
Defines functions compute.single.player.eq example.solve.single.player.tg

# Internal algorithm to solve tg games in which just one player makes a decision
# Can be used to quickly...
# 1. ...find best replies
# 2. ...solve for first best solution

example.solve.single.player.tg = function() {

	gameId = "UG2"
	tg.org = get.tg(gameId = gameId, never.load = !FALSE)
	eq.li = get.eq(tg = tg.org, never.load=TRUE)
  expected.eq.outcomes(eq.li=eq.li, tg=tg.org)

  eq = eq.li[[2]]
  tg = make.best.reply.tg(tg.org, eq, player=2, tremble.prob = 1/1000)
  tg0 = make.best.reply.tg(tg.org, eq, player=2, tremble.prob = 0)
  eq = compute.single.player.eq(tg, player=2, find.all.eq=FALSE)
  eq0 = compute.single.player.eq(tg, player=2, find.all.eq=FALSE, eq=eq,zero.prob.info.sets = "old.strat")

  expected.eq.outcomes(eq.li=list(eq), tg=tg)
  expected.eq.outcomes(eq.li=list(eq0), tg=tg)

  eq.li = compute.single.player.eq(tg, player=2, find.all.eq=FALSE)

  expected.eq.outcomes(eq.li=eq.li, tg=tg)


compute.single.player.eq = function(tg, player=1, info.set.probs = attr(eq,".info.set.probs"), return.just.info.set.probs=FALSE, find.all.eq=FALSE, zero.prob.info.sets = c("uniform","old.strat",  "error")[1], eq=NULL,util.col = c(paste0("util_",player))) {

  # We write one equilibrium into info.set.probs
  if (is.null(info.set.probs)) {
    row = which.max(tg$ise.df$.info.set.move.ind.start)
    total.moves = tg$ise.df$.info.set.move.ind.start[row] + tg$ise.df$.num.moves[row]-1
    info.set.probs = rep(0, total.moves)

  if (find.all.eq) {
    info.set.probs = matrix(info.set.probs,1)

  # Find index of first action level
  # we don't need to perform any computation before
  first.action.level = min(tg$action.levels)

  # Outcomes that will be reduced via backward induction
  odf = tg$oco.df
  odf$.util = odf[[util.col]]

  # Go through levels backwards
  lev.num = length(tg$lev.li)+1

  while(lev.num > first.action.level) {
    lev.num = lev.num-1
    lev = tg$lev.li[[lev.num]]
    lev.df = lev$lev.df

    join.cols = intersect(tg$lev.vars, colnames(lev.df))
    # Outcomes that are not reached at this level
    # add them later again to odf
    omitted.odf = anti_join(odf, lev.df, by=join.cols)
    # Join utilities to lev.df
    lev.df = inner_join(lev.df, odf[,c(join.cols, ".util")],

    if (lev$type=="nature") {

      # Compute expected utilities
      # by grouping over .node.ind
      odf  = lev.df %>%
        group_by_at(c(setdiff(join.cols, lev$var),".node.ind")) %>%
        summarize(.util= weighted.mean(.util, .move.prob)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%

    } else if (lev$type=="action") {
      # Compute for each information set the
      # total probability over all nodes that it will
      # be reached
      lev.df = lev.df %>% group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
          .info.set.prob = sum(.prob * (.move.ind==1)),
          .num.nodes = n_distinct(.node.ind)+1,
          .undefined.node.prob =  .num.nodes >1 & .info.set.prob == 0
        ) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        # Compute the probability of each node given that
        # its information set is reached
        # If an information set with more than one node
        # is reached with zero prob,
        # we set .node.prob.in.info.set to NA and deal later with it
        mutate(.node.prob.in.info.set = ifelse(.num.nodes > 1, .prob / .info.set.prob, 1))

      if (zero.prob.info.sets=="error") {
        if (any(lev.df$.undefined.node.prob)) {
          stop("Some multi-node information sets are reached with zero probability. Cannot continue via Bayesian updating. Either create a one player game with zero.prob.info.sets=='uniform'")
      } else if (zero.prob.info.sets=="uniform") {
        # Assume node probabilities with each
        # information set reached with zero prob
        # are uniform
        lev.df = lev.df %>%
          mutate( .node.prob.in.info.set = ifelse(!is.finite(.node.prob.in.info.set),1 / .num.nodes, .node.prob.in.info.set))
      } else if (zero.prob.info.sets=="old.strat") {
        # Just remove the information sets that are reached with
        # zero probability
        # This keeps the old move probabilities
        # from .info.set.probs
        # Since the information sets are reached with zero prob
        # it (hopefully) does not matter for expected utilities in
        # earlier levels that we have just removed the rows
        lev.df = filter(lev.df, !.undefined.node.prob)

      # Now compute for each .move.ind in each information set
      # the expected utilities
      temp.df  = lev.df %>%
        group_by(.info.set.ind, .move.ind) %>%
        summarize(.util = weighted.mean(.util, .node.prob.in.info.set)) %>%

      # Find a single equilibrium
      single.eq.df = temp.df %>% group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
        mutate(.best.move = .move.ind[which.max(.util)]) %>%
        filter(.move.ind == .best.move) %>%
        select(-.best.move) %>%

      # Join on equilibrium back to lev.df
      # Note: single.eq.df has one row per info.set
      # the result of the join will have one row
      # per information set node.
      odf = inner_join(single.eq.df, lev.df[,c(join.cols,".info.set.ind",".move.ind",".info.set.move.ind")], by=c(".info.set.ind",".move.ind"))

      # Set equilibrium probabilities of the selected
      # moves to 1
      if (!find.all.eq) {
        info.set.probs[unique(odf$.info.set.move.ind)] = 1
      } else {

        all.eq.df = temp.df %>% group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
          mutate(.is.best.move = .util == max(.util)) %>%

        df = inner_join(
        grid.li = (df %>% group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
          summarize(moves = list(unique(.info.set.move.ind))))$moves
        eq.grid = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid.li))

        # Each row of eq.grid corresponds to a combination
        # of equilibrium moves at this level
        prob.li = lapply(seq_len(NROW(eq.grid)), function(row) {
          mat = info.set.probs
          mat[,as.integer(eq.grid[row,])] = 1
        info.set.probs = do.call(rbind, prob.li)

      # We are already finished and can skip
      # further computation for the loop
      if (lev.num <= first.action.level) break

      odf = odf %>% select(-.info.set.ind, -.move.ind, -.info.set.move.ind)
    # rbind initially omitted rows to the new odf
    if (NROW(omitted.odf)>0) {
      odf = bind_rows(odf, omitted.odf)

  if (return.just.info.set.probs)

  if (!find.all.eq) {
    eq.mat = ceq.to.eq.mat(ceq=info.set.probs,tg = tg,efg.move.inds = NULL)
  } else {
    eq.li = lapply(seq_len(NROW(eq.grid)), function(row) {
      eq.mat = ceq.to.eq.mat(ceq=info.set.probs[row,],tg = tg,efg.move.inds = NULL)

skranz/gtree documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6:03 a.m.