
Defines functions make.sun.layout.old make.sun.layout sun.read.spikes

Documented in sun.read.spikes

##' Read in Neuroxplorer data from the Sun et al (2008) papers
##' This is a modified version of jay.read.spikes, as the file formats are
##' very similar; the main difference being the way channels are
##' named, and that electrodes are spaced 200um apart.
##' @inheritParams jay.read.spikes
##' @export
sun.read.spikes <- function(filename, ids=NULL,
                            beg=NULL, end=NULL,
                            min.rate=0) {

  ## Read in all the data at once, and then separate into channel
  ## names and spike times.

  data <- scan(filename, what=character(0), sep='\t')
  ## find out which data is a channel name, and which is 
  headers <- grep('^[a-zA-Z]', data)
  nchannels <- length(headers)
  ## safety check: headers must increment by 1
  stopifnot( nchannels==1 ||
            isTRUE(all.equal(diff(headers), rep(1, nchannels-1))))
  ## can have multiple units on one location, given by 'a', 'b' etc.
  channels <- data[headers]

  ## Now get the spike times.
  data <- data[-headers]                  #take off the channel names
  npts <- length(data)
  data <- data[-npts]             #get rid of trailing CR at end of file.
  npts <- npts -1
  data <- as.double(data)
  ## reshape data into matrix - one col is one electrode
  dim(data) <- c(nchannels, npts/nchannels)
  data <- t(data)
  colnames(data) <- channels

  spikes <- apply(data, 2, jay.filter.for.na)

  if (!is.null(end))
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.max, max=end)

  if (!is.null(beg))
    spikes <- lapply(spikes, jay.filter.for.min, min=beg)

  if (!is.null(ids) ) {
    if (any(ids>length(spikes)))
      stop(paste("some ids not in this data set:",
                 paste(ids[ids>length(spikes)],collapse=" ")))
    spikes <- spikes[ids];
    channels <- channels[ids];

  spikes.range <- range(unlist(spikes))
  if (is.null(beg))  beg <-  spikes.range[1]
  if (is.null(end))  end <-  spikes.range[2]
  rec.time <- c(beg, end)
  if (min.rate > 0 ) {
    ## Check for inactive channels.
    nspikes <- sapply(spikes,length)
    durn <- diff(rec.time)
    rates <- nspikes/durn
    inactive <- which(rates < min.rate)
    if (any(inactive)) {
      paste("Removing spikes with low firing rates: ",
            paste(inactive, collapse=' '))
      spikes   =   spikes[-inactive]
      channels = channels[-inactive]

  ## Count the number of spikes per channel, and label them.
  nspikes <- sapply(spikes, length)
  names(nspikes) <- channels

  ## meanfiring rate is the number of spikes divided by the (time of
  ## last spike - time of first spike).  
  meanfiringrate <- nspikes/ ( end - beg)

  ## Parse the channel names to get the cell positions.

  layout <- make.sun.layout( channels)
  ## temporary test: shuffle electrode positions.
  ## pos <- pos[sample(1:num.channels),]

  unit.offsets <- NULL                  #default value.
  ## check that the spikes are monotonic.

  rates <- make.spikes.to.frate(spikes, time.interval=time.interval,
                                beg=beg, end=end)
  ## Ignore any shifting of cells that were assigned to the same
  ## electrode.
  res <- list( channels=channels,
              spikes=spikes, nspikes=nspikes, NCells=length(spikes),
  class(res) <- "mm.s"

  distance.breaks = c(0, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 1000, 
  res$corr = corr.index(res, distance.breaks)



make.sun.layout <- function(positions) {
  ## make the layout for Sun's MEA
  ## This is like Jay's, but with 200 um spacing. 

  xlim <- ylim <- c(50, 1700)
  spacing <- 200

  electrode <- as.integer(substring(positions, 6,7))
  cols <- as.integer(substring(positions, 6,6)) * spacing
  rows <- as.integer(substring(positions, 7,7)) * spacing

  pos <- cbind(x=cols, y=rows, electrode.num=electrode)
  rownames(pos) <- positions
  array <- 'MCS_8x8_200um'
  layout <- list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, spacing=spacing,
                 pos=pos, array=array)

  class(layout) <- "mealayout"



make.sun.layout.old <- function(positions) {
  ## make the layout for Sun's MEA
  ## This is like Jay's, but with 200 um spacing. 

  xlim <- ylim <- c(50, 1700)
  spacing <- 200

  cols <- as.integer(substring(positions, 6,6)) * spacing
  rows <- as.integer(substring(positions, 7,7)) * spacing
  pos <- cbind(cols, rows)
  rownames(pos) <- positions
  layout <- list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, spacing=spacing,

  class(layout) <- "mealayout"


sje30/sjemea documentation built on May 21, 2024, 5:44 a.m.