
Defines functions simple.html.page view.html example.rmd.blocks.to.placeholders md2html

Documented in md2html simple.html.page view.html

#' Own markdown to html converter that interfaces commonmark
#' @param text the variable containing the markdown text
#' @param fragment.only only a fragment or should html headers be added
#' @param options options to markdownToHTML. These are the default options without smartypants
#' @param smart smart punctuation (relevant for commonmark)
#' @param use.commonmark use commonmark instead of markdownToHTML (no mathjax and included images)...
#' @return The created HTML as a string
#' @export

md2html = function(text,fragment.only=TRUE, options=c("use_xhtml","mathjax",if (include.images) "base64_images" else NULL,"highlight_code"), include.images=TRUE, smart = FALSE, use.commonmark=FALSE,...) {
  if (is.null(text)) return(text)

  if (!use.commonmark) {
    html = markdownToHTML(text=text, options=options,fragment.only=fragment.only,encoding="UTF-8",...)

    html = enc2utf8(html)

  html = commonmark::markdown_html(text, smart=smart,...)


  Encoding(html) = "UTF-8"

  #html = paste0(html, collapse="\n")
  if (!fragment.only) {
    tag = "InNNer5Qwet44935t5GfECFCOPAjnKLNWAaaer6725389"
    outer = markdownToHTML(text=tag, fragment.only=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8")
    html = gsub(tag,html,outer,fixed=TRUE)
  html = enc2utf8(html)

example.rmd.blocks.to.placeholders = function() {
  txt = read.as.utf8("test.rmd")

  res = set.rmd.placeholders(txt)
  ph = res$ph
  str = res$txt

#' View an extended rmd file
#' @export
view.html = function(file=NULL, text=if (!is.null(file)) readLines(file,warn = FALSE) else NULL, ui=NULL, browser=rstudio::viewer, dir=getwd()) {

  if (is.null(ui))
    ui = htmltools::htmlTemplate(text_ = text)

  old.app = getApp()
  try(shiny::addResourcePath("figure",paste0(dir,"/figure")), silent=TRUE)

  app = eventsApp()
  app$ui = fluidPage(ui)
  runEventsApp(app, launch.browser=browser)


  #browseURL(url = paste0(file))

#' A simple html page
#' @export
simple.html.page = function(head, body) {
  head = paste0(head, collapse="\n")
  body = paste0(body, collapse="\n")
  html = paste0('
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- template.html -->
', head,'
', body,'

#' Variant of htmltools::htmlTemplate
#' @export
html.template = function (file=NULL, html=NULL, envir=parent.frame(),  document_ = "auto")
  if (is.null(text)) {
    html <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size, useBytes = TRUE)
    Encoding(html) <- "UTF-8"

  pieces <- strsplit(html, "{{", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  pieces <- strsplit(pieces, "}}", fixed = TRUE)
  if (length(pieces[[1]]) != 1) {
      stop("Mismatched {{ and }} in HTML template.")
  lapply(pieces[-1], function(x) {
      if (length(x) != 2) {
          stop("Mismatched {{ and }} in HTML template.")
  vars <- as.list(envir)
  if ("headContent" %in% names(vars)) {
      stop("Can't use reserved argument name 'headContent'.")
  vars$headContent <- function() HTML("<!-- HEAD_CONTENT -->")

  pieces[[1]] <- HTML(pieces[[1]])
  pieces[-1] <- lapply(pieces[-1], function(piece) {
      tagList(eval(parse(text = piece[1]), envir), HTML(piece[[2]]))
  result <- tagList(pieces)
  if (document_ == "auto") {
      document_ = grepl("<HTML>", html, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (document_) {
      class(result) <- c("html_document", class(result))
skranz/rmdtools documentation built on Oct. 20, 2020, 3:15 p.m.