
Defines functions make.if.block.info adapt.if.blocks eval.hf adapt.hf.blocks default.block.info make.block.info parse.block.args parse.arg.str markdown.blocks.call.list match.blocks.start.end replace.if.blocks.from.if.df replace.if.blocks replace.blocks.txt get.blocks.txt eval.rmd.blocks.in.text unmatched.blocks.diagnostics find.rmd.blocks get.default.block.spec get.block.spec get.block.types.df examples.find.rmd.blocks

Documented in adapt.hf.blocks adapt.if.blocks eval.rmd.blocks.in.text find.rmd.blocks parse.arg.str parse.block.args replace.if.blocks

examples.find.rmd.blocks = function() {
  txt = readLines(file)
  df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)
  txt = replace.rmd.blocks(txt = txt,types="note")

  #txt = replace.if.blocks(txt=txt)

get.block.types.df = function(types) {
  specs = lapply(types, get.block.spec)
  df = data_frame()

get.block.spec = function(type) {
  fun = paste0("get.",type,".block.spec")
  if (!exists(fun, mode="function"))


get.default.block.spec = function(type) {
    is.hf = FALSE,
    libs = NULL,
    deps = list()

#' Find all rmd blocks that start with a line `#< ...` and end with a line `#>`
#' @param txt the rmd code, separated into lines
#' @return A data_frame with the columns start, end, type, arg.str or NULL if no block was found
#' @export
find.rmd.blocks = function(txt) {

  start = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#<"))
  end = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#>"))

  res = unmatched.blocks.diagnostics(txt, start=start, end=end)
  if (!res$ok) {

  if (length(start)==0) return(NULL)

  blocks = match.blocks.start.end(start, end)
  start_row = start
  end_row = end[blocks[,2]]
  #cbind(start_row, end_row)

  str = txt[start]
  str = str.trim(str.right.of(txt[start],"#< "))

  #type = str.right.of(str,dot.start) %>% str.trim %>% str.left.of(" ")
  #arg.str = str.right.of(str,dot.start) %>%

  type = str.trim(str.left.of(str," "))
  arg.str = str.right.of(str,type) %>% str.trim

  if (any(is.na(type))) {
    msg = paste0(start[is.na(type)],": ", txt[start[is.na(type)]], collapse = "\n")
    stop(paste0("Could not parse types in the following lines:\n\n",msg))

  fast_df(start=start_row, end=end_row, type=type, arg.str=arg.str)

#' @export
unmatched.blocks.diagnostics = function(txt, start = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#<")), end = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#>"))) {

  # first check if a block closes somewhere
  # witihout blocks being open
  n = min(length(start),length(end))
  line = NULL
  if (n > 0) {
    prev.closed = which(end[1:n]<start[1:n])
    if (length(prev.closed)>0) {
      line = min(end[prev.closed])
  if (!is.null(line)) {
    msg = paste0("On line ", line, " you close a block while no block is open")
    return(list(ok=FALSE, msg=msg, lines=line))

  if (length(start)>length(end)) {
    extra.end = length(txt)+1:(length(end)-length(start))
    blocks = as_data_frame(match.blocks.start.end(start, c(end,extra.end)))

    bi = blocks %>%
      mutate(unclosed = end_ind > length(end)) %>%
      filter(unclosed) %>%
      mutate(start = start[start_ind], title=txt[start])

    msg = paste0("You have the following unclosed block(s):\n", paste0("\n\tline ",bi$start, ": ", bi$title, collapse=""))
    return(list(ok=FALSE, msg=msg, lines=start))
  } else if (length(end)>length(start)) {
    n = length(start)
    lines = end[(n+1):length(end)]

    msg = paste0("On the following line(s) you close a block while no block is open:\n", paste0(lines, collapse=", "))
    return(list(ok=FALSE, msg=msg, lines=lines))


#' compile all given types of rmd blocks
#' @export
eval.rmd.blocks.in.text = function(txt, to="html", envir=parent.frame(), call.list=NULL, block.df = NULL, only.types=NULL, ignore.types="if", use.del.rows.na=FALSE, replace.funs=NULL) {

  if (is.null(block.df)) {
    block.df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)
  if (is.null(block.df)) return(txt)
  if (!is.null(only.types))
    block.df = block.df[block.df$type %in% only.types,]
  if (!is.null(ignore.types))
    block.df = block.df[!block.df$type %in% ignore.types,]

  if (NROW(block.df)==0) return(txt)

  for (type in types) {
    fun = replace.funs[[type]]
    if (is.null(fun)) {
      fun = eval(parse(text=paste0("eval.",type,".block")))
    txt = fun(txt=txt, envir=envir, call.list=call.list, block.df=block.df, del.rows.na=use.del.rows.na)
    if (!use.del.rows.na)
      block.df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)
  if (use.del.rows.na)
    txt = txt[!is.na(txt)]

get.blocks.txt = function(txt, block.df, inner=FALSE) {
  if (NROW(block.df)==0) return(character(0))

  sapply(1:NROW(block.df), function(row) {
    paste0(txt[(block.df$start[row]+inner):(block.df$end[row]-inner)], collapse="\n")


replace.blocks.txt = function(txt, block.txt, block.df, del.rows.na=FALSE,...) {

  if (NROW(block.df)==0) return(txt)

  block.rows = unlist(lapply(1:NROW(block.df), function(row) {
  txt[block.df$start] = block.txt
  del.rows = setdiff(block.rows, block.df$start)
  if (length(del.rows)>0) {
    if (del.rows.na) {
      txt[del.rows] = NA_character_
    } else {
      txt = txt[-del.rows]


#' extract #< if blocks from a rmd txt
#' @export
replace.if.blocks = function(txt, envir=parent.frame(), call.list=NULL, block.df=NULL, warn.if.na=TRUE, del.rows.na=FALSE, if.df=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(if.df)) {
    return(replace.if.blocks.from.if.df(txt=txt, envir=envir, warn.if.na=warn.if.na,del.rows.na=del.rows.na, if.df=if.df))

  if (is.null(block.df)) {
    block.df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)
  if (is.null(block.df)) return(txt)

  block.df = block.df[block.df$type=="if",]
  if (NROW(block.df)==0) return(txt)

  str_calls = block.df$arg.str
  if (is.null(call.list)) {
    calls = lapply(str_calls, function(str) parse(text=str))
  } else {
    calls = call.list[str_calls]

  add = rep(FALSE, length(calls))
  for (i in seq_along(calls)) {
    res = try(eval(calls[[i]],envir),silent = TRUE)
    if ( warn.if.na & !is.logical(res))
      warning("Could not evaluate condition ", str_calls[[i]], " to TRUE or FALSE.")
    add[i] = isTRUE(res)

  del.rows = unique(unlist(lapply(which(!add),function(ind){
  del.rows = unique(c(del.rows, block.df$start, block.df$end))

  if (length(del.rows)>0) {
    if (del.rows.na) {
      txt[del.rows] = NA_character_
    } else {
      txt = txt[-del.rows]

replace.if.blocks.from.if.df = function(txt, envir=parent.frame(), warn.if.na=TRUE, del.rows.na=FALSE, if.df=NULL, add=if.df[["add"]],...) {

  if (NROW(if.df)==0) return(txt)

  if (NROW(txt)==1) txt = sep.lines(txt)

  start = match(if.df$head,txt)
  end = match(if.df$foot, txt)

  rows = which(!is.na(start))
  if (NROW(rows)==0) return(txt)

  if (is.null(add)) {
    add = sapply(rows, function(row) {
      call = if.df$info[[row]]$cond.call
      res = (try(eval(call,envir=envir)))
      if ( warn.if.na & !is.logical(res))
        warning("Could not evaluate condition ", if.df$info[[row]]$cond.str, " to TRUE or FALSE.")

  del.rows = unique(unlist(lapply(which(!add),function(ind){
  del.rows = unique(c(del.rows, start[rows], end[rows]))

  if (length(del.rows)>0) {
    if (del.rows.na) {
      txt[del.rows] = NA_character_
    } else {
      txt = txt[-del.rows]

match.blocks.start.end = function(start, end) {

  end_pos = start_stack = rep(NA, length(start))
  start_stack_ind = 1
  start.i = 1
  end.i= 1
  start_stack[1] = 1
  start = c(start, Inf)
  while (TRUE) {
    top_ind = start_stack[start_stack_ind]

    # Add next start.i to start stack
    start.i = start.i+1

    # Try to clear start_stack
    while (end[end.i]<start[start.i]) {

      end_pos[top_ind] = end.i
      if (start[top_ind]>end[end.i]) {
        stop(paste0("A block closes in position (line) ", end[end.i], " but there is no open block."))
      start_stack_ind = start_stack_ind-1
      end.i = end.i+1

      #cat("\ndel start_stack: ", paste0(start_stack[1:start_stack_ind],

      if (start_stack_ind == 0) break

      top_ind = start_stack[start_stack_ind]

    if (start.i >= length(start)) break

    start_stack_ind = start_stack_ind+1
    start_stack[start_stack_ind] = start.i
    #cat("\nadd start_stack: ", paste0(start_stack[1:start_stack_ind],
    #  "(",start[start_stack[1:start_stack_ind]],")"))

  cbind(start_ind=seq_along(start[-length(start)]), end_ind=end_pos)

markdown.blocks.call.list = function(txt) {

  if (length(txt)==1) txt = sep.lines(txt)
  start = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#<"))
  end = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#>"))

  if (length(start) != length(end)) {
    stop(paste0("You open ", length(start), " blocks but close ", length(end), " blocks"))

  if (length(start)==0) return(txt)

  blocks = match.blocks.start.end(start, end)
  start_row = start+1
  end_row = end[blocks[,2]]-1
  #cbind(start_row, end_row)
  str_calls = str.right.of(txt[start],"#< ")
  str_calls = unique(str_calls)
  call.list = lapply(str_calls, function(str) parse(text=str)[[1]])
  names(call.list) = str_calls


#' Parse an arg.str as list
#' @export
parse.arg.str = function(arg.str) {
  code = paste0("list(",arg.str,")")

#' Parse the name of an rmd block
#' @export
parse.block.args = function(header, arg.str=NULL, add.type = TRUE, type = "", allow.unquoted.title=FALSE) {

  if (is.null(arg.str)) {
    str = header
    str = str.trim(str.right.of(str,"#< "))
    type = str.left.of(str," ")
    arg.str = str.right.of(str," ")

  if (allow.unquoted.title) {
    arg.str = str.trim(arg.str)
    first = substring(arg.str,1,1)
    is.list = (grepl(",",arg.str,fixed=TRUE) & grepl("=",arg.str,fixed=TRUE))
    is.quoted = first == "'" | first == '"'
    if (is.list & !is.quoted) {
      stop(paste0("If your ", type, ' title contains the character "," and "=" you must quote it, like "my title", to distinguish it from a parameter list.'))
    if (!is.list & !is.quoted) {
      return(list(name=arg.str, type=type))


  code = paste0("alist(",arg.str,")")
  li = try(eval(base::parse(text=code,srcfile=NULL)), silent=TRUE)
  if (is(li,"try-error")) {
    # check if there is a , and a = suggesting a list
    if (!allow.unquoted.title | (grepl(",",code,fixed=TRUE) & grepl(",",code,fixed=TRUE))) {
      stop("I cannot parse your block arguments ", arg.str, " as a list in R. Perhaps you have to add quotes around some arguments, like the title.")
    # if not, just treat the whole argument as title
    li = list(name = arg.str)
  } else {
    li =  lapply(li, function(el) {
        res = try(eval(el, envir=baseenv()), silent=TRUE)
        if (is(res,"try-error")) return(as.character(el))

  if (add.type) {
    if (length(li)==0) return(list(name=NULL, type=type))

    if (is.null(names(li))) {
    } else if (nchar(names(li)[1]) == 0) {

  } else {
    if (length(li)==0) return(list(name=NULL))

    if (is.null(names(li))) {
    } else if (nchar(names(li)[1]) == 0) {

make.block.info = function(txt, type=NULL, arg.str=NULL) {

  if (is.null(type)) {
    txt = sep.lines(txt)
    header = txt[1]
    type = str.trim(str.between(txt,"#< "," "))
  fun.name = paste0("make.",type,".block.info")
  if (!exists(fun.name, mode="function")) {
    return(default.block.info(type=type,txt=txt, arg.str=arg.str))

  fun = eval(parse(text=paste0("make.",type,".block.info")))
  fun(txt=txt, type=type, arg.str=arg.str)

default.block.info = function(type, txt,id=NULL,arg.str=NULL,...) {
  if (length(txt)==1) txt = sep.lines(txt)
  header = txt[1]

  if (is.null(type)) type="block"
  if (is.null(id)) {
    id = paste0(type,"_",random.string())
  #rmd = paste0(txt[c(-1,-length(txt))], collapse="\n")
  #html = md2html(text=rmd,fragment.only=TRUE)
    id = id,
    header = header,
    inner.txt = if (length(txt) >1) txt[-unique(c(1,length(txt)))] else (NULL)
    #rmd = rmd,
    #html = html

#' Adapt header and footer of if blocks for output format
#' and parse already the if condition for faster runtime evaluation
#' @export
adapt.hf.blocks = function(txt, block.df=NULL, out.type="html",only.types=c("if","note"),...) {

  if (is.null(block.df)) {
    block.df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)
  if (!is.null(only.types)) {
    block.df = block.df[block.df$type %in% only.types,,drop=FALSE]
  if (NROW(block.df)==0) {
    return(list(txt=txt, if.df=NULL))

  id = paste0(block.df$type,"_",random.string(n=NROW(block.df)))

  head = paste0("<!-- _START_",id," ", block.df$arg.str, " -->")
  foot = paste0("<!-- _END_",id, " -->")

  hf = fast_df(
    id = id,
    type = block.df$type,
    head = head,
    foot = foot,
    value = vector("list", NROW(block.df)),
    #value.class = rep("", NROW(block.df)),
    info = lapply(1:NROW(block.df), function(row) {
      make.block.info(txt = txt[block.df$start[row]:block.df$end[row]], arg.str = block.df$arg.str[row], type=block.df$type[row])
  names(hf$value) = hf$id
  txt[block.df$start] = head
  txt[block.df$end] = foot

  list(txt=txt, hf=hf)

eval.hf = function(txt, hf, envir = parent.frame(), dir=getwd(),out.type=first.non.null(cr$out.type,"html"),cr=NULL, ...) {

  fun = eval(parse(text=paste0("eval.", hf$type,".block")))
  res = fun(txt=txt,envir=envir,out.type=out.type,chunk=chunk, info=hf$info[[1]], cr=cr, has.header=FALSE)

  if (is(res,"try-error")) {
     res = paste0("`Error when evaluating ", ph$type, " ", ph$txt, ":\n\n", as.character(res),"`")
     attr(res,"value.class") = "error"

#' Adapt header and footer of if blocks for output format
#' and parse already the if condition for faster runtime evaluation
#' @export
adapt.if.blocks = function(txt, block.df=NULL,out.type="html",only.types="if",...) {
  adapt.hf.blocks(txt=txt, block.df=block.df, out.type=out.type, only.types=only.types)

make.if.block.info = function(txt, arg.str,...) {
  cond.call = parse(text=arg.str)[[1]]
    cond.str = arg.str,
    cond.call = cond.call
skranz/rmdtools documentation built on Oct. 20, 2020, 3:15 p.m.