
Defines functions print.mm.s movie.window spikeview spikes.to.ragged.csv plot.mealayout.hi plot.mealayout.1 plot.mealayout op.picture plot.rate.mslayout.old movie.postage plot.rate.mslayout.scale rates.to.cols plot.rate.mslayout.col plot.rate.mslayout.rad plot.rate.mslayout rates.to.radii.prop.area rates.to.radii.prop.rad rates.to.radii plot.cumisi cv.isi isi fano.plot fano fano.allspikes fano.array make.spikes.to.frate make.spikes.to.frate.old show.movie plot.mscom colour.com centre.of.mass.wt2 centre.of.mass.wt centre.of.mass time.to.frame list.to.data.frame mm.spikes.to.bursts check.spikes.monotonic crosscorrplots xcorr.restricted xcorr.plot check.similarity test.count.hist2.nab test.count.hist.nab test.hist.ab test.histograms.versus.r hist.make.labels histbi.ab hist.ab count.nab show.prob.t.r my.log2 make.mi prob.t prob.t.cond.r prob.r fourplot jay.filter.for.min jay.filter.for.max jay.filter.for.na jay.read.spikes make.jay.layout read.spikes summary.mm.s plot.mm.s

Documented in count.nab hist.ab histbi.ab jay.read.spikes test.count.hist2.nab test.count.hist.nab test.hist.ab test.histograms.versus.r

## ms_funs.r --- General functions for multisite data (both Markus/Rachel's and Jay's)
## Author: Stephen J Eglen
## Copyright: GPL
## Mon 10 Sep 2001

## Functions and variables with "mm" in them are mainly for Markus Meister's
## data; those with "jay" in them are for Jay.  Some functions are suitable
## for both types.

## Some of this code requires code from the tcltk package; this is loaded
## by using the DEPENDS: field in the package description.

plot.mm.s <- function(s, whichcells=NULL,
                      beg=min(unlist(s$spikes), na.rm=TRUE),
                      end=max(unlist(s$spikes), na.rm=TRUE),
                      label.cells = FALSE,
                      show.bursts = FALSE,
                      main=NULL, ylab='Unit',
                      xlab="Time (s)",
                      ...) {
  ## Plot the spikes.
  ## WHICHCELLS is a list of cell numbers to plot; the default is to
  ## plot all of the cells.  If NA is given instead of a channel
  ## reference, just add some whitespace rather than a spike train.
  ## BEG and END are the time range for which we want to
  ## plot spikes.  When evaluating maxtime, some cells may have no
  ## spikes; their lists get converted to NA in unlist() so those NA
  ## values need removing.  By default, BEG will be the time of the
  ## first spike, and END will be the time of the last spike.
  ## If SHOW.BURSTS is true, we plots the bursts rather than the spikes.
  ## If LABELS.CELLS is true, we write the index of each spike train
  ## in the y-axis; if USE.NAMES is true, we use the cell name, rather than
  ## the index.
  ## If FOR.FIGURE is true, we make a slightly different outline, which
  ## is useful for making the figures.

  if (length(whichcells)>0 && is.numeric(whichcells[1])) {
    ## leave whichcells alone.
  } else {
    whichcells = names.to.indexes(names(s$spikes), whichcells, allow.na=TRUE)

  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- basename(s$file)
  N <- length(whichcells)
  ticpercell <- 1/N; deltay <- ticpercell * 0.8;
  yminadd <- ticpercell

  if (show.bursts)
    spikes <- s$spikes
    spikes <- s$spikes

  if (for.figure) {
    plot( c(beg, end), c(0,1), type='n',
         xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
         xlab="", ylab="", ...)
    mtext(main, side=3, adj=0, line=0.5)
  } else {
    plot( c(beg, end), c(0,1), type='n', bty='n',
         yaxt="n", main=main,
         xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
  ymin <- 0

  have.bursts <- ( (length(s$allb) > 0) && show.bursts)
  for (cell in whichcells) {
    ts <- spikes[[cell]]                #get spike times.
    n <- length(ts)                     #number of spikes.

    if(n > 0) {
      ## check we have spikes; e.g. cell could be NA, so we wouldn't
      ## need to do anything except clear a bit of space.
      ys <- numeric(n) + ymin
      segments(ts, ys, ts, ys+deltay, lwd=0.2) #draw spikes.

      ## simple test to see if bursts have been defined.
      if (have.bursts) {
        burst.times <- s$allb[[cell]]
        if (!is.na(burst.times[1])) {
          ## we have some vald burst info.
          nbursts <- nrow(burst.times)
          ##ys <- rep(ymin+deltay/2, nbursts)

          ## alternate height of bursts so that we can sep adjacent bursts.
          ys <- rep(ymin+deltay/2, nbursts)
          shimmy <- deltay*0.25
          odd <- (1:nbursts) %% 2 == 1
          ys[odd] <- ys[odd] + shimmy

          start.burst <- ts[burst.times[,"beg"]]
          ## for the end of the burst, -1 is needed since if start spike
          ## is 20, and i=3, last spike in burst is 22 (spikes 20, 21, 22)
          end.burst <- ts[ burst.times[,"beg"] + burst.times[,"len"] -1]
          segments(start.burst, ys,
                   end.burst, ys,
                   col="red", lwd=2)
          text(start.burst, rep(ymin+deltay*1.1, nbursts),
               labels=burst.times[,"len"], col="blue")
    ymin <- ymin + yminadd

  if (label.cells) {
    allys <- seq(from=yminadd/2, by=yminadd, length=N)
    if (use.names) {
      labels <- names(spikes)[whichcells]
    } else {
      labels <- whichcells
    ##mtext(labels, side=2, at=allys, las=1)
    ## Try to draw as axis, but still they overlap...
    axis(2, at=allys, labels=labels, las=1, tick=F)

  if (missing(show.episodes)) {
    ## default.
    show.episodes <- ("episodes" %in% names(s))
  if (show.episodes) {
    segments(s$episodes[,"beg"], episode.y, s$episodes[,"end"],
             episode.y, col='purple',xpd=NA)


draw.spikes <- function (t, tmin, tmax,
                         ht=1, spike.ht, label, xscale) {

  ## Compulsory args:
  ## T is the set of spike times.
  ## TMIN, TMAX are the min and max times to show.
  ## HT is the overall ht of the plot.  SPIKE.HT is then the height
  ## of each spike.  (spike.ht should be less than ht.)
  ## LABEL is an optional label to put at the top of each plot.
  ## If XSCALE is given, it should be a vector (lo, hi) indicating the
  ## the scalebar to add -- this is just reusing the x-axis.  Alternatively
  ## if XSCALE is NULL, no scalebar is drawn.
  if (missing(spike.ht))
    spike.ht <- 0.7 * ht                #spike ht should be 90% of total ht.

  y.low <- 0.1                          # min y-value, should be [0,1].

  ## throw out spikes outside range [tmin, tmax]
  reject.spikes <-  (t < tmin) | (t > tmax)
  if (any(reject.spikes))
    t <- t[-reject.spikes]
    cat("no spikes outside [tmin,tmax]\n")
  ## set up the plot region, but don't draw any points.
  plot( c(tmin, tmax), c(0, ht),
       bty="n",                         #switch off border
       xlab="", ylab="",                #no labelling of axes.
       xaxt="n", yaxt="n",              #no automatic axes.
       xlim=c(tmin, tmax), ylim=c(0, ht),

  ## We can manually add x and y tics, just for checks...
  if (missing(xscale))
    ## probably don't want xaxis in final version.
    axis(1, at=c(tmin, tmax))             #x-axis
  else {
    ## assume xscale is a 2-d vector providing start and stop time of
    ## scalebar.  tck is the tick length.  labels=FALSE prevents
    ## number labelling of the plot.
    if (!is.null(xscale)) {
      axis(1, at=c(xscale[1], xscale[2]), labels=FALSE, tck=0)
  ##axis(2, at=c(0, ht))                  #y-axis

  ## for each spike at time t, we draw a line from the point (t,0)
  ## to (t,spike.ht).
  y1 <- y.low + seq(0, by=0, along=t) # vector of zeros, of same length as t.
  y2 <- y1 + spike.ht
  segments(t, y1, t, y2)

  ## optionally label the plot.
  if (!missing(label))
    mtext(label, side=3, adj = 0.02)    #draw label on top axis.

summary.mm.s <- function(object, ...) {
  cat(paste("Spike data:", object$file, "\n"))
  cat(paste("NCells", object$NCells, "\n"))
  cat(sprintf("Time (s) [%.3f %.3f]\n", object$rec.time[1], object$rec.time[2]))

read.spikes <- function(reader, ...) {
  ## General-purpose reader around all the xyz.read.spikes() functions.
  ## so that e.g.
  ## jay.read.spikes(...) can be called as:
  ## read.spikes(..., reader="jay")
  readers <- c("feller", "iit", "litke", "ncl", "sanger", "sun", "jay", "sql")
  if (reader %in% readers) {
    fn <- paste(reader, ".read.spikes", sep="")
    do.call(fn, list(...))
  } else {
    stop("No such reader:", reader)
## Jay's functions.

make.jay.layout <- function(names) {
  ## make the layout for Jay's MEA

  positions <- substring(names, 4,5)
  xlim <- ylim <- c(50, 850)            #now in arrays.R
  spacing <- 100

  cols <- as.integer(substring(positions, 1,1)) * spacing
  rows <- as.integer(substring(positions, 2,2)) * spacing
  pos <- cbind(cols, rows)
  rownames(pos) <- names
  array <- 'MCS_8x8_100um'
  layout <- list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, spacing=spacing,
                 pos=pos, array=array)

  class(layout) <- "mealayout"



##' Read in the .txt file from Neuroexplorer and create a "spikes" data
##' structure.
##' Read in .txt file and work out array positions...
##' @param filename Name of the text file to be read in.
##' @param ids Optional vector of cell numbers that can be analysed, rather
##' than analysing all electrodes in the recording.  Warning: Not implemented
##' in all readers.
##' @param time.interval Bin width (in seconds) for estimating firing rate.
##' Defaults to 1 second.
##' @param beg Optional start time.
##' @param end Optional end time.
##' @param min.rate Optional minimal firing rate for an electrode to be
##' accepted.
##' @param ... Remaining arguments that are passed to the appropriate reader.
##' @return Return the data structure 's'.
##' @section METHOD: No fancy tricks used here.  If the data file has
##' information about N different spike trains, the file has N (tab-separated)
##' columns.  Each column then gives the time (in seconds?) of each spike.
##' Different columns are of different lengths since typically each cell will
##' have a different number of spikes.
##' The txt file of spike times can be compressed (with gzip).
##' read.spikes() is a wrapper around each xyz.read.spikes() function, so that
##' they can all be called just by specifying reader='xyz'.  Current readers
##' are: "feller", "iit", "litke", "ncl", "sanger", "sun", "jay", "sql".
##' By default, all spikes are read in.  If beg is given, only spikes occuring
##' after this time (in seconds) are kept.  Likewise, if end is given, only
##' spikes occuring before this time (in seconds) are kept.
##' @seealso \code{\link{sanger.read.spikes}}, \code{\link{feller.read.spikes}}
##' @references No references here.
##' @keywords math
##' @examples
##' data.file <- system.file("examples", "P9_CTRL_MY1_1A.txt",
##'                          package = "sjemea")
##' s <- jay.read.spikes( data.file)
##' fourplot(s)
##' s <- jay.read.spikes(data.file, beg=400, end=700)
##' fourplot(s)
##' s2 <- read.spikes(data.file, beg=400, end=700, reader='jay')
##' \dontrun{
##' s <- jay.read.spikes("~/ms/jay/p9data.txt")
##' fourplot(s)                             #summary plot.
##' s$mi <- make.mi(s)
##' show.prob.t.r(s)                        #conditional distributions.
##' }
##' \dontrun{crosscorrplots(s, autocorr=T, tmax=3, nbins=100,
##'                xcorr.nrows=3, xcorr.ncols=3) #plot autocorrs on screen
##' ## Plotting just one cross-correlogram is a slightly different matter:
##' xcorr.plot( s$spikes[[1]], s$spikes[[2]], "1 v 2")}
##' @export jay.read.spikes
jay.read.spikes <- function(filename, ids=NULL,
                            beg=NULL, end=NULL,
                            min.rate=0) {
  ## Read in Jay's data set.
  ## IDS is an optional vector of cell numbers that should be analysed
  ## -- the other channels are read in but then ignored.

  fp <- gzfile(file.or.gz(filename), open="r")

  ## todo: in an ideal world, this limit would not be required...
  max.channels <- 200                   #should typically be 64 or less.
  channels <- character(max.channels)
  ## first read in the channel names
  num.channels <- 0
  read.channel.names <- 1
  while(read.channel.names) {
    x<-scan(fp, "", n=1, sep='\t', quiet=TRUE)
    ## If first letter of item is not "c" then assume we have now
    ## reached the timestamps.
    if (tolower(substr(x,1,2)) != "ch") {
      read.channel.names <- 0
      rest <- scan(fp, sep='\t', quiet=TRUE); close(fp)
      ## last element of `rest' is redundant (there is one more TAB that
      ## is not needed at the end of the file), but we need to keep 
      ## x - this is the first element.
      ## File format documented in ~/ms/jay/JAYDATAFORMAT.txt
      times <- c(as.double(x), rest[1:length(rest)-1])
      ntimes <- length(times)
      dim(times) <- c(num.channels, ntimes/num.channels)
      channels <- channels[1:num.channels] #truncate to right size.
    } else {
      ## still reading the channel names.
      num.channels <- num.channels + 1
      if (num.channels > max.channels) {
        stop(paste("num.channels has exceeded max.channels"))
      } else {
        channels[num.channels] <- x

  spikes <- apply(times, 1, jay.filter.for.na)

  if (!is.null(end))
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.max, max=end)

  if (!is.null(beg))
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.min, min=beg)

  if (!is.null(ids) ) {
    if (any(ids>length(spikes)))
      stop(paste("some ids not in this data set:",
                 paste(ids[ids>length(spikes)],collapse=" ")))
    spikes <- spikes[ids];
    channels <- channels[ids];

  spikes.range <- range(unlist(spikes))
  if (is.null(beg))  beg <-  spikes.range[1]
  if (is.null(end))  end <-  spikes.range[2]
  rec.time <- c(beg, end)
  if (min.rate > 0 ) {
    ## Check for inactive channels.
    nspikes <- sapply(spikes,length)
    durn <- diff(rec.time)
    rates <- nspikes/durn
    inactive <- which(rates < min.rate)
    if (any(inactive)) {
      paste("Removing spikes with low firing rates: ",
            paste(inactive, collapse=' '))
      spikes   =   spikes[-inactive]
      channels = channels[-inactive]

  names(spikes) <- channels
  ## Count the number of spikes per channel
  nspikes <- sapply(spikes, length)

  ## meanfiring rate is the number of spikes divided by the (time of
  ## last spike - time of first spike).  
  meanfiringrate <- nspikes/ (end - beg)

  ## Parse the channel names to get the cell positions.

  layout <- make.jay.layout(channels)
  ## temporary test: shuffle electrode positions.
  ## pos <- pos[sample(1:num.channels),]
  ## check that the spikes are monotonic.

  rates <- make.spikes.to.frate(spikes, time.interval=time.interval,
                                beg=beg, end=end)
  ## See if we need to shift any units.  this affects only the
  ## visualisation of the units in the movies.  We assume that "shifted"
  ## positions are stored in the file with same name as data file
  ## except that the .txt is replaced with .sps.  Then each line of this
  ## file contains three numbers:
  ## c dx dy
  ## where c is the cell number to move, and dx,dy is the amount (in um)
  ## by which to move the cells.  If you edit the file, this function
  ## must be called again for the new values to be read in.
  ## The shifted positions are used only by the movie functions and
  ## by the function plot.shifted.jay.pos(s) [this shows all units].
  shift.filename <- sub("\\.txt(\\.gz)?$", ".sps", filename)
  unit.offsets <- NULL                  #default value.
  if (file.exists(shift.filename)) {
    updates <- scan(shift.filename)
    ## must be 3 data points per line
    stopifnot(length(updates)%%3 == 0)
    updates <- matrix(updates, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    units <- updates[,1]
    if (any(units> length(spikes))) {
      stop(paste("some units not in recording...",
    unit.offsets <- layout$pos*0               #initialise all elements to zero.
    unit.offsets[units,] <- updates[,2:3]
  res <- list( channels=channels,
              spikes=spikes, nspikes=nspikes, NCells=length(spikes),
               ## TODO: how to return arguments, expanding all vars?
  class(res) <- "mm.s"

  ## Electrodes are spaced 100um apart in Jay's rectangular array.
  jay.distance.breaks = c(0, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 1000)
  res$corr = corr.index(res, jay.distance.breaks)



jay.filter.for.na <- function(x) {
  ## Truncate the vector X so that trailing NA entries are removed.
  ## This removes the 'empty' spikes at the bottom of each column when
  ## the .txt file is first read in.
  x.na <- which(is.na(x))
  if (any(x.na))

jay.filter.for.max <- function(x, max) {
  ## Any times greater than MAX are removed.
  x.high <- which(x>max)
  if (any(x.high))

jay.filter.for.min <- function(x, min) {
  ## Any times less than MIN are removed.
  ## e.g. jay.filter.for.min(c(1,2,3,4), 6) should return "nothing?"
  ## jay.filter.for.min(c(1,2,3,4), 3) returns 3 4
  x.low <- which(x<min)
  if (any(x.low)) 
    x <- x[-x.low]

shuffle.spike.times <- function (s, noise.sd) {
  ## Return new copy of s, with spike trains shuffled to add Gaussian noise
  ## with sd of noise.sd and zero mean.
  spikes <- s$spikes

  add.noise <- function(x, my.sd) {
    ## helper function to add Gaussian noise to a spike train.
    n <- length(x)
    x2 <- sort(x + rnorm(n, sd=my.sd))
  spikes2 <- lapply(spikes, add.noise, noise.sd)
  s2 <- s                               #make a copy of s
  s2$spikes <- spikes2

fourplot <- function(s, names=FALSE, raster.time=NULL, show.bursts=FALSE) {
  ## Simple 2x2 summary plot of an "s" structure.
  ## raster.time should be a 2-vector of (beg, end) time.
  old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0), las=1)
  plot(s$layout, use.names=names)                        #show layout of electrodes.
  plot.meanfiringrate(s, main='')
  if (is.null(raster.time)) {
    plot(s, main='', label.cells=names,
         use.names=names)                      #plot the spikes.
  else {
    plot(s, main='', label.cells=names, use.names=names,
         beg=raster.time[1], end=raster.time[2], show.bursts=show.bursts)

  ##   if	(!is.na(s$corr$corr.indexes[1])) {
  if( any(names(s)=="corr")) {
    plot.corr.index(s, main='')
  mtext(basenamepy(s$file)$base, side=3, outer=T)

## Mutual information code.
## taken from Dan Butt's 2002 J Neurosci paper.
prob.r <- function(s)  {
  ## Given the distance bins, return the probability of finding
  ## two neurons a distance r apart.
  num.distances <- (s$NCells * (s$NCells - 1))/2

  counts <- table(s$dists.bins[which(upper.tri(s$dists.bins))])
  if (sum(counts) != num.distances)
    stop("sum of counts differs from num.distances",
          sum(counts), num.distances)

  ## turn into probability.

## Jay and I discussed what "M" should be.  If we have a pair of spike
## trains with 5 spikes in A and 10 spikes in B, should M be 5*10 or
## just the number of dt's which are less than 4 seconds?  (i.e. the
## value of this.m below.)  It should be the latter we think, since
## otherwise if the two spikes are perfectly correlated but very long,
## there will be many dt's that will be greater than 4 seconds.  Dan's
## figure 1b seems to show that each p(t|r) will sum to 1.0 (taking
## into account the bin size; seems to be around 40 bins per 0.5
## second in the plot).

## So, for a pair of spike trains, we compute the cross-correlogram up
## to 4 seconds, and then normalise the histogram so that it sums to
## 1.  This histogram is then binned according to the distance between
## the cell pair.  We then take the average of all histograms for that
## distance bin to compute the overall p(t|r).

prob.t.cond.r <- function(s, tmax,n.timebins)
  ## Return p(t|r) where r is the bin number.
  spikes <- s$spikes
  distance.bins <- s$dists.bins
  n <- s$NCells
  n.distancebins <- length(s$distance.breaks.strings)
  spikepairs <- integer(n.distancebins)
  nhists <- integer(n.distancebins)

  ## Make a matrix to store the histogram for each bin.  Each row
  ## is a histogram for that distance bin.
  allhists <- matrix(0, nrow=n.distancebins, ncol=n.timebins)
  ##dimnames=list("distance bin", "time"))

  hists.rejected <- 0
  ## For each cell pair, compute the histogram of time differences between
  ## spikes, and bin it according to the distance between the cell pair.
  for (a in 1:(n-1)) {
    n.a <- s$nspikes[a]
    for (b in (a+1):n) {
      n.b <- s$nspikes[b]
      bin <- distance.bins[a,b]

      hist <- hist.ab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]], tmax, n.timebins)
      this.m <- sum(hist)

      if (this.m > 0) {
        ## include bin only if there were counts.
        hist <- hist / (this.m)        #normalise by number of comparisons.
        allhists[bin,] <- allhists[bin,] + hist
        nhists[bin] <- nhists[bin] + 1
        spikepairs[bin] <- spikepairs[bin] + this.m
      } else {
        hists.rejected <- 1 + hists.rejected

  if(hists.rejected > 0)
    cat(paste(hists.rejected, "histograms rejected from prob.t.cond.r\n"))
  if ((hists.rejected + sum(nhists)) != (n*(n-1)/2))
    stop(paste("did we compute enough histograms between cell pairs?",
               sum(nhists), (n*(n-1)/2)))

  ## Compute the average histogram for each distance.
  ## Now take the average of each histogram.  This could be done by matrix
  ## multiplication, but this is also simple.
  ## for (i in 1:n.distancebins) {allhists[i,] <- allhists[i,] / nhists[i]}
  allhists <- allhists / nhists

  list(nhists = nhists,
       allhists = allhists,
       spikepairs = spikepairs,
       m=sum(spikepairs),                             # number of counts.

prob.t <- function(p.t.cond.r, p.r)  {
  ## Return p(t)
  p.t <- apply(p.t.cond.r, 2, function(x) { drop(x %*% p.r)}) #scalar product
  if (identical(all.equal(sum(p.t),1), FALSE))
    warning("p.t should sum to 1")

make.mi <- function(s, tmax=4) {
  ## Return the mutual information.
  ## this includes the bias term,
  ## For Dan's example:
  ## m <- 42000; n.t <-400; n.r <- 9
  ## mi.bias <- ( (n.t * n.r) - n.t - n.r + 1) / ( 2 * m * log(2))
  p.r <- prob.r(s)
  l <- prob.t.cond.r(s, tmax, n.timebins=100)
  p.t.cond.r <- l$allhists
  p.t <- prob.t(p.t.cond.r, p.r)

  if (identical(all.equal(sum(abs(apply(p.t.cond.r, 1, sum))),1),FALSE))
    stop("at least one p(t|r) does not sum to 1")

  (mi <- sum(p.r * apply(p.t.cond.r, 1,
                         function(x) { sum(x * my.log2(x/p.t)) })) )
  m <- l$m;
  n.t <- length(p.t)
  n.r <- length(p.r)
  mi.bias <- ( (n.t * n.r) - n.t - n.r + 1) / ( 2 * m * log(2))

  mi <- mi - mi.bias                    # subtract bias.

  res <- list(

my.log2 <- function(x) {
  ## Take log2(), but change any NaN to 0, since 0log(0) is defined as zero
  ## because x log x -> 0   as x->0.
  res <- log2(x)
  bad <- which(is.infinite(res))
  if (any(bad))
    res[bad] <- 0

show.prob.t.r <- function(s,comment="")  {
  ## Show the p(t|r) distributions.
  ## comment is an optional string to add to the plot.
  ## make.mi() must have been done first...

  op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  nbins <- length(s$distance.breaks) -1
  if (nbins == 7)
    par(mfrow=c(4,2))                   # jay
    par(mfrow=c(4,3))                   # MM
  par(mar=c(4,4,2,2))                   #reduce each margin a bit.
  par(oma=c(1,0,0,0))                   #outer margin, 1 line at bottom.

  timebin.tmax <- s$mi$l$tmax;
  timebin.n    <- s$mi$l$n.timebins;
  timebin.wid <- timebin.tmax/timebin.n; timebin.min <- 0
  timebin.times <- seq(from=timebin.min+(timebin.wid/2),by=timebin.wid,
  for (i in 1:nbins) {
    plot(timebin.times, s$mi$p.t.cond.r[i,],
         ##main=paste(s$file,"r bin",i),
         xlab="time (s)",
         ylab=expression(paste("p(", Delta,"t|r)")),
         main=paste(s$distance.breaks.strings[i], "um, n=",s$mi$l$nhists[i]),
    lines( timebin.times[c(1,timebin.n)], c(1/timebin.n, 1/timebin.n),lty=3)
  plot(timebin.times, s$mi$p.t, main="p(t)",
       xlab="time (s)", ylab="p(t)")
  mtext(paste(s$file, date(), "MI",signif(s$mi$mi,4),comment),side=1,outer=TRUE)

  par(op)                               #restore old params.

count.nab <- function(ta, tb, tmax=0.05) {
  ## C routine to count the overlap N_ab (from Wong et al. 1993)
  z <- .C(C_count_overlap,
          res = integer(1))

##' Histogram routines to help compute the cross-correlation between a pair of
##' spike trains.
##' For a pair of spike trains, TA (train a) and TB, these related routines
##' return the count of the number of spikes in B that occur within some time
##' window [-tmax,tmax] of a spike in A.  For histbi.ab, we return a histogram
##' of dt values from [-tmax,tmax].  For hist.ab, we ignore the sign of each dt
##' and just return a histogram in the range [0,tmax].  Finally, for count.nab,
##' we just return the number of dt values found in the range [-tmax,tmax],
##' rather than binning dt into a histogram.
##' @aliases hist.ab histbi.ab count.nab test.count.hist2.nab
##' test.count.hist.nab test.hist.ab test.histograms.versus.r
##' @param ta Vector of spike times, sorted such that lowest is first.
##' @param tb Vector of spike times, sorted such that lowest is first.
##' @param tmax maximum time (in seconds) to bin
##' @param nbins Number of bins in the histogram.  For histbi.ab, each bin is
##' of width (2*tmax)/nbins.  For hist.ab, each bin is (tmax)/nbins wide.
##' @return \code{hist.ab} returns a histogram of counts ignoring sign.
##' \code{histbi.ab} returns a histogram of counts respecting sign.
##' \code{count.nab} returns the number of dt values.
##' @section METHOD: For the histogram routines, each bin is of the form [low,
##' high), with the exception of the last bin (for +tmax), which is of the form
##' [tmax-binwid, tmax].  By assuming the spikes are ordered lowest first, the
##' number of spike comparisons is greatly reduced, rather than comparing each
##' spike with A with each spike in B.
##' @seealso Nothing else yet...
##' @references No references here.
##' @keywords math
##' @examples
##' stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(
##'   histbi.ab(c(0), c(-2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1,1, 1.8,2), tmax=2, nbins=4),
##'   c(2,0,2,5),
##'   check.attributes=FALSE)))
##' stopifnot(identical(TRUE, all.equal.numeric(
##'   hist.ab(c(0), c(-2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1,1, 1.8,  2), tmax=2, nbins=4),
##'   c(2,0,3,4),
##'   check.attributes=FALSE)))
##' test.hist.ab()
## Following examples are not run since they either take a long time
## or require an "s" structure.
##' \dontrun{
##' test.histograms.versus.r()
##' test.count.hist.nab()
##' test.count.hist.nab(s)
##' test.count.hist2.nab(s)
##' }
##' @export hist.ab
hist.ab <- function(ta, tb, tmax, nbins) {

  ## C routine to bin the overlap time between two spike trains (TA,
  ## TB) into a histogram with NBINS ranging from to TMAX [0,TMAX].
  ## The sign of time differences is ignored.
  z <- .C(C_bin_overlap,
          res = integer(nbins),
          as.integer(nbins), PACKAGE="sjemea")

  counts <- z$res
  names(counts) <- hist.make.labels(0, tmax, nbins, right=FALSE)

histbi.ab <- function(ta, tb, tmax, nbins) {
  ## C routine to bin the overlap time between two spikes into a
  ## histogram up to +/- TMAX.  This is a bidirectional version of
  ## hist.ab, so the sign of time difference matters and the histogram
  ## ranges in [-TMAX,+TMAX]
  z <- .C(C_bin2_overlap,
          res = integer(nbins),

  counts <- z$res
  names(counts) <- hist.make.labels(-tmax, tmax, nbins, right=FALSE)

hist.make.labels <- function(tmin, tmax, nbins, right=TRUE) {
  ## Make the labels for the histogram bins.
  ## right=TRUE: Each histogram is of the form
  ## (lo, hi], except for the first bin, which is [lo,hi].
  ## right=FALSE: Each histogram is of the form
  ## [lo, hi), except for the last bin, which is [lo,hi].
  ## This is an internal function that is used from hist.ab and histbi.ab.
  breaks <- seq(from=tmin, to=tmax, length=nbins+1)
  dig.lab <- 3
  for (dig in dig.lab:12) {
    ch.br <- formatC(breaks, digits = dig, width = 1)
    if (ok <- all(ch.br[-1] != ch.br[-(nbins+1)])) 
  if (right) {
    ## right closed
    labels <- paste("(", ch.br[-(nbins+1)],",", ch.br[-1], "]",sep="")
    substring(labels[1], 1) <- "["
  } else {
    ## left closed
    labels <- paste("[", ch.br[-(nbins+1)],",", ch.br[-1], ")",sep="")
    substring(labels[nbins], nchar(labels[nbins])) <- "]"


test.histograms.versus.r <- function() {
  ## Test how well my histograms perform against R's binning methods.
  ## Generate some random data points and see how my binning compares to
  ## the binning produced by R's table facility.
  ## If everything goes okay, it should just produce "99" loops.
  ## This is more thorough than the other tests below.
  min.t <- -2.0; max.t <- 2.0; nbins <- 100
  for (i in 1:99) {
    ## Generate some random data.
    r <- rnorm(90000)
    r <- c(r, (numeric(102) + min.t), (numeric(102) + max.t))

    ## In this case, we will assume that all values should fit within the
    ## bounds of the histogram, i.e. we do not need to sort the data.
    ## method 1: clip any value outside boundary to boundary value.
    r <- pmin(max.t, pmax(min.t, r))

    ## method 2: reject any value outside boundary.
    ##valid <- which((r >= min.t) & (r <= max.t)); r<- r[valid]

    ## count the number of elements that should be binned.
    count <-  count.nab(c(0), r,max.t)

    ## t1 - table from R.
    t1 <- table(cut(r, breaks=seq(from=min.t,to=max.t, length=(2*nbins)+1),
    t2 <- histbi.ab(c(0), r, tmax=max.t, nbins=2*nbins)
    t3 <- hist.ab(c(0), r,  tmax=max.t, nbins=nbins)
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(t1),as.numeric(t2)))) {
      print("first test")
      print(t1); print(t2)
      ##error("these are not equal")
    if(!all.equal.numeric(sum(t1), count)) {
      print("2nd test")
      print(sum(t1)); print(count)
      ##error("sum and count are unequal")
    bi.cols <- cbind( nbins:1, (nbins+1):(2*nbins))
    bi.sums <- apply(matrix(t2[bi.cols], ncol=2), 1, sum)
    if( !isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(t3), bi.sums))) {
      print("third test")
      print(t3); print(bi.sums)
      ##error("t3 and bi.sums are unequal")
  print("all okay")
test.hist.ab <- function() {
  ## Test function to check how hist.ab() compares to R's hist/cut().
  ## If we say spike train A has one spike at time 0, the histogram
  ## produced for comparing spike train A, B will be the same as
  ## binning the spike times of B.
  ## Here we want times in [0,1] to be binned into 4 bins.
  a <- c(0)

  ## either generate random data, or test boundary's explicitly.  Here
  ## the crucial test is whether 0.5 falls in bin 2 or 3.

  ## The histograms produced by my C-code are [low,high), i.e. closed
  ## on the left, open on the right.  To get the same behaviour in cut()
  ## we need to right=F.
  b <- c(0.1,0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.9)
  ##b <- runif(100)
  h <- hist.ab(a, sort(b), 1.0, 4)
  x <- table(cut(b, breaks=c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0),right=FALSE,

  sum(abs(x-h))                         #should be zero.

test.count.hist.nab <- function(s) {
  ## For a set of spike trains, check that the C functions
  ## count_overlap and hist_overlap calculate the same values: the
  ## value returned by count_overlap should be the same as the sum of
  ## the histogram returned by hist_overlap.
  spikes <- s$spikes
  n <- s$NCells
  dt <- 0.05
  counts <- array(0, dim=c(n,n))
  for ( a in 1:(n-1)) {
    n1 <- s$nspikes[a]
    for (b in (a+1):n) {
      n2 <- s$nspikes[b]
      count <-  count.nab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]],dt)
      counts[a,b] <- count
      this.hist <- hist.ab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]],dt,5)
      if (sum(this.hist) != count) {
        stop(paste("element", a,b, "count", count,
                   "sum", sum(this.hist)))
  ## return the upper triangular array of counts, just in case you want
  ## to examine it.

test.count.hist2.nab <- function(s) {
  ## For a set of spike trains, check that the C functions
  ## count_overlap and hist_overlap calculate the same values: the
  ## value returned by count_overlap should be the same as the sum of
  ## the histogram returned by hist_overlap.  Furthermore, the
  ## bi_overlap function should be the same.
  spikes <- s$spikes
  n <- s$NCells
  dt <- 0.05
  nbins <- 10
  counts <- array(0, dim=c(n,n))

  ## which bins go together for the same absolute time delay.
  ## Each column tells you which bins of the bi histogram should be
  ## added to make the one-way histogram.
  bi.cols <- cbind( nbins:1, (nbins+1):(2*nbins))

  for ( a in 1:(n-1)) {
    n1 <- s$nspikes[a]
    for (b in (a+1):n) {
      n2 <- s$nspikes[b]
      count <-  count.nab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]],dt)
      counts[a,b] <- count
      this.hist <- hist.ab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]],dt,nbins)
      ## when doing the bidirectional, must double the number of bins.
      this.hist.bi <- histbi.ab(spikes[[a]], spikes[[b]],dt,nbins*2)

      ## then work out the sums of the bins that correspond to the
      ## same absolute time differences.  Works only for an even
      ## number of bins.
      bi.sums <- apply(matrix(this.hist.bi[bi.cols], ncol=2), 1, sum)

      ##print(this.hist.bi); print(bi.sums); print(this.hist); stop("stop");

      if (sum(this.hist) != count) {
        stop(paste("element", a,b, "count", count,
                   "sum", sum(this.hist)))
      if (any (this.hist - bi.sums)) {
        stop(paste("histbi element", a,b, "count", count,
                   "sum", sum(this.hist)))
  ## return the upper triangular array of counts, just in case you want
  ## to examine it.

check.similarity <- function(s, tmax=0.001) {
  ## Check to see if two cells have similar spike trains.
  ## Check pair-wise to see the incidence of coincident spiking
  ## (within TMAX seconds of each other).
  ## Return an array,. showing for each cell pair:
  ## i, j, count, n.i, n.j, frac

  ## where i,j are the numbers of the cells; count is the raw count of
  ## coincident spikes; n.i, n.j are the number of spikes in those
  ## trains, and frac is the count/min(n.i, n.j)

  n.cells <- s$NCells
  n.comparisons <- (n.cells * (n.cells-1))/2
  results <- matrix(0, nrow = n.comparisons, ncol = 6) #results array.
  result.line <- 1
  for (i in 1:(n.cells-1)) {
    n.i <- s$nspikes[i]
    for (j in (i+1):n.cells) {
      count <- count.nab(s$spikes[[i]], s$spikes[[j]], tmax)
      n.j <- s$nspikes[j]
      frac <- count/ min(c(n.i, n.j))
      results[result.line, ] <- c(i, j, count, n.i, n.j, frac)
      result.line <- 1 + result.line
  colnames(results) <- c("i", "j", "count", "n.i", "n.j", "frac")

xcorr.plot <-  function(spikes.a, spikes.b,
                        xcorr.maxt=4, bi= TRUE,
                        autocorr=FALSE, page.label= date(),
                        plot=TRUE) {

  ## Produce the cross-correlation of two spike trains, SPIKES.A and SPIKES.B.
  ## PLOT.LABEL is the text to be drawn under the plot.
  ## If BI is true, the histogram is [-XCORR.MAXT, XCORR.MAXT], and we see 
  ## both the negative and positive parts of the correlogram.
  ## page.label is the label to add at the bottom of the page.
  ## To make an autocorrelation, SPIKES.A and SPIKES.B are the same train,
  ## and set AUTOCORR to true.  (For autocorrelation we exclude "self counts",
  ## when a spike is compare to itself.)
  ## If PAUSE is true, during interactive usage, we pause between screenfulls.
  ## (X only, may not work on windows...)
  ## If PLOT is TRUE (default), show the resulting plot.  If FALSE, just return the
  ## cross-correlation values.

  if (missing(spikes.b)  && autocorr) {
    ## For autocorrelation, assume 2nd train is the first train.
    spikes.b = spikes.a
  if (bi) {
    x <- histbi.ab(spikes.a, spikes.b, xcorr.maxt, nbins)
  } else {
    x <-   hist.ab(spikes.a, spikes.b, xcorr.maxt, nbins)
  if (autocorr) {
    ## We are doing auto-correlation, so subtract Ncells from zero bin.
    ## This is to stop counting the time from one spike to itself.
    zero.bin <- floor((nbins/2)+1)
    x[zero.bin] <- x[zero.bin] - length(spikes.a)
    if (x[zero.bin] < 0)
      stop(paste("zero.bin cannot be reduced below zero",
                 x[zero.bin], length(spikes.a)))

  dt.wid <- (2*xcorr.maxt)/nbins        #width (in seconds) of one bin.

  ## Normalize to spikes/sec, by dividing the bin count by (Numspikes*bin)
  ## where Numspikes is the number of spikes in the train, and bin is the
  ## time width of each bin.  (From the Neuroexplorer manual.)
  ##  In contrast, if "probability" is required, the normalisation is that
  ## bin counts are dvided by the number of spikes in the spike train.
  x <- x/ (length(spikes.a) * dt.wid)

  max.val <- signif(max(x),2)

  ## Poisson rate is simply the mean firing rate of the other cell.
  ## This calculated as the number of spikes divided by (time of last
  ## spike minus time of first spike.)
  nspikes.b <- length(spikes.b)
  poisson.rate <- nspikes.b/ (spikes.b[nspikes.b] - spikes.b[1])

  if (plot) {
    ## Plot the histogram.  type "l" is line, "h" for impulses.
    ## No axes are added here.
    plot(x, ylim=c(0,max.val), type="l",
         xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n",yaxt="n")

    ## if we want a y-axis, rather than "max" line...
    want.yaxis <- TRUE
    if (want.yaxis) 
      axis(2, at = c(0, max.val), las=1)
    if (show.poisson) {
      lines(c(1, length(x)), c(poisson.rate, poisson.rate), lty=1, col="cyan")
    ## Now annotate the plot with some info.  Plot the info as a central
    ## "tic mark" along the x-axis (which goes from 1 to nbins)
                                        #   axis(1, (nbins/2),
                                        #        labels=c(paste(plot.label,
                                        #          ifelse(want.yaxis, "", paste(" max", max.val)),
                                        #          ##"", signif(poisson.rate,2),
                                        #          sep="")))

    ## put axis at bottom;
    if (xcorr.plot.xaxistimes) {
      axis(1, c(1, nbins/2, nbins), labels=c(-xcorr.maxt, 0, xcorr.maxt))
    } else {
      axis(1, c(1, nbins/2, nbins), labels=FALSE)

    ## put label at top:
    mtext(plot.label, side=3, cex=par()$cex)

    screen.layout <- par()$mfg
    if ( identical(all.equal.numeric(screen.layout[1:2], c(1,1)), TRUE))
      ## Output the page label for only the first plot of the page.
      mtext(page.label, side=1,outer=TRUE)

    if ( identical(all.equal.numeric(screen.layout[1:2],
                                     screen.layout[3:4]), TRUE)
        && ( (names(dev.cur()) == "X11") || (names(dev.cur()) == "windows"))
        && pause)
      ## If we are using a display and the last plot has just been shown,
      ## wait for the user to press RETURN before displaying next page.
      readline("Press return to see next page of plots.")
  } else {
    ## no plotting, just return cross-correlations.


xcorr.restricted <- function(s, a, b,
                             tmin, tmax,
                             xcorr.maxt=5, plot=TRUE) {
  ## Compute the cross-correlation just between TMIN and TMAX for two
  ## cells, A and B.  Times are given in seconds.  If TMIN, TMAX
  ## omitted, they default to min,max time respectively.

  if (missing(tmin)) tmin <- min(unlist(s$spikes))
  if (missing(tmax)) tmax <- max(unlist(s$spikes))
  ## Instead of plotting, we could just get the result returned to us.
  spikes.a <-s$spikes[[a]]
  spikes.b <-s$spikes[[b]]

  ## remove spikes outside the time range [tmin, tmax]
  rej.a <- which( (spikes.a < tmin) | (spikes.a > tmax))
  if (any(rej.a)) spikes.a <- spikes.a[-rej.a]

  rej.b <- which( (spikes.b < tmin) | (spikes.b > tmax))
  if (any(rej.b)) spikes.b <- spikes.b[-rej.b]

  ## for debugging, just check the range of spikes are as thought.

  xcorr.plot(spikes.a, spikes.b,
             bi=TRUE, plot.label=plot.label,
             autocorr=FALSE, pause=FALSE,
             page.label="page label", plot=plot)


crosscorrplots <- function(s, op.file=NULL, tmax=4, nbins=100,
                           xcorr.ncols=8, xcorr.nrows=14) {
  ## Show all the cross/auto-correlations for the structure.
  ## OP.FILE is the file to output to; If it ends in ".pdf", a PDF is made,
  ## else a postscript file is made.  If OP.FILE is NULL (the default), output
  ## goes to the screen instead, with a pause after each screenfull.
  ## TMAX (defaults to 4 seconds) is the maximum +/-time; NBINS is the
  ## number of bins.
  ## xcorr.nrows and xcorr.ncols controls the dimensions of the array plot.
  xcorr.label <- paste(s$file, date(), "tmax [s]", tmax, "nbins", nbins)

  ## If output file ends in ".pdf", make a pdf, else make a postscript file
  if (is.null(op.file)) {
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  else {
    if (any(grep ("\\.pdf$", op.file)))
      pdf(file=op.file, width=8.5, height=11)

  par(oma=c(1,0,0,0), mar=c(1.5,1, 0,0)+0.2, tcl=-0.2, mgp=c(0,0,0))
  par(mfrow=c(xcorr.nrows, xcorr.ncols))

  spikes <- s$spikes

  if (autocorr) {
    ncorrs <- s$NCells;
    cell.comparisons <- cbind( 1:ncorrs, 1:ncorrs, 0)
    breaks <- NULL                      #no gaps in the plots
  } else {
    ## more complicated arrangement for cross-correlation
    d <- s$dists;
    d[lower.tri(d, diag=TRUE)] <- NA
    cellpairs <- which(d>=0, arr.ind=TRUE)
    orders <- order(d[cellpairs])
    d2 <- cbind(cellpairs, d[cellpairs])
    ## Now sort them according to smallest distance first.
    cell.comparisons <- d2[orders,]
    ncorrs <- length(orders);
    ## Use the dists.bins matrix to determine when we need to emit a blank
    ## plot.  This helps in viewing the many plots!
    b <- s$dists.bins;  b[lower.tri(b, diag=TRUE)] <- NA
    breaks <- cumsum(table(b))
  for (n in 1:ncorrs) {
    i <- cell.comparisons[n,1]
    j <- cell.comparisons[n,2]
    d <- cell.comparisons[n,3]
    plot.label <- paste(i, ":", j,
                        if (autocorr) {""} else {paste(" d", d)},

    xcorr.plot(spikes[[i]], spikes[[j]],
               xcorr.maxt=tmax, bi=TRUE, plot.label=plot.label,
    if (any(breaks == n))               #if this is the end of a distance bin
      plot.new()                        #then make a blank plot.
  if (is.null(op.file))

check.spikes.monotonic <- function(spikes) {
  ## Check to see that all spike times are monotonically increasing.
  ## The counting and histogram routines assumes that spike times
  ## are sorted, earliest spikes first.
  ## check.spikes.monotonic( list(c(1,3,5), c(1,5,4)))
  results <- sapply( spikes, function(x) { any(diff(x) <0)})
  if (any(results)) {
    stop(paste("Spikes are not ordered in increasing time",
               paste(which(results),collapse=" "),"\n"))

mm.spikes.to.bursts <- function(spikes, burst.sep=2) {
  ## Convert spikes to bursts.
  ## burst.sep is the threshold time between spikes for finding bursts.
  ## spikes.to.bursts(c(1,2,3, 7,8, 11,12,13,14, 19,20, 23,24))
  ## Note: this is too simplistic, and probably not applicable to animals
  ## at older ages where the spike firing could be almost continuous.
  f <- which( diff(spikes) > burst.sep) +1

list.to.data.frame <- function(l) {
  ## Convert a list of sublists to a data frame.  Each sublist is assumed
  ## to have the same names; each name forms a column.
  ## list.to.data.frame( list (list(a=3, name="cat", legs=4),
  ##                           list(a=5, name="human", legs=2),
  ##                           list(a=5, name="snake", legs=0)) )
  ## Performs minimal sanity checking.
  ## Master version is in ~/langs/R/list_to_dataframe.R -- edit that version
  ## and then copy back here!!!
  if(length(unique(sapply(l, length))) > 1)
    stop("not all list elements are of the same length")
  ## Check that the names of each sublist are identical.
  num.sublists <- length(l)
  if (num.sublists > 1) {
    for(i in 2:num.sublists) {
      ## check that sublist 2,3... has same names as sublist 1.
      if (any(!(names(l[[i]]) == names(l[[1]])))) {
        stop(paste("different names in sublists", 1,  i))
  names <- names(l[[1]])
  new.list <- list()
  for (num in 1:length(l[[1]])) {
    t <- sapply(l, function(x) {x[[num]]})
    column <- list(t); names(column)[1] <- names[num]
    new.list[[num]] <- column
  d <- data.frame(new.list)

# movie-related functions.

make.animated.gif <- function (x, beg=1,
                               delete.frames=TRUE) {
  ## Loop over each frame, making a temporary .pbm (black/white) and
  ## then convert it to a GIF.  Temporary gif file names are written
  ## as /tmp/ms.movNNNNN.gif where NNNNN is the frame number.  The
  ## frame number normally has leading zeros (e.g. 00050 rather than
  ## 50) so that the frames are ordered correctly by the * wildcard
  ## when creating the animated gif.
  ## DELAY is the delay (an integer) in 100ths of a second.
  ## WARNING: this works only on Linux, as it requires a ocuple of
  ## external unix programs.!

  for (i in beg:end) {
    plot.rate.mslayout(x, i)
    file <- paste("/tmp/ms.mov", formatC(i,width=5,flag="0"), ".gif", sep='')
    dev2bitmap(file="/tmp/ms.mov.pbm", type="pbmraw")
    system(paste("ppmtogif /tmp/ms.mov.pbm >",file, sep=''), ignore.stderr=TRUE)
    ##file <- paste("/tmp/ms.mov", formatC(i,width=5,flag="0"), ".pbm", sep='')
    ##dev2bitmap(file=file, type="pbmraw")

  ## now make the animated gif.
  system(paste("gifsicle --delay=",delay," --loop /tmp/ms.mov*.gif > ",
               output, sep=''))

  ## Have the option to keep or delete the individual frames after
  ## making the movie.

  if (delete.frames)
    system("rm -f /tmp/ms.mov*.gif /tmp/ms.mov.pbm")


##' Generate a movie of MEA activity.
##' The mean firing rate of each unit is computed and represented as a circle with
##' the area proportional to the firing rate.  The sequence of frames are then
##' coerced into a movie.
##' @param x The "s" object.
##' @param beg start time of the movie
##' @param end end time of the movie
##' @param outputdir directory to store the frames (no slash at end).
##' If directory does not exist, it is created first.
##' @param prefix prefix file name for frames
##' @param show.frames Boolean -- do we show the frames on screen as well?
##' @param seconds Boolean: draw the time above the plot?
##' @param delete.first Boolean: delete the outputdir before starting?
##' @param clean.after Boolean: delete the outputdir after finishing?
##' @param anim.delay time (in seconds) delay between frames.  If delay is zero,
##' do not convert movie.
##' @return NULL.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
make.movieframes <- function (x, beg=1,
                              show.frames = interactive(),
                              anim.delay=5) {

  ## Loop over each frame, making a PNG (mono) file.
  ## The frame number normally has leading zeros (e.g. 00050 rather than
  ## 50) so that the frames are ordered correctly by the * wildcard.
  ## OUTPUTDIR is the directory where the files are to be stored.  This
  ## should not end in a forward slash (/).  If the directory does not
  ## exist, it is created first.
  ## If DELETE.FIRST is true, we delete all the png files in the output
  ## directory before making any new images.
  ## If SECONDS is true, beg,end are interpreted as time in seconds,
  ## not frames.  These times are then first converted into frame numbers.
  ## If SHOW.FRAMES is true, we view the frames on the screen as well as
  ## writing them to PNGs.
  ## Once the frames are made, quicktime on PC can then make a movie of these
  ## frames; or on unix, try: "animate -delay 5 mea*png"
  ## On unix, we can also use "convert" to make the movies
  ## automatically.  WE can do this by setting ANIM.DELAY to the delay
  ## (in 1/100ths of a second) required between frames.
  if (substring(outputdir, first=nchar(outputdir))=="/")
    stop(paste("outputdir should not end in slash", outputdir))

  if (!file.exists(outputdir))
  if (seconds) {
    ## convert beg, end into frames.
    beg <- time.to.frame(x$rates$times, beg)
    end <- time.to.frame(x$rates$times, end)
  if (delete.first) {
    ## Delete all movie files before making new set.  Best not to use
    ## unlink as it doesn't accept wildcards on DOS.
    files <- list.files(path=outputdir, full.names=TRUE,
    if (length(files)>0)

  ## Show the frames.
  for (i in beg:end) {
    if (show.frames)
    file <- paste(outputdir, "/", prefix,
                  ".png", sep='')
    plot.rate.mslayout(x, i)

  cat(paste("Movie frames stored in", outputdir, "\n"))
  if (anim.delay > 0) {
    ## We want to make an animation...
    cmd = sprintf("cd %s; convert -delay %d %s*png mea.gif",
      outputdir, anim.delay, prefix)
    cat(sprintf("Output file mea.gif created in %s\n", outputdir))

    if (clean.after) {
      ## remove all the temp files up afterwards
      files <- list.files(path=outputdir, full.names=TRUE,
      if (length(files)>0)
  } else {
    cat("Convert these to a movie using Quicktime or on Linux:\n")
    cat("convert -delay 20 *png mea.gif\n")

time.to.frame <- function(times, time) {
  ## Given a vector of TIMES, return the index closest to TIME.
  ## Normally, times will be the vector s$rates$times.

centre.of.mass <- function(s, beg, end, seconds=TRUE,
                           thresh.num=3, thresh.rate=2) {
  ## Find the centre of mass for a set of spikes.

  ## BEG and END are given in seconds (by default), and converted
  ## into frame numbers here. 
  ## A unit is active if its firing rate is above thresh.rate (Hz).
  ## THRESH.NUM is the minimum number of units that must be active to
  ## draw the Centre of mass.
  ## We return a list with components:
  ## COM -- a 2-d array giving the centre of mass at each timestep
  ## ACTIVE -- list of units that are active.
  ## METHOD -- the method used to compute CoM.

  first.frame <- 
    if (missing(beg)) 1
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, beg)
  last.frame <-
    if (missing(end)) length(s$rates$times)
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, end)

  n.frames <- (last.frame+1 - first.frame)
  com <- array(NA, dim=c(n.frames,2))   #(x,y) coords of COM for each frame.

  rownames(com) <- s$rates$times[first.frame:last.frame]
  colnames(com) <- c("com x", "com y")
  index <- 1
  active <- real(0)                     #vector of units that are active.

  for (f in first.frame:last.frame) {
    above <- which(s$rates$rates[f,] > thresh.rate)
    if (length(above) >= thresh.num) {
      com[index,] <- c( mean(s$layout$pos[above,1]), mean(s$layout$pos[above,2]))
      active <- sort(union(active, above))
    index <- index+1

  res <- list(com=com, active=active, method="thresh")
  class(res) <- "mscom"

centre.of.mass.wt <- function(s, beg, end, seconds=TRUE) {

  ## Find the centre of mass for a set of spikes.
  ## Try a weighting factor version.  All cells included.

  ## BEG and END are given in seconds (by default), and converted
  ## into frame numbers here.
  ## Each unit is weighted by dividing its current firing rate
  ## by the overall firing rate.
  ## We return a list with two components:
  ## COM -- a 2-d array giving the centre of mass at each timestep
  ## ACTIVE -- list of units that are active.
  ## METHOD -- the method used to compute CoM.
  first.frame <- 
    if (missing(beg)) 1
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, beg)
  last.frame <-
    if (missing(end)) length(s$rates$times)
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, end)

  n.frames <- (last.frame+1 - first.frame)
  com <- array(NA, dim=c(n.frames,2))   #(x,y) coords of COM for each frame.

  rownames(com) <- s$rates$times[first.frame:last.frame]
  colnames(com) <- c("com x", "com y")
  index <- 1

  for (f in first.frame:last.frame) {
    ## weighting factor of each unit i.
    mass.i <- s$rates$rates[f,] / s$meanfiringrate
    mass <- sum(mass.i)
    com[index, 1] <- sum( mass.i * s$layout$pos[,1]) / mass
    com[index, 2] <- sum( mass.i * s$layout$pos[,2]) / mass
    index <- index+1

  res <- list(com=com, active=NULL, method="wt by mean")
  class(res) <- "mscom"

centre.of.mass.wt2 <- function(s, beg, end, seconds=TRUE,
                               thresh.num=3, thresh.rate=5) {

  ## Find the centre of mass for a set of spikes.
  ## Try a weighting factor version, after we first threshold the units
  ## by the number of cells above a firing rate.
  ## BEG and END are given in seconds (by default), and converted
  ## into frame numbers here.
  ## Each unit is weighted by dividing its current firing rate
  ## by the overall firing rate.
  ## We return a list with two components:
  ## COM -- a 2-d array giving the centre of mass at each timestep
  ## ACTIVE -- list of units that are active.
  ## METHOD -- the method used to compute CoM.
  first.frame <- 
    if (missing(beg)) 1
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, beg)
  last.frame <-
    if (missing(end)) length(s$rates$times)
      if (seconds)
        time.to.frame(s$rates$times, end)

  n.frames <- (last.frame+1 - first.frame)
  com <- array(NA, dim=c(n.frames,2))   #(x,y) coords of COM for each frame.

  rownames(com) <- s$rates$times[first.frame:last.frame]
  colnames(com) <- c("com x", "com y")
  index <- 1

  for (f in first.frame:last.frame) {
    above <- which(s$rates$rates[f,] > thresh.rate)
    if (length(above) >= thresh.num) {
      ## weighting factor of each unit i.
      mass.i <- s$rates$rates[f,] / s$meanfiringrate
      mass <- sum(mass.i)
      com[index, 1] <- sum( mass.i * s$layout$pos[,1]) / mass
      com[index, 2] <- sum( mass.i * s$layout$pos[,2]) / mass
    index <- index+1

  res <- list(com=com, active=NULL, method="wt by mean")
  class(res) <- "mscom"

colour.com <- function(com) {
  ## Helper routine to parse the Centre of Mass into consecutive periods
  ## of activity.  This function returns a vector labelling each time-step
  ## of the centre of mass to a wave number.
  nrows <- dim(com)[1]
  colours <- integer(nrows)
  wave <- 0
  in.wave <- FALSE
  for (i in 1:nrows) {
    current <- com[i,1]
    if (in.wave) {
      if (is.na(current)) {
        ## wave has ended
        in.wave <- FALSE
        colour <- NA
      } else {
        ## still within the wave
        colour <- wave
    } else {
      ## see if we are now in a wave.
      if (is.na(current)) {
        colour <- NA
      } else {
        ## new wave has started.
        wave <- wave + 1
        colour <- wave
        in.wave <- TRUE
    colours[i] <- colour


plot.mscom <- function(x, s, colour=TRUE, show.title=TRUE,
                       rel.cex=1, ...) {
  ## Plot the centre-of-mass using COLOUR if TRUE.
  ## S is optional, but if given, we get to see electrode positions
  ## and the name of the file.
  par.pty <- par()$pty
  par(pty="s")                          #use square plotting region.
  if (colour) {
    colours <- colour.com(x$com)
    nwaves <- max(colours, na.rm=TRUE)
    ## Break up the COM into "waves", consecutive times when we have
    ## the Centre of Mass. We then loop over these to plot with a
    ## different colour for each wave.
    ##com.lines <- sapply(1:nwaves, function(i) {x$com[which(colours==i),1:2]})
    com.lines <- lapply(1:nwaves, function(i) {
      valid <- which(colours==i)
      v <- x$com[valid,1:2]
      ##matrix(data=v, ncol=2)
    col.num <- 0;
    first.plot <- TRUE

    for (i in 1:nwaves) {
      c <- com.lines[[i]]
      if (is.null((dim(c))))
      else {
        col.num <- col.num +1;
        if (col.num >= max.cols) col.num <- 1;
      if (first.plot) {
        times <- rownames(x$com)
        title <- paste(ifelse(missing(s), "unknown file", basename(s$file)),
                       times[1], times[length(times)])
        first.plot <- FALSE
        plot(c, xlab="", ylab="",
             xlim = s$layout$xlim,
             ylim = s$layout$ylim,
             xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
             col=col.num, asp=1, type="l",
      } else {
        lines(c, col=col.num)
      ##text(c[1,1], c[1,2], "*", cex=3*rel.cex)
      ## Draw the starting point and add a bit of jitter.
      text(c[1,1]+(20*runif(1)), c[1,2]+(20*runif(1)), "*",
           col=col.num, cex=3*rel.cex)
    ## draw electrode positions if we have them.
    if(!missing(s)) {
      ## if we don't have active list, just draw them all as empty.
      electrode.cols <- rep(0, dim(s$layout$pos)[1]) #default colour of white.
      if (!is.null(x$active))
        electrode.cols[x$active] <- 1   #black for the active ones.

      points(s$layout$pos, pch=21, bg=electrode.cols, cex=rel.cex*0.9,
    if (!is.null(label.cells)) {
           labels=label.cells[,3], cex=rel.cex*1)

  } else {
    ## let's not bother with colours.
    plot.default(x$com, type="b",asp=1)

  ## restore "pty" parameter.

show.movie <- function(x, beg=1, end,
                       delay=0.03, ...) {
  ## Show a movie within R.
  ## x is the spikes data structure.
  ## BEG is the number of the first frame.
  ## END is the number of the last frame (defaults to the number of
  ## frames to show).
  ## If seconds is true, BEG and END are taken to be time in seconds, rather
  ## than frame numbers.  These are then converted into frame numbers.
  ## delay gives the delay in seconds between frames.
  if (seconds) {
    beg <- time.to.frame(x$rates$times, beg)
    if (missing(end))
      end <- dim(x$rates$rates)[1]
      end <- time.to.frame(x$rates$times, end)
  } else {
    if (missing(end))
      end <- dim(x$rates$rates)[1]
  for (f in beg:end) {
    plot.rate.mslayout(x, f, ...)

make.spikes.to.frate.old <- function(spikes,
                                 time.interval=1, #time bin of 1sec.
                                 ) {

  ## OLD version: gets slow on the Litke data due to large amount of rearranging of
  ## vectors, unlist() etc.
  ## Convert the spikes for each cell into a firing rate (in Hz)
  ## We count the number of spikes within time bins of duration
  ## time.interval (measured in seconds).
  ## Currently cannot specify BEG or END as less than the
  ## range of spike times else you get an error from hist().  The
  ## default anyway is to do all the spikes within a data file.

  ## if clips is set to TRUE, firing rate is clipped within the
  ## values frate.min and frate.max.  This is problably not needed.

  spikes.to.rates <- function(spikes, breaks, time.interval) {
    ## helper function.
    h <- hist(spikes, breaks=breaks,plot=FALSE)
    h$counts/time.interval                #convert to firing rate (in Hz)

  spikes.range <- range(unlist(spikes))
  if (is.null(beg))  beg <-  spikes.range[1]
  if (is.null(end))  end <-  spikes.range[2]
  time.breaks <- seq(from=beg, to=end, by=time.interval)
  if (time.breaks[length(time.breaks)] < end) {
    ## extra time bin needs adding.
    ## e.g seq(1,6, by = 3) == 1 4, so we need to add 7 ourselves.
    time.breaks <- c(time.breaks,

  rates <- sapply(spikes, spikes.to.rates, breaks=time.breaks,
  dimnames(rates) <- NULL
  ## Now optionally set the upper and lower frame rates if clip is TRUE.
  if (clip)
    rates <- pmin(pmax(rates, frate.min), frate.max)

  ## Do the average computation here.
  ## av.rate == average rate across the array.
  av.rate <- apply(rates, 1, mean)
  ## We can remove the last "time.break" since it does not correspond
  ## to the start of a time frame.
  res <- list(rates=rates,

make.spikes.to.frate <- function(spikes,
                                 time.interval=1, #time bin of 1sec.
                                 ) {
  ## Convert the spikes for each cell into a firing rate (in Hz)
  ## We count the number of spikes within time bins of duration
  ## time.interval (measured in seconds).
  ## Currently cannot specify BEG or END as less than the
  ## range of spike times else you get an error from hist().  The
  ## default anyway is to do all the spikes within a data file.

  ## Note, we need to check for when there are no spikes; this can
  ## happen when examining a subset of spikes, e.g. a well in a multi-well
  ## plate that was not working.
  ## r <- make.spikes.to.frate(list(), beg=100, end=200, clip=TRUE)
  nspikes <- lapply(spikes, length)
  nelectrodes <- length(nspikes)
  ## if clips is set to TRUE, firing rate is clipped within the
  ## values frate.min and frate.max.  This is problably not needed.
  spikes.range <- range(unlist(spikes))
  if (is.null(beg))  beg <-  spikes.range[1]
  if (is.null(end))  end <-  spikes.range[2]
  time.breaks <- seq(from=beg, to=end, by=time.interval)
  if (time.breaks[length(time.breaks)] <= end) {
    ## extra time bin needs adding.
    ## e.g seq(1,6, by = 3) == 1 4, so we need to add 7 ourselves.
    time.breaks <- c(time.breaks,
  nbins <- length(time.breaks) - 1
  z <- .C(C_frate,
          as.double(time.breaks[1]), as.double(time.breaks[nbins]),
          counts = double(nbins*nelectrodes))

  rates <- matrix(z$counts, nrow=nbins, ncol=nelectrodes)

  ## Check if there are any electrodes to process.
  if (nelectrodes > 0) {
    ## Now optionally set the upper and lower frame rates if clip is TRUE.
    if (clip)
      rates <- pmin(pmax(rates, frate.min), frate.max)

    ## Do the average computation here.
    ## av.rate == average rate across the array.
    av.rate <- apply(rates, 1, mean)
  } else {
    av.rate <- rep(NA, nbins)
  ## We can remove the last "time.break" since it does not correspond
  ## to the start of a time frame.
  res <- list(rates=rates,

plot.meanfiringrate <- function (s, beg, end, main=NULL,
                                 xlab = "time (s)",
                                 ylab = "mean firing rate (Hz)",
                                 lwd=0.2, ...) {
  ## Plot the mean firing rate over all the cells at each time step.
  ## Can optionally specify the beginning (BEG) and end (END) time, in
  ## seconds.
  if (missing(beg)) beg <- s$rates$times[1]
  if (missing(end)) end <- s$rates$times[length(s$rates$times)]

  if (is.null(main))
    main = basename(s$file)
  plot(s$rates$times, s$rates$av.rate, type = "h", xlab = xlab,
       xlim=c(beg,end), bty="n", lwd=lwd,
       ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)

"setrates<-" <- function(s, value) {
  ## set the $rates and $times field of jay's structures.
  ## typical usage:
  ## rates <- make.spikes.to.frate(js, ...)
  ## setrates(js) <- rates
  s$rates$rates <- value$rates
  s$rates$times <- value$times

## Simple statistics of the spike trains.

fano.array <- function(spikes, fano.timebins=c(0.1, 1.0)) {
  ## Compute fano factor for set of spike trains over a range of
  ## time bins.
  a <- sapply(fano.timebins, function(t) { fano.allspikes(spikes, t)})
  rownames(a) <- 1:length(spikes)
  colnames(a) <- fano.timebins

fano.allspikes <- function(spikes, timebin) {
  ## helper function to compute fano factor of all spike trains
  ## for one time bin.
  sapply(spikes, function(x) {fano(x, timebin)[4]})

fano <- function(spikes, bin.wid=0.1) {
  ## Compute the fano factor for one spike train, and for one bin width.

  ## When computing breaks, sometimes the last break comes before the
  ## last spike time, in which case we remove the spikes that come
  ## after the last break.  This should remove only a very small
  ## number of spikes.
  breaks <- seq(from=0, to=ceiling(max(spikes)), by=bin.wid)
  last.break <- breaks[length(breaks)]
  spikes <- spikes[which( spikes <= last.break)]

  h <-  hist(spikes,
             plot=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)

  counts <- h$counts
  counts.mean <- mean(counts); counts.var <- var(counts)
  counts.fano <- counts.var / counts.mean
  res <- c(bin.wid, counts.var, counts.mean, counts.fano)
  names(res) <- c("bin wid", "var", "mean", "fano")

fano.plot <- function(s, fano.timebins=c(0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0)) {
  ## Box plot showing fano factor for the group of units
  ## as a function of the time bin used for the Fano factor.
  f <- fano.array(s$spikes, fano.timebins=fano.timebins)
          xlab="time bin(s)", ylab="fano factor")
  curve((x*0)+1,add=TRUE)                        #Poisson line x=1

  ## Return the fano array for subsequent processing.

isi <- function(train) {
  ## Compute the ISI for one spike train.
  n <- length(train)
  if (n>1) {
    isi <- diff(train)
  } else {
    isi <- NA                           #cannot compute ISI with 0 or 1 spike.

cv.isi <- function(train) {
  ## Given a spike train, compute the CV.ISI.
  n = length(train)
  if ( n >1) {
    isi = diff(train)
    isi.mean = mean(isi)
    isi.sd = sd(isi)
    cv = isi.sd / isi.mean
  } else {
    cv = NA                     #cannot compute ISI with 0 or 1 spike.

plot.cumisi <- function(s, xlim=c(0.01, 30)) {

  ## Show the ISI cumulative historgrams.
  ## Each black line is ISI from one channel.
  ## Red line is the mean ISI across the whole array...
  show.isi.cdf <- function(spikes, col='black',lwd=1) {
    if (length(spikes)>1) {
      isi1 <- isi(spikes)
      s <- sort(isi1)
      n <- length(s)
      y <- (1:n)/n
      lines(s, y, col=col,lwd=lwd)

  plot(NA, NA, log='x', xlim=xlim, ylim=c(0,1),
       xlab='ISI (s)', ylab='cumulative probability', type='n', bty='n')

  res <- sapply(s$spikes, show.isi.cdf)

  ## This is a hacky way to get the average -- since "tt" will be very long...
  tt <- unlist(s$spikes)
  show.isi.cdf(tt, col='red', lwd=2)

  ## Other ideas for plotting the ISI histogram
  ##x = density(isi1)
  ## plot(x, log='x')
  ##x = hist(isi1, breaks=100)

## store the maximum and minimum firing rate.  Any firing rate bigger
## than this value is set to this value; this prevents the circles
## from overlapping on the plots.  Likewise, anything smaller than the
## minimum is set to the minimum value.
jay.ms.max.firingrate <- 10
jay.ms.min.firingrate <- 0.0                  #min firing rate in Hz.

## if electrodes are 100um, each circle can be no bigger than 50um radius,
## else they will overlap.

jay.ms.max.rad <- 50                    #radius for highest firing rate.
jay.ms.min.rad <- 2                     #size of smallest rate.

rates.to.radii <- function(rates) {

rates.to.radii.prop.rad <- function(rates) {
  ## Convert the firing rates RATES into radii, such that radius
  ## is proportional to firing rate.

  ## first ensure rates bounded in [min,max]
  rates <- pmax(pmin(rates,jay.ms.max.firingrate),
  radii <- jay.ms.min.rad +
    ((jay.ms.max.rad - jay.ms.min.rad)* ( rates - jay.ms.min.firingrate) /
     (jay.ms.max.firingrate - jay.ms.min.firingrate))


rates.to.radii.prop.area <- function(rates) {
  ## Convert the firing rates RATES into radii, such that area of circle
  ## is proportional to firing rate.
  ## first ensure rates bounded in [min,max]
  rates <- pmax(pmin(rates,jay.ms.max.firingrate),

  min.area <- pi * (jay.ms.min.rad^2)
  max.area <- pi * (jay.ms.max.rad^2)
  area <- min.area +
    ((max.area - min.area)* ( rates - jay.ms.min.firingrate) /
     (jay.ms.max.firingrate - jay.ms.min.firingrate))

  radii <- sqrt(area/pi)


## To compare the effect of the two different methods for converting
## rate to radius:
##rates <- seq(from=jay.ms.min.firingrate,to=jay.ms.max.firingrate, length=100)
##plot(rates, rates.to.radii.prop.area(rates), type="l",
##     xlab="rate (Hz)", ylab="radius (um)")
##points(rates, rates.to.radii.prop.rad(rates),pch=19)

## set to TRUE for colour coding of firing rate; FALSE for radius-encoding.
## Colour-coding seems to flicker a lot more than radius coding...
plot.rate.colour <- FALSE

plot.rate.mslayout <- function(...) {
  ## Simple wrapper to decide whether to encode firing rate as a radius or
  ## colour of circle.
  if (plot.rate.colour)

plot.rate.mslayout.rad <- function(s, frame.num, show.com=FALSE,
                                   draw.empty=FALSE) {
  ## New version, fixed for Jay's dimensions.
  ## Plot the given frame number in the multisite layout.
  ## The biggest character size is set by jay.ms.max.firingrate.
  ## If SHOW.COM is true, we show the centre of mass as a green dot.
  ## If SKIP.EMPTY is true, any frames where all circles are at min radius
  ## are not drawn.
  ## If SHOW.TIME is true, write the current time above the plot.
  no.small.dots <- FALSE;               #set this to TRUE/FALSE

  radii <-  rates.to.radii(s$rates$rates[frame.num,])
  ## If the radius is zero, R (on unix) still draws a v. small circle
  ## -- is this a bug?  Anyway, replacing zeros (or small values)
  ## with NAs does the trick if you don't want small circles (but they
  ## act as electrode positions which is handy).

  ## extract the unit positions and optionally update them to account
  ## for offsets, so that cells do not overlap on screen.
  xs <- s$layout$pos[,1]; ys <- s$layout$pos[,2]
  if (!is.null(s$unit.offsets)) {
    xs <- xs + s$unit.offsets[,1]
    ys <- ys + s$unit.offsets[,2]

  draw.anything <- TRUE                 #flag - do not change.
  if (no.small.dots) {
    min.radius <- jay.ms.min.firingrate *jay.ms.max.rad / jay.ms.max.firingrate
    small.cells <- which(radii < min.radius)
    if (any(small.cells))
      radii[small.cells] <- NA

    if (length(small.cells) == s$NCells) {
      ## nothing to draw.
      draw.anything <- FALSE

  if (draw.anything) {
    if (!skip.empty || (any(radii > jay.ms.min.rad))) {
      symbols(xs, ys,
              fg="black", bg="black",
              xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab='', ylab='',
              xlim=s$layout$xlim, ylim=s$layout$ylim,
                formatC(s$rates$times[frame.num], digits=1, format="f"),
      if (show.com) {
        com <- centre.of.mass(s, frame.num, frame.num, seconds=FALSE)
          ## for retreat, colour them green.
          ##points(com$com, pch=19, col="green")
          ##points(com$com, pch=21, lwd=0.5, bg="grey")
          ## use a triangle for COM, so distinct from open circles
          ## used in other centre of mass plots.
          points(com$com, pch=23, lwd=0.5, bg="white")
  } else {
    ## nothing to draw, so just draw outline.
    if (draw.empty) 
      plot( NA, NA,
           xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab='', ylab='',
           xlim=s$layout$xlim, ylim=s$layout$ylim,
           main=formatC(s$rates$times[frame.num], digits=1, format="f"))

## Number of colours to have in the firing rate colourmap
## +the colourmap itself.  Reverse the list so that white is low
## and black is high.
jay.ms.ncols <- 16
jay.ms.cmap <- rev(gray(0:(jay.ms.ncols-1)/(jay.ms.ncols-1)))

plot.rate.mslayout.col <- function(s, frame.num, show.com=FALSE,
                                   skip.empty=F) {
  ## Colour indicates firing rate.
  ## Plot the given frame number in the multisite layout.
  ## If SHOW.COM is true, we show the centre of mass as a green dot.
  ## If SKIP.EMPTY is true, any frames where all circles are at min radius
  ## are not drawn.

  ## This time, radii are fixed size (e.g. 45um), but colour varies.
  ## radii <- rep(jay.ms.max.rad, dim(s$layout$pos)[1])
  radii <- rep(45, dim(s$layout$pos)[1])

  cols <- rates.to.cols(s$rates$rates[frame.num,])

  ## extract the unit positions and optionally update them to account
  ## for offsets, so that cells do not overlap on screen.
  xs <- s$layout$pos[,1]; ys <- s$layout$pos[,2]
  if (!is.null(s$unit.offsets)) {
    xs <- xs + s$unit.offsets[,1]
    ys <- ys + s$unit.offsets[,2]

  symbols(xs, ys,
          xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab='', ylab='',
          xlim=s$layout$xlim, ylim=s$layout$ylim,
          main=formatC(s$rates$times[frame.num], digits=1, format="f"))
  if (show.com) {
    com <- centre.of.mass(s, frame.num, frame.num, seconds=FALSE)
      points(com$com, pch=19, col="green")

rates.to.cols <- function(rates) {
  bin.wid <- (jay.ms.max.firingrate - jay.ms.min.firingrate) /
  cols <- floor( (rates-jay.ms.min.firingrate)/ bin.wid)+1
  ## in case firing rate is outside range of firingrates, limit values
  ## of cols to within 1:jay.ms.ncols.
  cols <- pmax(cols, 1)                 
  cols <- pmin(cols, jay.ms.ncols)

plot.rate.mslayout.scale <- function(s) {
  ## Draw the scale bar for the plots.

  if (plot.rate.colour) {
    x <- seq(from=100, to=700, by=100)
    y <- rep(500, length(x))
    rates <- seq(from=jay.ms.min.firingrate, to=jay.ms.max.firingrate,
    radii <- rep(45, length(x))
    cols <- rates.to.cols(rates)
    symbols(x, y,
            xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab='', ylab='',
            xlim=s$layout$xlim, ylim=s$layout$ylim,
  } else {
    ## show the radius scale bar.
    x <- seq(from=100, to=700, by=100)
    y <- rep(500, length(x))
    rates <- seq(from=jay.ms.min.firingrate, to=jay.ms.max.firingrate,
    radii <-  rates.to.radii(rates)
    symbols( x, y,
            fg="black", bg="black",
            xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab='', ylab='',
            xlim=s$layout$xlim, ylim=s$layout$ylim,
  text(x, y-200, labels=signif(rates,digits=2),cex=0.5)


movie.postage <- function(s, tmin, tmax, file="movies.ps") {
  ## Create a postscript file of the firing rate from TMIN to TMAX (given in
  ## seconds).
  par(mfrow=c(5, 7))
  par(oma=c(0,0,3,0)); par(mar=c(0,1,3,0))
  par(pty="s")                            #produce a square plotting region.
  show.movie(s, seconds=TRUE, delay=0,
             beg=tmin, end=tmax,
             show.com=TRUE, skip.empty=TRUE)

plot.rate.mslayout.old <- function(s, frame.num) {
  ## Plot the given frame number in the multisite layout.
  ## If you want to plot circles rather than disks, change "pch=19"
  ## to "pch=21".  Do `help("points")' for a summary of plot types.
  ## The biggest character size is set by jay.ms.max.firingrate.
  ## xaxt and yaxt control whether or not the axes are plotted.
  plot(s$layout$pos[,1], s$layout$pos[,2], pch=19, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
       xlab='', ylab='',
       main=formatC(s$rates$times[frame.num], digits=1, format="f"))

op.picture <- function(pos, rates, iteration) {
  ## output a plot of the multisite array activity as a postscript file.
  ps.scale <- 0.5 ### 1.0                      #overall scale factor for plot.
  ps.min.x <- 40; ps.min.y <- 40
  ps.wid <-  560 * ps.scale; ps.ht <- 560 * ps.scale;
  ps.max.x <- ps.min.x + ps.wid
  ps.max.y <- ps.min.y + ps.ht
  ps.centre.x <- 0.5 * (ps.min.x + ps.max.x)
  ps.centre.y <- 0.5 * (ps.min.y + ps.max.y)

  ps.header <- paste("%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n",
                     "%%Title: Main canvas\n",
                     "%%BoundingBox: ", ps.min.x, " ", ps.min.y, " ",
                     ps.max.x, " ", ps.max.y, "\n",
                     "%%CreationDate: ", date(), "\n",
                     ##"%% /d { 3 1 roll   moveto 10.0 div drawbox} def\n\n",
                     "/d { 3 mul 20 min 0 360 arc fill } def\n\n",
                     "%%EndProlog\n%%Page: 1 1\n",
                     ps.centre.x, " ", ps.centre.y, " translate\n", sep='')

  ps.trailer <- "showpage\n%%Trailer"

  this.rates <- rates[iteration,]
  ncells <- length(this.rates)

  fname <- paste("frame", formatC(iteration, width=4,flag="0"), sep='')
  zz <- file(paste(fname,".ps",sep=''), "w")  # open an output file connection
  cat(ps.header, file = zz)
  for (i in 1:ncells) {
   p <- paste(pos[i,1], pos[i,2], this.rates[i], "d\n")
   cat(p, file = zz)

  cat(ps.trailer, file = zz)

  system(paste("mypstopnm -pbm ", paste(fname,".ps",sep='')))
  system(paste("ppmtogif ", paste(fname,".pbm",sep=''),">",

plot.mealayout <- function(x, use.names=FALSE, ...) {
  ## Decide which function to plot the array layout based on number of cells.
  if (nrow(x$pos) < 100) {
    plot.mealayout.1(x, use.names, ...)
  } else {
    plot.mealayout.hi(x, use.names, ...)
plot.mealayout.1 <- function(x, use.names=FALSE, ...) {

  ## Plot the MEA layout.

  pos <- x$pos
  plot(NA, asp=1,
       xlim=x$xlim, ylim=x$ylim,
       xlab="spacing (\u00b5m)", ylab="", type="n")
  if (use.names)
    text(pos[,1], pos[,2], rownames(pos), ...)
    text(pos[,1], pos[,2], ...)

plot.mealayout.hi <- function(x, use.names=FALSE, ...) {
  ## Plot the MEA layout, high density version
  pos <- x$pos
  plot(pos, asp=1,
       xlim=x$xlim, ylim=x$ylim,
       xlab="spacing (\u00b5m)", ylab="", pch=20)

spikes.to.ragged.csv <- function(spikes, filename='test.csv') {
  ## SPIKES is a list of vectors of spike times.
  ## FILENAME is the name of the CSV file to create.
  ## Each spike train in SPIKES is first padded with NAs at the end of
  ## each train, so that each train is the same length.  These spikes
  ## are then written to a CSV file, chaning NAs to blank entries.
  ## This file can then be read in by other programs, or viewed in a
  ## spreadsheet.

  ## find longest spike train and then na.pad every other spike train
  ## to that length.
  max.nspikes <- max(sapply(spikes, length))

  na.pad <-function(x,n) {
    ## Pad the end of vector X with NA s.t. it is of length N.
    l <- length(x)
    n.na <- n - l
    c(x, rep(NA, n.na))

  spikes.pad <- lapply(spikes, na.pad,n=max.nspikes)
  d <- data.frame(spikes.pad)
  write.csv(d, filename, na='', row.names=F)

## Visualisation efforts.

## tclVar <- function(x) x                 #temporary hack.!!!!

## beg.time.t <- tclVar(1)                   #set initial value as 1.
## durn.t <- tclVar(100)
## cells.t <- tclVar("")
## burst.t <- tclVar(1)
## label.t <- tclVar(1)

spikeview <- function(s, duration=100) {
  ## Create a Spikeview window and show it.

  ## Init the vars?
  tclvalue(durn.t) <- as.character(duration)
  show.plot <- function(...) {
    ## Update the plot window.
    ## TODO: check that beg/end times are suitable.
    beg.time <- as.numeric(tclvalue(beg.time.t))
    durn <- as.numeric(tclvalue(durn.t))

    ## If "cells.t" is currently empty, the string will empty and thus
    ## the cells.t will be set to NULL; otherwise, the expression will
    ## be the sequence of numbers.
    which.cells <- eval(parse(text= tclvalue(cells.t)))
    ##x <- floor(beg.time) + (1:durn)
    ##plot(x, data[x], main=beg.time, type='l', yaxt='n')
    plot.mm.s(s, whichcells=which.cells,
              beg=beg.time, end=beg.time+durn)

  update.time <- function(panel) {
    ## Convert duration to a number -- all text items are strings.
    durn <- as.numeric(panel$duration)
    x <- floor(panel$beg.time) + (1:durn)
    plot(x, data[x], main=panel$beg.time, type='l', ylab='n')
    ## must return the panel object.
  next.callback <- function() {
    ## Callback for the next button.
    ## TODO: check that it can be updated.
    tclvalue(beg.time.t) <-
      as.character( as.numeric(tclvalue(beg.time.t)) +

  prev.callback <- function() {
    ## Callback for the prev button.
    tclvalue(beg.time.t) <-
      as.character(as.numeric(tclvalue(beg.time.t)) -

  returnkey.callback <- function(...) {
    ##  Callback when RETURN is pressed within entry boxes.
    ## Taken from rpanel method.

  ## Create base frame.
  base <- tktoplevel()
  spec.frame <- tkframe(base, borderwidth=2)
  tkwm.title(base, "Spike viewer")
  s.beg.time <- s$rec.time[1]
  s.end.time <- s$rec.time[2]
  scale <- tkscale(spec.frame, command=show.plot,
                   from = s.beg.time,
                   to =   s.end.time, 
  ## The callback for the slider will send, as first argument,
  ## the current value of the slider.

  next.but <- tkbutton(spec.frame, text="Next", command=next.callback)
  prev.but <- tkbutton(spec.frame, text="Prev", command=prev.callback)

  durn.lab <- tklabel(spec.frame, text="Durn (s)")
  durn.but <- tkentry(spec.frame, textvariable=durn.t,width=5)
  tkbind(durn.but, "<Key-Return>", returnkey.callback)

  cells.lab <- tklabel(spec.frame, text="Cells")
  cells.but <- tkentry(spec.frame, textvariable=cells.t,width=5)
  tkbind(cells.but, "<Key-Return>", returnkey.callback)

  burst.rad <- tkcheckbutton(spec.frame,
                             text="Burst", indicatoron=1, variable=burst.t)

  labels.rad <- tkcheckbutton(spec.frame,
                             text="Cell id", indicatoron=1, variable=label.t)
  ## Add buttons, one row at a time, using the grid manager.
  tkgrid(scale, columnspan=2)
  tkgrid(prev.but, next.but)
  tkgrid(durn.lab, durn.but)
  tkgrid(cells.lab, cells.but)
  tkgrid(burst.rad, labels.rad)


## * Movie functions.

pause.time <- 100                       #delay in msec

## movie.time <- tclVar(1)                 # current start time of frame.
## movie.show <- tclVar(1)                 # "1" for on, "0" for off.

movie.window <- function(s, beg=NULL, end=NULL) {
  ## Play the movie of the spike trains on the MEA.
  ## BEG and END (if given) are the time in seconds on the array.

  if (is.null(beg))
    beg <- s$rec.time[1]
  if (is.null(end))
    end <- s$rec.time[2]

  tclvalue(movie.time) <- as.character(beg)
  show.movie.frame <- function(..., update.win=TRUE) {
    start.time <- as.numeric(tclvalue(movie.time))
    ##print(paste("show movie", start.time))
    frame.num <- time.to.frame(s$rates$times, start.time)
    plot.rate.mslayout(s, frame.num, ...)
    if ( update.win && (tclvalue(movie.show)=="1")) {
      next.time <- start.time + s$rates$time.interval
      if (next.time < end ) {
        ## Still have more to show...
        tclvalue(movie.time) <- as.character(next.time)
        tcl("after", pause.time, show.movie.frame)
      } else {
        tclvalue(movie.show) == "0"     #for consistency.

  stop.callback <- function() {
    ## Callback for the stop button.
    tclvalue(movie.show) <- "0"

  go.callback <- function() {
    ## Callback for the go button.
    tclvalue(movie.show) <- "1"

  show.plot.scale <- function(...) {
    ## Callback for the scale widget.

  close.window <- function() {
    ## Callback for when the WM tries to delete the window.
    ## This is needed to stop the movie before destroying the window.
    tclvalue(movie.show) <- "0"

  ## Create a control window and show it.
  ## Create base frame.
  base <- tktoplevel()
  tcl("wm", "protocol", base, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close.window)

  spec.frame <- tkframe(base, borderwidth=2)
  tkwm.title(base, "Movie player")
  scale <- tkscale(spec.frame,
                   from = beg, to = end, 
  go.but   <- tkbutton(spec.frame, text="Go",   command=go.callback)
  prev.but <- tkbutton(spec.frame, text="Stop", command=stop.callback)

  ## Add buttons, one row at a time, using the grid manager.
  tkgrid(scale, columnspan=2)
  tkgrid(go.but, prev.but)


print.mm.s <- function(x) {
  ## Default print method for a SPIKES data structure.
  ## TODO: work on this to make it more sensible.
  cat("MEA spikes\n")
  cat(basename(x$file), "\n")
  cat("nchannels ", x$NCells, "\n")
sje30/sjemea documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:44 a.m.