
Defines functions pref_lossAv pref_envy pref_ineqAv pref_custom pref_payoff pref_heterogeneous_players pref_change_params game_fix_action_preferences game_prefer_outcomes

Documented in game_fix_action_preferences game_prefer_outcomes pref_change_params pref_custom pref_envy pref_heterogeneous_players pref_ineqAv pref_lossAv pref_payoff

#' Set add a large amount of utility if a player plays a particular action
#' Allows to study the game under the assumption that a player strongly prefers
#' to chose one particular move of an action variable.
#' If you want to fix mixed strategies, use the he related function \code{\link{game_fix_action_preferences}} transforms the corresponding action into a move of nature.
#' For fixing pure strategies \code{\link{game_fix_action_preferences}}
#' is preferable when using the \code{gambit-logit} solver that can
#' find sequential equilibria, by using logit trembles.
#' @util_add How much shall be added to the utility levels
#' @param player1 A formula describing which utility levels should be added to the current utility function of player 1 (see example). If NULL we don't add utilities for player 1. Similar for the other players 2-4.
#' @param ... additional formulas for games with more than 4 players.
#' @param player.prefs by default equal to \code{list(player1,player2,player3, player4,...)}. Can be manually provided.
#' @family Fix Actions
#' @family Preferences
game_prefer_outcomes =  function(game,player1=NULL, player2=NULL, player3=NULL,..., player.prefs = list(player1=player1, player2 = player2, player3 = player3,...)) {
  pref = game$pref
  if (is.null(pref)) {
    pref = pref_payoff(game$players)
  } else if (pref$type == "prefer_actions") {
    pref = game$pref$org_pref
  n = length(game$players)
  utils_general = first.non.null(pref$utils_general, pref$utils)
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    if (is.character(utils_general[[i]]))
      utils_general[i] = list(parse.as.call(utils_general[[i]]))
    if (i > length(player.prefs)) next
    pp = player.prefs[[i]]
    if (is.null(pp)) next
    pp = f2c(pp)
    utils_general[i] = list(substitute.call(quote(old + new), list(old = utils_general[[i]], new = pp)))
  params = pref$params
  utils = lapply(utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, params))
  new.pref = list(utils_general = utils_general, utils=utils, params=params, label=pref$label, type="prefer_actions", org_pref = pref)
  class(new.pref) = c("preferences","list")
  game_set_preferences(game, new.pref)

#' Set add a large amount of utility if a player plays a particular action
#' Allows to study the game under the assumption that a player strongly prefers
#' to chose one particular move of an action variable.
#' If you want to fix mixed strategies, use the he related function \code{\link{game_fix_action_preferences}} transforms the corresponding action into a move of nature.
#' For fixing pure strategies \code{\link{game_fix_action_preferences}}
#' is preferable when using the \code{gambit-logit} solver that can
#' find sequential equilibria, by using logit trembles.
#' @util_add How much shall be added to the utility levels
#' @param actions a named list. The names correspond to action names and the values either to fixed values of the action or to a formula. If it is a formula
#' the action value can depend on earlier computed variables.
#' @param ... directly the named arguments from which \code{actions} will be constructed
#' @family Fix Actions
#' @family Preferences
game_fix_action_preferences =  function(game,..., actions = list(...), util.add = 1000) {
  pref = game$pref
  if (is.null(pref)) {
    pref = pref_payoff(game$players)
  } else if (pref$type == "prefer_actions") {
    pref = game$pref$org_pref
  n = length(game$players)
  player.actions = vector("list",n)
  for (stage in game$vg$stages) {
    vars = intersect(names(stage$actions), names(actions))
    if (length(vars)==0) next
    player = stage$player
    if (!is.numeric(player)) {
      stop(paste0("Can only fix action preferences for stages that have a fixed player (not a formula). This is not satisfied for action ", paste0(vars, collapse=", ")," in stage ", stage$name))
    player.actions[[player]] = c(player.actions[[player]], actions[vars])
  utils_general = first.non.null(pref$utils_general, pref$utils)
  for (i in game$players) {
    acts = player.actions[[i]]
    if (length(acts)==0) {
      if (is.character(utils_general[[i]]))
        utils_general[i] = list(parse.as.call(utils_general[[i]]))
    codes = sapply(seq_along(acts), function(act.ind) {
      act = f2c(acts[[act.ind]])
      if (is.character(act)) {
        return(paste0("ifelse(",names(acts)[act.ind],"=='", act, "',util.add,0)"))
      } else if (is.call(act) | is.name(act)) {
        return(paste0("ifelse(",names(acts)[act.ind],"==", deparse1(act), ",util.add,0)"))
      } else {
        return(paste0("ifelse(",names(acts)[act.ind],"==", act, ",util.add,0)"))
    code = paste0(codes, collapse="+")
    if (is.character(utils_general[[i]])) {
      code = paste0(utils_general[[i]], " + ", code)
    } else {
      code = paste0(deparse1(utils_general[[i]]), " + ", code)
    utils_general[i] = list(parse.as.call(code))
  params = c(pref$params, list(util.add = util.add))
  utils = lapply(utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, params))
  new.pref = list(utils_general = utils_general, utils=utils, params=params, label=pref$label, type="prefer_actions", org_pref = pref)
  class(new.pref) = c("preferences","list")
  game_set_preferences(game, new.pref)

#' Change the parameters of a preference object
#' @family Modify Game
#' @family Preferences
pref_change_params = function(pref, ..., params=list(), label=NULL, players=1:2, numPlayers=length(players)) {
  new.params = c(list(...), params)
  type = pref$type
  if (type == "heterogeneous_players") {
    stop("Cannot yet change preference parameter for heterogeneous players.")
  if (is.null(pref$utils_general)) {
    stop("Can only change parameters for preferences that have specified  general formulas in the field utils_general.")
  use = intersect(names(new.params), names(pref$params))
  pref$params[use] = new.params[use]

  if (is.null(label) & !is.null(pref$label.fun)) {
    pref$label = pref$label.fun(pref$params)

  pref$utils = lapply(pref$utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, pref$params))

#' Combine preferences for different players
#' @param ... all preferences ordered by players
#' @param prefs alternatively the preferences as a list object
#' @param label optional label of preferences. If NULL the individual labels will be pasted together
#' @param type label of the combined preference type
#' @family Preferences
pref_heterogeneous_players = function(..., prefs = list(...), label=NULL) {
  utils = lapply(prefs, function(pref) pref$utils)
  utils = do.call(c, utils)

  if (is.null(label))
    label = sapply(prefs, function(pref) pref$label) %>% unique %>% paste0(collapse="_")
  type = "heterogeneous_players"
  list(utils=utils, params=NULL, players = seq_along(utils), label=label, type=type)


#' Utility is equal to monetary payoff.
#' This means the player is simply a risk
#' neutral expected payoff maximizer.
#' @param player player(s) for which the preferences apply. Per default 1:2
#' @family Preferences
pref_payoff = function(player=1:2,...) {
  res = list(
    utils = paste0("payoff_", player),
    params = list(),
    label = "payoff",
    type = "payoff"
  class(res) = c("preferences","list")

#' Create a custom preference
#' @param ... Unquoted that describe the utility as a function of the parameters of the game and possible preference parameters. Should be ordered by players. Names are irrelevant.
#' @param params An optional list of parameters that are used in the formulas above
#' @param label A label for the preference, should contain info about the parameters
#' @param type A general type label independet of the parameters
#' @family Preferences
pref_custom = function(..., params=NULL, label="custom") {
  utils_general = eval(substitute(alist(...)))
  utils = lapply(utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, params))
  res = list(utils_general = utils_general, utils=utils, params=params, label=label, type="custom")
  class(res) = c("preferences","list")

#' Fehr-Schmidt inequality aversion.
#' @param alpha the degree of envy
#' @param beta the degree of guilt
#' @param player player(s) for which the preferences apply. Per default 1:2
#' @param numPlayers number of players in game per default 2
#' @family Preferences
pref_ineqAv = function(alpha=0,beta=0,player=1:numPlayers, numPlayers=2,...) {

  utils_general = vector("list", length(player))
  n = numPlayers
  for (counter in seq_along(player)) {
    i = player[counter]
    j = (1:n)[-i]
    utils_general[[counter]] = parse.as.call(paste0("payoff_",i,
      # envy
      " - (alpha /",n-1,")*(",
      # guilt
      " - (beta/",n-1,")*(",
  params = list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
  utils = lapply(utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, params))
  label.fun = function(params) paste0("ineq",params$alpha*100,"_",params$beta*100)
  label = paste0("ineq",alpha*100,"_",beta*100)

  pref = list(utils_general = utils_general, utils=utils, params=params, label=label, label.fun=label.fun, type="ineqAv")
  class(pref) = c("preferences","list")

#' Fehr-Schmidt inequality aversion with envy only
#' @param alpha the degree of envy
#' @param player player(s) for which the preferences apply. Per default 1:2
#' @param numPlayers number of players in game per default 2
#' @family Preferences
pref_envy = function(alpha=0,player=1:numPlayers, numPlayers=2,...) {
  pref = pref_ineqAv(alpha=alpha, beta=0, player=player, numPlayers=numPlayers)
  pref$type = "envy"
  pref$label = paste0("envy_", alpha*100)
  pref$label.fun = function(params) paste0("envy",params$alpha*100,"_",params$beta*100)


#' 'Linear loss aversion preferences with a single reference point
#' @param lambda factor by which losses loom larger than gains (default = 2)
#' @param r The reference point, by default 0. Can be a vector in order to have different reference points for different players.
#' @param player player(s) for which the preferences apply. Per default 1:2
#' @param numPlayers number of players in game per default 2
#' @family Preferences
pref_lossAv = function(lambda=2,r=0, player = 1:numPlayers, numPlayers=2) {

  utils_general = lapply(player, function(i) {
    if (length(r)>1) {
    } else {
  params = list(lambda=lambda, r=r)
  utils = lapply(utils_general, function(u) substitute.call(u, params))
  label.fun = function(params) paste0("lossAv",params$lambda)
  pref = list(utils_general = utils_general, utils=utils, params=params, label=label.fun(params), label.fun=label.fun, type="lossAv")
skranz/gtree documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6:03 a.m.