj/sangermea/op/", envir = .GlobalEnv)

  ## Create the cache of datafiles.
  assign("mea.data.files",  make.meafile.cache(mea.data.dir),
         envir  = .GlobalEnv)

mea.op <- function(f) {
  ## Create a new output file.
  sprintf("%s%s", mea.op.dir, f)

make.sanger1.layout <- function(positions) {
  ## make the layout for SANGER MEA

  xlim <- ylim <- c(50, 1700)
  spacing <- 200

  cols <- as.integer(substring(positions, 1,1)) * spacing
  rows <- (9-as.integer(substring(positions, 2,2))) * spacing
  pos <- cbind(cols, rows)
  rownames(pos) <- positions
  layout <- list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, spacing=spacing,
                 pos=pos, array = "MCS_8x8_200um")

  class(layout) <- "mealayout"



##' Read in a nexTimestamps file from Neuroexplorer and create a "spikes" data
##' structure.
##' The Genes to Cognition Project (G2C) uses Neuroexplorer to output spike
##' times from an MEA recording.  This function reads those text files and
##' creates a "spikes" data structure.
##' This format is fairly simple; each column represents one channel, with the
##' spikes recorded in that channel filling up the column.  Since different
##' channels are likely to record different numbers of spikes, empty values
##' (just a TAB to next value) are found at the bottom of each spike train.
##' Text files can be compressed, using gzip, to save space.  (The extension
##' .gz is added to compresed files.)  This compression aspect should be
##' transparent to the end user -- if a file is compresed, the filename can be
##' given with or without the .gz extension.  gzip is available for Windows
##' (from \url{http://www.gzip.org}); "gzip *.nexTimestamps" will compress all
##' timestamps, and "gzip -d *.nexTimestamps" will uncompress them.
##' @param filename Name of the text file to be read in.
##' @param ids Which electrodes should be kept.
##' @param time.interval How often to estimate the firing rate.
##' @param beg Start time of the recording.
##' @param end End time of the recording.
##' @param min.rate Minimum firing rate of an electrode.
##' @return Return the data structure 's'.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @seealso \code{\link{jay.read.spikes}} \code{\link{compute.ns}}
##' @examples
##' data.file <- system.file("examples", "TC89_DIV15_A.nexTimestamps",
##'                          package = "sjemea")
##' s <- sanger.read.spikes( data.file, beg=400, end=700)
##' fourplot(s)
##' @export sanger.read.spikes
sanger.read.spikes <- function(filename, ids=NULL,
                               beg=NULL, end=NULL,
                               min.rate=0) {

  ## Read in Sanger data set.  
  ## an optional vector of cell numbers that should be analysed -- the
  ## other channels are read in but then ignored.

  ## MIN.RATE (when >0) is the mininum firing rate (Hz) that a channel
  ## must have for it to be analysed.  e.g. a sensible threshold would
  ## be 1/60 to indicate it must on average make one spike/minute to
  ## be analysed.

  ## gzfile can also open uncompresed files, so this should work for
  ## both compressed and uncompressed text files.
  f2 <- file.or.gz(filename)

  if (any(grep('.gz$', f2))) {
    con <- gzfile(f2)
  } else {
    con <- file(filename)

  ## read in all the data.
  raw <- read.table( con, sep='\t', as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)

  if ( colnames(raw)[1] == "StartStop") {
    dat <- raw[,-(1:3)]
    dat.start <- raw[1,2]
    dat.stop  <- raw[1,3]
  } else {
    raw.ncol <- ncol(raw)
    if ( colnames(raw)[raw.ncol] ==  "Sweep_Stop") {
      dat <- raw[,1:(raw.ncol-2)]
      dat.start <- raw[1, raw.ncol-1]
      dat.stop  <- raw[1, raw.ncol]
    } else {
      stop("Cannot read this file\n")

  sweep.start <- dat.start; sweep.stop <- dat.stop
  channels <- colnames(dat)

  ## remove the NA from the end of each list.
  spikes <- sapply(dat, simplify=FALSE, jay.filter.for.na)

  if (!is.null(end)) {
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.max, max=end)
  } else {
    end <- sweep.stop

  if (!is.null(beg)) {
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.min, min=beg)
  } else {
    beg <- sweep.start

  if (min.rate > 0 ) {
    ## Check for inactive channels -- those with a mean firing rate
    ## below some average rate.

    ## This catches the odd situation when a channel has no spikes on
    ## it -- this can happen when a duration (beg, end) is given where
    ## no spikes occur on that channel.
    nspikes <- sapply(spikes,length)
    durn <- sweep.stop - sweep.start
    rates <- nspikes/durn
    inactive <- which(rates < min.rate)
    if (any(inactive)) {
      cat(paste("Removing spikes with low firing rates: ",
                paste(inactive, collapse=' '), "\n"
      spikes = spikes[-inactive]
      channels = channels[-inactive]

  if (!is.null(ids) ) {
    if (any(ids>length(spikes)))
      stop(paste("some ids not in this data set:",
                 paste(ids[ids>length(spikes)],collapse=" ")))
    spikes <- spikes[ids];
    channels <- channels[ids];

  ## Count the number of spikes per channel, and label them.
  nspikes <- sapply(spikes, length)
  names(nspikes) <- channels

  ## meanfiring rate is the number of spikes divided by the (time of
  ## last spike - time of first spike).  
  meanfiringrate <- nspikes/ ( end - beg)

  ## Parse the channel names to get the cell positions.
  layout <- make.sanger1.layout(substring(channels, 4, 5))

  ## check that the spikes are monotonic.

  rates <- make.spikes.to.frate(spikes, time.interval=time.interval,
                                beg=beg, end=end)
  ## See if we need to shift any units.  this affects only the
  ## visualisation of the units in the movies.  We assume that "shifted"
  ## positions are stored in the file with same name as data file
  ## except that the .txt is replaced with .sps.  Then each line of this
  ## file contains three numbers:
  ## c dx dy
  ## where c is the cell number to move, and dx,dy is the amount (in um)
  ## by which to move the cells.  If you edit the file, this function
  ## must be called again for the new values to be read in.
  ## The shifted positions are used only by the movie functions and
  ## by the function plot.shifted.jay.pos(s) [this shows all units].

  ## Tue 19 Dec 2006: this assumes filename ends in .txt; do not worry
  ## about this for now.
  shift.filename <- sub("\\.txt$", ".sps", filename)
  unit.offsets <- NULL                  #default value.
  if (FALSE && file.exists(shift.filename)) { #TODO -- why running?
    updates <- scan(shift.filename)
    ## must be 3 data points per line
    stopifnot(length(updates)%%3 == 0)
    updates <- matrix(updates, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    units <- updates[,1]
    if (any(units> length(spikes))) {
      stop(paste("some units not in recording...",
    ##unit.offsets <- pos*0               #initialise all elements to zero.
    unit.offsets[units,] <- updates[,2:3]

  ## Compute CV of ISI.
  mean.isi = sapply(spikes, function(s) { mean(isi(s))})
  cv.isi = sapply(spikes, cv.isi)
  res <- list( channels=channels,
              spikes=spikes, nspikes=nspikes, NCells=length(spikes),
              rec.time=c(beg, end),
              cv.isi = sapply(spikes, cv.isi)
  class(res) <- "mm.s"

  ## Compute the correlation index.
  distance.breaks = c(0, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 1000, 2000)
  res$corr = corr.index(res, distance.breaks)



make.meafile.cache <- function(dir) {
  ## Remake the file cache.
  ## Search recursively through DIR to find all filenames.
  files <- dir(dir, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  mea.key <- basename(files)
  mea.key <- handle.gz(mea.key)
  res <- cbind(mea.key, files)

handle.gz <- function(keys) {
  ## Remove any .gz extension from the keys.
  gsub("\\.gz$", "", keys)

meafile <- function(file) {
  ## Use the file cache to find where the file is stored.
  ## This saves us having to always use the fullpath to a file.
  row <- which(file==mea.data.files[,1])
  row.n <- length(row)

  ## Do some safety checks.
  if ( row.n ==1) {
    ## return the full filename.
  } else {
    if (row.n==0) {
      stop(sprintf("Cannot find file %s in mea.data.files\n", file))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("File %s has %d entries in mea.data.files\n",
                   file, row.n))

meatable <- function(file) {
  ## Find the condition table.
  ## Uses global MEA.TABLE.DIR.
  file <- paste(mea.table.dir, file,sep='')
  if (!file.exists(file))
    stop(file, " not found")

read.cond.tab <- function(file) {
  dat <- read.csv(file, as.is=TRUE, comment.char='#')

  ## Handle some sanger specific stuff:

  ## "Age (DIV)" is quite cumbersome, so shorten it to "Age"
  long.age <- pmatch("Age..DIV.", names(dat))
  if (length(long.age)==1)
    names(dat)[long.age] = "Age"

  ## strip trailing empty lines.
  empty.lines <- which(dat[,1] == "")
  if ( any(empty.lines) )
    dat <- dat[-empty.lines,]

  ## Remove any rows that should be ignored.
  ignore <- which(dat$Ignore == 1)
  if (any (ignore))

    dat <- dat[-ignore,]

sanger.write.corrs <- function(s, file, na.rm=TRUE) {
  ## Write correlation values to FILE as CSV.
  ## NA.RM: If TRUE, remove rows of the CSV where the correlation index
  ## is NA (couldn't be computed, as electrode had low firing rate).
  ## Also, return the raw correlations as a result.
  dists = s$corr$dists
  corrs = s$corr$corr.indexes
  upper = which(upper.tri(dists), arr.ind=T)
  dist = dists[upper]
  corr = round(corrs[upper],3)
  r = s$channels[upper[,1]]
  c = s$channels[upper[,2]]
  d = data.frame(r=r, c=c, dist, corr)
  if (na.rm) {
    ## Remove rows that have correlation =  NA.
    na.corr <- which(is.na(corr))
    if (any(na.corr)) {
      d <-  d[-na.corr,]
  write.csv(d, file, row.names=F)
sje30/sjemea documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:44 a.m.